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    ICESCO Joins Preparatory Meeting of World Arabic Language Day Celebration

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in a videoconference with the Saudi Cultural Mission in Rabat and King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia, as part of the preparations for the celebration of the World Arabic Language Day 2020, under the theme “Arabic Language Academies: Necessity or Luxury?”

    The meeting brought together Dr. Majdi Haji Ibrahim, Head of ICESCO Center for Arabic Language for Non-Arabic Speakers; Dr. Youssef Ismaili, Expert at the Center; Dr. Yussra bint Hussain Al-Jazairi, the Saudi Cultural Attaché in Morocco; Mr. Abdulmun’im bin Nacer al-Tamimi, Cultural Supervisor at the Mission; Mr. Abdullah Azouz, Deputy Cultural Supervisor at the Mission; Dr. Abdurrahman al-Salami, Member of the Academic Council of King Abdulaziz University, Director of the Center of Research Excellence in Arabic Language; and Mr. Wael Ali, Director of Quranic Language Waqf Board.

    The participants explored the program of the celebration and the proposed formula of ICESCO International Conference, to be held as part of the celebration of the World Arabic Language Day 2020. The Saudi Cultural Mission in Rabat and King Abdulaziz University proposed to invite figures to speak at the conference and organize parallel activities.

    Africa an ICESCO Priority with Bright Future through Knowledge and its Peoples’ Efforts

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), announced a new initiative to hold a high-level international conference on the future and strategic role of Africa in entrenching the values of peace and promoting the principles of civilizational dialogue.
    Dr. AlMalik also stated that ICESCO, through its new vision, aspires to become a reference for civilizational outreach and a hub of expertise leading the Member States towards a better future based on AI and advanced technologies.
    “Africa will remain ICESCO’s focus and a top priority,” Dr. AlMalik’s stressed during his address on “ICESCO Day for Africa.”

    The Organization held the event yesterday, at its headquarters in Rabat, under the theme “Perspectives and Potentials.” The celebration displayed several intellectual and artistic activities as well as workshops with the participation of specialists and guests.

    Dr. AlMalik explained that the celebration of “ICESCO Day for Africa” aims at achieving the noble objectives of ICESCO’s new vision, including the dissemination of knowledge, quality education, and peace culture. The goal is to ensure sustainable development to promote equal opportunities. The efforts are in line with the ambitious aspirations of the Agenda 2063 of the African Union. The celebration also demonstrates ICESCO’s attention to Africa as a strategic priority in its action plans, projects, programs, and activities.

    The DG highlighted the efforts of the Organization during the COVID-19 pandemic to support the African Member States. “ICESCO endeavored to meet African Member States’ needs through the implementation of programs and initiatives to support the sectors of education and health, and combat poverty, unemployment, and immigration challenges through the establishment of vocational training centers for the benefit of young people,” underscored Dr. AlMalik.

    The DG explained that ICESCO also supported women training programs in Africa to develop and manage small and revenue-generating businesses. The Organization established several Arabic language centers in Africa, a set of specialized academic chairs in the African continent, as well as the inscription of an important number of heritage sites on the Islamic World Heritage List of ICESCO.”

    “In the social field, ICESCO organized several humanitarian and medical caravans in 10 African countries, in 2020, with the support of al-Waleed Philanthropies. The Organization also launched multiple initiatives during the lockdown period for the benefit of the African countries, most notably ‘Language of Africa, Bridges of Culture and History’ to raise health awareness through the most widely spoken languages in Sub-Saharan Africa,” added Dr. AlMalik.
    The DG reaffirmed that Africa will have a bright future through a comprehensive development and knowledge societies thanks to its unique diversity, rich resources, and the concerted efforts of its peoples.

    Plenary sessions, Workshops and Art Exhibition in Observance of ICESCO Day for Africa, Scheduled for Monday

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) will celebrate on November 23, 2020, at its headquarters in Rabat, the “ICESCO Day for Africa”, under the theme: “Perspectives and Potentials.” The celebration is part of the considerable interest the Organization attaches to its African Member States and its sustained support for these countries in the fields of education, science, and culture.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), will give the opening ceremony address. Several sector directors will then speak as part of the event’s program. Activities also include workshops for a reflection and an exchange of experiences and knowledge on education for peace, solidarity, diversity and dialogue, social cohesion, and sustainable development in Africa, in addition to a training workshop on children, youth, and leadership.

    The program also includes a musical performance by the African band “The Messengers of Messages,” made up of members representing multiple African countries which released the song “The Call of Al-Hassan (Nidaa Al-Hassan),” in honor of His Majesty the late King Hassan II, may Allah rest his soul. The celebration will also hold an art exhibition on arts and diversity.

    The event will host the 15th African Prize. The “African Prize Foundation,” under the chairmanship of Mr. Nasrallah Belkhayat, will award the prize to both “The Messengers of Messages” and the BMCE Foundation.

    The celebration will kick off at 3:45 p.m. Rabat time.

    ICESCO Releases Winners’ List for its Creativity Awards

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) has the pleasure to announce the names of the winners of its creativity awards. The awards include the ICESCO Short Film Award, Short Stories Award, and Drawing and Music Award.

    The Organization launched the awards last April as part of its “Distance Culture,” a project of the “ICESCO Digital Home” initiative to promote artistic creativity and intellectual productivity among youth and students during the lockdown period. The Organization believed in the importance of supporting art and literature and identify new talents in the Islamic world, in cooperation with the Layan Cultural Foundation.

    The announcement of the awards’ winners comes as part of the celebration of the International Day of Islamic Art over the period from 18 through 25 November 2020. Six short films won the ICESCO Short Film Award as follows:

    First Prize: Rajaa Khaled Aïche, Palestine, for her film “My Friend”; and Mohammed Ehsani, Iran, for his film “The Sound of Wind.”

    Second Prize: Mohamed Afeeq, Sultanate of Brunei, for his film “Saya;” and Ben Gharnout Mustapha, Algeria, for his film “A New Life for the Fish.”

    Third Prize: Ali Fuad, Tanzania, for his film “Distancing;” and Ibrahim Riyad, Egypt, for his film “The Children of the Sea.”

    As for the Short Story Award, the winners are as follows:

    First Prize: Lina Fouz Boutounfit, Morocco.

    Second Prize: Hour bint Khaled Al Nabhanya, Oman.

    Third Prize: Hayfaa Saeed Al Mtairi, Saudi Arabia.

    ICESCO was keen on ensuring the participation of all age categories in the drawing contest. The winners are divided into two categories:

    • Children:

    First Prize: Nour bint Mahmoud Al Salmiyeh, Oman.

    Second Prize: Maryam Tabandah, Iran.

    Third Prize: Hubert Moro, Gabon.

    • Adults

    First Prize: Hanane Hassan Zayd Yahya, Yemen.

    Second Prize: Leila Bounilat, Morocco.

    Third Prize: Khaled Saleh Breik, Yemen; and Adel Abdullah Al Majeidi, Egypt.

    The Music Award went to two participants from the Kingdom of Morocco:

    First Prize: Fatima Ezzahra Rezzak.

    Second Prize: Asmae Karimi.

    The participating works are characterized by the quality of the preparation, design and direction, and the great interest in educational content. The jury took into consideration the extraordinary conditions in which the works were produced and the unequal access to filming and direction equipment by students in poor and rich countries.

    Given the extraordinary current situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the impossibility to hold a face-to-face award ceremony, ICESCO will transfer the financial rewards to all winners.

    ICESCO and ISIC Explore New Cooperation Opportunities

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received on Friday, at the Organization’s headquarters in Rabat, Mr. Abdellatif Bensfia, Director of the Higher Institute for Information and Communication (ISIC). The two parties explored cooperation prospects.

    Dr. AlMalik reviewed ICESCO’s new vision, which promotes an open-door policy towards all universities and develops mechanisms of communication and scientific and academic cooperation in Muslim countries.

    The meeting also touched upon fields of cooperation in the upcoming period, most notably the preparation of an agreement to set up the Chair of ICESCO and ISIC. The discussion also involved developing business incubators and providing scholarships for students as well as training opportunities. Mr. Bensfia commended ICESCO’s new vision and progress as well as its open-door policy towards universities and the academic community. He also expressed his desire to develop constructive cooperation to serve Muslim countries.

    ICESCO and UNESCO Explore Fields and Programs of Cooperation in 2021

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received on Friday, at the Organization’s headquarters, Ms. Golda El-Khoury, Director of UNESCO Regional Office in Rabat. The two parties explored fields and programs of cooperation between ICESCO and UNESCO in the spheres of education, science, and culture in 2021.

    During the meeting, Dr. AlMAlik reviewed the major activities and programs that ICESCO launched and implemented to support Member States’ efforts to counter the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic.  He also highlighted ICESCO’s progress as part of its new vision and action strategy, which promotes an open-door policy.

    Ms. Golda El-Khoury expressed UNESCO’s willingness to sustain cooperation with ICESCO through programs in the area of common interest between Member States of ICESCO and UNESCO in 2021.

    Talks between ICESCO Director-General and Azerbaijan’s Acting Culture Minister

    The Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, yesterday, held a videoconference with Mr. Anar Karimov, Acting Minister of Culture of Azerbaijan, to discuss ways of promoting cooperation and partnership between ICESCO and Azerbaijan. Mr. Vasif Evaz Zadeh, Secretary-General of the Azerbaijani National Commission for Education, Science, and Culture, also attended the videoconference.

    During the meeting, Mr. Karimov briefed Dr. AlMalik on the destruction of some historic monuments in the Nagorno-Karabakh region and the attempted desecration of mosques and places of worship, in the wake of the conflict with Armenia. The two parties examined ways of joint action to restore those sites.

    The Acting Minister invited ICESCO DG to visit Azerbaijan for a meeting with senior officials in the country to explore cooperation aspects and tour the heritage sites that have been destroyed or have endured serious vandalism in Nagorno-Karabakh Region.

    Talks during the meeting centered on the arrangements for Baku Heritage Forum, to be held on May 5, 2021. ICESCO will actively participate in the forum as part of its new vision and working strategy.

    ICESCO Heritage Center is a testament to the special attention the Organization’s vision and strategy pay to heritage. The Center trains professionals of the field within the Member States and inscribes historical sites on the Islamic World Heritage List (IWHL) following the adoption of the inscription files by the Islamic World Heritage Committee (ISWHC).

    ICESCO Director General Meets Saudi Cultural Attaché in Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received yesterday, at ICESCO’s headquarters, Dr. Yussra bint Hussain Al-Jazairi, the Saudi Cultural Attaché in Morocco. The two parties explored the fields of cooperation in the upcoming period, including the celebration of the World Arabic Language Day 2020.

    The meeting, held in the presence of several staff members of the Saudi Cultural Mission, reviewed the arrangements for the celebration of the World Arabic Language Day, due to be held next December at ICESCO’s headquarters in Rabat. The Saudi Cultural Mission will organize one of the celebration’s sessions.

    The meeting also touched upon cooperation between ICESCO and Saudi Arabia in the field of culture, under the new vision and strategy of ICESCO. The strategy promotes further communication with the Member States with the end view of inscribing and protecting tangible and intangible heritage in the Islamic world and raising awareness of and disseminating the Islamic civilizational heritage around the globe.

    ICESCO DG Extends Condolences on Passing of Former President of Mali, Amadou Toumani Touré

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), expressed his condolences on the passing of Amadou Toumani Touré, Former President of Mali, may Allah rest his soul, at the headquarters of the Malian Embassy in Rabat.

    Dr. AlMalik, on behalf of ICESCO’s staff members, expressed his condolences to the Malian people on the passing of the Late Amadou Touré, on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, in Turkey, while citing all his virtues and consoling his family.

    In his statement on the Embassy’s book of condolences, Dr. AlMalik stressed that the Late Amadou Touré made great contributions to Mali and had excellent relationships in the political circles.

    ICESCO DG Extends Condolences on Passing of ex-Ghanaian President Jerry Rawlings

    The Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, extended his condolences on the death of the ex-president of the Republic of Ghana, Jerry Rawlings, may Allah have mercy on him, at the Embassy of Ghana in Rabat.

    Dr. AlMalik expressed, on ICESCO’s behalf, his profound sympathy and condolences to the people of Ghana on the loss of Jerry Rawlings who passed away on Thursday, November 12, 2020. The DG also praised the role the late ex-President had played in the history of Ghana as it led the country between 1979 and 2001.

    In a message he wrote on the book of condolences of the Embassy, Dr. AlMalik stated that Mr. Rawlings was a figure that had enjoyed great respect and appreciation from fellow leaders and friends.