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    ICESCO Takes Part in Panel on Stereotypes and Images of Social Gender in School Curricula

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in a panel that the United Nations Human Rights Training held along with the Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region and the Regional OHCHR Office in Beirut, on “Stereotypes and Images of Social Gender in School Curricula.” The panel was held via videoconference as part of efforts to raise awareness of human rights, stress the importance of upholding the right to education and underline the necessity of eradicating stereotypical concepts in education.

    Dr. Ahmad El-Zonfoli, Expert at ICESCO Sector of Education, represented the Organization in the panel, held on Thursday, April 8, 2021, and presented a research paper on the “Future Orientations to Empower Women and Girls and Support Social Gender as part of ICESCO New Vision.” Dr. El-Zonfoli explained that the paper focuses on the Organization’s orientation regarding rehabilitating girls and women and supporting the social gender within the framework of its new vision, in efforts to promote women’s contributions to society and achieve gender equality.

    The ICESCO official also noted that the Organization proclaimed 2021 as the Year of Women under the slogan “Women and the Future,” in a bid to promote the status of women as well as their values and noble mission and recognize their efforts, vital roles, and major contributions to building the future and developing societies.

    Dr. El-Zonfoli added that ICESCO prepared an ambitious program for the year focusing on four axes, namely, conferences and seminars, programs and projects, prizes, and initiatives. Dr. El-Zonfoli further explained that all axes revolve around the issues of supporting, rehabilitating, and building the capacities of women, promoting their leading role, improving their situation, fighting illiteracy, and guaranteeing girls’ rights to education.

    FUIW Takes Part in 33rd Session of IUIN Board of Trustees

    The Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), a subsidiary organ of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), took part, yesterday, April 7, 2021, in the proceedings of the 33rd session of the Board of Trustees of the Islamic University in Niger (IUIN). Ambassador Nasser bin Abdullah bin Hamdan Al Zaabi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, chaired the session, held via videoconference, while Ms. Mamadou from the Presidential Office of Niger, and Ambassador Dr. Askar Mussinov, Assistant Secretary-General for Science and Technology at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) participated in the event.

    Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Cultural Adviser of ICESCO Director-General, represented the Organization in the meeting.

    The Board adopted several reports that the University Rector submitted on several issues, namely the University’s financial, academic, and administrative situation; Iqraa Institute for Vocational and Technical Training; the Schools of Solidarity, the University’s Waqf; and the Charity Fund.

    The Board adopted the report that Mr. Abdurrahman Al-Jarawan, Chair of the University’s Consultative Academic Committee, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees, submitted on the inauguration of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud University Campus in Niamey, on March 29, 2021, which the President of the Republic attended.

    At the close of the session, the Board adopted the University’s new draft budget for 2020-2021.

    Participants in ICESCO Symposium: Anticipating Post-COVID Challenges Crucial to Successfully Overcoming Pandemic

    The Participants in the international symposium on “Reconceiving post-COVID Islamic World”, that the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held on Wednesday 07 April 2021, stressed the importance of anticipating and discussing the challenges that the Islamic world will face post-COVID. The participants highlighted the need to broaden the scope of cooperation and joint action to find effective solutions to overcome the impact of the pandemic.

    The Symposium, which was held via videoconference and saw high-caliber participation, discussed three main themes, namely “Inter-civilizational Dialogue in the Post-COVID Islamic World,” “Challenges and Prospects of Chinese-African Cooperation,” and “Vaccination Progress in the Islamic World.”

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), opened the Symposium and underscored that the Islamic world need to be prepared for the post-COVID period, noting that the pandemic was ever greater than the efforts that governments exerted, with its consecutive waves and exacerbating intensity. He added that the challenges require joint action that is based on cooperation and solidarity, values that Islam insists on.

    The DG also noted that ICESCO, in cooperation with several donors, provided remarkable assistance to its Member States and that the Organization is working on contributing to the process of outlining the general conception of the post-COVID period and drawing lessons to benefit from this crisis in the future.  He stated that ICESCO focuses on promoting peace and fostering the culture of tolerance and coexistence, stating that the Symposium is an opportunity to shed light on the way the Islamic world will deal with the Post-COVID-period.

    In his address, the guest of honor, Mr. Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, former Prime Minister of Pakistan, pointed out that COVID-19 cannot be reduced to a health crisis and that the pandemic has had a considerable impact on human lifestyles in general and affecting key economic aspects.

    He described the pandemic as the most significant challenge that the world faced since WWII. Mr. Gillani added that the only way for the Islamic world to address the impacts of the pandemic is through cooperation and concerted efforts as boosting international cooperation mechanisms will allow a return to the pre-pandemic situation.

    Speaking also in the event, Dr. Yahya Kamalipour, Founder of Global Media Journal Network, stressed the great importance that social media played during the pandemic as they constituted a virtual platform for connecting individuals from different nationalities and affiliations. He added that COVID-19 has improved public opinion about many concepts such as family, friendship, health and technology and promoted respect for front-line professionals who were on the line of contact with the pandemic.

    Prof. Fang Zhaohui, Senior Expert on Confucian Philosophy at Tsinghua University, China, considered China to be a role model in addressing the pandemic thanks to its good management of the crisis and the measures it has taken in this respect over the past two years. He noted that the Chinese culture advocating strict adherence to health measures and advice has largely contributed to the success of this management.

    Following the opening session, the working sessions featured fruitful discussions and outstanding ideas about anticipating, addressing, and solving post-COVID-19 global challenges. They also focused on ways to promote Chinese-African cooperation and challenges to the ongoing vaccination in the Islamic world.

    The full video of the forum is available on the ICESCO Facebook page at:


    “Reconceiving Post-COVID Islamic World ” ICESCO to hold International Symposium Tomorrow

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) will hold tomorrow, April 7, 2021, an international webinar on “Reconceiving post-COVID Islamic World” to exchange views and explore the future prospects of the Islamic world post-COVID-19.

    The symposium, which will be held via videoconference tomorrow at 01:00 pm UTC (2:00 pm Rabat Time), will kick off with the opening session featuring addresses by Mr. Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, Former Prime Minister of Pakistan, the Symposium’s guest of honor, and Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG).

    Following the opening session, this major event will discuss several themes with the participation of several representatives of prominent international institutions and universities. The themes are as follows:
    – Inter-civilizational Dialogue in the Post-COVID Islamic World
    – Challenges and Prospects of Chinese-African Cooperation
    – Vaccination Progress in the Islamic World
    The proceedings of the symposium will be broadcasted live on ICESCO’s Facebook page, via the following link:

    Thursday: ICESCO to Foresee and Discuss Future Professions at International Seminar

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) will hold, on April 8, 2021, an international seminar on “Skills and Jobs of Tomorrow” to explore the changes the labor market will witness in the future and identify the professions and skills necessary to improve socio-economic growth in the Islamic world.

    ICESCO organized the seminar in partnership with UNICEF, OECD, AUF, ESCWA, WFP, ILO, and the “Economia” Research Center of the Higher Institute of Management Studies (HEM). The event will kick off at 9:00 UTC (10:00 Rabat Time) face-to-face at ICESCO headquarters and by videoconference. The seminar will also bring together high-level representatives of prestigious international organizations and institutions and several experts.

    ICESCO Center of Strategic Foresight will oversee the event, which is part of the Organization’s efforts to support foresight culture as a strategic mechanism for decision-makers to identify and anticipate future challenges and find appropriate solutions thereof.

    The seminar’s agenda features an opening session to give an overview of future professions to be followed by a session on the value and challenges of future cultural and creative industries. The second session will explore the challenges of the 4th industrial revolution while the third session will tackle ways of training youth and young teachers on how to keep pace with the future.

    The seminar can be followed live on ICESCO’s official Facebook page at the following link:


    ICESCO Director-General Meets with Permanent Delegate of Libya to ICESCO in Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, the Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Dr. Said M’hamad Ed-Dbib, Permanent Delegate of Libya to ICESCO, explored ways to promote cooperation between the Organization and Libya in the fields of education, science, and culture.

    At the beginning of the meeting, held at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, Dr. AlMalik conveyed his thanks to Libya for settling its 2021 contributions to ICESCO budget. The DG reaffirmed the Organization’s commitment to sustain its coordination with the Libyan authorities to identify the needs and priorities of the country in the upcoming period and design programmes and activities accordingly to be jointly implemented by the two parties.

    The meeting focused on several cooperation programmes between ICESCO and Libya, notably the educational training sessions. The list includes the training session on “Distance Education Strategies” that the Organization held on March 15-18, in cooperation with the Libyan National Commission and coordination with the General Center for Training and Education Development at the Libyan Ministry of Education. The training session was held under the theme “Towards a deeper and broader education.”

    The two parties also discussed the inscription of several Libyan historic sites on the Islamic World Heritage List (IWHL).

    Dr. Ed-Dbib commended ICESCO’s efforts and the major roles it assumes in fields such as safeguarding, preserving and publicizing heritage in the Islamic world, promoting civilizational dialogue, and supporting Member States in their areas of competence.

    ICESCO and Al-Erfan Foundation for Educational Consulting and Vocational Development Explore Cooperation

    The Islamic Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held a coordination meeting with Al-Erfan Foundation for Educational Consulting and Vocational Development in Morocco to examine cooperation prospects in language proficiency assessment for non-Arabic speaking students in the Islamic world and beyond.

    Dr. Majdi Haji Ibrahim, President Center of Arabic for non-Arabic Speakers, and Mr. Adel Bouraoui, Advisor to the Director-General for ICESCO’s External Centers and University Chairs in the field of Arabic Language; and Dr. Youssef Ismaïli, an expert at the Center, represented ICESCO in the meeting at the Organization’s headquarters in Rabat. Dr. Mohamed El Hannach, Chairman of the Foundation’s Board of Directors represented Al-Erfan Foundation.

    During the meeting, Dr. El Hannach reviewed in detail Al-Erfan’s project of the platform to measure the skills of non-Arabic speakers and focused on the components of the platform, its characteristics, and placement testing for Arabic language learners, in line with international standards for language proficiency assessment. Dr. El Hannach also proposed a model of the final Arabic language proficiency test commensurate with the reality of teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers in the Member States.

    ICESCO’s representatives reviewed the role of the Center and its efforts in supporting digital programmes and products with educational uses that serve the teaching of Arabic in non-Arabic speaking countries. The representatives noted the important roles the center plays in support of placement tests for non-Arabic speakers with international organizations, governmental institutions and public and private institutions operating in this vital field.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed to explore ways of cooperation to serve the Arabic language, especially with regards to language proficiency assessment for Arabic language students all over the world.

    ICESCO Commends KSA Middle East Green Initiative

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) commended the “Middle East Green initiative” that H.R.H. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, announced its upcoming launch. The initiative seeks to boost the effort towards renewable energy production, enhance environmental protection undertakings by planting 50 billion trees in partnership with the Middle East countries.

    ICESCO appreciates the outstanding initiative, which will be at the core of a clear and ambitious roadmap that will enable it to further contribute to increasing the production of clean energy, attain the global objective of planting 1 trillion trees, and restore 200 hectares of degraded land, to reduce global carbon emissions by 2.5%.

    ICESCO affirms its willingness to cooperate and work with the Middle East Green initiative, whose objectives are aligned with the Organization’s new working strategy which adopts environment protection issues through ambitious programmes and projects to improve ecological conditions and foster and manage water resources. It also seeks to coordinate cooperation with the Islamic world countries in these fields, embodied in ICESCO’s deep interest in organizing the Islamic World of Environment Ministers Conference of which the 8th session was held in October 2019. ICESCO will ensure that the initiative of the Saudi Crown Prince will be at the core of the agenda of the 9th session of the Conference.

    In cooperation with the competent Saudi authorities, ICESCO will also sustain the excellence of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Award for Environmental Management in the Islamic World. The Organization acts as the Secretariat of the Award for which it will launch the call for papers for its upcoming session.

    ICESCO and FIFA Explore Cooperation Relations

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Ms. Fatma Samba Diouf Samoura, Secretary-General of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), explored ways to promote cooperation between ICESCO and FIFA in areas of common interest.

    During the meeting, held today, Thursday, April 1, 2021, via videoconference, Dr. AlMalik and Ms. Samoura reaffirmed their keenness to build fruitful cooperation between the two institutions that would be translated into practical programs with tangible positive outcomes. Several ICESCO chiefs of sectors, heads of departments and advisors attended the meeting.

    Dr. AlMalik highlighted the major axes of the Organization’s strategy, which adopts an open-door policy with all world countries and is based on building partnerships with civil society institutions and international organizations and bodies for the benefit of the Member States and Muslim communities across the globe through developing their educational, cultural and social systems.

    The two parties explored the suggested field of cooperation to contribute to building a bright and peaceful future by rendering sports in achieving sustainable peace and comprehensive development, raising awareness on the importance of maintaining good health through sports and a balanced diet, and integrating sports values in educational systems. The meeting also discussed creating a research chair between ICESCO and FIFA and promoting joint action to support social cohesion in protecting vulnerable groups.

    Ms. Samoura commended ICESCO’s work strategy and the strides that the Organization made to develop and modernize its working mechanisms, underlining that football has immensely contributed to promoting peace, especially in conflict zones. She added that FIFA looks forward to developing genuine relations with the Organization focusing on promoting the role of women and young people and building the capacities of future generations, mobilizing different parties to eradicating gender discrimination and promoting women’s presence in sports.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed to continue working on drafting a cooperation agreement, to be signed at the earliest convenience, and launch joint initiatives, programs and activities.

    ICESCO and FIFA have previously cooperated on producing a video clip featuring major football world stars to convey a message of appreciation to health workers for their heroic roles during the COVID-19 pandemic and for joining the battle against the virus.

    41st Session of ICESCO Executive Council Closed

    General Directorate’s Reports and Projects Adopted and Egypt to Host 42nd Executive Council

    The 41st Session of the Executive Council of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) closed its proceedings yesterday, with the adoption of all the reports and projects that the General Directorate submitted while taking into account the observations and proposals that the Council members made during the meetings.

    During the two-day meetings, the Council reviewed and examined several reports. Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), delivered a presentation on ICESCO’s Activity Report for 2019 and 2020, and ICESCO’s efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic to help its Member States in addressing the pandemic’s repercussions. The presentation was substantiated with statistics on the Organization’s achievements and the direct beneficiaries from its programmes and projects and their geographical scope.

    The Council members, Secretaries General of Member States’ National Commissions of Education, Science and Culture, lauded the assistance that ICESCO provided to their respective countries during the pandemic as well as the practical programmes it implemented jointly with the competent parties in each Member State.

    The Council then reviewed ICESCO’s financial reports for 2019 namely those related to Closing Accounts, the Audit Company, the Financial Control Committee (FCC), Member States’ Contribution to ICESCO’s Budget and the Organization’s Financial Situation for 2019. Following presentations, the Council adopted all the financial reports as well as the draft foresight vision of ICESCO and its enhanced working strategy for the next period that was updated in light of the global changes. The vision was drawn based on the new trends and anticipation of future risks.

    The respective chiefs of ICESCO’s sectors: culture, communication, education, science and technology, and human and social sciences delivered presentations on the vision and strategic programmes on each sector for the upcoming period. The council members commended those presentations and requested the General Directorate to send them to the National Commissions for examination and ensure further cooperation between the Organization and its Member States in translating these visions and strategies into initiatives and executive action plans to meet the needs and priorities of each Member State and put forward many suggestions to enrich ICESCO’s action.

    The Council then examined the Draft ICESCO Chairs Regulations specific to the establishment of research chairs in universities, higher education, and cultural institutions. Through the regulations, ICESCO seeks to develop a regulatory framework to identify the action of these chairs, fix their objectives and ensure their success. The Council approved the project for which the General Directorate reaffirmed that it obtained some funding through partnerships. King Abdulaziz University (KAU) in Saudi Arabia provided USD 500,000 in support of the project.

    The Council also adopted the Regulations of the Young Professionals Programme, which seeks to initiate professionals into professional life and open up wider prospects for young people to acquire new skills. The Council adopted the Draft Charter of Member States’ National Commissions for ICESCO. In its presentation, the General Directorate stated that the remarks and proposals of the National Commissions on the initial draft were taken into consideration while stressing that the Charter is the fruit of cooperation between ICESCO and Member States’ National Commissions.

    The Council adopted the Report on the Implementation of ICESCO’s New Organizational Structure and the Relevant Development Proposals, namely the establishment of the Center of Islamic World Heritage and the Center of Civilizational Dialogue. The Council also reviewed many reports on the digitization and modernization of ICESCO’s working system and the Performance and Efficiency of ICESCO’s Regional Offices, Delegations and External Centres, and Proposals to Develop their Working Mechanisms, respectively.

    While discussing the date and venue of the 42nd session of the Executive Council, Dr. Ghada Abdelbary, Secretary-General of the Egyptian National Commission for Education, Science, and Culture, officially invited the Council members to convene the 42nd session of the Council in Egypt, one day prior to holding ICESCO’s 14th General Conference in Egypt in December 2021.

    At the close of the Council session, the members read the decisions taken during the session’s meetings, taking into consideration the observations and suggestions put forward, while calling on National Commissions to support ICESCO’s efforts to enable it to achieve its objectives.

    ICESCO DG expressed his thanks and appreciation to Morocco for the attention His Majesty King Mohammed VI and the Moroccan Government attaches to the Organization.