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    ICESCO Calls for Benefiting from Modern Technology to Develop Health Sector in the Islamic World Countries

    Each year on April 7, the world commemorates World Health Day to raise awareness of the importance of promoting the health sector worldwide despite adverse social and economic circumstances. The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) joins the international community in celebrating this year’s theme: “Health for All,” to confirm its commitment to developing programs and activities that contribute to the improvement of the health sector in the Islamic world countries.

    Believing that health is a basic human right and a necessary component of sustainable development, ICESCO seeks to strengthen the efforts of its Member States in developing healthcare systems, implementing comprehensive health coverage policies and raising awareness about sanitation and health education, through launching programs to build Health Consortia that include research centers and institutes specialized in the field of health in several Member States, as well as scientific networks and training sessions for the benefit of health professionals.

    ICESCO calls on governments, international and regional organizations and individuals to innovate in the field of health and to benefit from modern technology applications, artificial intelligence and genomics in order to anticipate genetic diseases and find their cures as well as prevent infectious diseases. The Organization also stresses the need to increase investment in entrepreneurship in the field of health and to qualify health professionals.

    ICESCO considers that the health sector is an accurate indicator of our societies’ resilience. Therefore, the Organization stresses the importance of adhering to the values of fairness and equality, respecting the privacy of individuals in this field and encouraging scientific research to provide comprehensive health care for all.

    ICESCO calls for the adoption of sport as a tool for building prosperous societies

    On the sixth of April of every year, the world celebrates the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, which is an opportunity to discover the positive role that sport and physical activity play in strengthening social ties, achieving sustainable development and consolidating the values of coexistence, peace and human rights all over the world.

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) seizes this opportunity to stress the pivotal role of sports in building more inclusive and prosperous societies and calls for concerted efforts and joint action to enhance the positive impact of sports. This contributes to ensuring physical and mental health and achieving well-being within peaceful and sustainable societies by encouraging innovative initiatives aimed at developing the skills of women, youth and children.

    As part of its great interest in sports, ICESCO has launched several programmes and activities that hinge upon sports as a main tool for achieving social change and integration, most notably the Programme for the Rehabilitation of Street Children through Football, and the ICESCO Marathon for Social Cohesion. The Organization also held the “Women in Sports Forum,” which emphasized the importance of promoting women’s participation in sports.

    Moreover, ICESCO strives through its “Sport for Social Change” initiative to mobilize efforts and launch practical programs and projects aimed at qualifying women, encouraging girls to become leaders in their fields of work, building more resilient societies and achieving positive change through sports activities. The Organization also seeks to launch the Sports Diplomacy Programme and the Programme of International Youth Volunteers in Sport.

    ICESCO delegation and Gabonese officials discuss implementation plans for joint programs and projects

    A delegation from the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), held a series of meetings in the Gabonese capital, Libreville, with a group of officials in several ministries and institutions, namely Dr. Patrick Mouguiama-Daouda, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research, Technology Transfer and National Education, Chair of the Gabonese National Commission, and together they reviewed the latest developments in the partnership between ICESCO and Gabon and discussed the implementation plans for joint programs and projects for the period from 2023 to 2027.

    During their visit to Libreville on March 27-30, 2023, at the invitation of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Gabonese National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, the ICESCO delegation, which comprised of Mrs. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Head of the Human and Social Sciences Sector, and Mr. Mohamed Hedi Shili, Director of the Legal Affairs and International Standards Department, discussed the mechanisms for implementing the bilateral action plan stipulated in the partnership agreement signed between ICESCO and Gabon, along with the arrangements for launching the ICESCO Chair “Girls, Women and Society” at Omar Bongo University.

    The ICESCO/Gabon 2013-2017 Action Plan is aimed at implementing a set of programs and projects in the areas of culture, education, science, technology and the Arabic language, while prioritizing the development of human capital, particularly by building the capacities of women and youth, supporting women’s issues, promoting peace and dialogue, valorizing tangible and intangible cultural heritage, integrating technology into educational systems and training teachers of Arabic to non-Arabic speakers in Gabon.

    ICESCO DG Calls for Balancing Elements of Originality and Encouraging Innovation and Creativity

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), reaffirmed that the Organization’s programmes and projects are the fruits of sustained consultations with the Member States National Commissions to promote capacity-building and encourage creativity and innovation in a world that is heading towards a new development model in which new professions and artificial intelligence are a major focus.

    This was part of the speech he delivered on Wednesday, 29 March 2023, at the opening of the Ordinary Session of the General Assembly of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, under the chairmanship of Dr. Chakib Benmoussa, Moroccan Minister of National Education, Preschool and Sports, Chairman of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, and in the presence of Mr. Jamal Dine Elaloua, Secretary General of the Commission, and members of the Commission.

    ICESCO DG began his address by congratulating the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture on the occasion of its 65th anniversary, commending the strong and fruitful relations of cooperation and coordination between the Organization and the Commission.

    He reaffirmed ICESCO’s commitment to supporting development efforts in the fields of education, science and culture in its Member States, namely the seat country, the Kingdom of Morocco, in which ICESCO enjoys continuous support from His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God protect him, and the Moroccan government.

    He pointed out that the Organization adopted the theme “the ICESCO you want” as a recognition of the key role assumed by the National Commissions in guiding international organizations towards making their efforts more efficient and more responsive to their national needs in their fields of competence.

    Dr. AlMalik concluded his address by calling for pooling efforts to strike a balance between the preservation of the components of heritage, cultural and linguistic originality, and encouragement of innovation and creativity, wishing success for the Commission’s meeting.

    Then, a Special Session was dedicated to celebrating the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, to announce the winners of the first edition of the National Commission’s Awards, which were launched in 2022 in partnership with ICESCO, as well as the publishing of a book in French, sponsored by the Organization and the National Commission, entitled “If the Wall of Fez Could Speak”, by Ms. Naima Berrada.

    ICESCO obtains 350 scholarships for Islamic world youth in major Pakistani universities

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) obtained 350 scholarships to be offered to young people in the Islamic world to pursue their studies in major universities in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The selection process will be based on established rules and guidelines developed in collaboration between ICESCO, Pakistan’s Higher Education Commission (HEC) and the universities which offered the said scholarships, namely the Quaid-i-Azam University, the National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST), COMSATS University and the University of Lahore.

    During his visit to Islamabad, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), agreed with Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman of HEC, and presidents of the participating universities, on allocating 100 scholarships for undergraduate studies and bachelor’s degrees and 250 scholarships for postgraduate studies, including master’s and doctoral degrees.

    Dr. AlMalik conveyed his thanks and gratitude to Pakistani officials for enabling the Islamic world’s youth to pursue their studies in major Pakistani universities, which are acclaimed for their excellence in diverse fields and disciplines, emphasizing the Organization’s commitment to building the capacities of young people in its Member States and equipping them with necessary skills to excel in the rapidly evolving professional landscape.

    On World Theatre Day: ICESCO calls for pooling efforts to strengthen the presence of the “father of the arts”

    On March 27 of every year, the world celebrates World Theatre Day, an occasion to shed light on this ancient art (father of the arts) in all its forms, given its abundant sources of inspiration and ability to promote constructive intercultural and inter-civilizational dialogue between the nations of the world and create prospects of learning and knowledge for all.

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) avails itself of this opportunity to reiterate its commitment to support the art of theater, through initiatives targeting theater development. The Organization recognizes theater as part of the intangible and civilizational heritage that reflects the values of belonging and citizenship, inclusion and team spirit, dialogue and openness to other cultures. In this context, ICESCO calls for concerted efforts to ensure the sustainability of this art form, which faces many challenges, including lack of resources and fierce competition from the many platforms created by modern technology.

    As part of its great interest in the arts in general and theater in particular, ICESCO has published several academic works and organized several symposiums and training sessions to help strengthen the presence of this art in its Member States, most recently a training session on new techniques of theater performance, organized in February in the Comoros to support Arab theater arts.

    On this occasion, ICESCO reaffirms its sustained support for its Member States to capitalize on human talents and skills to promote theatre. It also recommends providing logistical and financial support for theater and artists, preserving their rights and intellectual property rights, and promoting complementarity between the culture of theatrical art and education. Likewise, the Organization called for integrating people with special needs into the theater scene, employing theater to strengthen community cohesion, and preserving theater works through archiving based on the latest technologies.

    ICESCO and AUIED sign cooperation agreement

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Arab Union for Industrial Exports Development (AUIED) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to build the capacities of trade and export professionals through the joint implementation of a range of joint programs and activities in education, science, culture, communication, technology, innovation and the environment.

    Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General of ICESCO, and Ambassador Abdel Moneim Mohamed Mahmoud Ismail, AUIED Secretary-General, signed the MoU on Saturday, 25 March 2023, at ICESCO Headquarters.

    Upon signing the MoU, Dr. Benarafa emphasized the importance of the cooperation between ICESCO and AUIED in building the capacities of trade and export professionals in the Arab and Islamic worlds and equipping them with the necessary skills to face future challenges.

    For his part, Ambassador Ismail expressed his delight at signing the MoU, indicating that the activities it provides for will contribute to the development of industrial exports between the Arab and Islamic worlds and the enhancement of the capacities of those working in the field, as well as the promotion of entrepreneurship among women and youth.

    Mrs. Amira El Fadil, Head of ICESCO’s Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, Mr. Omar Hamid, Expert at the Sector, and Mrs. Rim Jalloul, from the Strategic Foresight Center, attended the signing ceremony.

    The MoU between ICESCO and AUIED provides for the joint organization of an annual conference and an accompanying exhibition on women and youth empowerment, the organization of seminars, workshops and training sessions to advance the Organizations’ areas of competence in their respective Member States, the sharing of technical expertise in the fields of training and consulting to exchange and disseminate best practices at the Arab, Islamic and international levels, and the exchange of information and the promotion of investment opportunities in the Member States.

    Deputy Director-General of ICESCO receives the President of the Indonesian Council of Ulemas for Women, Youth and Family Affairs

    Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received on Friday 24 March 2023, at the Organization’s headquarters in Rabat, Dr. Amany Burhaneddin Lubis, President of the Indonesian Council of Ulema for Women’s, Youth and Family Affairs, member of the Emirates Council for Fatwa, in the presence of Dr. Omar Halli, Adviser to the Director-General for the Federation of Islamic World Universities.

    The meeting discussed the prospects of cooperation between ICESCO, the Indonesian Council of Ulema, and Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University in Jakarta, which Dr. Lubis chaired from 2019 to 2023 and where she is currently teaching, in areas of common interest, including education, promotion of innovation and scientific research, development of educational systems in the ICESCO Member States, and strengthening the presence of the Arabic language.

    During the meeting, the Deputy Director-General of ICESCO reaffirmed the Organization’s willingness to cooperate with all institutions and universities to contribute to the modernization of the fields of education, science and culture in its Member States.

    At the end of the meeting, Dr. Amany Lubis visited the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, currently held at ICESCO Headquarters, in Rabat, in partnership with the World Islamic League and the Mohammadia League of Scholars. The guest received detailed explanations of its various components.

    Children and youth from Lalla Asmaa Foundation for the Hearing Impaired visit the Exhibition of the Prophet’s Seerah at ICESCO headquarters

    A delegation from the Lalla Asmaa Foundation for Hearing Impaired Children and Youth in the Kingdom of Morocco visited, on Thursday, March 23, 2023, the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, currently housed at the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in Rabat.

    Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa, ICESCO Deputy Director-General, received the delegation consisting of 66 children and young people and several supervisors from the Foundation. Dr. Benarafa stated that the Exhibition welcomes the visits of children and youth in order to contribute to introducing them to the civilizational aspects of the Prophet’s Seerah and the values of moderation celebrated by Islam, noting that the Exhibition relies on the use of the latest technology and artificial intelligence techniques to highlight the Prophet’s Seerah in a simplified manner that attracts the attention of visitors.

    During the tour, the children and youth received a detailed presentation, in sign language, on the contents of the Exhibition’s various pavilions and sections, which all rely on modern technology to narrate and document the Prophet’s Seerah and take the visitor on a virtual journey to his time. The delegation was also introduced to treasures of civilizational heritage, which highlight the strong link between Muslims and their Prophet and his kith and kin.

    The hosting of the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization at ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat is the fruit of a strategic partnership between ICESCO, the Muslim World League and the Muhammadia League of Scholars in the Kingdom of Morocco, and is the first stop of the Exhibition outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    Launch of ICESCO’s Youth Training Programme in Technology and Innovation in Tunisia and Libya

    The Science and Technology Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) launched the 2nd edition of the Youth Training Programme on the establishment and development of startups in the field of technology and innovation, in the Republic of Tunisia, in partnership with the business incubator Gitex Startup, and in the State of Libya in partnership with the business incubator of the University of Tripoli, to support the creative economy in the countries of the Islamic world and to promote startups in the field of technology.

    At the start of the 2nd edition of the Programme, which kicked off on Saturday, March 18, 2023, in person, in Tunis, Dr. Muhammed Sharif, Advisor in ICESCO Science and Technology Sector, explained that this Programme aims at enhancing the skills of youth in the Islamic world and investing in human capital in science and entrepreneurship, noting the great success in the Programme 1st edition.

    For his part, Dr. Adel Smaida, Expert in ICESCO Science and Technology Sector, stressed, at the outset of the Programme 2nd edition, which kicked on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, the importance of the Organization’s training Programme in building a work environment that encourages the youth of the Islamic world in the field of creativity and innovation, as well as in upskilling their talents and promoting their ambitions.

    The Programme, which benefits 10 ICESCO Member States, includes holding a two-day training camp and an intensive session that lasts between 4-6 weeks to allow participants to apply the training in establishing their projects. A specialized arbitration committee will select the best three teams that submitted projects from each country to participate in the final stage and present project ideas in front of donor institutions and investors to provide the necessary funding for their implementation. The Programme aims at launching more than 150 startups by 2025.