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    Niger Education Minister hails ISESCO new vision and orientations

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, and the Nigerien Minister of Primary Education, Literacy, Promotion of National Languages and Civic Education, President of the Nigerien National Commission, Dr. Daouda Mamadou Marthé, explored cooperation prospects between ISESCO and the Republic of Niger in the educational field.

    During a meeting held at the Ministry of Education in Niamey as part of his visit to the Republic of Niger, Dr. AlMalik reviewed the main areas of the Organization’s new vision and future action strategy, while reaffirming ISESCO’s willingness to invigorate and promote cooperation with Member States, in such a way as to attain the expectations of Muslim world’s peoples relevant to the Organization’s action areas.

    For his part, the Minister expressed the commitment of the Nigerien Government to sustain cooperation with ISESCO, pointing out that the joint programmes implemented by ISESCO in the country are ongoing. In this regard, Dr. Marthé reaffirmed that he is closely following up the implementation of two joint programmes between ISESCO and Niger in the fields of literacy and non-formal education, scheduled for this year.

    Dr. Marthé also stated that he took stock of ISESCO’s new vision and its outstanding programmes, namely the “Waqf” project, the International Consultative Council and the new Programme of ISESCO Goodwill Ambassadors. He also praised the fresh start of the Organization over the past six months, manifested in the positive change in implementation mechanisms that will yield tangible benefits to Member States and achieve the expectations and ambitions of their peoples.

    By the same token, the Minister said that the Nigerien Government highly appreciates ISESCO’s programmes in his country, lauding the programmes implemented in cooperation with the Ministries of Social Development and Women. Likewise, he underscored that his Ministry is looking forward to promoting cooperation with the Organization, citing the Ministry’s intention to put forward new proposed cooperation programmes with ISESCO.

    He also commended the new orientation of the Organization to directly contact Member States and define their actual needed programmes, in lieu of implementing programmes already chosen by ISESCO, irrespective of the true needs of Member States.

    The Meeting was attended by Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Director of Human and Social Sciences, and Mr. Zakaria Mohamed Rabany, Programme Specialist at the Directorate of Human and Social Sciences.

    ISESCO/Niger: new cooperation prospects

    The First Lady of the Republic of Niger, Ms. Lalla Malika Issoufou, at the Presidential Palace in Niamey, Niger, received Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), who is currently visiting the country as part of a tour that includes Senegal, which he visited first, and Guinea.

    During the meeting attended by Ms. Amadou Aîssata, Minister for Population; and Ms. Elback Adam Zeinabou, Minister of the Promotion of Women and Child Protection, the two parties examined a number of themes relevant to the promotion of cooperation between ISESCO and Niger. The parties considered the organization of the First Gathering of the First Ladies of ISESCO’s African Member States, namely the Sahel countries, end of March 2020 which will be dedicated to the issues of community development in Africa. The aim is to find solutions to violence against girls and their deprivation of education, empower women, fight illiteracy, and incorporate peace principles in curricula. All these issues will be set out in Niamey Declaration, to be released at the close of the Gathering.

    The two parties also agreed that ISESCO launch, in cooperation with Nigerien authorities, a medical, social and educational caravan in a town in the Nigerien countryside, in conjunction with the Gathering. The caravan will offer medical checks for children and women; provide medication to those in need of them; launch medical awareness campaigns and hand out necessary medical equipment to the schools in the town concerned.

    The First Lady of Niger donated a portion of land of her property to ISESCO’s Waqf and promised to do her best to cooperate with ISESCO at the service of Member States.

    The Meeting was attended by Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Director of Human and Social Sciences, and Mr. Zakaria Mohamed Rabany, Programme Specialist at the Directorate of Human and Social Sciences.

    A doctor by profession, the First Lady of Niger sponsors many health institutions and associations, namely those operating in the fight against cancer and Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). She is also a co-sponsor of the Campaign on Accelerated Reduction of Maternal, Newborn and Child Mortality in Africa (CARMMA).

    ISESCO and Senegal explore cooperation in the conservation and inscription if heritage sites

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), explored with Mr. Abdoulaye Diop, Minister of Culture and Communication of Senegal, the development of cooperation between ISESCO and the Republic of Senegal in the field of culture, particularly the conservation and inscription of heritage sites.

    During this meeting, held in Dakar, Dr. AlMalik reviewed ISESCO’s new vision, future strategy, and role in protecting and conserving the historical and heritage sites as well as its inscription of 132 sites on the Islamic World Heritage List.

    The two parties agreed to inscribe the largest number possible of heritage sites in Senegal on the Islamic World Heritage List. ISESCO will also provide its expertise for training the Senegalese officials in charge of heritage sites inscription.

    Besides, ISESCO will participate in DAK’ART – Biennial, due to be held in Senegal next February.

    On his part, Mr. Diop commended ISESCO’s new vision and its role in protecting heritage and supporting arts and handicrafts. The Minister instructed his staff to offer ISESCO headquarters a collection of artistic products, which symbolize the cultural creativity in Senegal.

    The meeting was attended from ISESCO by Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Director of External Relations and Cooperation, and Ms. Rahmata Almamy Mbaye, Director of Human and Social Sciences.

    ISESCO to support two projects for care of women victims of violence and homeless children in Senegal

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, met with Ms. Ndèye Saly Diop Dieng, Senegalese Minister of Women, Family and Gender, and together they explored cooperation prospects between ISESCO and the Ministry for the next phase, under ISESCO’s new vision.

    During the meeting, held as part of the official visit of ISESCO Director General to Senegal, the two parties agreed that ISESCO support two social projects in Senegal. The first project features the creation of integrated centers to care for women and children victims of violence, assist them to overcome the impact of violence and reintegrate them into the society.

    The second project focuses on supporting care centers for homeless and abandoned children and offering an environment conducive to their education, training and rehabilitation to live in decent conditions. In this regard, the two parties agreed to set up a joint committee to follow up to the implementation of these projects.

    ISESCO’s support comes as part of its new vision which mainly seeks, inter alia, to empower the youth, women and children to enjoy their rights relevant to education, science, culture, technology and environment.

    The meeting was attended by Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Director of External Relations and Cooperation, and Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Director of Human and Social Sciences.

    First Lady of Senegal receives ISESCO Director General

    The First Lady of Senegal, Mrs. Marème Faye Sall, at her residence, received the Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, during his current visit to Dakar. The reception was attended by Mr. Mamadou Talla, Minister of Education and Literacy, President of the Senegalese National Commission.

    During this meeting, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik reviewed ISESCO’s new vision, which pays major attention to social and human dimensions and empowerment of various categories to live in decent conditions. The two parties also explored ways to promote cooperation between the Organization and “Servir le Sénégal” Foundation, which provides various services to citizens in need.

    The two parties also agreed to organize a medical, educational and social caravan in 2020 in Senegal, equip a number of childcare centers with educational tools, and train social workers in these centers to provide integrated social, educational and psychological services that are sensitive to the needs of these categories.

    The meeting was attended from ISESCO by Dr. Ahmed Said Ould Bah, Director of External relations and Cooperation, and Mrs. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Director of Human Sciences.

    It is worth mentioning that the First Lady of Senegal created “Servir le Sénégal” Foundation in 2012, to provide humanitarian services for citizens in need. The Foundation is run by Mrs. Sall, along with Senegalese volunteers and others, who make major efforts to support patients in urgent need for dialysis and renal care, in addition to providing some basic life assistance to several remote villages.

    Senegal President reiterates support to ISESCO at reception of ISESCO Director General

    The President of the Republic of Senegal, H.E. Mr. Macky Sall, at the Presidential Palace in Dakar, received Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ISESCO Director General, who is in Senegal at the beginning of an official visit that also includes Niger and Guinea.

    At the outset of the meeting, Dr. AlMalik congratulated the President of the Republic for the progress witnessed in Senegal in consistency with its regional role and significant position in the African continent. He also reviewed ISESCO’s new vision and priorities to meet Member States’ needs in the fields of education, science and culture and consolidate and support their efforts towards achieving sustainable development.

    Moreover, ISESCO Director General evoked the Waqf Fund Project to secure sustainable resources for financing the Organization’s projects and programmes to ensure that Member States benefit to the fullest from them. Dr. AlMalik reiterated ISESCO’s support to Quranic schools in Senegal which receive a special attention from President Sall.

    For his part, the President of the Republic lauded the efforts made by ISESCO Director General to develop the Organization and enhance its roles in supporting Member States, under its new vision.

    He also expressed the willingness to support and bolster ties with ISESCO and facilitate its action in Senegal, in the joint cooperation areas of ISESCO and the Senegalese competent authorities. He also voiced Senegal’s intention to provide financial and technical support to the Waqf project, while commending the promising prospects of the Organization’s future action and projects.

    The meeting was attended by Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Director of External Relations and Cooperation, and Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Director of Social and Human Sciences.

    AlMalik and Talla explore ISESCO’s support to non-formal education in Senegal

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), explored with Mr. Mamadou Talla, Minister of Education and Literacy of Senegal, President of the Senegalese National Commission, the areas of cooperation between the Organization and the Ministry in the field of education and training the educational staff.

    During this meeting, held as part of the official visit of ISESCO Director General to Senegal, Dr. AlMalik reviewed the new vision of ISESCO, which makes of ISESCO a house of expertise for the Islamic world in its areas of action, empowers youth, women and children to exercise their educational, scientific, cultural, technological and environmental rights. In this context, ISESCO agreed to support the non-formal education in Senegal through providing expertise and technical advice, and training teachers and educational supervisors.

    The two parties also agreed to form a joint commission of ISESCO and the Senegalese Ministry of Education and hold its meeting at ISESCO headquarters in Rabat so as to develop an executive cooperation plan and identify the follow-up and coordination mechanisms.

    The meeting was attended from ISESCO by Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Director of External Relations and Cooperation, and Ms. Rahmata Almamy Mbaye, Director of Human and Social Sciences.

    ISESCO Director General visits UNESCO’s former director-general

    As part of his official visit to the Republic of Senegal, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), made a special visit to Dr. Ahmed Mukhtar Ambu, former director-general of UNESCO, at his housein Dakar, in recognition of his great services to the Islamic world during and after his mandate at UNESCO.

    During this meeting, Dr. AlMalik reviewed the new vision and future action strategy of ISESCO, and asked Dr. Ambu to express his opinions and make proposals so as to support this vision. Dr. Ambu highly commended this vision given his experience at UNESCO, and made some proposals for ISESCO’s action in Africa.

    The meeting was attended from ISESCO by Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Director of External Relations and Cooperation, and Ms. Rahmata Almamy Mbaye, Director of Human and Social Sciences.

    It is worth mentioning that Dr. Ambu had served in many positions in the sector of education in Senegal before he was appointed as Minister of Education and Culture in 1957. He then headed many ministries until 1970.  He was elected at UNESCO Executive Council in 1966, and was appointed as assistant director-general in 1970, and as UNESCO director-general in 1974. He was reelected for a second mandate in 1980 and remained in office until 1987.

    ISESCO Director General: Promoting Arabic is our shared responsibility, each from his/her position

    **The Organization works with the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and ALECSO to draft a reference framework for teaching Arabic

    **It is crucial to benefit from information technology to facilitate teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, reaffirmed that promoting Arabic in its educational, scientific, and media dimensions is a shared responsibility, which we must all shoulder, each from his/her position.

    In his address at the opening of ISESCO’s celebration of World Arabic Language Day, which kicked off today at the Organization’s headquarters, under the theme: “Arabic and Artificial Intelligence”, Dr. AlMalik stated that, as part of its new vision, ISESCO directs attention toward renewing the curricula, methods and tools of teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers. This attention stems from the Organization’s conviction in the need to benefit from the tremendous opportunities ICT provides with regard to facilitating teaching and learning Arabic in different cultural environments.

    In addition, the Director General revealed that ISESCO is currently working with the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) to lay the methodological foundations and draft a comprehensive plan for devising a joint reference framework for teaching and learning Arabic, which is hoped to be completed in the upcoming two years. This major civilizational initiative is expected to fill in a methodological gap in the Arabic teaching programmes, and assess the competencies of its learners.

                Dr. AlMalik also wondered if the Islamic world sufficiently exerted efforts to allow Arabic to keep up with the rapidly-changing changes, stressing that the Islamic world is before a situation that requires taking cognizance and drawing lessons: despite its distinctive aspects among major world languages, Arabic lost the head start and leadership in disseminating sciences, knowledge and innovations.

                Likewise, he warned that the digital content written in Arabic in different fields does not exceed 3% of the total world contents on the Internet. He added that proactive studies addressing the repercussions of the digital revolution and the Internet of things state that the patterns of formal, teacher-based schools will witness drastic and rapid change in the next two decades, moving towards an educational system based on digital software and applications, a change already taking shape in advanced countries through digital classrooms and the system of smart and open schools.

                The Director General concluded his address with a poem he wrote on Arabic language in the hope for a brighter future for it.

    ISESCO Director General participates in International Festival of Cultural Diplomacy and Poetry

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, took part in the closing ceremony of the 7th edition of the International Festival of Cultural Diplomacy and Poetry, organized by the Moroccan Poetry Association (RMP), on Thursday 26 December 2019, at Bahnini Hall, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Rabat.

    The ceremony featured the awarding of the World Prize of the Ambassador of Cultural Diplomacy to the poet Mr. Khaled Fateh Al-Rahman to reward his poetic works and tireless action to bolster brotherly ties between the Sudan and Morocco throughout his mandate as Ambassador of the Republic of the Sudan to the Kingdom of Morocco.

    The ceremony was opened with a welcoming address by Mr. Ahmed Taghi, President of RMP, who underscored the importance of cultural diplomacy and the role of the Association, as a cultural and artistic association, in promoting cultural diplomacy and celebrating poetry.

    Then, Mr. Hussam El-Din Eltayeb, Chargé d’Affaires of the Sudanese Embassy in Rabat, delivered an address thanking the RMP for having honored Ambassador Khaled Fateh Al-Rahman to whom he wished him every success.

    Dr. AlMalik also made an address lauding Ambassador Fateh Al-Rahman, read some verses which he composed on the occasion and presented the honor shield to the Ambassador. Mr. Hazim Al Khateb, Ambassador of Jordan to Morocco, also presented a certificate of appreciation to the Ambassador.

    At the close of the ceremony, Ambassador Fateh Al-Rahman delivered an address thanking the audience and read out a poem in tribute to Morocco.