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    ICESCO headquarters: Discussion of Outputs of Knowledge Index Report 2023 in the Islamic World

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in partnership with the Mohamed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation, and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) held a meeting to discuss the outputs of the Knowledge Index Report of 2023, as well as initiatives to improve Muslim countries’ rankings in the upcoming Index reports.

    The meeting was held on Thursday, April 25, 2024, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat and saw the participation of a number of ICESCO’s experts and heads of sectors and departments, in addition to a host of Member States’ representatives who took part in the meeting via videoconference. The meeting discussed the Knowledge Index data in the Islamic world and explored ways to improve the region’s performance in the annually issued Index.

    In his address at the meeting, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), highlighted the Organization’s close cooperation ties with the Foundation and the UNDP, a cooperation focused on exploring effective ways to improve the rankings of ICESCO Member States in the Knowledge Index. The DG also stated that this meeting aims to define the indicators in the Member States and work closely to identify strengths and weaknesses to contribute to their improvement and development.

    Dr. Jamal bin Huwaireb, CEO of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation (MBRF), gave an overview of the Foundation’s goals and mission to support knowledge in the Arab and Islamic worlds, highlighting key initiatives implemented by the Foundation and its international partners to anticipate the future of knowledge and develop future skills.

    He also emphasized the centrality of this meeting in the process of introducing some ICESCO Member States to the Knowledge Index, and supporting other countries to rank higher in this Index, given its significance in their economic and developmental progress.

    Moreover, the meeting featured a presentation by Dr. Hani Turki, Director of the Knowledge Project at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), who discussed the Knowledge Index in ICESCO’s Member States for 2023. His presentation focused on the States’ achievements, the strengths and weaknesses of their data, the clear gap among them in this regard, and issues related to data collection and availability in some countries.

    Afterwards, the parties discussed the report findings, the methods used to process and verify them, as well as the role of National Commissions in pooling efforts to control the quality of data sent to international institutions and organizations, and ensure their accuracy and the use of proper tools to assess data and derive diagnostic and analytical studies.

    ICESCO and UNIDO Explore Cooperation Developments

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Ms. Hanan Hanzaz, Special Representative of the DG of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) for the Arab Region, to explore ways of developing cooperation between the two organizations in areas of common interest.

    At the outset of the meeting, held on Thursday, April 25, 2024, at ICESCO’s headquarters, in Rabat, Ms. Hanan Hanzaz conveyed the greetings of Mr. Gerd Müller, UNIDO DG, as well as his invitation to Dr. AlMalik to visit the Organization’s headquarters, in Vienna, to hold a bilateral meeting at the earliest convenience, and attend the upcoming UNIDO General Conference, due to be held in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in 2025.

    For his part, ICESCO DG welcomed the invitation to visit UNIDO’s headquarters, stressing his keenness to develop and enhance cooperation between the two parties through practical and impactful programs and projects, the results of which will be presented during the UNIDO General Conference, in Riyadh, in 2025.

    Dr. AlMalik pointed out that ICESCO has been developed and modernized during the past five years through its new vision, strategic orientations, organizational structure and working mechanisms, adding that the Organization adopts an open cooperation approach with international organizations to promote the integration of roles in such a way as to serve Member States. He also reviewed the key initiatives, programs and projects that ICESCO has implemented in its areas of competence.

    The meeting touched on future cooperation proposals, especially on vocational education and training, building the capacities of youth and women to acquire the necessary skills for tomorrow’s professions, and supporting entrepreneurship, innovation and artificial intelligence.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed to continue coordination and hold expert meetings to develop joint cooperation programs, which will be included in an agreement to be signed by the two Organizations based on a specific implementation program.

    ICESCO Director-General Receives CEO of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation

    Dr. Salim M. Al-Malik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Dr. Jamal Bin Huwaireb, Chief Executive Officer of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation, to discuss ways to promote cooperation between ICESCO and the Foundation. The cooperation comes within the framework of the agreement signed between the two parties in March 2023, which provides for capitalizing on the expertise and capacities of both sides for the benefit of ICESCO Member States to improve their ranking in the Global Knowledge Index, issued annually by the Foundation and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

    The meeting, held on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at ICESCO’s headquarters in Rabat, in the presence of Dr. Hani Turki, Director of the UNDP Knowledge Project, discussed ways to address the challenges associated with the data included in the Knowledge Index report. The meeting also focused on the importance of countries updating these data to assume the appropriate position for the level of progress achieved in the fields monitored by the Index.

    The two parties discussed the participation of the index officials in the Conference of Ministers of Education in the Islamic World, to be hosted by the Sultanate of Oman in Muscat next October, as well as ICESCO’s participation in the Knowledge Summit in Dubai in November 2024. The two sides also discussed holding workshops for experts from ICESCO Member States to elaborate on the working mechanisms of the Knowledge Index, emphasizing the importance of cooperation between countries to reflect reality in the annual index report, and to exchange expertise and experiences in this regard.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties reaffirmed their keenness to strengthen the existing cooperation between ICESCO and the Foundation, and to sustain coordination with the Organization’s Member States regarding the Knowledge Index.

    ICESCO Director-General Receives Libyan News Agency Director-General

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Mr. Ibrahim Hadia Al-Majbari, the DG of the Libyan News Agency and Chairman of the Higher Committee for Celebrating Benghazi as Capital of Culture in the Islamic World. The two officials discussed several topics during the meeting, including the preparations for Dr. AlMalik’s visit to Tripoli to participate in the International Conference on the Holy Quran, as well as coordination regarding the programs and cultural events to be held during the Benghazi celebration.

    During the meeting, held on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, Dr. AlMalik praised the depth of the partnership between the Organization and the State of Libya in the fields of education, science, and culture, reaffirming ICESCO’s keenness to enhance cooperation with all Libyan institutions concerned with the Organization’s scope of work.

    ICESCO DG also outlined the key pillars of ICESCO’s new vision, emphasizing its focus on the development and modernization of the Organization to keep pace with the rapid global changes occurring across all fields, foreseeing the future and contributing to preparations made to face its challenges, and meet the aspirations, in the fields of education, science, and culture, of its Member States and Muslim communities worldwide.

    For his part, Mr. Al-Majbari praised ICESCO’s distinguished efforts in its areas of expertise. He discussed the arrangements for the visit of ICESCO’s DG to Tripoli, at the beginning of upcoming May, to participate in the International Conference on the Holy Quran, as well as the necessary logistical arrangements for the launch of the celebration of Benghazi as capital of culture in the Islamic world, calling for strengthening cooperation between the Organization and the State of Libya to serve the interests of both sides.

    Attending the meeting from ICESCO’s side were Dr. Mohamed Zinelabidine, Head of the Culture and Communication Sector, Ambassador Khalid Fathalrahman, Director of the Center for Civilizational Dialogue, and Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Advisor to the General Directorate of the Organization

    International Scientific Seminar on the Status of Girls’ Education in the Arab and Islamic Worlds Kicks off at ICESCO’s Headquarters

    The scientific seminar, organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in partnership with the Arab Women Organization (AWO), kicked off on Wednesday, 17 April 2024, to discuss the status of girls’ education and provide the essential knowledge and tools and exchange expertise with the aim of promoting dialogue on ensuring inclusive and integrated education for girls in the Arab and Islamic worlds.

    The opening session initiated with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, followed by the address of Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG) , delivered on his behalf by Dr. Abdelillah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy DG. Dr. Benarafa stressed ICESCO’s keenness to achieve equity and provide quality education for all learners, support girls’ capacity building in literacy and numeracy skills and endeavor to enable innovation and change, calling on the international community to promote synergy and devote appropriate consideration to education in the developmental processes.

    Dr. Fadia Kiwan, AWO Director-General, and Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, via videoconferencing, then revealed the slogan of the seminar:  “Just Let Her Go to School.” In her intervention, Dr. Fadia stated that the seminar aims to exchange knowledge and expertise on the status and prospects for joint efforts to overcome obstacles to girls’ education. Dr. Fadia underscored the significant development of the Arab and Islamic countries over the past two decades as school enrollment for boys and girls witnessed a qualitative leap in several countries, except in those experiencing wars and armed conflicts.

    In her remarks, Dr. Aawatif Hayar, Minister of Solidarity, Social Integration and Family in the Kingdom of Morocco, reviewed Morocco’s efforts in protecting children’s rights. Her speech, delivered on her behalf by Dr. Mohamed Ait Azizi, Director of the Family and Childhood Department of the Ministry, highlighted the country’s innovative policies geared towards ensuring girls’ access to education.

    For her part, Ms. Safiya bint Intah, Mauritanian Minister of Social Affairs, Children and Family, highlighted the key obstacles to girls’ education in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, including child marriage, poverty, and poor coordination between families and schools, and the measures implemented by the country to address these challenges.

    In her address, delivered on her behalf by Mr. Anar Karimov, Head of Partnerships and International Cooperation at ICESCO, Dr. Koumbou Barry, Head of the Education Sector at the Organization, emphasized the need to intensify efforts to combat the marginalization of girls, address the economic gaps and inequalities between male and female youth in the Arab and Islamic worlds, and leverage technology to reach girls deprived of education.

    Subsequently, the Seminar’s first-day sessions began. The first session discussed comparative studies on the status of girls’ education in the Arab and Islamic worlds, while the second focused on the economic consequences of denying girls access to education.

    ICESCO Director-General receives the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Ambassador Vladimir Viktorovich Baibakov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Kingdom of Morocco, to discuss cooperation between ICESCO and the Russian Federation in areas of common interest.

    During the meeting, which took place on Friday, April 5, 2024, at ICESCO’s headquarters in Rabat, in the presence of Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa, ICESCO Deputy Director-General, and several sector heads and center directors within the Organization, Dr. AlMalik outlined the key pillars of ICESCO’s new vision. He emphasized that the Organization has adopted a development and modernization approach to keep pace with the rapid global changes in all fields, anticipate future trends, proactively address its challenges, and meet the aspirations of the Member States and Muslim communities worldwide in education, science, and culture.

    Moreover, he pointed out that ICESCO is an open Organization with strong partnerships with many international organizations, built on practical programs and projects that deliver tangible impact and measurable results. He reaffirmed ICESCO’s commitment to strengthen cooperation with the Russian Federation, an observer Member of the Organization in the fields of education, science, and culture.

    Ambassador Baibakov commended ICESCO for providing support for its Member States in its areas of competence, confirming Russia’s willingness to enhance cooperation with the Organization as part of its broader policy to deepen its historical ties with Islamic and African countries.

    The Russian Ambassador extended an invitation to Dr. AlMalik to attend the Conference of the Strategic Vision Group “Russia and the Islamic World,” scheduled for 16-17 May in Kazan. Dr. AlMalik accepted the invitation and agreed to deliver a speech on behalf of the Organization at the Conference.

    The meeting also touched on areas of cooperation between ICESCO and the Russian Federation, focusing on civilizational dialogue and teaching the Arabic language, which resulted in the establishment of the ICESCO Chair for the Arabic Language in the service of dialogue and coexistence, hosted by the Russian Islamic University, affiliated with the Central Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of Russia in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

    Following the meeting, Dr. AlMalik accompanied Ambassador Baibakov on a tour of the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, currently housed at ICESCO’s headquarters, as part of the strategic partnership between the Organization, Muslim World League, and the Mohammedia League of Scholars.

    President of Moroccan House of Councillors visits ICESCO and Exhibition and Museum of Prophet’s Seerah

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with Mr. Naam Miyara, President of the Moroccan House of Councillors, during his visit to ICESCO and the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and the Islamic Civilization, currently housed at ICESCO in Rabat.

    The meeting, held on Friday, April 5, 2024, with the presence of Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa, ICESCO Deputy Director-General, and Ambassador Khalid Fathalrahman, Director of the Organization’s Center of Civilizational Dialogue, emphasized the depth of the relations between ICESCO and the Kingdom of Morocco, the host country, which are reflected in the joint initiatives, programs, and projects.

    Dr. AlMalik expressed his gratitude for the ongoing support extended by the Kingdom of Morocco to the Organization, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist him. He highlighted ICESCO’s anticipatory vision and strategic directions, including its efforts in shaping legislation to address contemporary global changes, including those regarding artificial intelligence.

    For his part, Mr. Miyara commended ICESCO for strengthening cooperation among Islamic countries, reaffirming his commitment to supporting the Organization’s initiatives in education, science, culture, and heritage preservation.

    Following the meeting, Dr. AlMalik accompanied Mr. Miyara on a tour of the Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah. The tour included detailed explanations about the comprehensive simulation of the Prophet’s life, peace be upon him, and the principles of the true religion, namely justice, peace, mercy, tolerance, and coexistence. The exhibition uses cutting-edge technology to immerse visitors in the experience of the Prophet’s Seerah as if they were living in His time.

    Mr. Miyara expressed his joy with the visit and commended the efforts of those overseeing the exhibition and museum for presenting the pure Prophetic Seerah and true Islam.

    ICESCO and the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE): Exploring prospects of cooperation

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, the Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Mr. Ahmed Réda Chami, President of the Economic, Social, and Environmental Council of the Kingdom of Morocco (CESE), along with his accompanying delegation of the Council members. The two parties discussed the prospects of mutual cooperation, especially in the fields of foresight studies and artificial intelligence.

    The Meeting was held on Wednesday April 3rd, 2024, at ICESCO’s Headquarters in Rabat, in the presence of Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy DG, and several sector heads, department directors, and heads of specialized centers at the Organization. During the meeting, Dr. Al-Malik reviewed ICESCO’s efforts, foresight initiatives, programs, and projects geared toward supporting its Member States in developing the education, science, and culture sectors. He emphasized that the Organization adopts an open approach to partnership and collaboration with all to achieve its strategic objectives.
    Dr. Al-Malik pointed out that ICESCO’s Center for Strategic Foresight has organized several training sessions on foresight and decision-making for the benefit of public servants, private professionals, and youth in its Member States.

    The Organization established its “ICESCO Chair on Women in Science: Artificial Intelligence and the Future” at the Euro-Mediterranean University in Fez. Soon, the “ICESCO Chair for Artificial Intelligence Ethics ” will be established at the University of Technology and Applied Sciences in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.

    For his part, Mr. Chami lauded the various roles that ICESCO fills, and the support it lends to its Member States in its areas of competence, reaffirming the Economic, Social, and Environmental Council’s keenness to foster a fruitful cooperation with the Organization considering its distinguished expertise, especially in the fields of strategic foresight and artificial intelligence.

    Following the meeting, ICESCO’s DG took the President of the Economic, Social, and Environmental Council and his accompanying delegation on a tour of the various halls of the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, currently hosted by the Organization through a strategic partnership between ICESCO, the Muslim World League, and the Mohammadia League of Scholars.

    ICESCO Participates in New Issue of “Le Jardin des Hespérides” Magazine

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the 15th issue (March 2024) of the magazine, “Le Jardin des Hespérides,” with an article on “Tangible Heritage in Times of Crisis,” published by the Moroccan Society of Archeology and Heritage (SMAP), chaired by HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa. This issue was released in a special celebration at the National Library of the Kingdom of Morocco in Rabat with the participation of Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General of ICESCO.

    ICESCO contributed to this recent issue with an article on its efforts to safeguard heritage in the Islamic world. The article demonstrates the importance of heritage, its preservation, protection, and the restitution of its looted elements. Moreover, the article points out that ICESCO, considering heritage as one of its priorities within its action plan and new vision, has created its Islamic World Heritage Center to preserve and protect heritage, promote cultural diversity and ensure its optimal use.

    Recognizing the importance of heritage, the article reviews several of the ambitious initiatives and projects launched by ICESCO to ensure its preservation, valorization, documentation, restoration and rehabilitation, including the initiative to protect heritage sites and museums against the impact of climate change and the initiative to combat illicit trafficking in cultural property. These projects also concern ICESCO’s use and promotion of modern technologies, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and metaverse in the field of heritage, the convening of several major international events on intangible heritage, and the joint nomination file to inscribe African Games on the Islamic World Heritage List and the World Heritage List with the participation of several African countries.

    Ramadan Journey into the Depths of the Human Soul’ Forum at ICESCO reviews the keys to happiness on Earth and in the Hereafter

    The headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in Rabat, on Friday (March 29, 2024), hosted the fourth lecture of ‘Ramadan Journey into the Depths of the Human Soul’ Forum, held by ICESCO and the Group of Spouses of Arab ambassadors and Heads of International Organizations Accredited to the Kingdom of Morocco, during which Dr. Khadija Abouzid, Professor of Higher Education at the Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Mohammed V University, in Rabat, gave a lecture entitled: ‘Journey to Finding Happiness on Earth and in the Hereafter’, in the presence of Dr. Salim M AlMalik, Director General of ICESCO, a group of ambassadors and the members of the Group of Spouses, as well as the general audience.

    In her introduction, Dr. Yusra bint Hussein Al-Jazairy, member of the Group of Spouses, stressed that Allah Almighty has bestowed happiness upon His righteous servants and doomed unrighteous people to unhappiness as He lights the path in His Holy Book to true happiness in both the worldly life and the Hereafter as Islam is the religion of happiness and peace.

    Moreover, she highlighted that there is a plethora of examples in Islam and the Islamic culture and history on the importance of happiness in individuals’ life through outward and inward righteousness, explaining that happiness is key to successful and healthy work environment to ensure productivity, creativity and innovation.

    Afterwards, Dr. Khadija Abouzid took the floor to give her lecture, in which she emphasized that seeking happiness is inherent to human nature, adding that believers are in continuous quest for happiness both on Earth and in the Hereafter. “Happiness is based on three concepts in Islam: the truth of happiness, the human being, and the worldly life. The spiritual happiness stems from Allah Almighty’s love and closeness, the mental happiness lies in acquiring knowledge, the soul’s happiness lies in contentment while the heart’s happiness in found in devotion to Allah Almighty,” she indicated.

    Dr. Abouzid added that the keys to happiness in Islam consist in faith, contentment, closeness to Allah Almighty, abidance by His commands as revealed to His Prophet peace and blessings be upon him, and achieving balance between the body, soul and worldly work.

    The lecture included interactive activities on the concept of happiness and its importance for all individuals. In Conclusion, Dr. Abouzid answered questions of the audience.

    Following the lecture, Dr. AlMalik presented Dr. Abouzid with ICESCO’s Shield, in appreciation of her great contributions during the four lectures of ‘Ramadan Journey into the Depths of the Human Soul’ Forum, which delved into the depths of the human soul and simplified the paths to happiness.