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    ICESCO Welcomes Denmark’s Adoption of a Law Banning Quran Burning

    8 December 2023

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) welcomed with great appreciation the Danish parliament’s passing of a law on the “prohibition of inappropriate treatment of religious texts,” which bans and criminalizes the burning and defiling of the holy Quran and other sacred texts. The law is a token of responsibility towards the disdain of holy texts and a sign of the seriousness of the Danish authorities in containing extremist and racist speech that incites hatred.

    ICESCO acknowledges this historical and well-informed decision and calls on other countries where holy places and texts are being desecrated to follow the paths of Denmark, which is the optimal path for societies to restore peace and security.

    On this occasion, ICESCO calls on wise voices, decision-makers, and influential members of the international community to raise their voices in defense of sacred texts and acknowledge the historic decision of Denmark, which promotes an atmosphere of trust conducive to mutual understanding beyond the intricacies of intolerance and insularity.

    The bill was passed with 94 votes in the 179-seat Folketing following lengthy discussions, stipulating that those violating the new law faces fines or up to two years imprisonment.

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