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    Strengthening Cooperation between ICESCO and IMF in Niger

    Mr. El-Mansour Veten, Executive Secretary of the Issoufou Mohamedou Foundation (IMF) in the Republic of Niger, visited the Headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in Rabat, to explore ways of strengthening cooperation between ICESCO and the Foundation, headed by His Excellency the former President of Niger, Mohamedou Issoufou.

    Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy Director-General, Ambassador Khaled Fath Al-Rahman, Head of ICESCO Center for Civilizational Dialogue, and Ms. Amira El-Fadil, Head of ICESCO Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, received Mr. El-Mansour Veten, in the presence of Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Advisor to the Director-General for Partnerships and International Cooperation and Supervisor of the Secretariat of National Commissions and Conferences.

    During the meetings, the parties explored common issues between ICESCO and IMF mainly about peace and social development, capacity-building of women and youth, research and studies in the field of the cultural and civilizational history of Africa and the promotion of the values of tolerance and respect for cultural diversity on the continent.

    ICESCO and IMF agreed to prepare a joint action program between the Organization and the Foundation and formulate a cooperation agreement to be signed in the future.

    ICESCO participates in 33rd Session of Crans Montana Forum Africa, in Brussels

    The Human and Social Sciences Sector participated in the 33rd extraordinary session of Crans Montana Forum Africa, held in Brussels, under the theme “The World in the Time of Economic Sovereignty in Africa,” with high-level participation of ministers and officials of international organizations to explore issues related to economic and human development and innovation in Africa.

    Ms. Ramata Almami Mbaye, Head of the Sector, represented ICESCO in the Forum, on Friday (July 1, 2022). She participated in the symposium on African women: a dynamic element for community development and food security, which saw the participation of Ms. Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, former President of the Republic of Mauritius, and several high-level figures.

    In her intervention, Ms. Ramatta stressed the importance of protecting women and strengthening their leadership capabilities. ICESCO’s vision places women at the forefront of its priorities. It proclaimed 2021 as the Year of Women, under the theme “Women and the Future.”

    ICESCO also strives through its leading programmes in the Member States to build human capital and encourage innovation and entrepreneurship among women and youth. It launched a project to counter the repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic by supporting the entrepreneurial sense among women and youth, which was implemented in partnership with the Alwaleed Philanthropies Foundation in 10 African countries” added Ms. Ramatta.

    Workshop Highlighting ICESCO-Hamdan Prize for Voluntary Development of Education Facilities

    The General Secretariat of the National Commissions and Conferences at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in cooperation with Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Distinguished Academic Performance, held a workshop to publicize the ICESCO-Hamdan Prize for Voluntary Development of Education Facilities and highlight its requirements and eligibility criteria.

    The workshop was held on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, via videoconference from the Meshkat Hall at ICESCO Headquarters, and focused on providing an overview of the partnership program between ICESCO and the Foundation. The workshop also featured presentations on the Meshkat Platform for Educational Excellence Capacities in the field of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers, ICESCO-Hamdan Prize for Voluntary Development of Education Facilities: achievements, criteria and prospects, in addition to a video on the Prize and its past editions.

    In addition, the workshop featured a video testimony of an institution that won the Prize in a past edition, followed by a discussion where Dr. Ahmad Said Bah, Advisor to the Director-General for Partnerships and International Cooperation, Supervisor of the General Secretariat of the National Commissions and Conferences, answered participants’ questions.

    The workshop saw the participation of several representatives of Member States’ National Commissions, and the representatives of associations, bodies and institutions working in the field of developing educational facilities in the Islamic world.

    Major Ceremony in Cameroonian Capital to Mark Launch of Celebration of Yaoundé, Culture Capital in Islamic World for 2022

    The Celebration of Yaoundé, Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2022, officially kicked off in a major ceremony, held under the patronage of His Excellency Mr. Paul Biya, President of Cameroon, who presided over the ceremony, on Thursday 30 June 2022, at the National Museum in Yaoundé. The ceremony also brought together Mr. Joseph Dion Ngoti, Prime Minister of Cameroon, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of ICESCO, Dr. Mohamed Zine El Abidine, Head of ICESCO Culture and Communication Sector, senior Cameroonian officials and religious leaders, public figures and accredited ambassadors as well as thousands of citizens.

    The launch of the year-round celebration, in coordination between the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Ministry of Arts and Culture of the Republic of Cameroon, falls within the framework of the new edition of ICESCO Programme of Cultural Capitals in the Islamic World, which aims at promoting heritage and consolidating the values of peace, coexistence and civilized dialogue.

    In his address, Dr. AlMalik expressed his thanks to the President of the Republic of Cameroon for his generous sponsorship of the celebration and his continuous support for cultural development, commending the role of Yaoundé in the production of oral literature in the African continent, contemporary arts and music.

    He also commended the linguistic, ethnic, religious and cultural diversity of Yaoundé, the City of the Seven Hills, pointing out that it is a model of religious moderation, tolerance and spiritual and moral values. “The celebration of Yaoundé will contribute to achieving sustainable development in the fields of culture and scientific research and building the capacities of women and youth,” added ICESCO DG.

    Dr. AlMalik stressed the Organization’s willingness to cooperate with the relevant Cameroonian authorities to ensure the success of the celebration, which will contribute to the promotion of tourism in the city, highlight its heritage and natural sites, enhance its regional and international reputation, attract investments in the cultural field and promote coexistence and tolerance.
    “ICESCO will assist the Cameroonian authorities to inscribe heritage sites in the Al-Halouf region, Goto Golfi Tower and Bidzar archaeological site on the Islamic World Heritage List. It will also hold workshops on the inscription process of cultural elements on the heritage lists,” underlined Dr. AlMalik.

    Moreover, he pointed out that the ICESCO Chair on Cultural Diversity, Peace and International Cooperation at the Institute of International Relations in Cameroon will be strengthened to develop scientific research and hold an international conference on cultural heritage and local development in Yaoundé in addition to several activities in coordination with the Cameroonian National Commission.

    At the close of his address, ICESCO DG lauded the achievements of a number of Cameroonian figures in the fields of politics, literature, culture, arts and sports, stressing that they constitute a source of inspiration for new generations in Africa and all continents.

    ICESCO Commends Saudi Arabia’s Initiative to Finance Set of Development Projects in Yemen

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) highly welcomes the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s announcement to finance a set of development projects in the Republic of Yemen worth $400 million, in addition to providing fuel for power stations at a cost of $200 million.

    The Organization praises the contents of the support plan, which includes about 17 projects, and a development program in 6 vital sectors, the most important of which are energy, transport, education, health and building government institutions.

    While commending this initiative, ICESCO is pleased to congratulate the wise Saudi leadership and the people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for this generous support that enhances Yemen’s stability and unity.

    ICESCO reiterates its readiness to cooperate with the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Programme for Yemen (SDRPY) and with the rest of the partners in implementing the contents of this plan, especially in the fields of education, health and all related fields.

    Exploring Ways to Enhance Cooperation between ICESCO and Libyan Ministry of Youth

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Ministry of Youth of the State of Libya held a meeting to explore ways of enhancing cooperation between the two sides in building youth capacities and training them on leadership for peace and security, during the visit of Dr. Fathallah Al-Zani, Libyan Minister of Youth to ICESCO headquarters in Rabat. Dr. Al-Zani was received by several leaders of the Organization on behalf of Dr. Salim Al-Malik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), who is on a working mission outside the seat country.

    During the meeting, which took place on Wednesday (June 29, 2022) in the presence of Dr. Said Mhamed Al-Dabib, Libya’s permanent delegate to ICESCO, Dr. Al-Zani reviewed the action strategy of the Libyan Ministry of Youth, noting that youth represent 63% of the Libyan population, which entails a huge responsibility for the Ministry.

    The Libyan minister expressed the Ministry’s desire to enhance cooperation and build a partnership with ICESCO on capacity building and training on leadership for peace by signing an agreement to implement a number of joint programs and projects for the benefit of Libyan youth.

    On their part, ICESCO leaders welcomed the cooperation with the Libyan Ministry of Youth and stressed that the Organization attaches great importance to building the capacities of youth in the Member States to play their role in achieving sustainable development in their countries.
    At the close of the meeting, the two sides agreed to hold meetings between ICESCO and the Libyan Ministry of Youth at the level of experts to agree on cooperation programs and develop an action plan for their implementation.

    On the ICESCO side, the meeting was attended by Mrs. Amira El-Fadil, Head of Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Advisor to the DG for Partnerships and International Cooperation, supervisor of the Secretariat of National Commissions and Conferences, and Mr. Mohammed Hedi Shili, Director of Legal Affairs and International Standards Department.

    ICESCO Calls for capitalizing on Digitization potentials to Promote Free Education

    AlMalik: Transforming Education and Developing its Systems Require Cooperation between Countries and Specialized Organizations

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), stated that in light of digitization’s fast-tracking pace, the right to education must entail comprehensive digital education that strengthens the involvement of individuals in various fields of cultural, economic, political and social life. ICESCO DG noted that education is constantly evolving, which in turn will transform the schools of tomorrow into advanced digital schools that rely on artificial intelligence technologies.

    ICESCO DG made this statement in an address he gave during a reception hosted by ICESCO on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, for Member States’ delegations taking part in the UN Transforming Education Pre-Summit.

    In his address, ICESCO DG called for taking advantage of the potential of digitization to promote free education, adopt teaching methods that meet learners’ needs, respect diversity and inclusion and update legal frameworks to protect data.

    He added that transforming education and developing educational systems require serious and continuous cooperation between countries and specialized international organizations, to strengthen partnership, regardless of the differences in interests since the destiny of humanity is one. He added that ICESCO seeks to support its Member States in developing comprehensive, sustainable and equal educational systems, through investing in education in the Islamic world, exchanging experiences, implementing programs and projects and holding workshops, in order to find solutions based on modern technologies and innovation to provide education for all.

    Following the address, the reception witnessed rich discussions between the participants and the ICESCO delegation headed by Dr. AlMalik, in an effort to draw a practical vision on the key educational issues, which can be proposed for discussions at the UN Transforming Education Summit in New York in September 2022, as well as the initiatives that can be proposed through the Summit, to be part of the global action program for the development of education.

    For their part, the participants stressed the importance of sustaining coordination between ICESCO and its Member States to address education challenges, exchange experiences and best practices in facing these challenges. They stressed the need to develop an in-depth understanding of ways to transform educational institutions to keep pace with developments that the world is witnessing, ahead of their participation in the UN Transforming Education Summit.

    In Celebration of Rabat and Cairo, ICESCO Launches Poetry Award “Culture Capital as Seen by Poets” 2022

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) has launched its poetry award “Culture Capital as Seen by Poets,” which comprises two categories, the poem of Rabat, the capital of lights, and the poem of Cairo, the city of a thousand minarets. This award falls within the framework of the activities of the celebrations of Rabat and Cairo, Culture Capitals in the Islamic World for 2022, which are part of ICESCO’s Programme of Culture Capitals in the Islamic World.
    The award, which is overseen by the ICESCO Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers, aims at promoting the cultural, civilizational and historical heritage of Rabat and Cairo, enhancing their efforts geared toward promoting the Islamic culture worldwide, providing opportunities for cultural rapprochement and openness, stimulating eloquent poetic creativity in describing Arab cities, and raising awareness of the aesthetics of Arabic, its historical treasures and authentic heritage.

    ICESCO will form a specialized committee made up of distinguished poets to evaluate the nominated poems and select three winners in each category. The first winner will receive US$2000, the second winner will receive US$1500 while the third winner will receive US$1000, in addition to appreciation certificates. ICESCO will also publish the best-nominated poems in a special poetry collection.

    The nomination requirements include the following:
    • The entrant must submit only one poem;
    • The poem must address only one capital city (Rabat or Cairo);
    • The poem must be written in classical Arabic in rhymed or prose style;
    • The poem must not be less than twenty (20) rhymed verses or thirty (30) free verses;
    • The poem must not have been published, on paper or electronically, previously, or participated in other competitions;
    Poems must be sent in (PDF) and (WORD) formats, together with a resume of the entrant, before 30 September 2022, to ICESCO via e-mail (arabicpoetry@icesco.org). The name of the winners will be announced on ICESCO’s website and through official letters to the entrant concerned.

    ICESCO and Palestine Explore Education Partnership Prospects

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Dr. Marwan Awartani, Minister of Education of the State of Palestine, held a meeting to explore prospects of cooperation in various fields, especially education.

    During their meeting, held on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, on the sidelines of their participation in the Transforming Education Pre-Summit, which kicked off today at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, the two officials reviewed the major programs and projects implemented in cooperation between ICESCO and the competent parties in the State of Palestine.
    The meeting also addressed the cooperation proposals for the upcoming period and agreed on designing programs and activities that are in line with the Palestinian priorities and contribute to promoting the educational process, all in conformity with ICESCO’s new vision and strategic orientations.
    For his part, the Palestinian Minister reiterated his thanks to ICESCO, represented by its Director-General, for its sustained support in promoting the Palestinian school system, especially with regard to mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The meeting was attended by Ambassador Mr. Mounir Anastas, Permanent Delegate of Palestine to UNESCO, and Dr. Dawas Dawas, Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, and Chairman of ICESCO’s Executive Council. The ICESCO delegation consisted of Dr. Omar Halli, Advisor to the Director-General for the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), and Ms. Somia Djakta, Director of ICESCO Office and Permanent Delegation to UNESCO.

    ICESCO Holds Workshop for Farmers in Senegal

    The Science and Technology Sector at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in cooperation with the Senegalese National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, held a training workshop for the benefit of several farmers and gum producers in the Republic of Senegal on the use of modern technologies in their work, to contribute to achieving human development and preserving natural resources.
    The three-day Workshop, which kicked off on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, aims at building farmers’ capacities in using sustainable techniques for cutting trees, harvesting and packaging gum.

    The workshop saw the participation of several specialists and experts in the field, who highlighted the importance of raising awareness on the need to use environmentally friendly means and mechanisms to produce gum Arabic and to prevent damaging trees and natural resources, stressing the need to strengthen international and local cooperation and partnerships to protect the environment, build capacities and publicize best practices.

    Dr. Muhammad Sharif, Advisor at ICESCO Science and Technology Sector, along with Dr. Foued El-Ayni, Dr. Adel Smeda, and Dr. Ismaila Diallo, Experts in the Sector, represented ICESCO in the virtual Workshop.