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    ICESCO takes part in workshop on teacher training programs accreditation in Arab countries

    The Sector of Education at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part, via videoconference, in the workshop on, “Academic Accreditation of Teacher Training Programs in the Arab Countries”. The Workshop was held on Thursday, February 9, 2023, by the UNESCO Regional Center for Quality and Excellence in Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education of the State of the United Arab Emirates.

    Dr. Kombou Boly Barry, Head of ICESCO Education Sector, along with a number of experts at the Sector, represented ICESCO in the workshop, which aims to discuss the issue of teacher training and its relevant outcomes, recommendations and proposals to help decision makers devise and develop education policies tailored to their countries’ cases and build on their outcomes to develop teacher training policies and programs at education colleges. The workshop also aims to accredit these colleges’ curricula, based on the best and latest international experiences and practices and provide solutions to the challenges they face in order to develop their systems to keep up with the changes of the 21st century.

    Likewise, the Workshop discussed the criteria and mechanisms of the academic accreditation of education colleges’ curricula in the Arab countries and highlighted the findings of the study conducted by the Center to examine international experiences through the adoption of indicators and criteria with the aim of promoting teacher training policies and supporting the efforts of education systems in the Arab world to achieve SGD4.

    On International Day of Women and Girls in Science, ICESCO calls for concerted efforts to achieve gender equality in science

    On February 11th of every year, the world celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. In 2023, the celebration highlights the role of women and girls in science in Sustainable Development Goals to contribute to building a more prosperous future for humanity through gender equality in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, in which girls and women are still underrepresented.

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) seizes this opportunity to renew its call for concerted efforts to enhance the participation of girls and women in science, highlight their contributions to the development of these fields throughout history, and stress the need to provide opportunities for women and girls to participate in developing science, technology, innovation and education, and combat gender discrimination, which prevents the participation of women and girls in several scientific disciplines all over the world.

    The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is celebrated this year under the slogan: “Innovate. Demonstrate. Elevate. Advance. Sustain. (I.D.E.A.S.): Bringing Everyone Forward for Sustainable and Equitable Development.” ICESCO reaffirms that it attaches great importance to gender equality and women and girls capacity-building, especially in the fields of science and technology, through several initiatives and programs to enhance the integration of female experts and students in the field of innovation, scientific research, entrepreneurship, artificial intelligence, data science, and smart and sustainable cities. In addition, to hold an international conference on women and university leadership, in partnership with Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University, to support international efforts in the field of women’s leadership in higher education.

    Seeking to further support its Member States’ efforts to integrate women and girls in science, focus on building women’s entrepreneurial capacities, provide girls and women with professional and social skills, and achieve a tangible quantum leap, ICESCO calls for:
    • Building capacities and achieving equal opportunities for men and women in the fields of science;
    • Intensifying the efforts of Member States, international organizations, universities and the private sector to invest in vocational education and training programs, promote gender equality in the workplace, and support women researchers and students;
    • Emphasizing the important role of women and girls in science as a main focus for positive change towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals;
    • Issuing research and studies to raise awareness of the seriousness of gender-based discrimination;
    • Celebrating the achievements of women scholars of the Islamic world and their valuable contributions to societies.

    ICESCO and ILO Discuss Strengthening Cooperation in Social and Humanitarian Fields

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held a meeting with the International Labor Organization (ILO) to discuss ways for strengthening cooperation between the two organizations and implementing joint programs and activities in social and humanitarian fields to achieve sustainable development.

    Ms. Amira EL Fadil, Head of the Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, Dr. Raheel Qamar, Head of the Sciences and Technologies Sector, Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Head of the Social and Human Sciences Sector, and Mr. Mohamed Hedi Shili, Head of the Department of Legal Affairs and International Standards, represented ICESCO at the meeting, which was held on 8 February 2023, via videoconference, while Dr. Giovanni Di Cola, Advisor to the Deputy Director General for Field Operations and Partnerships, and Ms. Kirsten Maria Schapira-Felderhoff, Senior Multilateral Cooperation Specialist, represented ILO.

    During the meeting, Mrs. Amira El-Fadil highlighted the importance of coordination and agreement on the terms of the proposed memorandum of understanding (MoU) between ICESCO and ILO, which will include issues of common concerns between the two organizations, mainly social justice, equality in the workplace, promoting decent jobs and tomorrow’s jobs, fighting child labor, protecting children, mental health at work, and preparing training sessions in the field of foresight.

    For his part, Dr. Giovanni Di Cola reaffirmed the ILO’s eagerness to cooperate with ICESCO in addressing social issues, empowering women, promoting decent jobs, developing youth skills and guiding them toward tomorrow’s jobs.

    In conclusion, the two parties agreed on the mechanisms of establishing work teams to formulate and implement the MoU, which will be signed between the two organizations, based on a clear action plan.

    ICESCO honors Participants in Programme for Development of Open Education

    The “Mishkat Al-Arabiya” hall at the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) hosted the ceremony of distributing certificates to university teachers and students participating in the 1st and 2nd sessions of the Programme for Development of Open Education at Member Universities of the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW) affiliated to ICESCO, which aims to build the capacity of teachers in using open education resources and tools and integrating them in university curricula.

    The ceremony kicked off on Wednesday, February 8, 2023, with a recorded speech by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director General (DG) and FUIW Secretary General, in which he commended the Programme for the Development of Open Education and open education resources, which included a series of intensive training sessions, praising the two editions held in 2022, for the benefit of 85 participants from 17 countries, representing more than 60 universities.

    Dr. AlMalik added that the Programme for the Development of Open Education comes as part of ICESCO’s vision and strategy to contribute to the development of education in Islamic countries and to strengthen its tools, to find a sustainable engine for the development of open education skills, curricula and strategies and to contribute to bridging the gap between universities, meeting the needs of students and learners and increasing their chances of integration into the labor market and tomorrow’s professions.

    Following that, Dr. Khaled Berrada, Professor at Mohammed V University in Rabat and one of the supervisors of the programme, reviewed FUIW Member Universities’ partnership in the field of open educational resources and highlighted the challenges that each beneficiary had to overcome to successfully complete the session. For his part, Dr. Daniel Burgos, Vice Rector of the International University of La Rioja of Research and Technology in Spain and one of the supervisors of the programme, indicated that the practical application of the methods and tools of open education resources begins with recognizing the benefits of such resources.

    After that, the certificates were distributed to the beneficiaries of the two sessions, who, during their interventions, commended the programme and its importance and potential to keep up with the evolution of the educational process in universities around the world.

    In conclusion, Dr. Omar Halli, Advisor to ICESCO DG for the FUIW, reaffirmed the need to develop the programme, through cooperation with more universities and educational institutions, and encourage its beneficiaries to disseminate knowledge and experiences and supervise sessions, explaining the importance of exploring new methods to obtain and create information from open sources.

    ICESCO Director-General receives Advisor to Moroccan King André Azoulay

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Mr. André Azoulay, Advisor to His Majesty King Mohammed VI of the Kingdom of Morocco, Founding President of the “Essaouira-Mogador” Association, on Wednesday, 8 February 2023, at ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat, and together discussed ICESCO’s modernization and development and explored ways to promote cooperation between the Organization and the Association in areas of common interest.

    ICESCO DG opened the meeting by expressing his thanks and appreciation to Mr. Azoulay for his participation in several of the Organization’s conferences and activities in 2022, underscoring his keenness to forge a fruitful partnership between ICESCO and the “Essaouira-Mogador” Association in various fields.

    Dr. AlMalik reviewed the key thrusts of ICESCO’s vision and strategic orientations, as well as its development and modernization over the last three years, explaining that the Organization adopts the approach of openness to all, strives to foster the values of peace and tolerance, promotes civilizational dialogue and contributes through its various initiatives, programmes and activities to serving humanity without distinction among the beneficiaries.

    For his part, Mr. Azoulay commended ICESCO’s efforts in the areas of peace-building and social cohesion and its youth leadership programmes, praising the positive developments and changes in the Organization and its forward-looking vision.

    Following the bilateral meeting, Dr. AlMalik and Mr. Azoulay joined the expanded meeting, which brought together Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy DG, and a host of department and sector directors at the Organization. The meeting touched upon ICESCO’s major programmes currently implemented to support Member States in the fields of education, science and culture.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties affirmed their keenness to promote cooperation between ICESCO and the Essaouira-Mogador Association and agreed on sustaining coordination to organize a joint international conference on the Argan tree and issue a study by ICESCO’s Strategic Foresight Center on the future of Essaouira.

    Dr. AlMalik then gave Mr. Azoulay a tour of the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization currently hosted at ICESCO in partnership with the Muslim World League (MWL) and Morocco’s Mohammadia League of Scholars.

    Mr. Azoulay expressed his fascination with the museum exhibits and the state-of-the-art technologies used to display details of the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), noting that this scientific event contributes to promoting interfaith tolerance.

    ICESCO Holds Workshop on Industry 4.0 in Bangladesh

    The Sciences and Technologies Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is holding a workshop on the 4th industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) in cooperation with the National Commission for UNESCO in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, aimed at raising awareness on the importance of modern technology and AI in promoting economic policies and sustainable development in the ICESCO Member States.

    During the opening session of the three-day workshop, which started on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, in person, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dr. Adel Smaida, Expert at ICESCO Sciences and Technologies Sector, delivered an address, via videoconference, on the opportunities and challenges resulting from the 4th industrial revolution in education and higher education and capacity building of youth, noting that ICESCO supports several initiatives and programmes in the fields of scientific research, information technology and digital transformation in its Member States, mainly in programmes of smart, flexible and sustainable cities.

    The participants in the workshop, including professors, university students, experts and specialists in the fields of industry, economy and science, will discuss the need to introduce ways and mechanisms of taking advantage of AI applications, big data, internet of things, blockchain, virtual reality, and other modern digital technologies to promote educational curricula and economic policies.

    ICESCO calls for upholding human fraternity values to achieve world peace

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) stressed that achieving world peace is a shared responsibility that hinges on upholding the values of fraternity and mercy and entails serious joint human action and acceptance of religious, racial and cultural differences to build peaceful and prosperous societies, stating that the world is in dire need of mercy and love to recover from its crises.

    This was in an ICESCO statement, read out by Amb. Khalid Farhalrahman, Head of the Center of Civilizational Dialogue, during a ceremony commemorating the International Day of Human Fraternity, held by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, in cooperation with the missions of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the United Arab Emirates to the UN, on Monday, February 6, 2033, via videoconference. The ceremony aims to highlight the need for international commitment to promote the values of intercultural and interfaith respect, dialogue and coexistence.

    The ICESCO representative commended the Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together, which was signed by His Eminence the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Dr. Ahmad El-Tayyeb, and Pope Francis, Pope of the Vatican, in February 2019, in the UAE, as a universal declaration on the importance of spreading peace and fraternity among people.

    He added that ICESCO places building peace at the core of its priorities through launching and implementing several practical initiatives, programs and projects aiming at anchoring the values of interfaith and intercultural coexistence, understanding and accord, and promoting societal cohesion. To attain such a goal, he explained, ICESCO focuses on mobilizing and building the capacities of women and young people as key elements in ensuring the success of its vision in this field.

    Moreover, Amb. Farhalrahman stated that ICESCO opened the door for non-Member States to join the Organization as Observer States to foster more cooperation, encourage expertise exchange with the countries of the Islamic world. and support the development of the fields of education, science and culture in a manner that serves humanity and contributes to addressing the challenges of the future.

    In reaction to ICESCO’s statement, Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos, UNAOC High Representative, talked about the sustained cooperation relations between ICESCO and the UNAOC. He also commended the fruitful cooperation ties between ICESCO and the Republic of Azerbaijan, following the remark of Azerbaijan’s Delegate to the UN, who highlighted the cooperation relations between his country and the Organization.

    ICESCO and Mauritania sign two partnership agreements to implement several cultural programs and projects

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania signed two cooperation and partnership agreements focusing on promoting cooperation and financial support for the executive program of the Celebration of Nouakchott as Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2023, and preparing the nomination file for the inscription of traditional checkers games in Africa on ICESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage List and UNESCO World Heritage List.

    The first agreement was signed on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, at ICESCO Headquarters, by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, and Mr. Mohamed Ould Soueidat, Minister of Culture, Youth, Sports, and Relations with Parliament, President of the Mauritanian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture.

    Following the signing ceremony, Dr. AlMalik commended the agreement which reflects the special cooperation relations between ICESCO and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, represented in the Mauritanian National Commission, and is part of ICESCO’s initiatives to support its Member States through the implementation of programs, activities and projects in the States that have settled their arrears to ICESCO’s budget. He also reaffirmed the Organization’s keenness to ensure the success of the ambitious programs scheduled as part of the Celebration of Nouakchott as Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2023.

    For his part, Mr. Mohamed Ould Soueidat noted that this agreement aims to settle his country’s arrears to ICESCO’s budget, with the understanding that more than 70% of its total amount is to be invested by ICESCO to implement cultural and development projects in Nouakchott, in support of its celebration as Culture Capital.

    The second agreement was signed by Dr. Nidal Abuzuhzi, Head of Administrative Affairs at ICESCO, and Mr. Mohamed Ould Sidi Abdellah, Secretary-General of the Mauritanian National Commission.

    According to this agreement, ICESCO undertakes to prepare the program for the meeting on preparing the nomination file for the inscription of traditional checkers games in Africa on ICESCO and UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists, while the Mauritanian National Commission commits to ensuring the organizational aspects of the meeting.

    The agreement is part of the MoU signed between ICESCO and the Emirati National Commission for Education, Culture and Science in November 2022, through which the United Arab Emirates undertook to provide support to ICESCO’s programs geared towards promoting the heritage of ICESCO’s African Member States.

    ICESCO and the Sultanate of Oman Explore Cooperation Prospects in the Fields of Education, Science and Culture

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Dr. Said Mohammed Albarami, Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to the Kingdom of Morocco, and discussed partnership developments between ICESCO and the Sultanate of Oman in the fields of education, science and culture, and ways to strengthen cooperation relations.

    During the meeting, held on Tuesday (February 7, 2023), at ICESCO Headquarters, in Rabat, Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed the Organization’s keenness to enhance cooperation relations with several Omani institutions and agencies, in coordination with the Omani National Commission for Education, Culture and Science.

    The meeting considered the various aspects of cooperation between ICESCO and the Sultanate of Oman in educational, heritage and scientific projects, the areas of promoting dialogue and the values of tolerance, and the historical and current role of the Sultanate of Oman in promoting dialogue and strengthening cultural relations between peoples.

    The meeting saw the presence of Dr. Salim Al-Habsi, Programs Manager at ICESCO General Secretariat of National Commissions and Conferences, and Mr. Mohammed Al-Ma’amari, Counselor at the Omani Embassy, in Rabat.

    After the meeting, ICESCO Director-General took the Omani Ambassador on a tour of the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, which is currently organized at ICESCO Headquarters, in partnership with the Muslim World League and the Mohammadia League of Scholars. During the tour, explanations were given to the delegation about the various sections highlighting the Prophet’s Seerah through modern display technologies.

    At the end of the tour, Ambassador Albarami commended the exhibition, which constitutes a virtual visit to the time of the Prophet (PBUH). He also praised ICESCO’s leading role in showcasing the civilizational aspects of the Prophet’s Seerah.

    Mauritanian Minister of Culture Visits the Prophet’s Seerah Exhibition at ICESCO

    Mr. Mohamed Ould Soueidatt, Minister of Culture, Youth, Sports and Relations with Parliament, President of the Mauritanian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, visited the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, at the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in Rabat, as part of his visit to the Organization to discuss strengthening partnership between ICESCO and Mauritania.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, accompanied Mr. Soueidatt on a tour of the Exhibition and Museum galleries. He indicated that this exhibition is held as part of ICESCO’s efforts to highlight the civilizational aspects of the Prophet’s Seerah, reflect the true and moderate image of Islam to the world and fight extremist ideology.

    He also explained that the initiative to host the first edition of the Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic civilization outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the fruit of a strategic partnership between the Organization, the Muslim World League (MWL), and Morocco’s Mohammadia League of Scholars.

    The Mauritanian Minister of Culture received detailed presentations on the contents of the Exhibition’s different pavilions, which use modern display technologies including AI and Augmented Reality to take the visitor back to the time of the Prophet (pbuh).

    Following the tour, Mr. Ssweidat expressed his delight to visit the Exhibition and the Museum, pointing out that it contributes to the dissemination of deep knowledge of the Prophet’s Seerah using the latest technologies. He also expressed his thanks to ICESCO, MWL and Morocco’s Mohammadia League of Scholars for organizing such an event.