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    Delegation from Dar El-Hadith El-Hasania Visits the Prophet’s Seerah Exhibition at ICESCO Headquarters

    A delegation from Dar El-Hadith El-Hasaniah in the Kingdom of Morocco, headed by Dr. Ahmed El Khamlichi, Director of the Foundation, visited the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, which is hosted by the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in Rabat.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, received Dr. El-Khamalishi and his accompanying delegation, where he reviewed the key initiatives, programmes and projects that the Organization is currently implementing, stressing ICESCO’s eagerness to build fruitful cooperation and implement joint activities with Dar El-Hadith El-Hassania during the coming period, in light of the Foundation’s great role in introducing moderate Islam, which is in line with ICESCO’s vision and strategic orientations aimed at highlighting the civilizational aspect of the true religion worldwide.

    ICESCO DG stated that the initiative to host the first edition of the Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic civilization outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the fruit of a strategic partnership between the Organization, the Muslim World League (MWL) and Morocco’s Mohammadia League of Scholars.

    For his part, the Director of Dar El-Hadith El-Hasania Foundation commended ICESCO’s efforts in recent years in serving its Member States and Muslim communities around the world, praising the Organization’s action in confronting extremist ideology and introducing the civilizational aspect of Islam.

    Following the meeting, the delegation of the Dar El-Hadith El-Hassaniah Foundation, accompanied by Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy Director-General, visited the Exhibition and listened to detailed presentations on the contents of the Exhibition’s various pavilions and the modern display technologies, which virtually take the visitor back to the time of the Prophet (PBUH).

    At the end of the tour, Dr. El Khamlichi commended ICESCO’s hosting of the Exhibition, pointing out that it addresses its visitors, especially the youth by using the latest virtual and augmented reality technologies to present the Prophet’s Seerah in a simplified, scientific and encyclopedic way.

    ICESCO and the University of Malaya Discuss Cooperation Prospects in Civilizational Dialogue

    The Center for Civilizational Dialogue of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held a meeting with the Center for Civilizational Dialogue at the University of Malaya, Malaysia, to discuss ways and mechanisms for building cooperation in the field of promoting civilizational dialogue and organizing joint programs and activities.

    During the meeting, held on Wednesday (February 15, 2023), via videoconference, Ambassador Khaled Fathalrahman, Director of ICESCO Center for Civilizational Dialogue, reviewed the salient projects, programs and activities of the Center, stressing the importance of joint action, dialogue and cooperation to promote peace.
    For her part, Dr Azizan Baharuddin, Director of the Center for Civilizational Dialogue at the University of Malaya, gave a presentation on the goals, programs and activities of the Center and its areas of action, noting the importance of promoting civilizational dialogue to contribute to peacebuilding.

    The meeting also discussed practical proposals for cooperation between ICESCO and the University of Malaya to strengthen the organization’s role in the civilizational dialogue. The two parties also agreed to continue coordination to hold an international conference on the concept and applications of civilizational dialogue, encouraging civilizational diplomacy, and making cultural diversity an incentive to achieve harmony among civilizations.

    The meeting saw the presence of Dr. Sidra Tariq Jamil, expert at the Center for Civilizational Dialogue of ICESCO, in addition to Dr. Asmawati Muhamad, Deputy Director of the Center for Civilizational Dialogue at the University, Mr. Chang Lee Wei, Senior Research Officer, and Mr. Ahmad Mohamad, Program Officer.

    Meeting to discuss implementation plan for Professional Teaching Certificates Project in Egypt

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held the first meeting of the Coordinating Committee for the implementation of the “International Professional Teaching Certificates” Project in the Arab Republic of Egypt. The meeting is aimed at examining the project’s implementation plan, launching its first phase, and discussing the roles of the co-implementing partners under the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed in August 2022 between ICESCO, the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and the Saleh Abdullah Kamel Humanitarian Foundation (SAKHF).

    During the meeting, which was held on Monday, 13 February 2023, via videoconference, the Committee members welcomed the plan’s contents and the general design of the project, which will benefit two thousand (2,000) male and female teachers in several pre-selected Egyptian governorates.

    At the close of the meeting, the Committee agreed on convening a second meeting in Cairo in March 2023.

    Mr. Mohamed Hedi Shili, Director of ICESCO’s Legal Affairs and International Standards Department, Committee Chair, Ms. Sally Mabrouk, Director of ICESCO DG’s Cabinet, Committee member, and Ms. Rana Al-Asbhi from the Legal Affairs and International Standards Department, Committee Rapporteur, represented the Organization at the meeting, which brought together representatives of King Saud University (KSU) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, sponsor of the project’s academic section, representatives of the Egyptian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, and representatives of the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Ministry of Education and Technical Education.

    It is worth noting that the “International Professional Teaching Certificates” Project aims to build a comprehensive system for equipping teachers and education specialists with the necessary competencies in their various fields of specialization to achieve and develop the objectives set out in curricula.

    ICESCO Director-General offers condolences to Türkiye following the devastating earthquake

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and a delegation of the Organization’s officials, paid a visit to the Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye in Rabat, on Monday, 13 February 2023, to offer condolences following the devastating earthquake that claimed thousands of lives and injuries in Türkiye.

    Ambassador Omer Faruk Dogan, Turkish Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco, conveyed his thanks and gratitude to ICESCO DG and his accompanying delegation for the visit, noting that the massive earthquake which struck an area of over 700,000 square kilometers had grievous consequences and affected more than five (5) million Turkish citizens.

    Dr. AlMalik, for his part, and on behalf of all ICESCO staff, extended his sincere condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims and the Turkish government and people, stressing that the Organization stands ready to provide all the needed support and assistance in its areas of competence.

    ICESCO concludes training session in Sudan on writing African languages in Arabic script

    The training session on writing local African languages in Arabic script, which was held by the Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in cooperation with the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the Yusuf Al-Khalifa Center for Writing Languages in Arabic Script at the International University of Africa (IUA), concluded its proceedings.

    Hosted at IUA headquarters, the two-week training session benefited over forty (40) participants from twenty (20) African countries.

    The beneficiaries were introduced to the latest developments in language computerization and the educational strategies and technical steps for computerizing local oral languages and writing them in Arabic script. They then presented various research projects on local idioms, proverbs and stories, some of which they translated and wrote in Arabic script.

    The training session, which was facilitated by experts in linguistics, language computerization and educational sciences, comes in the implementation of the terms of the cooperation agreement signed between ICESCO, IsDB and IUA, which is aimed at responding to the needs of Member States in preserving the local languages of Muslim African communities by writing them in Arabic script.

    Dr. Saber Abdullah Mohamed, Director of the Training Department at IUA supervised the organization of the training session. The beneficiaries received certificates of participation at the close of the session.

    1st ICESCO Forum “Women in Sport” Calls for Strengthening Women’s Leadership in Sport

    During their participation in the 1st ICESCO Forum “Women in Sport,” high-level officials and internationally renowned champions in various sports unanimously agreed on the importance of strengthening women’s participation in sports and encouraging girls to become leaders in this sector as it plays an important role in achieving social cohesion, combating violence and extremism and supporting vulnerable categories.

    The Forum, held on Friday, February 10, 2023, at the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in Rabat, kicked off with a recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, followed by an opening address by Mrs. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Head of ICESCO’s Social and Human Sciences Sector, in which she stated that the Forum aims at encouraging women’s participation, enhancing the role of women’s leadership in sport, promoting the exchange of experiences and highlighting the role of sport in social development, peacebuilding and the fight against all forms of violence.

    The Forum’s opening session began with an address by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, in which he emphasized that enabling girls to participate in sports is a social responsibility, stressing that the Organization’s vision considers sport as a powerful tool for positive change and for building peace and security. He added that sport-related modules have been integrated into ICESCO’s “Peace 360” approach and the Youth and Women Leadership Training in Peace and Security Programme (LTIPS).

    He also highlighted the huge participation in the first edition of ICESCO Marathon and commended the role of the Organization’s programme for the rehabilitation of children in vulnerable situations through relying on football in strengthening the protection of children, providing them with educational opportunities and combating violence.

    The Director General concluded his address by announcing that ICESCO has dedicated an award to the most innovative and inclusive community sports initiatives, which aim to support research and awareness efforts in sports. He also expressed the Organization’s intention to launch its International Youth Sports Volunteer Program.

    In his address, Dr. Chakib Benmoussa, Moroccan Minister of National Education, Preschool and Sports, stressed that sport is a cornerstone in building society and training productive individuals. He reviewed the efforts of the Kingdom in encouraging women’s sports activities.

    For his part, Mr. Mustapha Messaoudi, Secretary General of the Department of Youth at the Moroccan Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, stressed that the Ministry works to increase the percentage of women’s participation in sport, to enhance their achievements in this field and to allow them to occupy leadership positions in sports federations.

    In a recorded speech, Ms. Fatma Samoura, FIFA Secretary General, congratulated ICESCO for holding the Forum, stressing that sport contributes to overcoming barriers, building a more equal world and rehabilitating women at the physical, economic and social levels.

    For her part, Ms. Thobi Etame Ndedi, Secretary General of CONFEJES, stressed in her address that the contribution of men is essential to the development of women’s sport, and called for the support of girls in practicing sport, while Mr. Massimiliano Montanari – CEO, International Center for Sport Security, reaffirmed in a recorded address that women’s sport has overcome several challenges, noting that the participation of women in leadership can create a safer sports environment.

    In her address, Ms. Kanizat Ibrahim, Vice President of the Confederation of African Football (CAF), called for reflection on how to support women in the field of sport in terms of practice, management and leadership.

    Ms. Laura Stéphanie Georges, Secretary General of the French Football Federation (FFF), delivered a speech in which she commended the Forum, which was an opportunity to exchange views in support of women’s participation in sport, in the presence of inspiring women who have accomplished several athletic achievements.

    Mr. Yankhoba Diattara, Senegalese Minister of Sports, in a speech delivered on his behalf by Ms. Coumba Senghor, Advisor to the Ministry, praised ICESCO’s Forum and stated that it will help support women in sport as a socio-economic lever. Similarly, Mr. Didier Drogba, former Ivorian international footballer, commended the Forum and reaffirmed the importance of sport in consolidating social cohesion and achieving sustainable development. He also stressed the need to train women and youth as builders of the future.

    After the opening session, the first session started with a debate with the participation of Ms. Kanizat Ibrahim, CAF Vice President, Ms. Filomena Fortes, IOC member, President of the Cape Verdean National Olympic Committee, and Ms. Honey Thaljieh, FIFA Corporate Communication Manager, first captain of the Palestinian Women’s National Team, in addition to a group of young people. The participants discussed the exchange of experiences to enrich the intergenerational dialogue.

    The second session focused on lessons learned from initiatives to encourage the contribution of women in sport, with the participation of Ms. Laura Stéphanie Georges, FFF Secretary General, Ms. Dina Musharraf, Egyptian international table tennis champion, and Ms. Miriam Walker-Khan, international sports journalist.

    At the close of the Forum, ICESCO’s Director General called on the concerned stakeholders to work together for the development of women’s sports, underlining ICESCO’s support for these efforts and its full readiness to cooperate with all actors in order to achieve this goal.

    ICESCO takes part in LEAP 2023 in Riyadh

    The Center for Strategic Foresight at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the Second Edition of the International Tech Conference, LEAP 2023 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, an event that brought together more than 100,000 tech innovators and experts to explore innovative ideas and build new partnerships and relations with investors and stakeholders in the field of technology.

    Dr. Kais Hammami, Head of the Center, represented ICESCO at the Conference, which concluded its proceedings on Thursday, February 9, 2023. Dr. Hammami also took part in several meetings held between the Saudi National Commission for Education, Science and Culture and the Conference organizers, notably the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property; the Saudi Authority for Data and Artificial Intelligence, Al-Faisal University, and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. Likewise, the ICESCO representative participated in the visit to Neom City Project.

    The meetings discussed the prospects of cooperation between ICESCO and Saudi institutions in the fields of strategic foresight, AI ethics, protection of intellectual property and personal data, education, scientific research and technology. Dr. Hammani reaffirmed that ICESCO commits to supporting its Member States to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and promoting strategic foresight to achieve the desired positive change.

    ICESCO and the General Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council Explore Partnership Prospects in the Cultural Field

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Department of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities of the General Secretariat of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf () held a meeting to discuss prospects for cooperation and build a strategic partnership between ICESCO and GCC General Secretariat in the cultural field.

    During the meeting, held on Thursday (February 9, 2023) via visual videoconference, Ms. Amira El-Fadil, Head of Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector at ICESCO, expressed the Organization’s keenness to enhance cooperation with the GCC in the fields of culture and heritage, within the framework of its endeavor to maximize the role of culture and promote solidarity between Muslim.

    Dr. Mohammed Zinelabidine, Head of Culture and Communication Sector at ICESCO, reviewed the proposed cooperation, most notably projects and programs in the field of cultural economy, the purple economy, and the inscription of archaeological sites and cultural elements on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage List.

    For his part, Dr. Saad bin Mohammed Al-Zoghaibi, Director of the Department of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities, expressed the keenness of the General Secretariat to cooperate with ICESCO in culture and heritage, within the framework of the openness and cooperation initiative of the General Secretariat.
    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed to sign a joint memorandum of understanding covering the fields of culture and tangible and intangible heritage to embody cooperation during the coming period.

    The meeting saw the participation of Dr. Nami Salehi, Director of the Islamic World Heritage Center at ICESCO, Dr. Salim Al Habsi, Programs Manager at ICESCO General Secretariat of National Commissions and Conferences, and Mr. Omar Hamed, expert at the Partnership and International Cooperation Sector of ICESCO, as well as Mr. Bandar Al-Makhlafi, Head of the Department of Culture and Arts the General Secretariat of the Council.

    Discussing Arrangements for Organizing Closing Ceremony of Yaoundé Culture Capital of Islamic World for 2022

    A delegation from the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held a series of meetings with several officials in the Republic of Cameroon to discuss the activities being implemented as part of the Yaoundé celebration as Culture Capital of the Islamic World for 2022 and the arrangements for organizing the closing ceremony of the celebration scheduled for June 2023.

    During the meeting of the ICESCO delegation with Mr. Bidoung Kpwatt Ismaël, Minister of Arts and Culture of Cameroon, the Minister commended the activities carried out by the Organization and its role in contributing to the success of the Yaoundé celebration programme, stressing the need for closer cooperation between ICESCO and the Republic of Cameroon.

    For his part, Mr. Najib Riati, Cultural Advisor to ICESCO Director General, reaffirmed that the Organization accords great importance to promoting the programme of Culture Capitals of the Islamic World as part of its open vision. At the close of the meeting, he gave the minister a set of the Organization’s publications in the fields of heritage, bearing the logo of the Yaoundé Culture Capital.

    During the delegation’s meeting with Mrs. Stadjem Sawudi, Director of Festivals and Creative Industries at the Ministry of Culture and Arts, and Chairperson of the Higher Committee for the celebration of Yaoundé as Culture Capital, the parties discussed the Ministry’s ongoing arrangements to hold the closing ceremony of the celebration in June 2023.

    The delegation also explored the ongoing preparations for the implementation of several activities of the celebration programme during its meeting with Mr. Amadou Nachouwat, Supervisor of ICESCO Chair for Cultural Diversity at the University of Yaoundé.

    During the delegation’s meeting with Dr. Hugues Heumen Tchana, Director of the National Museum of Yaoundé, which hosted the official launch ceremony of the Yaoundé Culture Capital of the Islamic World, the parties discussed the possibility of allocating a hall bearing the name of ICESCO in the museum to be inaugurated during the closing ceremony of the celebration.

    The Organization held the National Forum on Cultural Heritage and Local Development in Cameroon, in cooperation and coordination with the Cameroonian National Commission during the visit of ICESCO delegation to Yaoundé, and launched a photography competition to win ICESCO prizes for the most beautiful pictures of the city of Yaoundé and its heritage and artistic features.

    ICESCO’s delegation composed of Dr. Mohamed Aba Osman, Expert in the Organization’s Culture and Communication Sector, and Ms. Ghizlan Ben Taouet, Coordinator of the Office of the Cultural Advisor to the Director General.

    Bahraini Ambassador to Morocco visits the Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah at ICESCO headquarters

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Ambassador Khalid bin Salman bin Jabr Al-Musallam, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the Kingdom of Morocco, during his visit to the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, at ICESCO headquarters, in Rabat

    During the meeting, held on Thursday (9 February 2023), Dr. AlMalik commended the great cooperation between ICESCO and the Kingdom of Bahrain, stressing the Organization’s keenness to keep pace with the strategic orientations of its Member States to develop the fields of education, science and culture, and identify their needs and priorities with a view to designing appropriate programs and projects for each country.

    He also indicated that the initiative to organize the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, in Rabat, is one of the outcomes of the strategic partnership between ICESCO, the Muslim World League and the Mohammadia League of Scholars.

    After the meeting, Ambassador Al-Musallam, made a tour of the Exhibition, accompanied by Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy Director-General, during which he listened to detailed explanations about the various sections of the Exhibition and the modern display technologies, which virtually take the visitor to the time of the Prophet (PBUH).

    At the end of the tour, Ambassador Al-Musallam commended ICESCO’s hosting of the Exhibition and Museum, pointing out that it presents Prophet’s biography in a simplified manner using the latest virtual and augmented reality technologies, which explain the large number of visitors from all age groups.