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    Approval of inscription of 120 archeological sites on the Islamic World Heritage List

    Today at the headquarters of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), the Extraordinary Meeting of the Islamic World Heritage Committee closed with approving the inscription of 120 heritage sites in the Islamic world, of which 117 sites on the Islamic World Heritage List and 3 sites on the newly created List of Islamic World Heritage in Danger.  

    This meeting was held as part of ISESCO’s efforts to conserve civilizational heritage in the Islamic world and promote its efforts aiming to safeguard and document the elements of tangible heritage in Member States in implementation of its new vision on heritage and culture.

    The meeting brought together the representatives of the Member States of the Committee, namely the State of Kuwait, Republic of Iraq, Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Republic of Cameroon, Republic of Cote d’Ivoire, and the Federal Republic of Nigeria, as well as two representatives of the Assisting Scientific Commission from the Kingdom of Morocco. Nevertheless, the representatives of the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Uzbekistan could not attend.

    The meeting, convened on 2-3 December 2019, examined the items placed on the agenda. After due deliberations, Mr. Najib Ghiati, Director of Culture at ISESCO, announced that the Committee approved the inscription of 117 sites on ISESCO’s Islamic World Heritage List, of which 49 new sites on the Final List and 5 new sites and 53 sites on the Tentative List inscribed on UNESCO Tentative List as well.

    Mr. Ghiati stated that the Committee inscribed 3 sites in Yemen on the List Islamic World Heritage in Danger while 7 other sites were deferred.

    The Committee agreed to create an exclusive list of the holy sites in the Islamic world covering Al-Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Al-Masjid an-Nabawi in Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah and Al-Aqsa Mosque in Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and examine the proposal of establishing the Islamic World Museums Week.

    Moreover, the Committee urged ISESCO General Directorate to dispatch a technical committee of experts to the Republic of Yemen for assistance in rehabilitating cultural heritage and natural reserves in danger; inscribing further monuments on the Islamic World Heritage List, in coordination with the relevant competent parties in Yemen; allocating a number of executive programmes for Member States to inscribe industrial heritage sites on WHL and IWHL. The Committee is also tasked with organizing intensive training sessions for Member States’ staff so as to be able to prepare application files of heritage sites and intangible heritage elements for inscription on the IWHL.

    In the same vein, the Committee reaffirmed the importance of urging Member States’ competent parties to prepare exclusive lists for the elements of tangible and intangible heritage, provide relevant necessary information to be published on the “Web Portal for Historical Monuments and Archeological Sites and Sites in the Islamic World”, created by ISESCO to list the historic landmmarks and heritage sites of civilizational and human significance in its Member States; and set up an interactive online bibliographic database for the elements of architectural and urban heritage in the Islamic world.

    The Committee requested that Members States’ culture ministers be invited, through the 11th Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers (Tunis, 17-18 December 2019), to contribute to the implementation of further programmes of cultural heritage preservation and submission of more application files for inscription on the IWHL.

    At the close of the meeting, the Committee thanked H.E. Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ISESCO Director General, and the General Directorate for the good hospitality, their sustained efforts to protect cultural and natural heritage in the Islamic world and their keenness to improve the performance of the IWHC and maintain the periodicity of its meetings.

    ISESCO Director General receives President of Naïf Arab University for Security Sciences (NAUSS)

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, today at the Organization’s headquarters in Rabat, received Dr. Abdulmajeed bin Abdullah Albanyan, President of Naïf Arab University for Security Sciences (NAUSS) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the accompanying delegation, and together they explored cooperation prospects between ISESCO and NAUSS in various fields.

    During the meeting, the two parties agreed to conduct joint research and studies, hold symposia and conferences at ISESCO and NAUSS and many Member States in the fields of the fight against extremist thought and zealotry; strategic anticipation in social fields; and cyber-security to promote global peace and security and develop forecasting programmes for natural disasters and their risk reduction.

    The meeting was held as part of ISESCO’s new vision and future action programme that promote openness to civil society organizations, research and studies centers and universities, thereby according utmost attention to youth empowerment and capacity-building through effective programmes with measureable direct impact.

    A permanent and supportive member of the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), NAUSS hosts the Center of Scientific Research Ethics at its Riyadh-based headquarters. A number of symposia and workshops have been co-held by ISESCO, NAUSS and the FUIW.

    AlMalik and Abyaba explore cooperation between ISESCO and Morocco in sector of youth and protection of heritage

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), explored with Mr. Hassan Abyaba, Moroccan Minister of Culture, Youth, Sports and Spokesperson of the Moroccan Government, ways to develop cooperation between ISESCO and the Kingdom of Morocco.

    This was part of the meeting of Dr. AlMalik and ISESCO delegation with Mr. Abyaba at the headquarters of the Communication Department. The two parties agreed to inscribe a larger number of Moroccan heritage sites on the Islamic World Heritage List, which ISESCO has taken great steps to enrich as part of the Organization’s new vision to build a capacity-building system so as to safeguard and rehabilitate the cultural and civilizational heritage to contribute more strongly to the economic and social development of ISESCO Member States.

    ISESCO and the Moroccan Ministry have agreed to cooperate in restoring the heritage sites in ISESCO Member States, benefit from Moroccan expertise in the field, examine the nomination of Rabat to be the Capital of Islamic Culture, and provide ISESCO with a set of masterpieces, which reflect the aesthetics of the Moroccan handicrafts, to be exhibited at ISESCO headquarters.

    Moreover, Dr. AlMalik invited Mr. Abyaba to attend the 2nd gathering of ISESCO Cultural Forum, to be held on 10 December 2019, which hosts Dr. Ahmed Abbadi, Secretary General of Mohammedan League of Scholars, Member of the National Human Rights Council of the Kingdom of Morocco (CNDH), who will give a general lecture, under the theme “From human rights to humanity rights: Exploring contextual and knowledge requirements and approaching mechanisms”.

    As for the human and social issues, ISESCO Director General and the Moroccan Minister explored the involvement of Moroccan young people in the programmes of capacity-building and combating domestic violence, particularly against children, and other programmes organized by ISESCO.

    The meeting also tackled ISESCO’s Strategic Anticipation Centre, the importance of such discipline nowadays, its relation with creative industries, and anticipating professions of tomorrow in the field of culture.

    The meeting was attended from the Ministry by Mr. Mustapha Eltimi, Secretary General of the Sector of Communication, and Mr. Abdelilah Eltahani, Director of Communication and Public Relations; and from ISESCO by Ms. Rahmata Almamy Mbaye, Director of Human and Social Sciences, Dr. Kais Hammami, Director of the Strategic Anticipation Centre, and Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Cultural Advisor to the Director General.

    IWHC Extraordinary Meeting kicks off at ISESCO headquarters

    Today, the Extraordinary Meeting of the Islamic World Heritage Committee (IWHC) kicked off at the headquarters of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) in Rabat, and will convene over the course of two days.

    In the ISESCO address he gave at the opening session, Mr. Najib Rhiati, Director of Culture at ISESCO, warned that the List of World Heritage in Danger includes 37 sites in the Islamic world, out of the List’s 54 sites, accounting for about 70% of the sites in danger. “Our mission today is to build a new system capable of building capacities to safeguard and rehabilitate our cultural and civilizational heritage to contribute more strongly in our countries’ respective socio-economic development”, the ISESCO official noted.

    Likewise, Mr. Rhiati reaffirmed that ISESCO’s new vision directs greater attention to promoting the efforts exerted in safeguarding, rehabilitating and investing in cultural heritage by focusing on programmes and activities that aim to give heritage its due importance and promote its role in consolidating cultural identity and achieving socio-economic development.

    These goals are in harmony with the contents of the recommendations issued by the IWHC Eighth Meeting, which stressed the need to direct more attention to safeguarding this heritage, and create contracts between the governmental sectors in charge of heritage, specialized international bodies, and the organizations of civil society operating in this field to draw a participatory roadmap with complementary roles. The Committee also recommended the inscription of more cultural heritage sites on the Islamic World Heritage List (IWHL), the creation of ISESCO’s Web Portal for Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites in the Islamic World, and the proclamation of a museum week in the Islamic world.

    On another note, during the opening session, Dr. Waleed Alsaif, the IWHC Chair, welcomed the meeting’s participants and extended his thanks to ISESCO and its General Directorate for holding this extraordinary meeting in the best conditions, and commended the Organization’s intention to inscribe one hundred (100) new heritage site on the Islamic World Heritage List.

    Afterwards, Dr. Ezzedin Al-Asbahi, Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen, gave a presentation on “heritage and reserves in the Republic of Yemen: reality and challenges”.

    A group photo of the participants was taken prior to proceeding to the meeting’s working sessions.

    ISESCO to participate in Coordination Meeting of OIC organs and institutions

    The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) will take part in the annual Coordination Meeting of the OIC Organs and Institutions, to be held at the headquarters of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on 4-5 December 2019.

    This meeting aims to assess the programmes and activities implemented in 2018-2019 as part of the OIC Ten-Year Action Plan (2015-2025) and promote cooperation and coordination among the OIC organs and institutions in supporting Member States’ efforts in various areas.

    The meeting will bring together the representatives of the OIC specialized, subsidiary and affiliated institutions, and standing committees. ISESCO will be represented by Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Director of External Relations and Cooperation, and Dr. Mohamed Hedi Shili, Legal Advisor to Director General, who will present a report on ISESCO’s activities and efforts as part of implementing the OIC Ten-Year Action Plan for 2018-2019, in cooperation, partnership  and coordination with the OIC organs and institutions.

    The two representatives will also give a presentation on the programmes and activities implemented by ISESCO under its current Action Plan and within the realm of its competence, namely education, science and culture, for the benefit of Member States and Muslim communities outside the Islamic world.

    Social transformations and strategic anticipation to be discussed at open meeting at ISESCO

    The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) will host an open meeting with Dr. Alioune Sall, Founder, Executive Director of the African Futures Institute in South Africa, at 10.30 a.m. on Wednesday 4 December 2019, to discuss Social transformations and strategic anticipation.

    The meeting will discuss anticipatory culture and simplify the notion of strategic anticipation and its interaction with social transformations, with the participation of Dr. Kais Hammami, Expert, Director of the Center of Strategic Anticipation; Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Director of Human and Social Sciences.

    The event will be held as part of ISESCO’s new vision through which it seeks to turn into a beacon of global outreach by promoting wider openness to the world, cooperation with international organizations sharing the same fields of action. It also aims to support civil society, protect children, give refugees and the displaced access to education and promote the new roles of artificial intelligence (AI) and future education models.

    The meeting is open to the interested public for attendance and contribution to the open debate.

    Preparation for Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers and closing ceremony of Tunis as Capital of Islamic Culture

    the Tunisian Ministry of Cultural Affairs, yesterday in Tunis, held the meeting of the Joint Preparatory Committee of the 11th Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers and the closing ceremony of Tunis as Capital of Islamic Culture for 2019, due to be held on 17-18 December 2019. The meeting was presided over by Dr. Mohamed Zine El Abidine, Tunisian Minister of Cultural Affairs, and attended by Mr. Mohamed Ghemari, Director of the Executive Council, General Conference and the Specialized Ministerial Conferences of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO).

    In addition to officials of the Tunisian Ministry of Cultural Affairs, the meeting brought together the representatives of the Tunisian Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Local Affairs and Environment, Tourism and Handicrafts, Equipment, Housing and Territorial Planning, and the Tunisian Customs as well as Tunis’ Municipality and Governorate.

    During this meeting, Dr. Zine El Abidine stressed the need to provide adequate logistic and technical organization and media coverage for this Conference to reflect the event’s value and Tunisia’s position in the Islamic world. He also lauded the efforts exerted throughout a whole year to ensure the success of this event, give the Conference due attention in both Tunisia and the Islamic world, and upgrade the Islamic culture’s presence in the Tunisian cultural identity.

    On his side, Mr. Ghemari commended the cooperation between ISESCO and the Tunisian Ministry of Cultural Affairs and the other official bodies concerned with the event to ensure its success and highlight the position of Tunisia.

    Moreover, the meeting reviewed the overall cultural activities and events organized throughout a whole year in Tunis as the Capital of Islamic Culture, and the participation of some of Tunisian internal parties with Islamic civilizational dimension and national and Islamic significance. The participants also explored the necessary measures and arrangements, and the final preparations for the 11th Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers and the closing ceremony of Tunis as the Capital of Islamic Culture on 17-18 December 2019.

    Workshop in Doha to promote green cities in ISESCO Member States

    The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), in cooperation with the Qatari National Commission for Education, Science and Culture will hold a workshop on the promotion of green cities in Muslim countries, in Doha, on 2-3 December 2019. The workshop will bring together 40 experts and the representatives of the ministries of urban planning, environment, planning, higher education, scientific research and civil society from Algeria, Brunei Darussalam, Iran, Qatar and Uganda.

    The workshop aims to increase the number of green cities in ISESCO Member States by inviting all involved stakeholders, namely policymakers, civil society, scientists, universities, and the public and private sectors, to examine all the available mechanisms that can be mobilized to support policies and legal systems likely to promote green cities, in line with the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030.

    ISESCO will be represented in the event by Dr. Aicha Bammoun, Programme Specialist at the Directorate of Science and Technology.

    It is worth noting that more than 50% of the world’s population (about 7.5 billion people) are city dwellers. According to the UN, urban population will represent 70% of the world’s population by 2050 which will in turn grow by 2.5 billion people by 2050.

    The primary challenge of this growth lies in meeting the needs of growing urban population, spanning decent housing, infrastructure, transport, energy, potable water and access to basic services, like education and healthcare. Therefore, developing cities may well fit with sustainable development mechanisms and benefit from urban development and policies relevant to sustainable development goals, especially low-cost clean energy.

    ISESCO to participate in organizing a medical, social and educational caravan in Jordan next December

    The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) and Alwaleed Philanthropies, in cooperation with the Ministers of Health and Education, the University of Jordan and the National Commission for Education, Science and Culture in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, will organize a medical, social and educational caravan for the benefit of the population of Al Jofa region, South Shouna, Jordan from 15 to 19 December 2019.

    In this respect, Dr. Amina Al-Hajri, ISESCO Deputy Director General, paid a preparatory visit to the targeted region to examine the final arrangements and obtain the approval of the official authorities of the medical, educational and social needs. She also made field visits to know people’s needs, visited garment factories and hospitals, and met with medical doctors to determine the needed specialties.

    Furthermore, Dr. Al-Hajri met with the President of the University of Jordan, the Secretary General of the Jordanian National Commission and the Director of the “Faculty for Factory” project, who represent ISESCO partners in implementing the caravan, in order to finalize the preparations.

    Cooperation between ISESCO and Libya explored

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, received Abdelmajid Ghait Seif Ennasr, Chargé d’Affaires of the Libyan Embassy in Rabat, today at the Organization’s headquarters and together they explored ways to further cooperation between ISESCO and the State of Libya in the fields of education, science and culture under ISESCO’s new vision and future action strategy.

    Talks during this meeting centered on the obstacles to education process in Libya and possible measures to overcome them and ways to allocate some programmes for Libya, namely in safe areas which are most in need for some educational services, as part of ISESCO’s new vision that focuses on sustainable development issues, elimination of poverty, counter-terrorism and eradication of extremism, youth and women empowerment, support of civil society, child protection and teaching of refugees and displaced people.

    Moreover, the two parties considered inviting a delegation from the World Islamic Call Society, a Libyan philanthropy, to discuss cooperation prospects in the common action areas.

    For his part, ISESCO Director General reaffirmed the need to attract some qualified Libyan competencies to work at the Organization and invite a Libyan intellectual to lecture at one of ISESCO’s Cultural Forum gatherings.

    The meeting was attended by Dr. Ahmed Said Ould Bah, Director of External Relations and Cooperation; Dr. Kais Hammami, Director of Strategic Anticipation; and Dr. Abdelilah Ben Arafa, Cultural Advisor to ISESCO Director General.