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    ICESCO Holds Awareness Workshop on Modern Technological Concepts in Education in Jordan

    The Science and Technology sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in collaboration with the Jordanian National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science, is conducting an awareness workshop on Modern Technological Concepts for a Selected Group of Ministry of Education Staff in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The aim of this workshop is to enhance technological awareness and assist participants in understanding the latest technologies and technological concepts, particularly in the field of education, including applications of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, and distance learning.

    The workshop, which commenced on Monday, August 21, 2023, in the capital city Amman, will continue over two days: August 31, 2023, in Irbid, and September 7, 2023, in Aqaba. Its focus is on developing digital teaching skills and promoting safe technology use. This involves introducing and discussing technology-related privacy protection and how to responsibly engage with it. Participants will also be trained on using social media and modern technologies to enhance communication and promote digital transformation in educational institutions.

    During the opening session of the workshop, conducted through video communication, Dr. Adel Smeda, an expert in the Science and Technology sector at ICESCO, highlighted the Organization’s efforts to encourage Member States to harness the potential of digital technologies in supporting the educational process and assisting education professionals in the digital transformation domains. This is achieved through the development and implementation of initiatives, projects, and training courses about the latest innovations in the digital field.
    Dr. Ibtisam Aqqab Ayoub, Secretary-General of the Jordanian National Commission for Education, Culture, and Sciences, praised ICESCO’s role in supporting Member States to enhance the educational process through activities and programs that encourage the utilization of emerging technologies in learning and education.

    Addressing the Conference on “Regulating Freedoms”:ICESCO Director-General calls for strengthening the system of values and the principles of freedom

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), stressed the need for concerted efforts to ensure the right of people to freedom in the same manner they enjoy other rights, calling for countering the risks associated with metaverse and artificial intelligence applications, which threaten the system of values and ethics and the principles of freedom, and warn people against losing their freedoms in favour of machines.

    This statement came in ICESCO DG’s address, delivered on Thursday, August 24, 2023, at the opening session of the International Conference on “Regulating Freedoms in Accordance with Islamic Values and Principles of International Law,” organized by the League of Islamic Universities, at ICESCO Headquarters, in Rabat, which brought together high-level scholars and religious leaders, university presidents, thinkers and researchers in international law.

    In the same vein, ICESCO DG highlighted that Muslims in the early days of Islam fully understood the message of our religion, which calls for liberation from humiliation and subjugation, and, thus, they ruled the world with justice and fairness. “On the other hand, scientific and technical development without taking into consideration people’s cultural and social differences yielded a single story that seeks to standardize civilizational awareness and set the Western experience as a model to follow for all humanity,” he added.

    He also pointed out that in an effort to confront the prejudiced campaign, which allows some ignorant ideological trends to attack the Holy Quran, ICESCO announced its initiative “Read it to understand it,” which is characterized by comprehensiveness, accuracy and seriousness as a positive response in the face of these miserable campaigns, calling for resolute efforts to highlight the true image of the Islamic civilization, the civilization of creativity, sophistication and science.

    In his address, Sheikh Dr. Muhammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, President of the League of Islamic Universities and chairman of the Organization of Muslim Scholars, stressed that freedoms morally and spiritually cannot remain uncontrolled as Islam guarantees rights and freedoms, indicating that most world countries seek to establish peace and harmony in their societies within the framework of shared commonalities between various groups of society far from ignorance, materialism, grudges and ideologies.

    For his part, Dr. Shawki Allam, Grand Mufti of the Arab Republic of Egypt, highlighted that the issues of rights and freedoms have become at the core of intellectual, literary and philosophical debates, especially with the great technological development that has provided greater space for communication between peoples, pointing out that the Holy Quran calls upon people to fulfill their duties while enjoying their rights, and that development loses its meaning and deviates from its purpose to serve humanity if stripped from the moral system.

    Dr. Sami al-Sharif, Secretary-General of the League of Islamic Universities, explained that this conference comes within the framework of the relentless efforts to promote rights and freedoms in the Islamic world as the system of religious values in Islam stresses the common human ancestry and the centrality of human rights and freedoms.

    The conference agenda also featured scientific sessions on various themes, including the philosophy of freedom and intellectual trends, the concept of freedom from the Islamic perspective, freedom under the principles of international law, the anarchy of freedom and the fuelling of civilizational clash, and the leading initiatives in regulating the freedom of opinion and expression.

    ICESCO organizes international symposium and capacity-building workshop on genomics in Malaysia

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is organizing an international symposium and capacity-building workshop, under the theme: “Precision Medicine Symposium and Workshop for the Development of Genomics Workforce”, in Malaysia, with the participation of several international experts. The event aims to raise awareness of genomic data processing and its use in providing medical care to patients.

    During the opening session of the five-day symposium, on Monday, August 14, 2023, Dr. Nor Fariza bint Ngah, Deputy Director-General of Health at the Malaysian Ministry of Health, stressed the importance of supporting cutting-edge technologies in medical care, praising ICESCO’s efforts in supporting its Member States in this regard. For his part, Dr. Raheel Qamar, Head of ICESCO’s Science and Technology Sector, delivered a speech via videoconference, in which he stressed the importance of integrating precision medicine into medical care in the Organization’s Member States.

    The opening session was followed by in-depth discussions between participating experts on precision medicine, presentations by genomics experts, and the launch of an exhibition of state-of-the-art equipment used in this field.

    During the intensive workshop, participants and trainees will learn ways to manipulate genomic data to arrive at accurate conclusions for appropriate medical treatment and to reduce the adverse effects of randomly administered drugs.

    ICESCO Launches a Programme to Plant 500,000 Trees in Togo

    On Monday (7 August 2023), the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) launched a programme aiming to plant 500,000 trees in the Togolese Republic, in partnership with the Togolese National Commission for ICESCO, as part of the activities aiming at supporting the Togo 2023 reforestation campaign.

    The launch of the four-day programme witnessed mobilizing and training of the local population for planting gum trees and various other species. Additionally, the local population has also benefited from awareness-raising activities on the importance of environmental protection and reforestation of desertification-affected areas, the governance of natural resource exploitation, the rehabilitation of degraded land, the promotion of agricultural best practices to contribute to providing sustainable income and achieving development in Tsévié, sokodé and Kpalimé in Togo.

    An area of 55 hectares has been covered over the two first days, with plans to continue the reforestation efforts until it covers 100 hectares.
    During the launch, attended by Mr. Alf Ousino Karamo, the Secretary-General of the Togolese National Commission, Dr. Ismaïla Diallo, expert at ICESCO Science and Technology Sector, reviewed the best tree-planting practices as well as the strategies and mechanisms for combatting desertification and enhancing the resilience of the ecosystem to preserve biodiversity, which is one of the strategic priorities defined by the Organisation to serve its Member States.

    ICESCO holds training session in Jordan on crisis-sensitive educational planning

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is holding a training session on capacity building in the field of educational planning in times of crises, in cooperation with the Jordanian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science. The session aims to provide planners with the necessary skills for educational planning in times of crises, spread knowledge, promote experience exchange among participants and discuss new trends in the field.

    The four-day training session, which kicked off on Monday, August 7, 2023 in Amman, focuses on practical applications to build the capacities of educational planners. The session benefits 25 educational planners, officials and workers in the planning departments and units in the ministries, bodies and centers concerned in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

    The opening session saw the attendance of Ms. Ibtisam Aqab Ayoub, Secretary-General of the Jordanian National Commission, who commended ICESCO’s efforts to develop educational systems and provide support for its Member States.

    For his part, Mr. Sultan Al-Khalif, Head of the Sector of Education at the Jordanian National Commission, delivered ICESCO’s address which highlighted the significance of the session in contributing to building the capacities of planners in the field of educational planning during crises.

    The training session focuses on the fundamentals, principles and types of crisis-sensitive planning, and discusses its purpose, stages and areas, and provides opportunities for practical applications for preparing crisis-sensitive educational plans. It also seeks to highlight participants’ expertise and experiences in educational planning in times of crises and share the Jordanian experience in this field.

    Successful CanSat launch at the end of ICESCO’s 3rd workshop in Türkiye

    The 3rd training workshop on the design of an educational satellite (CanSat) held by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in partnership with Istanbul Technical University in Türkiye, concluded with the successful launch of the satellite from Aksaray.

    The workshop, organized from July 31 to August 4, 2023, for 40 researchers and students from 27 ICESCO Member States, in the presence of an elite group of officials, astronauts and high-level international space science experts, included a theoretical framework to present the CanSat and the technologies used in its design, as well as practical work explaining the use of the accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope sensor, in addition to data collection and analysis, and the development and testing of landing systems.
    This successful experiment was followed by a closing ceremony held at Aksaray rocket launch range, during which Dr. Muhammed Sharif, Advisor in science and technology sector at ICESCO, underlined the Organization’s commitment to supporting the capacities of young people in Muslim countries. Dr. Raheel Qamar, Head of the Sector attended the ceremony.

    For his part, Dr. Alim Rüstem Aslan, Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Istanbul Technical University, and supervisor of the workshop reaffirmed the importance of strengthening partnerships between organizations, universities and research centers to develop innovation, technology and space science.

    At the end of the ceremony, the participants received certificates of achievement and expressed their thanks to ICESCO and the University for their support of young people’s skills in space technology. Tribute was also paid to the experts and managers behind the success of this 3rd edition of the workshop.

    In the heart of Nouakchott… Unveiling of a plaque commemorating the poem by ICESCO Director-General

    As part of the celebration of Nouakchott as the Culture Capital of the Islamic World, a plaque commemorating the poem “The Flower of Cultural Capitals” was unveiled. The poem was composed and recited by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, at the launch of the celebration in a major cultural event organized under the auspices and presidency of H.E. Mr. Mohamed Ould El Ghazouani, President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.

    During the ceremony, held on Friday, August 4, 2023, on the Place de la Liberté in the center of the capital, Ms. Fatimetou Abdel Malick, President of Nouakchott Region, emphasized that the plaque commemorating the poem “The Flower of Cultural Capitals” was an added value for the square, located in the heart of the capital and frequented by visitors from all over Mauritania.

    ICESCO was represented at the ceremony by Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Advisor to the Organization’s Director-General for Partnerships and International Cooperation and supervisor of the General Secretariat for National Commissions and Conferences, who explained that the creation of the commemorative plaque in a central location in the capital is one of the most important steps in the ongoing celebration of Nouakchott as the Capital of Culture of the Islamic World.

    A plaque containing the “Djéol” appeal to cultural diversity, launched by the Djéol Festival in March 2023 with the participation of the Organization, was also unveiled during the ceremony.

    The ceremony saw the presence of Mr. Mohamed Sidi Abdallah, Secretary General of the Mauritanian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, Secretary General of the Higher Committee in charge of preparing for the celebration of Nouakchott, Culture Capital of the Islamic World, and several officials representing the Ministries of Culture, Interior and Foreign Affairs.

    ICESCO participates in the International ILEM Summer School in Türkiye

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the eighth International ILEM Summer School entitled “Rethinking Arts and Aesthetics in the Islamic World: Concepts, Theories and Practices,” in Istanbul, Republic of Türkiye, organized by the Academic Studies Association “ILEM,” in partnership with the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum, to discuss key issues in the Islamic world by bringing together academics, researchers and artists from diverse backgrounds.

    ICESCO was represented by Ms. Zainab Bougrine, from the Culture and Communication Sector, as well as Dr. Asmaa Bouhadioui and Mr. Alaa Mawla Al-Duwailah, members of the Young Professionals Program, in this seven-day activity, which kicked off on Monday (July 24, 2023), along with 40 researchers from 15 countries. The participants reviewed the efforts of ICESCO in promoting the fields of culture and heritage through programs and initiatives in the Member States, including the preservation and promotion of heritage and its inscription on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage List, and holding several training workshops for the benefit of staff in the field.

    ICESCO delegation also met Mr. Taha Ayhan, President of the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum, at the Forum’s headquarters in Istanbul, where they discussed means of cooperation in developing youth capacities and preparing them for the professions of tomorrow and the prospects for implementing joint programs and projects between ICESCO and the Forum for the benefit of youth in the Islamic world.

    ICESCO holds the third session of CANSAT Symposium and Workshop in Türkiye

    The third session of the International Symposium on Space Sciences and the Training Workshop on Designing Educational Satellites (CANSAT), held by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in partnership with Istanbul Technical University, kicked off on Monday, July 31, 2023, in the Republic of Türkiye, under the theme “Building the Global Workforce for the Future,” in the presence of a high-level group of officials, astronauts and international experts in the field of space sciences, and with the participation of university students and researchers from 27 ICESCO Member States.

    The opening session began with an address by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), who expressed his happiness at the large attending audience, which highlights the commitment of the Organization and its Member States to contribute to the development of areas of knowledge, innovation and cooperation in exploring space science.

    Besides, Dr. AlMalik pointed out that ICESCO seeks to strengthen youth capacities through initiatives and programmes, most notably the proclamation of ICESCO’s Year of Youth, under the patronage of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah Al-Sissi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

    ICESCO DG also noted that the Organization seeks through cooperation with leading universities to promote scientific and technological progress in its Member States and raise awareness of the need to sponsor and advance the field of space science, adding that the Organization aims to enrich scientific knowledge and facilitate the prosperity of young people to become future leaders in space science.

    For his part, Dr. İsmail Koyuncu, President of Istanbul Technical University, during his address delivered on his behalf by Dr. Ali Deniz, Vice-President of the University, highlighted the efforts made to develop space science, technology and industry by supporting scientific laboratories and entrepreneurship in the field of space science aimed at contributing to the development of the leading technological innovations in Türkiye.

    In her address, Ms. Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, former President of the Republic of Mauritius, reviewed a number of the most important discoveries and inventions that transformed the history of humanity throughout the ages, highlighting that it is difficult to prevent man from accessing knowledge, including space exploration, which turned from a race into a journey and a march towards sustainable development.

    Dr. Zahit Mecitoglu, Dean of the Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Istanbul Technical University, welcomed the participants and stressed the University’s willingness to enhance cooperation with ICESCO Member States.

    The first session touched on developing the capacities of the next generation in space science while the second session tackled manpower development in the field of space science applications. The third session discussed the relationship between space science and the goals of sustainable development in addition to a discussion session with a group of astronauts.

    Afterward, the six-day workshop kicked off in Istanbul and Aksaray, aimed at training university students and researchers on designing and manufacturing an educational satellite (CANSAT) and learning its various applications and the importance of space science and its applications to building a better future for all.

    ICESCO hosts closing ceremony of 15th International Peace Children Festival

    On Saturday July 29, 2023, the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in Rabat hosted the closing ceremony of the 15th session of the International Festival for Children of Peace, organized by the Bouregreg Association in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication in the Kingdom of Morocco and a number of national institutions, under the honorary presidency of HRH Princess Lalla Meryem. The closing ceremony saw the participation of more than 400 children from 26 countries, with the aim of establishing a culture of peace and coexistence among the children of the world.

    The closing ceremony saw high-level attendance, including Dr. Rana Tanweer Hussain, Minister of Education and Vocational Training of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, a number of ambassadors accredited to Morocco, and a host of representatives of international organizations in the Kingdom of Morocco and institutions participating in organizing the Festival.

    In his welcoming address, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), called for according due attention to children, as they are our greatest hope for the future. He also called on parents to urge their children to seek knowledge, and live by the noble Islamic values of honesty, righteousness, generosity, and compassion for the poor and the needy.

    Dr. AlMalik pointed out that the best way to celebrate peace is to harness the power of children to enhance our humanity, as their pure souls and gentle hearts manifest the highest expressions of human fraternity.

    He stressed that ICESCO seeks to anchor the values of peace, social cohesion, civilizational dialogue and creativity to build peaceful societies and a safe and secure environment, where children are protected and guaranteed a prosperous future.

    Afterwards, ICESCO DG received the shield of the Bouregreg Association from Mr. Abderrahmane Rouijel, Director of the Children of Peace Festival, in appreciation of his contribution to spreading the culture of peace. He also exchanged gifts and souvenirs with representatives of the delegations participating in the ceremony, with the participation of the Pakistani Minister of Education and the ambassadors present.

    The ceremony kicked off with a musical performance by the Children of Afnan al-Qanun Group from the city of Salé. The Group played several pieces of Arab musical heritage. The next performance was by the child, Lina Amour, who delivered the “Peace Call”, which highlights the importance of culture and sports in uniting hearts and strengthening fraternity among countries.

    The peace call also highlighted the importance of anchoring diversity and the pursuit of peace, promoting civilizational dialogue and rejecting hatred; sheds lights on the potential and opportunities modern technology applications offer vis-à-vis fostering understanding and bridging gaps among peoples; and stresses the need to ensure the use of artificial intelligence applications in an ethical and responsible manner.

    Following that, the art show began, in which children from the delegations of the participating countries presented performances from the artistic, lyrical and musical heritage of their respective countries.