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    ICESCO Director-General Reaffirms the Imperative of Gender Equality in Science

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), reaffirmed that supporting women, promoting their roles, and achieving gender equality in the field of science is an absolute necessity in the current times. He stressed that we need all intellectual and research capacities to face the deadly strains of viruses that continue to threaten humanity.

    The DG made the statement in his address during the annual celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, that the Royal Academy of Science International Trust (RASIT) held via videoconference, from the headquarters of the United Nations (UN) in New York. The Organizers held the event under the theme “Equality in science for the sake of society” and saw the participation of H.R.H. Princess Nesrine Al-Hashemi, Executive Director of the Academy, Mr. António Guterres, UN Secretary-General, in addition to several high-level international figures from different fields. 

    Dr. AlMalik stated that the COVID-19 pandemic caused a negative impact on female scientists, especially those in the early stages of their professional life. The impact, he reaffirmed, expanded the existing gap between men and women in the field of scientific research, warning against the re-adoption of practices from the past such as oppressing women and depriving them of their rights, as they are to cause a 50% loss in the working force and extinguished multiple opportunities to fight deadly viruses.

    ICESCO DG stressed the need for the roles of female doctors and scientists in leading the fight against deadly diseases and guide societies towards stability thanks to their roles as mothers and wives.

    The DG stated that history abounds with shining examples of women’s contribution to education and science, inviting all international organizations and bodies to take part in ICESCO’s activities and programs for the year 2021, which ICESCO proclaimed as the Year of Women under the theme “Women and the Future.”

    At the close of his address, the DG announced that, as part of its activities to celebrate the Year of Women, the Organization will launch an award for “Outstanding Women and Girls in Science in Member States,” which will be given to the best researchers.

    High-level Participation in Opening of ICESCO’s Celebration of International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    The opening session of the celebration of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Dr. Salim AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), moderated the event that included face-to-face and videoconference contributions and witnessed high-level participation from all over the world.

    The Organization held the celebration as part of the programmes and activities of ICESCO’s Year of Women under the theme: “Narrowing the Gender Gap Starts with Science” under the high patronage of H.M. King Mohammed VI of Morocco, in partnership with the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis (LIKAT), a member of Leibniz Association Germany, and Space Foundation in the United States. The opening session of the celebration featured addresses by Dr. Mehriban Aliyeva, First Lady, First Vice-President of Azerbaijan.

    Dr. Aliyeva expressed her thanks and appreciation for the achievements ICESCO has scored in supporting women, especially in science, while stressing that achieving sustainable development hinges on making progress in science and innovation. In her address, Dr. Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, former President of Mauritius, said that the gender gap in science is a global phenomenon that needs to be redressed. She put forward many proposals and ideas to achieve the goal. H.R.H. Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, President of the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan, said that despite the efforts being made to support and provide opportunities for women and girls, there is still a long and difficult path to travel. She then praised the roles ICESCO plays in supporting women in the areas falling under the realm of its competence. For his part, Dr. Al-Malik reaffirmed that the Organization has prepared its ambitious programme “Women for the Future” for 2021 through which it aims to support women in several areas to overcome various challenges, including in the field of science.

    ICESCO DG explained that the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development needs everyone’s participation and sincere efforts to reduce gender disparities in science, technology, and innovation (STI). He deplored that despite the efforts made to enhance women’s and girls’ science education and the increase in women’s and girls’ enrollment, many drop out before scoring distinguished achievement in scientific research. “Women researchers across the globe represent only 28.8% of the total number of people involved in the field of scientific research, and only 27% of the countries of the world achieved gender parity in 2016,” the DG added. The DG stressed the need for action to change the situation. He stressed that ICESCO, as part of its new vision, will spare no effort and will invest its expertise and resources to support women in the field of science, technology, education, and culture. The Organization is also willing to cooperate with countries, institutions, and interested people to provide opportunities for women and girls to enhance their role in science and technology, he continued. The first session then kicked off face-to-face at ICESCO headquarters and brought together many ambassadors accredited to Morocco and experts in the field of science. High-profile female figures, Nobel Prize laureates in the fields of science, specialists, and professors at prestigious universities from all over the world also attended the first session remotely.

    ICESCO Unveils Program of Celebration of Year of Women 2021 under High Patronage of HM King Mohammed VI

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held on February 11, a press conference announcing its major programs and activities for 2021, which the Organization has proclaimed as the Year of Women themed “Women for the Future” under the high patronage of H.M. King Mohammed VI of Morocco.

    At the onset of the press conference, which ICESCO held at its headquarters through videoconference, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), expressed his thanks and gratitude to HM King Mohammed VI for responding to ICESCO’s request to confer his patronage on the Year of Women. The step is an example of the attention the monarch accords to the Organization following in the footsteps of his father, late King Hassan II, may Allah rest his soul in peace.

    Dr. AlMalik stated that, through the proclamation of 2021 as the Year of Women, ICESCO seeks to honor women and promote their leading role and high status as part of ICESCO’s new vision contained in its Strategic Plan 2020-2030. The Vision, Dr. AlMalik added, aims to build an innovative and smart civilizational system for the Muslim world and enable women, youth, and children to exercise their educational, scientific, cultural, technological, and environmental rights.

    ICESCO DG reaffirmed that the Celebration’s program includes four lines of action, namely conferences, forums, programs and projects, studies and awards, as well as initiatives.

    “These themes focus on the empowerment, rehabilitation, capacity-building and integration of women within society, as well as combating illiteracy, ensuring the right of girls to education and addressing gender discrimination,” he added.

    Dr. AlMalik pointed out that this two-pronged program targets women inside ICESCO and in the Member States. “First, it seeks to ensure the principle of equal opportunities, train women leaders, provide a woman-friendly work environment, establish a department for women, provide leadership trainings for as many girls as possible in the fields relevant to the Organization’s fields of action throughout 2021, and honor ICESCO’s female staff members as part of the “Model Women Staff Member Program,” he underscored.

    Dr. AlMalik added that in Member States, ICESCO will implement and support women-specific programs and activities, allocate a budget to support women novice innovators and entrepreneurs, train the maximum number of girls and women in the Organization’s areas of competence, and establish a set of specialized women’s networks in the Islamic world.

    The DG underscored that “this part of the program aims to enhance the presence of Muslim women in international events and ensure respect for their identity; publish and translate outstanding women’s literary works; provide annual scholarships for talented women in the Organization’s areas of action.”

    “ICESCO will also dedicate programs for protecting women against all forms of violence, support Member States in fighting school dropout among girls, reduce the rate of illiteracy among women and distribute from 25,000 up to 50,000 computers to women in Member States, in cooperation with donors and local women’s institutions and associations as well as the National Commissions,” highlighted Dr. AlMalik.

    After reviewing the broad lines of ICESCO’s programs and activities scheduled for the Year of Women 2021, Dr. AlMalik received journalists’ questions that focused on the details, budget, target groups, and share of rural women in these programs.

    Dr. AlMalik along with the heads and directors of ICESCO’s sectors and departments answered all questions, stressing that the programs, which target all girls and women, will be funded in partnership between ICESCO and several cooperating institutions and donors.

    ICESCO Takes Part in Symposium on Interreligious Councils

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the opening session of the Global Interreligious Council Development Webinars for 2021 that Religions for Peace (RfP) organized through videoconference, on interreligious councils. The event was under the theme “Building and equipping interreligious councils for peace and human fraternity”, with the participation of the leaders and representatives of several religious councils.

    Dr. Sidra Tariq Jamil, expert at the Department of Dialogue and Cultural Diversity, and Mr. Mehdi Sabbar, specialist at the Department, represented ICESCO at the symposium. They reviewed the strategic objectives of ICESCO’s new vision, particularly supporting interfaith cooperation and global partnerships, promoting gender equality and environment protection, advocating the freedom of religion and thought, and strengthening interfaith education.

    The symposium provided an opportunity for participants to tackle ideas on interfaith councils and concluded with the statements of the representatives of the Global Interreligious Council Development Webinars.

    ICESCO to Hold this Thursday Major Event on International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    Under the high patronage of H.M. King Mohammed VI, may Allah preserve him, of ICESCO’s Year of Women 2021, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) will hold, on Thursday, February 11, 2021, a major international event in celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The celebration is under the theme “Narrowing the Gender Gap Starts with Science,” and is being conducted in partnership with the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis (LIKAT) of the Leibniz Association in Germany and Space Foundation in the United States.

    The event, which will take place face-to-face at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat and also by videoconference at 09.00 UTC, is part of the international programs and activities the Organization will implement throughout the year in appreciation of the role of women and promotion of their status.

    Ms. Mehriban Aliyeva, First Lady and First Vice President of Azerbaijan, will give a recorded address at the celebration opening. The opening ceremony will see the participation of H.R.H. Princess Somaya bint Al-Hassan, President of the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan (RSS), and Dr. Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, Former President of Mauritius. It will also bring together high-level female figures, Nobel Laureates, specialists in different fields of science, and professors in prominent universities across the globe.

    The celebration will be an opportunity for the participants to exchange views and ideas on the various issues pertaining to women in science and technology, including the elimination of discrimination and achieving gender parity through science and technology by launching and implementing initiatives and programs and ensuring quality education for women and girls.
    To receive a certificate of participation in the celebration, attendees can register on Zoom via the following link:
    https ://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Y96R4IKFTzu4LcCj6SG9NA

    Attendees can access the live streaming of the celebration through ICESCO’s official page on Facebook via the following link:

    ICESCO to Hold Press Conference to Announce Details of Programs and Activities of Year of Women 2021

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) will hold on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, at its headquarters in Rabat, a face-to-face and virtual press conference for journalists and media professionals. The conference will announce the details of ICESCO’s programs and activities during 2021 as part of the celebration of the Year of Women, organized under the high patronage of H.M. King Mohammed VI of Morocco.

    During the press conference, which will start at 12:00 a.m. UTC (13:00 Rabat time), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, will review the main programs, activities, and objectives of the celebration of the Year of Women 2021. He will also answer questions from the journalists and media professionals participating in the press conference concerning the activities and programs of the year.

    ICESCO kindly invites all journalists and media professionals to register via the link below to take part in the press conference:

    The Organization will take all the precautionary measures in accordance with the health protocols applicable in Morocco to ensure the safety of all participants.

    Partnership Agreement between ICESCO and MAP

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Moroccan News Agency (MAP) have signed a media partnership agreement. The measure includes a joint implementation of several practical programs and projects to train journalists and media professionals from the ICESCO Member States, particularly in Africa, co-organize international media conferences, and cooperate in the areas of publishing and production of information materials.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), and Mr. Khalil Hachimi Idrissi, MAP DG, signed the agreement today, February 8, 2021, at ICESCO’s Headquarters, in Rabat, with the presence of many directors from ICESCO and MAP.

    In a statement at the signing ceremony, Dr. AlMalik stressed the agreement constitutes a fresh start of cooperation between the Organization and the Agency.

    “This agreement aims at implementing major and impactful programs and projects in capacity-building and training in the field of media. ICESCO’s new vision prioritizes support and training of young people as well as investment in manpower.”

    Mr. Idrissi stated that the agreement will strengthen the bilateral relations of the two parties and benefit many young media professionals, particularly in the African continent, through training and capacity-building in the field of media.

    The agreement provides for co-holding symposia, fora and workshops, and cooperation in preparing, producing, and broadcasting information materials in paper and digital publication, in addition to the 7th International Conference of International News Agencies that MAP will hold in in Marrakech, in 2022.

    The two parties will also form a joint committee for monitoring and overseeing the implementation of the agreement, particularly the development of a results-based action plan, the preparation of the implementation schedule and modalities, and the submission of periodic reports to the officials concerned on the progress of the projects.

    ICESCO Calls for Raising Awareness about Risks of “Female Circumcision”

    On the occasion of the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), commemorated on the 6th of February of each year, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) calls for raising awareness about the risks arising from the persistence of the practice in many countries of the world, as it harms the female external genital organs to solely preserve wrong customs and traditions.

    The persistence of the practice, which has dire effects on the physical and psychological health and safety of women and girls, is considered as a form of discrimination. In conjunction with ICESCO’s proclamation of 2021 as the Year of Women, the Organization considers “female circumcision” as a customary practice that has nothing to do with religion, unlike male circumcision, which is a religious ritual.

    ICESCO calls for resorting to medical studies to prove the harm this FGM inflects on human health. ICESCO also calls for raising awareness of the risks arising from the persistence of FGM and for the urgent need to coordinate the efforts of the international and governmental institutions and civil society organizations to ensure sound health education that respects human dignity and is compatible with correct religious beliefs.

    The UN estimates that about 200 million girls around the world have been subjected to FGM genitals, causing them to suffer continuous physical and psychological disabilities.

    ICESCO and Burkina Faso National Commission Launch Project to Support Women and Youth in Partnership with Alwaleed Philanthropies

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the National Commission for UNESCO and ICESCO in Burkina Faso signed an agreement to launch the “Project of the Fight against COVID-19 through Supporting Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Women and Youth in Burkina Faso,” as part of the ICESCO-Alwaleed Philanthropies partnership to support the efforts of 10 African countries to counter the adverse repercussions of the pandemic.

    The signing ceremony was held today by videoconference in the presence of H.E. Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), and Mr. Alkassoum Maiga, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation of Burkina Faso, President of the National Commission for UNESCO and ICESCO.

    In his address at the ceremony, Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed that ICESCO will sustain its support to Member States’ efforts aimed at addressing the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The measure is part of the Organization’s new vision that adopts enhanced communication with countries to identify their respective needs and priorities to foster sustainable comprehensive development and enhance the capacities of the beneficiary countries to manage their social transformations.

    ICESCO DG expressed his sincere thanks and deep appreciation to Alwaleed Philanthropies, ICESCO’s permanent partner whose Board of Directors that H.R.H. Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Al Saud chairs, for the generous support to ICESCO’s humanitarian and social initiatives to assist 10 African countries, including Burkina Faso.

    Mr. Maiga commended ICESCO’s excellent initiatives, programs, projects, and activities the Organization launched and implemented during COVID-19 aimed at strengthening the efforts of Member States to address the negative impacts of the pandemic. He also appreciated Alwaleed Philanthropies’ assistance to Burkina Faso through its partnership with ICESCO.

    At the end of the ceremony, the two parties signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the implementation of the project. The MoU provides for developing a sense of innovation and entrepreneurship among women and youth in the private sector especially in rural areas in Burkina Faso through the establishment of local units for manufacturing hygiene products and protective equipment; encouraging youth and women to embrace innovation and entrepreneurship; and spreading the practice of good hygiene to foster public health and ensure smooth transition to structured economic activities in Burkina Faso.

    For four decades, Alwaleed Philanthropies has supported and spent more than 15 billion Saudi Riyals (SAR) and carried out more than 1000 projects in over 189 countries that 10 Saudi female members manage, reaching out to more than 1 billion beneficiaries around the world, regardless of gender, race, or religion. Alwaleed Philanthropies collaborates with a range of philanthropic, governmental, and educational organizations to combat poverty, empower women and youth, develop communities, provide disaster relief, and create cultural understanding through education. It seeks to build bridges for a more compassionate, tolerant, and accepting world.

    ICESCO and CAFRAD Agree to Promote Partnership

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received yesterday at the headquarters of the Organization, Dr. Stéphane Monney Mouandjo, DG of the Pan African Intergovernmental Organization (CAFRAD). The meeting explored the new prospects of cooperation and partnership between the two parties, mainly on practical projects and programs.

    During the meeting, Dr. AlMalik reviewed the various structural changes and developments at ICESCO and highlighted the main aspects of the Organization’s vision and new strategy of action. The measure promotes an open-door policy and partnerships with regional and international organizations and bodies to benefit Member States and Muslim communities around the world. He also shed light on the major projects and programs of ICESCO in the coming period.

    Dr. Mouandjo highlighted the working mechanisms and the main programs and projects of CAFRAD, particularly responsible public governance, trainings in various areas, knowledge transfer, and capacity-building. He also expressed his delight to visit ICESCO headquarters and discover the changes that had taken place while stressing the Centre’s willingness to cooperate with ICESCO as part of the common projects for similar target groups.

    Dr. AlMalik and Dr. Mouandjo agreed to draft a new agreement between ICESCO and CAFRAD, which would include highly beneficial programs and projects.

    The delegation of CAFRAD then met with the directors of sectors and departments, as well as the advisors and experts at ICESCO. The meeting explored the details and the means to ensure the success of the proposed cooperation programs and projects in 2021. The two parties also stressed the importance of the strategic partnership taking into account their common interests and objectives while considering this meeting as a new start for a fresh and constructive partnership.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed to prepare the new partnership agreement between ICESCO and CAFRAD to sign as soon as possible.