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    ICESCO Director-General Receives Libyan National Commission for Education, Culture and Science Delegation

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received a delegation from the Libyan National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, headed by Ms. Sabah Mohammed Al-Maghribi, Director of ICESCO Department at the Commission, in the presence of Dr. Mohammed Amari Zayed, Permanent Representative of Libya to ICESCO. The two sides reviewed the latest developments in the distinguished partnership between the Organization and Libya in areas of common interest.

    At the beginning of the meeting, held today, Monday, August 5, 2024 at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, Dr. Al-Malik expressed his pleasure with the positive developments in relations between the Organization and Libya, stressing his full appreciation of the Libyan leadership’s keenness to enhance cooperation with ICESCO that he noticed during his recent visit to the Libyan capital, Tripoli.

    ICESCO DG reaffirmed the Organization’s commitment to ensure the success of the activities of the celebration of Benghazi as the Culture Capital of in the Islamic World, which spans over a whole year, and its endeavor to meet Libya’s aspirations and needs in the fields of education, science and culture, through cooperation in implementing practical initiatives, programs and projects.

    For their part, the members of the Libyan delegation conveyed the greetings of Dr. Musa Al-Magariaf, Minister of Education and Chairman of the Libyan National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, to ICESCO DG, and expressed their thanks for giving them the opportunity to learn about the ICESCO’s action mechanisms through the meetings they will hold with all ICESCO sectors, centers and departments during the their four-day visit to ICESCO.

    The meeting reviewed the latest developments in cooperation projects between the two sides, and proposed initiatives, programs and activities that will be implemented in the near future.

    44th Session of ICESCO Executive Council Kicks off in Jeddah

    The 44th Session of the Executive Council of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) kicked off on Wednesday, 17 January 2023, in Jeddah. The Session is hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented in its National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, and saw the participation of high-level officials, including ministers, ambassadors, and representatives from the Member States, alongside delegations of regional and international organizations.

    The opening session began with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, followed by the address of Mr. Ahmed bin Abdulaziz Alblihed, Secretary-General of the Saudi National Commission, where he stated that Jeddah hosts the proceedings of the Executive Council as part of Saudi Arabia’s efforts to support science, culture and education at the national, regional and international levels, lauding ICESCO’s remarkable efforts and cooperation with the National Commissions to boost the performance of the Member States.

    In his address, Dr. Dawas Tayseer Dawas, Chairman of the ICESCO Executive Council and secretary-general of the Palestinian National Commission, stressed the need to actively support, adopt and localize international best practices to advance the fields of education, culture and science in the Member States, noting ICESCO’s role as a platform for sharing expertise, best practices and viewpoints.

    For his part, Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, President of the Egyptian National Commission, and President of the ICESCO General Conference, commended the Organization’s proactive strategy and action plan that takes risk management into consideration. He further underscored that ICESCO has not only updated its strategy but turned challenges into real opportunities for building a brighter future for the Islamic world.

    In his address, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, stated that the Executive Council is an opportunity for Member States’ representatives to take stock of ICESCO’s achievements during the year as well and its aspirations for the following one, calling on them to express their views on the final report of the activities and programs to contribute to their development.

    Moreover, Dr. AlMalik announced a proposal to create an ICESCO bureau in the State of Palestine, in reflection of its supportive stance vis-à-vis the Palestinian people in the fields of education, culture, and science. Dr. AlMalik stated that this measure would be replicated in Syria, the Sudan, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and other Member States.

    Additionally, Dr. AlMalik cast light on the developments of the ICESCO Goodwill Ambassadors Program, which included the appointment of a host of prominent figures in politics and culture, most recently, His Excellency Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal, pointing to the success of the Organization’s General Directorate in attracting new financial resources, thus tripling the Organization’s core budget.

    Afterward, Dr. Nicolas Peter, President of the International Space University (ISU) in France, the Session’s guest of honor, lauded the ICESCO-ISU partnership, noting that space sciences are the backbone of the economy.

    Subsequently, Ms. Jaymi Stephens, Head of Strategic Partnerships at the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), delivered, via videoconference, the address of Mr. Sergio Mujica, ISO Secretary-General, stressing the importance of developing solid standards in implementing and managing strategies to ensure innovation and address challenges.

    The respective ambassadors of Palestine and Lebanon accredited to Morocco recounted their experience dealing with the Organization’s General Directorate, praising the outstanding partnership between ICESCO and their countries under its new strategic orientations.

    During the session, ICESCO awarded the two winning associations from Egypt and Bangladesh with its 2023 Prize for Girls and Women’s Literacy, an award geared towards encouraging pioneering initiatives and best practices in literacy and non-formal education targeting girls and women.

    The opening session culminated in the signing of several partnerships and memoranda of understanding between ICESCO, prestigious institutes, and specialized bodies to implement programs and development projects for the Member States.

    Following this opening session, the proceedings of the 44th Session of the ICESCO Executive Council kicked off to review the Organization’s performance reports and its plans for the upcoming two years.

    High-Level Participation in ICESCO Second Consultative Meeting in Jeddah

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) convened its second Consultative Meeting under the theme, “Innovation in ICESCO.” The Meeting is organized in Jeddah, as part of the 44th Session of the Organization’s Executive Council, being held on 16-18 January, and hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented in its National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science, with the participation of high-level officials, including ministers, ambassadors, and representatives from the Member States, alongside delegations of regional and international organizations.

    The Meeting focused on the opportunities and challenges facing the Islamic world and provided an outlook on the future of ICESCO and the pivotal role of innovation in its new strategy to become “The ICESCO We Want.” The agenda also tackled cooperation projects between the Organization and its Member States, in coordination with their respective National Commissions, in addition to the major global events to be hosted by the Member States.

    In his opening remarks, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, stated that the Organization upholds the principle of consultation in all its endeavors, as it marches ahead, ready to open up to new prospects and address challenges that may arise. Dr. AlMalik urged the Member States’ ministers, ambassadors, and secretaries-general of the National Commissions to put forth their proposals, ideas, and practical initiatives, as they are an integral part of ICESCO’s vision and action strategies.

    Moreover, Dr. AlMalik stated that the Meeting’s activities provide an opportunity for brainstorming and creative idea among the representatives of the Member States and ICESCO’s team. He added that the outcomes of the Meeting would serve as basis for devising the Organization’s action plans for the upcoming years, particularly with regard to ethical leadership, investment in human resources, governance, and innovation culture, stressing the need to promote cooperation among the Member States to launch and organize international initiatives and conferences.

    For his part, Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, President of the Egyptian National Commission, and President of ICESCO General Conference, highlighted the main challenges and opportunities facing the Islamic world by analyzing the human resources indicators in the Islamic world and its contribution to gross world product, the level of scientific research, innovations and patents and the global ranking of universities in the Islamic world. Furthermore, Dr. Ashour underscored the importance of scientific research in achieving innovation in medicine, engineering, and industrial production, seizing the opportunity to commend ICESCO’s initiatives in these fields.

    The first activity themed, “Shape the Future of ICESCO with Us” was an opportunity for participants to present ideas and proposals of innovative initiatives on ethical leadership, investment in human resources, innovation culture and smart services. The second activity, “Innovation in ICESCO Strategy,” was dedicated to generating ideas for initiatives on ideas, information exchange, capacity building, and cooperation enhancement in policymaking.

    Afterward, a brainstorming session took place to discuss the major global events to be hosted by the Members States, notably Riyadh Expo 2030, UNESCO General Conference in Uzbekistan, COP 29 in Azerbaijan, and UNCCD COP 16 in Riyadh, The Meeting also featured a presentation on the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the Omani National Commission for Education, Science and Culture.

    The Consultative Meeting concluded its proceedings with a discussion session between ICESCO Director-General and members of National Commissions.

    In a virtual meeting gathering 56 countries: highlighting the strategic partnership between ICESCO and National Commissions

    Participants in the virtual meeting for ICESCO National Commissions for Education, Science and Culture, held yesterday by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), under the theme “COVID-19 and post-Crisis Period: What Priorities, What Actions for Education, Science and Culture?”, reaffirmed the importance of the transition from addressing the COVID-19 crisis to anticipating and preparing for a post-crisis world.

    The meeting, which was opened by the Director-General, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, saw the participation of Princess Doaa Bint Mohammad Ezzat, Supreme Head of the Arab Women Foundation and Peace Ambassador for Children and Young People at the United Nations; and the renowned scientist, Prof. Rachid Yazami, inventor of the Lithium-Ion battery, as guests of honor. The meeting also brought together the respective representatives of 56 countries inside and outside the Islamic world, and a host of experts and specialists in the sectors of education, science, and culture.

    Participants in this meeting reviewed the measures taken by several countries to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the fields of education, science, culture; and discussed the foresight of the post-COVID-19 world and the steps to be taken thereafter.

    At the outset, ICESCO Director-General stressed that the question of “What after the Coronavirus?” is at the core of ICESCO’s interests and priorities, stating that this meeting is an opportunity to exchange expertise and share experiences and good practices as it meets the expectations of ICESCO Member States in making the transition from the mindset of addressing the crisis to that of anticipating the future.

    Then followed Princess Doaa Bint Mohammad Ezzat, who talked about the impact of COVID-19 on children and education, maintaining that distance learning is not compatible for all, especially those who do not have access to communication technology and the Internet, which undermines the right of all children to quality education.

    For his part, Prof. Rachid Yazami stated that the Islamic world constitutes about 25% of the world population, and thus must contribute with the same rate in the efforts of scientific research in the fields of the environment, water, and health, etc. He added that the Islamic world needs more than one Nobel Prize laureate, noting that there are thousands of Muslim researchers currently taking part in scientific research works on addressing COVID-19, especially those relating to finding a vaccine against this virus.

    Addressing the panel next was Sheikh Khalifa Bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Director of Museums and Antiquities at the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities (BACA), who reaffirmed that museums must have a certain level of resilience to face crises. Moreover, Ms. Sanaa Abouzaid, Country Manager of the International Finance Cooperation at the World Bank Group, argued that the COVID-19 pandemic was a warning to realize the vulnerability of the economic and health systems in the world;. At the same time, Mr. Youness Bensouda Mourri, Researcher and Instructor of Artificial Intelligence at Stanford University—California, stated that after the COVID-19 crisis is over, we will have better online programs for autonomous learning.

    The meeting was moderated by Ms. Zineb Iraqi, Head of the General Secretariat of the National Commissions and Conferences at ICESCO, and Mr. Ali Akdim, Official in charge of National Commissions at the Secretariat. The two ICESCO officials organized the presentations and introduced the Secretaries-General of the National Commissions of ICESCO Member States. The Secretaries-General talked about their respective countries’ efforts to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the fields of education, science, and culture.

    Following the statements of the National Commissions, Mr. Mohamed Hedi Shili, Director of Legal Affairs at ICESCO, presented the Concept Note of the Draft Charter of the National Commissions that the Organization is currently preparing, explaining its broad lines and drafting methodology. Dr. Kais Hammami, Director of ICESCO Center for Strategic Foresight, also talked about the anticipatory studies that the Center is conducting, including the Study of the Future of the Islamic world and another study on Africa.

    Regarding the importance of setting up ICESCO Center for Heritage, Mr. Najib Rhiati, Director of the Department of Culture and Communication at the Organization, stated that the Center’s missions include the inscription of heritage sites in the Islamic world following objective and strict standards.

    At the close of the meeting, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik thanked the participants for their presentations and views which enriched the discussion, underlining that ICESCO looks forward to taking concrete steps to implement the agreed-upon visions, particularly about reaffirming the partnership strategy between the Organization and the National Commissions, upgrading the mechanisms, and anticipating the future.

    ICESCO Director-General calls for moving from COVID-19 crisis management to future anticipation

    The Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, reaffirmed that the Organization has managed to turn the ordeal of the COVID-19 pandemic into an opportunity to assert its pioneering role among international organizations while carrying out its quality action and strategic standards. To this effect, Dr. AlMalik said that ICESCO had upgraded its action mechanisms in such a way as to keep pace with the rising challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic and set up projects designed to support the Member States in addressing the repercussions of the pandemic.
    This came as part of his address at the Virtual Meeting of National Commissions for ICESCO, kicked off today under the theme “Post-COVID-19 world: what action priorities and procedures for education, science and culture?”.

    The meeting brought together the guests of honor, Princess Doaa bint Mohammad Ezzat, Supreme President of the Arab Women Foundation, UN Peace Ambassador; and the renowned scientist Professor Rachid Yazami, inventor of the lithium-ion battery, in addition to the secretaries of National Commissions for education, science and culture from 56 countries inside and outside the Islamic world, and a select of experts in education, science and culture.

    In his address, ICESCO Director-General stressed that the question “what is next after COVID-19?” is at the core of ICESCO’s concerns and priorities and that the meeting is opportunity to share expertise, experiences and successful practices and meets the expectations of Member States to move from crisis management to future anticipation. He also expressed his confidence that National Commissions, as a strategic partner, will contribute to supporting our orientations to draw the dimensions and trends defining projects and programmes sensitive to needs after COVID-19 crisis.

    In this vein, he pointed out that ICESCO is currently preparing a charter to regulate its relationship with National Commissions, adding thanks to the 30 contracts signed with a large number of Member States benefiting from the Organization’s support activities in many sectors.

    Dr. AlMalik listed the pioneering, practical initiatives launched by ICESCO since the beginning of the crisis, namely the “ICESCO International Prize” to reward the discovery of a vaccine or treatment against COVID-19 and “ICESCO Digital Home,” a knowledge-based educational, cultural and scientific platform, along with the programmes of Arabic language for non-Arabic speakers and the African languages in the Arabic script. He also mentioned the “Comprehensive Humanitarian Coalition,” which was widely welcomed by many countries and donors and which is open to membership, and the “Societies We Want” Initiative.

    Moreover, ICESCO Director-General stated that ICESCO held virtual conferences on topics spanning its fields of competence, as well as foresight and AI, and is now preparing for more events in the future, adding that the two recent virtual conferences of education and culture ministers bear witness of the success of our new approach while noting that the Organization is currently preparing a set of foresight studies in contribution to strategic studies approach.

    “The efforts and initiatives made by ICESCO will not attain their desired outcomes without your support and dedicated action toward the achievement of our objectives and our vision to crown our efforts with success for the benefit of our peoples who always expect new achievements,” Dr. AlMalik concluded.

    In an ICESCO virtual meeting: National Commissions discuss post-COVID-19 world action priorities

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) will hold a key virtual meeting for the National Commissions for Education, Science and Culture in ICESCO Member States. The meeting will be held Monday 22 June 2020, at 9 a.m. GMT (10 a.m. Rabat time), under the theme “Post-COVID-19 world: what action priorities and procedures for education, science and culture?”.

    The meeting, which will be opened by the Director General, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, is honored by the participation of Princess Doaa Bint Mohammad Ezzat, Supreme Chairwoman of the Women Arab Organization and Peace Ambassador at the United Nations; and the great scientist, Rachid Yazami, inventor of the Lithium ion, as guests of honor. The meeting will also bring together the respective representatives of the Islamic world countries and a host of experts and specialists in the sectors of education, science, and culture.

    The meeting will shed light on the initiatives taken by the National Commissions at the national level in the fields of education, science, and culture; and share the expected concepts for the post-COVID phase and overcoming its impact. The meeting also aims to set up a platform for the National Commissions for exchange and anticipatory thought regarding possible amendments, activities, and procedures to be implemented in the fields of education, science, and culture after overcoming the pandemic.

    The meeting will be live broadcasted on ICESCO’s official Facebook, via the following link:

    ISESCO Director General calls on National Commissions to be more interactive with the Organization

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, stated that the present juncture in the history of the Islamic world gives rise to greater responsibilities to tackle challenges and require constant attention to adapt to and keep abreast of changes, as part of a new innovative and comprehensive vision, and through scientific approaches and an anticipatory culture.

    In his address at the opening of the 20th Meeting of the Secretaries General of Arab states’ National Commissions for Education, Science and Culture, held today in Tunis, Republic of Tunisia, ISESCO Director General underlined that “the tough challenges faced by the Islamic world should not shatter our hopes and discourage us from working. A glimmer of hope is always in the horizon as long as there are good initiatives, firm resolve and good anticipation of the future, as Ibn al-Muqaffa says: whoever travels aimlessly, his mount will let him down”.

    In addition, Dr. AlMalik stated that advancing the civilizational project in the Arab-Islamic world hinges on updating educational systems; promoting science, technology, innovation and creativity; and renewing policies specific to culture, communication and information. He added that that this civilizational project embodies the collective objective of joint Arab-Islamic action in the fields closely connected to the elaboration of development policies and knowledge systems.

    In the same vein, ISESCO Director General pointed out that ISESCO’s new development vision, whose broad-lines are contained in the Medium-Term Strategic Plan (2020-2029), adopts the slogan “Building Systems… Making Minds” and that it will be implemented as part of a forward-looking approach that aims to accomplish ISESCO’s mission and desired objectives. He highlighted that the vision consists of making of ISESCO a beacon of global outreach in the fields of civilizational edification, knowledge progress, with the mission of elaborating development policies and building knowledge and innovation systems, and providing expertise, technical counsel and institutional support.

    Moreover, Dr. AlMalik urged Member States to be more effective, be makers of decisions instead of passive observers and achieve their autonomy as dependency, he maintained, kills ambitions and aspirations and breaks wills. He also reaffirmed that from now on, ISESCO will never propose programmes and workshops but rather will wait for the propositions of National Commissions, while taking into consideration their outcomes and impact assessment. He explained that each Commission lives the reality of its country and is well aware of its needs and requirements, while promising that ISESCO would be at the level of expectations of National Commissions only when it receives their support and the one of their countries.

    5th Meeting of International Organizations kicks off in Tunisia: Exploring cooperation between ALECSO, ISESCO and ABEGS

    The Fifth Meeting of International Organizations: ALECSO, ISESCO and ABEGS kicked off today in Tunis, Republic of Tunisia. It is a periodical meeting to promote cooperation and complementarity among these three organizations and explore the ways and mechanisms to boost their partnership with Member States’ National Commissions.

    During the opening session, addresses were given by the representative of Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary General of the League of Arab States; the representative of Dr. Hatem Ben Salem, Minister of Education and President of the Tunisian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture; and the representative of Dr. Mohamed Zine El Abidine, Minister of Cultural Affairs.

    In his address during the opening session, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, the Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), reaffirmed that the common denominators among ISESCO, ALECSO and ABEGS are crystal-clear in their objectives and missions as provided for in their Charters, action programmes and initiatives in vital the fields that determine our present and future destiny (education, science, culture, information and communication) which are the foundations of action marked by the multiplicity of aspects and the complementarity of fields.

    Dr. AlMalik also stressed that, in light of ISESCO’s new strategic plan, further attention will be given to the implementation of field activities and projects for the benefit of Member States, adoption of a new approach with regard to the relation with the National Commissions as part of a comprehensive innovative vision and a modern methodology that is mindful of all regional and international changes.

    On his part, Dr. Ali bin Abdul Khaliq Al-Karni, Director-General of Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States (ABEGS), gave an address wherein he stated that this Meeting is quite important and very special as we all face challenges with determination to make achievements while looking toward the future, especially as we have the brains, wills, experiences, expertise and hopes necessary for creativity.

    Afterwards, Dr. Mohamed Walad Amor, the Director-General of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), gave his address stressing the importance of cooperation between ISESCO, ALECSO and ABEGS and the need to promote, develop and upgrade this cooperation to reach the level of partnership.

    During the opening session, Dr. AlMalik and Dr. Walad Amor signed the Framework Cooperation Agreement between ALECSO and ISESCO. This agreement aims to set a joint framework of action for the period 2020-2021 in the fields of education, culture, heritage, information, communication and special programmes, including the programmes for Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the threats thereto, programmes geared to educational, cultural and scientific conditions in Palestine, programmes designed for the countries with special needs, and the programmes for unstable countries.

    During the same session, the participants watched a video on the 8th Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers, which was held on 2-3 October 2019 in ISESCO headquarters in Rabat and brought together a large number of participants, including ministers and officials of environment from Muslim countries, as well as the heads of regional and international organizations operating in the field of environment protection and sustainable development.

    On the sidelines of the opening session, the Directors General of ISESCO, ALECSO and ABEGS inaugurated the publications exhibition of the three organizations.

    Moreover, Dr. AlMalik met a number of the National Commissions’ secretaries general, and together they explored the fields of cooperation between ISESCO and their respective countries as part of ISESCO’s new vision.

    KSAAEM Higher Committee holds its third meeting at ISESCO headquarters in Rabat

    The headquarters of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) hosted, today morning, the third meeting of the Higher Committee of the Award of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for Environmental Management in the Islamic World (KSAAEM). The meeting was co-chaired by Dr. Abdulrahman bin Sulaiman Al-Tariki, President of the Award’s Higher Committee, and Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ISESCO Director General, Secretary General of the Award.

    The Committee was represented in this meeting by Mr. Bandar bin Dulaim Al-Asmari, Dr. Hussain Mohammad Al-Qahtani, and Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari, and Mr. Mohammed Fouad AlBakri, while ISESCO was represented by Dr. Amina Al-Hajri, Mr. Mohamed Ghemari, Dr. Ahmed Said Ould Bah, Dr. Nabeel Anwar, Mr. Najib Rhiati, Dr. Abdelmajid Tribak, Dr. El Mahjoub Bensaid, Mr. Sami Al Qamhaoui, Mr. Ali Akdim, and Mr. Amine Errahmane Achargui. The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) was represented by Dr. Abdelhakim Al Waer.

    At the meeting’s opening session, addresses were delivered by President of the Award’s Higher Committee, and ISESCO Director General wherein they both extended their thanks to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, for his keen interest in the issues of the environment and sustainable development, his eagerness to promote joint Islamic action in different fields; and his continued support for the Award. They also highlighted the importance of this Award and its role in promoting scientific research in the fields of environment and sustainable development, and raising awareness of the importance of protecting and preserving the environment.

    Items of the meeting’s agenda included a presentation on the activities of the Award’s General Secretariat, Academic Report on the Award’s Second Edition, presentation on the work of the jury, adopting the list of winners, and looking into the Award’s future action programmes. The meeting also reached agreement on a number of proposals aiming at developing the Award’s organizational, academic and media-related dimensions.

    It is worth noting that the General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia supervises the Award while ISESCO is in charge of managing its General Secretariat. The Award covers five categories, namely best research works in the field of environmental management, best practices in the field of  environmental management in the public sector in Member States, best practices in the field of environmental management in the private sector in Member States, best leading practices in the field of  environmental management  in NGOs that can be replicated in Member States, and best environmentally-friendly Muslim cities.

    The Award is to be handed to its winners (17 winners from 13 Muslim countries) during the opening ceremony of the Eighth Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers, to be held on 2 October 2019, at ISESCO headquarters.

    At the close of the meeting of a joint commission between ISESCO and the Tunisian Ministry of Cultural Affairs: Agreement on organizational measures for the closing ceremony of the celebration of Tunis Capital of Islamic Culture, and holding the 11th Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers

    The third meeting of the Joint Preparatory Commission between the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) and the Tunisian Ministry of Cultural Affairs concluded yesterday in Tunis. The meeting was held at the Ministry’s headquarters on 23-24 September to discuss arrangements for organizing the closing ceremony of the 2019 celebration of Tunis as the Arab Region’s Capital of Islamic Culture and the Eleventh Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers.

    The minutes of the meeting were signed by Dr. Mohamed Zine El Abidine, Minister of Cultural Affairs of the Republic of Tunisia, and Mr. Mohamed Ghemari, ISESCO Director of the Secretariat of the Executive Council, the General Conference and Specialized Ministerial Conferences.

    The minutes include organizational arrangements, commitments and procedures for the closing ceremony of the 2019 celebration of the Arab region’s Capital of Islamic Culture and the eleventh Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers.

    It was agreed to organize the closing ceremony of the Tunis celebration on 18 December 2019, under the auspices of H.E. the President of the Republic of Tunisia, in the presence of ISESCO Director General, Ministers of Culture of the Member States, heads of international and regional organizations, and members of the Islamic Diplomatic Corps accredited to Tunisia. Attendees will also include a host of political and intellectual figures and heads of organizations and constitutional bodies in the Republic of Tunisia. The programme of the ceremony includes cultural events, artistic performances and exhibitions, and visits to cultural and religious sites, including the Zaytuna Mosque, Bardo Museum and City of Culture.

    Additionally, it was confirmed that the eleventh Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers will take place on 17-19 December 2019, in Tunis, under the auspices of H.E. the President of the Republic of Tunisia. The commission also confirmed the agreement on the obligations of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and ISESCO, in accordance with the organizational arrangements and tasks set out in the agreement signed between the ISESCO Director General and the Minister of Cultural Affairs on 29 November 2018 in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain. The Tunisian Ministry of Cultural Affairs proposed holding the fourth meeting of the preparatory commission for the conference in Tunis on 1-2 December, to agree on the latest organizational preparations and the opening ceremony of the conference, visit the participants’ accomodation and the venue of the conference sessions, discuss the organizational arrangements and prepare the program of the closing ceremony of the Tunis celebration on 18 December 2019.

    Held at the invitation of the Minister of Cultural Affairs of the Republic of Tunisia, the meeting was attended by ISESCO’s Director of the Secretariat of the Executive Council, the General Conference and Specialized Ministerial Conferences, Mr. Mohamed Ghemari; Cultural Advisor of ISESCO Director General, Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa; Ms. Ghizlane Bentaouit of the Secretariat of the Executive Council, the General Conference and Specialized Ministerial Conferences; along with officials and staff from the relevant directorates of the Ministry, representatives of the Ministries of Interior and Foreign Affairs, Education, Health, Tourism and Handicrafts in the Tunisian Government, the Governor and the Mayor of Tunis.