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    International Seminar at ICESCO calls for supporting a culture of peace and promoting the values of mercy to counter hatred

    The high-level officials and international specialized experts participating in the international seminar: “Germany and the Islamic World: Understanding and Developing,” held at ICESCO Headquarters, on Thursday (July 27, 2023), stressed the need to support the culture of peace, dialogue and understanding, open up new horizons for understanding and cultural exchange, promote the values of mercy and counter hatred and incitement.

    The seminar, held by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in partnership with the German Institute for Dialogue and Understanding “Mouatana,” began with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, followed by the address of Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, wherein he underscored that the unique relationship between the Islamic world and Germany is worth pondering upon, explored and studied.

    Besides, he pointed out that the Arab-Islamic culture has represented for centuries a rich field of study for intellects and researchers, with remarkable scientific impartiality, hailing the approach adopted by German thinkers that resulted in inspiring inferences highlighting the treasures of the Arab-Islamic heritage and paved the way for new methods of serious research in this heritage.

    ICESCO Director-General also indicated that the world is currently in dire need of consolidating understanding and finding better ways to express cultural differences far from fanaticism and aggression on sanctities.

    In his address, Dr. Rana Tanveer Hussain, Federal Minister of Education and Professional Training of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, stressed the importance of unity and cooperation in building a bright future for all, underscoring that this seminar is a unique opportunity to enhance cooperation and mobilize the capacities, expertise and knowledge of our nations.

    For his part, Mr. Robert Dölger, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Kingdom of Morocco, pointed out that Arab studies on European Orientalism open up new perspectives on the Arab world and help to strengthen understanding and cultural exchange between peoples.

    Mr. Abdul Samad Al-Yazidi, Director-General of the German Institute for Dialogue and Understanding “Mouatana,” stressed the importance of understanding the concept of citizenship as every citizen is an ambassador of his or her country. He also called for promoting the values of Islamic tolerance and peace in Germany to spread the message of mercy and confront hatred and incitement.

    The first working session featured papers examining the relationship between Germany and the Islamic world, with the participation of Mr. Abdul Samad Al-Yazidi, Dr. Muhammad Sharif, Advisor to ICESCO’s Science and Technology Sector, and Ms. Rabab Nissabieh, Public Relations Expert at the Central Council of Muslims in Germany.

    At the end of the session, the Director General of “Mouatana” Institute presented the ICESCO Director-General with the Institute’s shield and an ancient stone from Berlin Wall. For his part, Dr. AlMalik presented Mr. Al-Yazidi with ICESCO’s shield in recognition of his efforts and contributions in promoting civilizational dialogue.

    In the second working session, Dr. Abdulmalik Hibaoui, President of the German-Moroccan Council in Germany and head of the Department of Religious Dialogue at Mouatana Institute, presented an academic analysis of his book “German Orientalism: Study on Emergence, Evolution, and the Research Fields,” recently published by ICESCO, followed by critical interventions from Dr. Hatem El-Jawhari and Dr. Mohammed Massoudi.

    ICESCO & Nouakchott University hold a training session on manufacturing renewable energy equipment

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held a training session on manufacturing light renewable energy equipment and the development of innovation, in partnership with the Faculty of Science and Technology of Nouakchott University, and in cooperation with the Mauritanian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science. The aim is to promote innovation and build students’ capacities to find solutions for harnessing renewable energies through industry.

    The two-day training session, which is part of the celebration of Nouakchott, Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2023, held at Nouakchott University, concluded on Wednesday July 26, 2023.

    At the outset of the training, Mr. Mohamed Ould Sidi Abdallah, Secretary-General of the Mauritanian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, stressed the importance of innovation for developing industries and serving humanity, commending ICESCO’s ongoing support for the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.

    For his part, Mr. Mohamed Fadel Deida, Vice-President of Nouakchott University, highlighted the means and mechanisms for developing light equipment industries for renewable energies in Mauritania, as a means of contributing to the achievement of sustainable development.

    In addition, Dr. Foued El Ayni, Programs Manager at Science and Technology Sector, represented ICESCO, and reviewed the Organization’s efforts to support its Member States in the development of green industries and the use of renewable energies to preserve the environment.

    ICESCO co-organizes a symposium on promoting early childhood care and education in Korea

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) co-organized a symposium on international development cooperation policies for comprehensive and quality early childhood care and education, in Seoul, in cooperation with the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences of the Republic of Korea, Korea Institute of Child Care and Education, the School of Public Policy and Management of Korea Development Institute, and Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC).

    During the opening session of the symposium, held on Tuesday (July 25, 2023), the speakers commended the efforts and cooperation of the organizing parties, most notably ICESCO and Korea Institute of Child Care and Education, stressing the importance of concerted international efforts and the promotion of investment in international development cooperation for early childhood care.

    Dr. Sangbong Kim, Expert at ICESCO Education Sector, reviewed data collected from five African countries and analyzed by a research team from the Organization, presenting proposals and mechanisms to contribute to the promotion of early childhood care and education in African countries.

    This symposium comes within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between ICESCO and Korea Institute of Child Care and Education, which aims to enhance skills and capacities in the fields of early childhood care and education.

    ICESCO co-organizes three training sessions on teaching Arabic language in Thailand

    The Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) co-organized three training sessions in the field of teaching Arabic in the Kingdom of Thailand, in cooperation with the Center of Arabic Language Proficiency Testing and Skills Development of Prince Songkla University, the Institute of Religious Missions from Jala Province, Thailand, and Dhad Language Educational Company from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The training sessions benefited 180 participants, including teachers of Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, academics, and diplomatic staff.

    The first training session, held on 18-20 July 2023, in Bangkok, in cooperation between the Center of Arabic Language Proficiency Testing and Skills Development and the Dhad Language Educational Company, touched upon “Arabic language for international communication,” for the benefit of 50 academics and diplomatic staff from Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Brunei and Saudi Arabia.

    The second training session, held at Prince Songkla University, on 22-23 July 2023, tackled “Skills for teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers,” and benefited 70 participants from various educational institutions in southern Thailand.

    The third training session, held at the Institute of Religious Missions, on 23-24 July 2023, focused on modern strategies for developing Arabic language skills for non-Arabic speakers, for the benefit of more than 60 teachers of Arabic language and religious education from the Institute.

    Dr. Majdi Hajj Ibrahim, Head of ICESCO Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers, and Dr. Youssef Ismaili, Expert at the Center, co-supervised the training sessions, along with a host of local and international experts.

    ICESCO Delegation Visits Imam Chafiou Faculty of the Comoros University in Moroni

    The delegation accompanying Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), on an official visit to the Union of the Comoros, visited the headquarters of the Imam Chafiou Faculty of Islamic and Arab Sciences at the University of the Comoros. The delegation discussed with the faculty officials ways to promote cooperation between the two parties, namely through capacity building for young people and qualifying them in the fields of peace and security and by supporting the teaching of Arabic in non-Arab-speaking countries.

    During the visit, which took place this Saturday, 22 July 2023, Ms. Ramata Almamy-Mbaye, director of the Humanities and Social Sciences Sector at ICESCO, reviewed the Organization’s programmes and activities in the area of building the capacities of youth and qualifying them for leadership in peace and security, highlighting ICESCO’s willingness to support the University in this area.

    For his part, Mr. Adel Bouraoui, advisor to the Director-General in charge of ICESCO’s Arabic language external bodies, praised the important educational and academic roles of the Imam Chafoui Faculty of Islamic and Arab Sciences and the Comoros University in general, namely in consolidating the values of moderation, middle-stance and coexistence affirming ICESCO’s commitment to supporting the Arab-Islamic education at the Union of the Comoros through its initiatives to establish an ICESCO training centre of excellence in the field of Arabic language teaching in Moroni.

    Dr. Ahmed Salim, Secretary General of the University Presidency, and Dr. Abdouraouf Abdou, Dean of Imam Chafiou Faculty, expressed their gratitude and appreciation for ICESCO’s efforts to develop universities in its Member States, and the attention given to the University of the Comoros in the Organization’s programmes. They also highlighted the importance of the technical and academic support provided by ICESCO to the University for the development of scientific research.

    ICESCO participates in international workshop on multilingual education in Abidjan

    The Education Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the International Workshop on Challenges and Measures for Effective Multilingual Education organized in Abidjan by the UNESCO International Bureau of Education in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Literacy of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire.

    ICESCO Education Sector was represented in the workshop today, Thursday (20 July 2023), by Mr. Aziz El-Hajir, Program Director at the Sector. In his intervention, Mr. El-Hajir reviewed ICESCO’s efforts and vision in supporting the development of multilingual curricula from the perspective of integrating information and communication technology into these curricula. He also explored the partnership project between ICESCO and the UNESCO International Bureau of Education regarding the implementation of the master’s curricula project for teacher training institutions on the sidelines of the symposium.

    The workshop, which was organized as part of international workshops designed to build capacities and exchange experiences in curriculum transformation, aims to share best practices related to multilingual curricula to improve the quality of teaching and learning outcomes, seize opportunities and address challenges facing the integration of multilingualism into the curricula to prepare a guide for developing an orientation framework for curriculum transformation.

    The workshop saw the participation of national and international experts and curriculum officials in Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Guinea, Haiti, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Chad, as well as the participation and several leading civil society organizations in the field of multilingual curricula.

    ICESCO and ADD agree to promote cooperation

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Mr. Mohamed Idrissi Meliani, Director-General of the Digital Development Agency (ADD) of the Kingdom of Morocco, and together discussed ways to promote cooperation, as part of the agreement signed between the two institutions on June 2, 2023, at GITEX Africa 2023 in Marrakech.

    During the meeting, held on Tuesday, July 18, 2023, at ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat, in the presence of officials from both institutions, Dr. AlMalik stressed ICESCO’s keenness to strengthen cooperation with the Agency in areas of common interest. He added that the Organization seeks to contribute to strengthening cooperation between the Islamic world and other countries in the field of digital transformation and promoting the exchange of expertise and successful experiences in this field, by creating e-platforms that support knowledge transfer.

    For his part, Mr. Meliani commended ICESCO’s efforts to serve the interests of its Member States, expressing the Agency’s keenness to develop partnerships with the Organization and, through it, with the rest of the Islamic world.
    The meeting discussed practical proposals for cooperation between the two parties, including the launch of an award in the field of digital development, and the strategic partnership in organizing GITEX Africa 2024, to be held in Marrakech next May. It also discussed holding a meeting of ministers in charge of technology and communications in the Islamic world, in conjunction with GITEX Africa 2024.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed to form a joint working group to follow up on the developments of their partnership relations and agree on the programs and projects to be implemented in cooperation between them.

    ICESCO takes part in OIC-CA 2023 in Indonesia

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the OIC Cultural Week 2023 (OIC-CA 2023), held from 7 to 14 July 2023 in Indonesia, under the theme “Embracing Diversity and Advancing Harmony for the Brighter Future Society,” aimed at highlighting the long-standing history of Indonesia, the multiple aspects of its rich culture, and the abundant instances reflecting the values of coexistence among followers of different religions in this country.

    Ms. Fahmida Faiza, Director of Programs at the Sector of Human and Social Sciences, represented ICESCO at this cultural event, held by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in partnership with the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports. The ICESCO representative highlighted the Organization’s initiatives geared towards addressing new cultural and globalization challenges, and promoting the exchange of best practices, stressing the Organization’s keenness to develop partnerships with the Indonesian government, especially in the field of capacity building for youth and women.

    The program of the cultural week featured discussions, lectures and seminars on issues of interfaith dialogue and new cultural challenges in the era of globalization, in addition to art exhibitions, sports contests and workshops attended by experts, government officials, local youth, students, civil society leaders and religious associations. The Cultural Week also shed light on aspects of cultural diversity in Indonesia and other OIC Member States.

    During the event, the Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sports received ICESCO’s representative, who highlighted the Organization’s vision, action strategy and key programs.

    ICESCO organizes workshop in Nouakchott on integrating Islamic values into school curricula

     The Education Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is holding a workshop on integrating Islamic values into school curricula in the Mauritanian capital, Nouakchott, as part of the celebration of this city as the 2023 Culture Capital in the Islamic World. The workshop targets a number of workers in the field of education and is held in cooperation with the Mauritanian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, under the patronage of the Commission President, the Minister of Culture, Youth, Sports and Relations with the Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.

    The four-day workshop, which kicked off on Monday, July 17, 2023, aims to train education specialists on the mechanisms of integrating Islamic values into educational curricula and teaching methods and highlighting their role in shaping minds. It also aims to provide participants with the necessary advanced experiences and skills to consolidate the values of moderation and moderation in educational curricula.

    Mr. Mohamed Ould Sidi Abdallah, Secretary-General of the Mauritanian National Commission, Mr. Naji Ould Said, Inspector General of Education representing the Ministry of National Education and Reform of the Educational System, and Mr. Cheikh Ould Ahmedou, Director-General of the National Institute of Education in Mauritania, spoke at the opening of the workshop, all highlighting the roles ICESCO assumes in developing educational systems and building the capacities of their staff, through the support it provides to its Member States, including the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.

    The Secretary-General of the Mauritanian National Commission delivered ICESCO’s address, which referred to the significance of this workshop in strengthening the mechanisms for integrating Islamic values into educational curricula in Mauritania, and strengthening the roles of its professionals in anchoring a culture of peace.

    ICESCO participates in international conference on transforming education in the age of artificial intelligence

    The Science and Technology Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the International Conference on Transforming Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, held on 14 July 2023, by Mohammed V University at its premises in Rabat, in cooperation with the Tamkine Foundation and the Moroccan School of Engineering Sciences, to examine the opportunities of artificial intelligence and the challenges it faces in the educational process.

    In his address to the Conference, Dr. Adel Smeda, expert in the Sector, reviewed the challenges of artificial intelligence applications and their role in promoting education in the countries of the Islamic world, the importance of digital technology in facilitating teaching and the educational integration of pupils and students.

    Conference participants, including university teachers, experts and specialists in education, modern technology and artificial intelligence, explored the means and mechanisms for adapting education and higher education to technological developments to benefit from their applications.

    They also discussed the need to raise awareness of the opportunities and challenges involved in integrating artificial intelligence applications into the educational process and to promote innovation among children and young people.