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    ICESCO and Libya Explore Cooperation Developments in Cultural Field

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met Ms. Mabrouka Toughi Othman, Libyan Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development, to discuss cooperation between ICESCO and Libya in the cultural field and ways for its development, in light of the celebration of Benghazi as Culture Capital in Islamic World.

    During the meeting, held on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, in Tripoli, on the sidelines of the closing session of the International Conference on Translation of Meanings of Holy Qu’ran, Dr. AlMalik stressed ICESCO’s keenness to ensure the success of the celebration of Benghazi as Culture Capital in Islamic World, in cooperation with all competent Libyan authorities, indicating that the Organization’s Programme for Culture Capitals in Islamic World aims at publicizing the ancient heritage and cultural capital of cities, and turning them into tourist destinations.

    ICESCO DG commended the great development in relations between the Organization and Libya during the past period, and the country’s keenness to significantly strengthen cooperation with ICESCO over the coming period.

    For her part, the Libyan Minister of Culture stressed the strong cooperation between all Libyan parties to ensure the success of the celebration of Benghazi, indicating that the Supreme Committee of the Celebration prepared a diverse program, in coordination with ICESCO, featuring many events and activities that highlight the cultural and civilizational history of the city.

    Moreover, the meeting touched on the latest developments in the ongoing cooperation programs and activities between the two parties, and the future project proposals. The two parties agreed to strengthen coordination to organize the celebration.

    ICESCO-Libya collaboration: announcement of opening of Center for Translation of Meanings of Holy Qur’an

    The International Conference on Translation of Meanings of Holy Qur’an, which spanned three days, concluded its proceedings on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. The Conference was organized by the Institute of the Holy Quran in Tripoli, Libya, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development in Libya, and with scientific sponsorship from the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO).

    At its close, the Conference announced the opening of a Center for the Translation of the Meanings of the Holy Qur’an, and issued a series of recommendations, chief among which was the call to establish an observatory for translating the meanings of the Holy Qu’ran.

    The closing ceremony saw the attendance of a large number of distinguished officials, scholars, and researchers from Muslim and non-Muslim countries, including Ms. Mabrouka Toghi Othman, Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development in Libya, and Mr. Nasr Al-Din Al-Fazani, Minister of Tourism and Traditional Industry in Libya.

    In his speech at the ceremony, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), commended Mr. Mohamed al-Menfi, President of the Libyan Presidential Council, for agreeing, during their meeting prior to the Conference, to launch an initiative to establish and fund a center for the translation of the meanings of the Holy Qur’an. Dr. AlMalik then added that the Board of Directors of WICS in Libya had agreed to finance this project as part of its cooperation with ICESCO.

    Moreover, Dr. AlMalik thanked Libya, its leadership, government, and people, as well as the Institute of the Holy Quran in Libya, for organizing this Conference, which serves the Holy Qu’ran by facilitating the understanding of its true meanings for All. The Director-General also emphasized the weight of this responsibility and the challenges it faces, calling in this regard for the establishment of a global institution that rallies the Islamic world and harnesses its significant collective capabilities and resources in service of the Book of Allah.

    At the close of the conference, the speakers praised the meticulous organization of this momentous event and the recommendations that rose from it, which serve the dissemination of more accurate and clear translations of the meanings of the Holy Qur’an, helping non-Arabic speakers understand the Book of Allah correctly. Furthermore, they appreciated the roles of ICESCO and its initiatives in this regard, foremost among them being the “Read it to Understand it” initiative, which aims to confront the pathetic attempts made by some extremists to hurl offense at the Holy Qur’an by burning copies of it.

    At the Ceremony’s conclusion, certificates of appreciation were presented to the participants, and ICESCO DG received a commemorative shield from the Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development of Libya.

    ICESCO and WICS Agree to Enhance Cooperation in Libya

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Dr. Saleh Salim Al-Fakhri, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the World Islamic Call Society (WICS), held a meeting at the latter’s headquarters in Tripoli, Libya, to discuss ways to elevate cooperation to new heights, through the implementation of joint programs and projects across the Islamic world countries.

    At the outset of the meeting on May 8, 2024, attended by the Board of Directors and Heads of Departments of WICS, Dr. AlMalik stressed ICESCO’s keenness to significantly enhance cooperation between the two sides in the forthcoming period, in order to serve the Islamic world in the fields of common interest. Furthermore, he reviewed key programs and projects implemented by ICESCO in its Member States under its new vision and strategic directions.

    Dr. Al-Fakhri commended ICESCO’s contributions to education, science, and culture in its Member States and the broader Islamic world. He also expressed his desire to deepen cooperation with the Organization particularly through the implementation of quality programs.

    Moreover, the meeting discussed the progress of programs, projects, and activities being implemented between the two sides. It was mutually agreed to enhance their cooperation by launching a series of programs and projects across Islamic world countries. These initiatives will be overseen by ICESCO, with funding managed by WICS. The establishment of the International Center for the Translation of the Meanings of the Holy Quran will mark the initial outcome of this cooperation.

    It was also agreed upon that a delegation from WICS would visit the headquarters of ICESCO in Rabat, during the next month to discuss future cooperation projects and to draft new cooperation agreement

    President of Libya’s Presidential Council receives ICESCO Director-General

    H.E. President Mohamed Al Menfi, President of the Presidential Council of Libya, received on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at the Presidential Council’s headquarters in Tripoli, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO). The two officials discussed ways to strengthen the strategic partnership between ICESCO and Libya in the fields of education, science and culture.

    At the beginning of the meeting, which was attended by Mr. Mohamed El Amari Zaid, Libya’s Permanent Delegate to ICESCO, the President of the Libyan Presidential Council expressed his delight at the selection of Benghazi as Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2024, as part of ICESCO’s Culture Capitals Programme, stressing that Benghazi is one of Libya’s cities with long-standing history and heritage.

    Mr. Al Menfi announced that the Libyan government will sponsor the establishment of a center for the translation of the meanings of the Holy Quran in cooperation and coordination with ICESCO in the upcoming period. The President of the Presidential Council also commended the proceedings of the International Conference on the Translation of the Meanings of the Holy Quran, held by the Holy Quran Academy in Tripoli, with the support of the Libyan Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development.

    Mr. Al Menfi also reaffirmed Libya’s keenness to host the next session of the Organization’s Executive Council as well as several of its other international conferences and seminars.

    For his part, Dr. AlMalik highlighted key initiatives, programs and activities currently implemented by ICESCO, within the framework of its vision and strategic directions, which focus on building the capacities of youth and women, consolidating the values of coexistence, peace and civilizational dialogue, and encouraging investment in technology, innovation, artificial intelligence and space science. The DG also stated that ICESCO’s activities are geared toward spreading the culture of foresight, fostering the global status of the Arabic language, and promoting and preserving heritage through inscription on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage Lists.

    Moreover, the DG stressed the Organization’s keenness to develop cooperation and strategic partnership with the State of Libya within its areas of competence, especially in light of the celebration of Benghazi as the Culture Capital in the Islamic World. He added that ICESCO supports the activities of the year-long celebration to best represent the historical and cultural status of the city.

    At the close of the meeting, the DG presented H.E. President of the Presidential Council of Libya with ICESCO’s commemorative shield.

    ICESCO Director-General meets Prime Minister of Government of National Unity of Libya

    Mr. Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity of the State of Libya, received Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), to explore ways of developing the cooperation relations between ICESCO and Libya in areas of common interest, particularly in light of the celebration of Benghazi as the Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2024, within ICESCO’s Culture Capitals Programme.

    During the meeting, held on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, in Tripoli, Dr. AlMalik reviewed the major current initiatives, programs and activities of ICESCO, under its new vision and strategic orientations, which focus on building the capacities and developing the skills of women and youth to meet the requirements of the professions of tomorrow, supporting entrepreneurship, strengthening education, and scientific research systems, promoting and preserving heritage through its inscription on its Islamic World Heritage List, and consolidating the values of coexistence, peace and civilizational dialogue.
    The meeting discussed the importance of the celebration of Benghazi, Culture Capital in the Islamic World, to give a new impetus to the partnership between ICESCO and Libya in the fields of education, science, and culture, and highlight the artistic and cultural elements of Benghazi and other Libyan cities.

    For his part, Mr. Dbeibah reaffirmed the State of Libya’s support for ICESCO and its intention to settle its entire arrears to the Organization’s budget, in addition to its willingness to provide funding for a number of ICESCO’s programs and projects in Libya or in other countries of the Islamic world, explaining that the Government of National Unity will finance all programs, projects and activities falling within the Celebration of Benghazi, Culture Capital in the Islamic World.

    The Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity commended the roles of ICESCO in supporting the efforts of its Member States in its areas of competence, and expressed special interest in the Organization’s programs to build the capacities of young people and inscribing tangible and intangible heritage, stressing that Libya is fully prepared to host international conferences and seminars of ICESCO.

    ICESCO and Libya Sign Cooperation Agreement in Fields of Education

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Libyan Ministry of Education signed a Memorandum of Understanding aiming at enhancing and facilitating cooperation in areas of e-learning, curriculum development, remedial education, combating school dropout, promoting values of tolerance and citizenship, developing education strategies during crises and disasters, training teachers, and supporting and operationalizing affiliated school networks and scientific chairs at the national level.

    Mr. Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity, attended the signing of the agreement, on May 7, 2024, in Tripoli, by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), and Dr. Musa Muhammad Al-Maqrif, Libyan Minister of Education, President of the Libyan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture.

    The agreement’s areas of cooperation include curriculum development, digital transformation, e-learning, remedial education, combating school dropout and failure, training teachers, supporting educational rehabilitation centers and institutions, and developing a framework for academic certificate and degree equivalency. It also features the exchange of information and experiences in preparing, qualifying, and developing educational, administrative and technical staff, as well as integrating information and communication technology, in addition to preserving the diverse forms of cultural heritage, and encouraging national participation of students in scientific, sports, and cultural events and competitions.

    Prior to signing the Memorandum, Dr. AlMalik and Dr. Al-Maqrif held a meeting to review the progress of the partnership between ICESCO and Libya in education, science, and culture, expressing their keenness to strengthen such cooperation by implementing several programs, projects, and initiatives in areas that align with Libya’s priorities and meet its needs within the Organization’s areas of competence.

    During the meeting, attended by Mr. Mohamed El Amari Zaid, Libya’s Permanent Delegate to ICESCO, the two parties reviewed the results of the key ongoing cooperation programs and projects between ICESCO and Libya, and considered joint project and activity proposal, particularly under the celebration of Benghazi as the Culture Capital in the Islamic World.

    ICESCO and Libyan National Commission Announce Launch of the Celebration of Benghazi as Islamic World Culture Capital

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Libyan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture announced the initiation of the Celebration of Benghazi as the Capital of Culture in the Islamic World 2024 during a press conference attended by Mr. Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity of the State of Libya and Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), Dr. Musa Muhammad Al-Maqrif, Libyan Minister of Education, President of the Libyan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, as well as several ministers and senior officials.

    In his address at the press conference, held in the Libyan capital of Tripoli, on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, Mr. Dbeibah stated that the celebration of Benghazi as the capital of culture in the Islamic world attests to its esteemed status and rich heritage as a beacon of knowledge, and home to the first university in Libya. Moreover, Mr. Dbeibah commended the initiatives of ICESCO aimed at enhancing the identity and culture of the Islamic world, expressing his full support for all the activities of the Celebration.

    At the outset of his speech, Dr. AlMalik praised Benghazi’s illustrious history and its great figures who impacted the fields of arts, thought, and science throughout the ages. Dr. AlMalik highlighted the prominent landmarks of the city that reflect its unique civilizational heritage, including the Sanabel Theatre, Al Manar Palace, the tomb of Omar Mukhtar, and Benghazi Lighthouse.

    ICESCO DG affirmed that the Organization will spare no effort in ensuring the success of the programs and activities of the Celebration and that it will continue its commitment to support Libya in its areas of competence. Dr. AlMalik concluded his speech by delivering a poem he wrote for this occasion titled “The Virtuous Benghazi.”

    For his part, Dr. Al-Maqrif stated that Benghazi is deserving of its selection as part of ICESCO’s Culture Capitals Program, given its historical significance and notable contributions to science, thought and culture. Dr. Al-Maqrif noted that this year-round Celebration will include organizing several cultural, heritage, scientific, educational, and sporting activities in various Libyan cities.

    Moreover, Mr. Ibrahim Hadiya Al-Majbari, Chairman of the Higher Committee for Celebrating Benghazi as the Capital of Culture in the Islamic World, stated that Culture unifies the people of Libya and that this Celebration is an occasion to promote the Heritage of Benghazi.

    At the end of the press conference, Dr. AlMalik and Mr. Dbeibah exchanged honorary shields.

    ICESCO and Senegal Stress the Importance of Enhancing Cooperation in Education, Science and Culture

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with H.E. Bassirou Diomaye Faye, President of the Republic of Senegal, to explore prospects to enhance cooperation between ICESCO and Senegal in education, science and culture.

    The two parties met on the sidelines of the 15th Islamic Summit Conference in Banjul, capital of the Republic of The Gambia.

    At the outset of the meeting, held on Saturday, May 4, 2024, Dr. AlMalik congratulated H.E. President Faye on his election as President of the Republic of Senegal and wished him every success in serving his country and realizing his people’s aspirations.
    During the meeting, which was attended by a number of ministers and staff of the President, ICESCO DG reviewed the main lines of the Organization’s vision and strategic orientations and its practical initiatives in its areas of competence, which have a particular focus on supporting Member States in modernizing their educational systems, developing scientific research, preserving and valuing heritage, building the capacities of youth and women and training them on leadership for peace and security as well as equipping them with the skills needed for tomorrow’s professions.

    Furthermore, Dr. AlMalik reviewed the notable programs and projects between ICESCO and Senegal, implemented in coordination with the Senegalese National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, stressing the Organization’s commitment to communicating with its Member States to identify their priorities and needs and design tailored programs for each of them.

    For his part, the Senegalese President lauded ICESCO’s roles and efforts in supporting its Member States in its areas of competence, stressing his keenness to maintain Senegal’s partnership with the Organization.

    The meeting was attended by Dr. Ahmed Said Ould Bah Abah and Dr. Alioune Sall, Advisors to the Organization’s General Directorate.

    ICESCO Director General Meets President of the Republic of Tatarstan

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with H.E. Rustam Minnikhanov, President of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation, to explore prospects to enhance cooperation between ICESCO and Tatarstan in areas of common interest.

    During the meeting, which took place on Saturday, May 4, 2024, in Banjul, the capital of the Republic of Gambia, on the sidelines of the 15th Islamic Summit Conference, Dr. AlMalik stressed ICESCO’s keenness to strengthen cooperation with Tatarstan in capacity building for youth and women and teaching Arabic language, as part of the Organisation’s vision and strategic orientations.

    Furthermore, the meeting discussed the “Russia-Islamic World Strategic Vision Group” Forum, to be hosted in Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan, from May 16 to 19, and ICESCO’s participation with a special pavilion at the Forum’s exhibition and its contribution to the Forum’s panel discussions.

    For his part, H.E. President Rustam Minnikhanov welcomed ICESCO’s participation in these major events and the cooperation between the two sides, praising the Organization’s outstanding roles and initiatives in education, science and culture.

    ICESCO and Moroccan Government Sign an Annex to Amend Headquarters Agreement for the First Time in 36 Years

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco, represented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, have signed an annex to amend the Organization’s Headquarters Agreement for the first time in 36 years since it was signed in 1988. Under this agreement, the Kingdom of Morocco grants ICESCO and its staff a set of privileges.

    The Agreement was signed on Saturday, May 4, 2024, by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of ICESCO, and Mr. Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, on the sidelines of the 15th Islamic Summit Conference in Banjul, capital of the Republic of The Gambia.

    On this occasion, Dr. AlMalik expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to the people and government of the Kingdom of Morocco, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist him, for the continued support to ICESCO and the hospitality granted to its staff in the seat country. These have always been of great help to the Organization in fulfilling its civilizational mission.
    The Annex to the Headquarters Agreement accounted for the modification of ICESCO’s name, which was approved in 2020 by its Executive Council which enjoyed the powers of its General Conference.

    The Annex also provides several fiscal privileges to the Organization, mainly exemption from all registration taxes, facilitating the issuance of entry visas to Morocco for guests and participants in its activities and for the families of non-national staff and experts, as well as facilitating the conditions for issuing residency permits and replacing diplomatic cars for them.

    Moreover, the Annex stipulated the facilitation of issuing entry visas to Morocco and residency permits for ICESCO trainees, selected to participate in its professional training programs for the youth of the Islamic world, during their stay.