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    ICESCO and Azerbaijan Discuss the Latest Developments in Cooperation Relations in Education, Science and Culture

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), began his visit to the Republic of Azerbaijan, on Wednesday (18 May 2022), by meeting with Mr. Anar Karimov, Minister of Culture, Chairman of the National Commission for Education, Science and Culture of Azerbaijan, where they discussed the latest developments in cooperation efforts between ICESCO and Azerbaijan.

    At the outset of the meeting, Mr. Karimov thanked Dr. AlMalik for accepting the invitation to participate as a keynote speaker at the Ministry of Culture’s International Conference on “Advancing the Post-Conflict Humanitarian Agenda: Sustainable Development through Revitalization of the Cultural Environment,” which kicks off on Thursday (May 19, 2022).

    During the meeting, the two parties discussed the latest developments in cooperation between ICESCO and the Republic of Azerbaijan and reviewed the programmes and projects that were implemented in cooperation between the Organization and several competent authorities in Azerbaijan, including ICESCO’s Programme for Training Youth on the Development of Micro-projects in the field of Technology and Innovation. They also explored other programmes and projects that will be implemented in cooperation between the two parties during the next phase, including the establishment of the ICESCO Chair on Biomedical Materials at Baku State University, and the Leadership Training in Peace and Security Programme, whose cohort members become ICESCO’s ambassadors for peace.

    Moreover, the meeting tackled the arrangements for the visit of ICESCO’s technical team, this month, which includes experts from inside and outside the Organization, to inspect and assess the damage caused to the archaeological and historical sites in Karabakh.

    ICESCO Holds an International Symposium to Highlight the Role of Museums in Safeguarding Heritage and Achieving Sustainable Development

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held an International Symposium to celebrate International Museum Day, under the theme: “The Power of Museums,” with the participation of several experts and specialists in the field to explore the role of museums in achieving sustainable development, safeguarding heritage and cultural identity, and supporting its mechanisms to recover from the negative fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), started the Symposium, which was held via videoconference, on Monday, May 16, 2022, by highlighting the importance of museums in promoting and developing societies and cultures. He stated that museums were the institutions most hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. He added that it is necessary to provide support to museums given their role in displaying our tangible and intangible cultural heritage and supporting socio-economic development.

    He pointed out that ICESCO places museums among its priorities, due to the role they play in changing our way of thinking in educational, scientific and cultural fields, and that ICESCO will create a digital platform that brings together 2,700 museums around the Islamic world to exchange knowledge and experiences. This network will oversee the development of training programs and capacity-building workshops in this field.

    He also revealed that ICESCO will issue a guide of museums in the Islamic world; its first volume will deal with museums in Africa, to build bridges between museums in the Islamic world and promoting cultural diversity.

    In his speech, Dr. Mohamed Zinelabidine, Head of ICESCO Culture and Communication Sector, stressed the Organization’s relentless endeavor in accompanying the Member States in achieving the governance of heritage development policies as they represent a strategic revolution reflecting memory, identity and the diverse heritage specificities of the Islamic world, indicating that these executive policies must support development and wealth, through an optimal exploitation of monuments, museums, sites and cultural elements. These qualitative and quantitative goals can only be achieved if the Member States, in cooperation with ICESCO, enable the heritage sector to have sufficient budgets and human and technical resources capable of improving museums’ performance.

    The Symposium sessions saw the participation of several experts from different countries of the Islamic world who presented, through their interventions, an overview of the history of the International Museum Day, celebrated worldwide on May 18. They also reviewed museum experiences as a space that combines various fields and performs a noble task of displaying and safeguarding heritage and the importance of museums in peace-building and strengthening human ties and relations. The participants delivered presentations on the role of crisis management to achieve the sustainability of museum action and the power of museums in achieving sustainable development.

    ICESCO Director-General Extends his Condolences at the Headquarters of the UAE Embassy in Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), extended his condolences on the passing of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, at the headquarters of the United Arab Emirates Embassy in Rabat.

    In a statement he wrote on the Embassy’s condolences book, Dr. AlMalik commended Sheikh Khalifa’s great role and outstanding contributions to promoting joint action at the regional and international levels, supporting culture, literature and scientific developments, and his interest in humanitarian work.

    ICESCO had issued a statement on the loss of this great leader, who passed away on Friday, May 13, 2022, expressing its sincere condolences to the ruling family and the people of the United Arab Emirates as well as the Arab and Islamic Ummah, and the world.

    Islamic World Cultures Meet in ICESCO to Celebrate World Day for Cultural Diversity

    Traditional, colorful costumes with unique designs, delicious dishes that convey the authenticity of their respective country’s cuisine, and traditional music and arts from different countries, were all present in the international cultural ceremony, organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), on Monday, May 16, 2022, at its headquarters, in observance of the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, celebrated on May 21 every year.

    The ceremony was held under the theme “Around the World in 50 Dishes” and saw the participation of 20 Member States through their embassies accredited to the Kingdom of Morocco. It aimed at highlighting the abundant diversity of cultures in the countries of the Islamic world and promoting their distinctive cuisine, clothing, music and traditional arts. The ceremony also sought to emphasize the importance of cultural diversity in building prosperous societies and implementing ICESCO’s vision which endeavors to anchor the values of dialogue, tolerance and coexistence, and foster mutual understanding among cultures for a cohesive, open world.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), and Dr. Mamadou Tangara, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of The Gambia, inaugurated the ceremony, which saw the attendance of ambassadors of the participating countries to the Kingdom of Morocco and their wives, and all ICESCO officials and staff members of various nationalities.

    In his opening remarks, Dr. AlMalik hailed the splendid encounter of cultures at the ceremony, which reflects cultural harmony, human unity, and tolerance, and represents a crossroad between our past and present.

    He pointed out that in the same way that our natures differ, our choices also vary according to our environments, which generates diverse perspectives and ultimately leads to rich creativity, calling for the promotion of the concept of populating Earth that cannot be fulfilled without forging cordial relationships based on synergy and cooperation following the principle of moderation.
    At the close of his address, Dr. AlMalik emphasized that ICESCO is a culturally diverse Organization, which qualifies it for guiding the Islamic world’s path towards creativity.

    For his part, Dr. Mamadou Tangara commended ICESCO’s role in preserving the rich diversity of cultures, heritage and civilizations in the Islamic world, stressing the importance of these efforts in promoting peace, security and social cohesion. He also emphasized the need to develop traditional industries as a key lever for economic, social and cultural development.

    During the ceremony, participants exchanged knowledge of their countries’ traditional clothing and history, tasted the traditional dishes they brought and discussed their ingredients and preparation method, before taking a group photo.

    ICESCO Director-General Receives the Gambia Foreign Minister

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Dr. Mamadou Tangara, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Gambia, during his visit to ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat on Monday,16 May 2022, and his attendance at the Organization’s celebration of the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.

    During the meeting, which was attended by Ms. Saffie Lowe Ceesay, Ambassador of Gambia to Morocco, Dr. Al-Malik affirmed ICESCO’s keenness, within the framework of its new vision and strategy, to build fruitful partnerships with its Member States, cooperate with the competent authorities in education, science and culture, and design programs and practical activities according to the needs and priorities of each country, in permanent coordination with the national commissions. The DG underlined the most prominent programs and activities implemented by ICESCO, including the 2022 edition of the ICESCO Youth Leadership Program for Peace and Security, which will be launched from the capital of the Republic of the Gambia, to train a new group of ICESCO’s ambassadors for peace.

    ICESCO DG praised the distinguished relations between the Organization and the Republic of the Gambia and the attendance of Dr. Isatou Touray, Vice-President of the Gambia, at ICESCO’s celebration of the conclusion of the Year of Women 2021, which was honored by the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco.

    For his part, the Gambian foreign minister praised ICESCO’s remarkable roles in its fields of competence, and its efforts to consolidate the values of coexistence, peace and civilized dialogue, reaffirming his full support for the existing cooperation between ICESCO and Gambia in the fields of education, science and culture.

    An International Conference on the International Day of Argania 2023 at ICESCO Headquarters

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), announced the organization of an international conference at the Organization’s Headquarters in Rabat on May 10, 2023, on the occasion of the International Day of Argania, with the participation of a group of researchers and scientists in the field, to develop scientific research and issue recommendations to strengthen the socio-economic status of the Argan tree.

    Dr. AlMalik made this announcement during his participation on the second day of the Cultural Forum on celebrating the International Day of Argania, in response to an honorary invitation from the Essaouira Women’s Foundation for Economic Development in the Kingdom of Morocco, which is organizing the three-day Forum in the city of Essaouira, with the participation of an ICESCO delegation.

    ICESCO DG stated that the Organization established ICESCO Chair for the Argan Tree at Ibn Zohr University in Agadir, in cooperation and coordination with the concerned authorities in the Kingdom of Morocco, through the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, to adopt scientific research aimed at preserving the argan tree and fostering its socio-economic position.

    He commended the great action of the Essaouira Women’s Foundation for Economic Development to organize the Forum and its role in training and accompanying cooperatives to contribute to valorizing the role of the argan tree.

    During the second day of the Forum, participants explored the necessary steps to inscribe the argan tree on ICESCO’s lists of intangible heritage in the Islamic world, safeguard and valorize the heritage associated with it and promote traditional industries related to the argan tree, through preparing files and submitting them to the Islamic World Heritage Committee.

    Dr. Kais Hammami, Director of ICESCO Center of Strategic Foresight participated in the activities of the first day of the Forum where he highlighted the importance of foresight studies for the different regions, as an approach to cast light on local development factors while taking into account the characteristics of each region. He stated that ICESCO is in the process of completing a prospective study for the future of the city of Essaouira.

    In her intervention, Dr. Hoda Abdullah Al-Muqairhi, Expert at ICESCO Center for Civilizational Dialogue, highlighted that societies’ social, cultural and civilizational diversity represents an advantage that contributes to promoting unity, peace, love and harmony. She reviewed several initiatives and programs through which ICESCO aims to integrate the values of love and compassion into the educational curricula of its Member States, address peace issues in their comprehensive dimensions and qualify women and youth and train them on leadership for peace and security.

    ICESCO Director-General Visits Bayt Dakira and Zawya Kadirya Museum in Essaouira

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), visited Bayt Dakira Museum, in Essaouira, Kingdom of Morocco, which preserves and publicizes the history of Moroccan Jewish heritage. He was received by André Azoulay, Advisor to His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco.

    Dr. Al-Malik and Mr. Azoulay discussed the prospects for cooperation between ICESCO and Bayt Dakira, within the framework of the Organization’s new vision, which attaches special attention to civilizational dialogue and seeks to consolidate the principles of coexistence and peace through its various programmes and activities.

    ICESCO DG made this visit after his participation in the opening session of the cultural forum, organized in observance of the International Day of Argania, in response to an honorary invitation from Essaouira Women Foundation for Economic Development in the Kingdom of Morocco. The forum is organized from 13 to 15 May 2022, with the participation of a number of high-level officials and specialists in the areas of environmental conservation and cooperatives.

    During his visit to Bayt Dakira, ICESCO DG was briefed on the museum’s rich collection that highlights the rich cultural and civilizational diversity of Morocco, and showcases the lang-standing coexistence and tolerance among the followers of monotheistic religions. He also listened to a detailed pesentation on the documents belonging to Moroccan Jewish families, ‘Attia’ synagogue in the museum, as well as old photos and films, music recordings and traditional clothes.

    Afterwards, Dr. AlMalik visited Zawya Kadirya in Essaouira, which plays a key role in fostering the principles of coexistence, memorization of the Holy Qur’an, and supporting religious chanting bands through its various events and activities. He also listened to the choral of Zawya’s children signing band, in the presence of the wives of a number of ambassadors of Muslim countries accredited to the Kingdom of Morocco.

    ICESCO and Essaouira Province Explore Cooperation Prospects in Heritage Preservation

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with Mr. Adil El-Malki, Governor of Essaouira Province in the Kingdom of Morocco, and together they explored prospects of cooperation between ICESCO and Essaouira in the field of tangible and intangible heritage preservation.

    During the meeting, held on Saturday May 14, 2022, at the headquarters of the Governorate of Essaouira, Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed that ICESCO’s vision accords great attention to safeguarding and inscribing tangible and intangible heritage in the Islamic world, and rendering it a pillar of sustainable development, noting Essaouira’s long-standing heritage that stands witness to the city’s glorious past.

    For his part, the Governor commended ICESCO’s key roles on its areas of competence, and stated that Essaouira has always been a model of coexistence and tolerance, adding that the Governorate accords great attention to safeguarding the city’s heritage and is keen on promoting cooperation with ICESCO in this field.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties reaffirmed their keenness to build a special partnership, contribute to the promotion of Essaouira’s heritage and preserve its civilizational and cultural diversity, as part of ICESCO’s efforts to anchor coexistence in the Islamic world and preserve the historical and cultural memory.

    The meeting was held on the sidelines of ICESCO DG’s participation in the Cultural Forum held in celebration of the International Day of Argania, upon the invitation of the Foundation of Essaouira’s Women for Economic Development in the Kingdom of Morocco. The Forum is held on 13-15 May 2022, with the participation of a number of high-ranking officials, conservation and environment specialists and cooperatives.

    Cultural Forum Celebrating International Day of Argania Kicks Off in Essaouira

    The Cultural Forum held in celebration of the International Day of Argania kicked off on Friday, May 13, 2022, in Essaouira. The event is organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in cooperation with the Foundation of Essaouira’s Women for Economic Development in the Kingdom of Morocco.

    The three-day Forum, which took place at the social hall of the Essaouira-Mogador Association, saw the attendance of Mr. André Azoulay, Advisor to His Majesty King Mohammed VI; Ms. Aawatif Hayar, Minister of Solidarity, Social Integration and Family; Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), in addition to several high-ranking officials, conservation and environment specialists and cooperatives.

    The Forum opened with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, followed by the remarks of Ms. Raja Bourhim, President of the Foundation, who thanked the participants for attending the event, noting that the Foundation provides training and support to cooperatives to enhance the value of the Argan tree.

    Ms. Aawatif Hayar’s then delivered an address in which she reviewed the achievements of the Kingdom of Morocco in promoting women’s rights and contributing to sustainable development. She also underscored the urgent need to preserve and promote the argan tree as a valuable economic asset, commending women’s efforts in this respect.

    For his part, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik commended the generosity and hospitality of the people of Essaouira and the city’s abundant civilizational and cultural diversity.

    The Director-General noted that the argan tree has become an emblem of Essaouira, a city that works tirelessly to produce food and medicine from this valuable tree. “The celebration of the International Day of Argania is a celebration of Essaouira’s civilizational richness and an opportunity to reflect on the importance that ICESCO attaches to civilizational dialogue” added ICESCO DG.

    At the close of his address, Dr. AlMalik announced that ICESCO will conduct a foresight study on the future of the city of Essaouira according to the new development model and will build fruitful cooperation with the Foundation of Essaouira’s Women for Economic Development to serve the local community.

    Various directors of national agencies and experts delivered their addresses and emphasized the importance of promoting the value of the argan tree.

    Participants then visited the exhibition of traditional women’s clothing in the Islamic world, which is held on the sidelines of the Forum.

    ICESCO Participates in the Smart Cities Week 2022, in Rabat

    The Smart Cities Week 2022, held by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the International University of Rabat, in cooperation with many international partners, kicked off. The event aims at highlighting the importance of modern technologies and applications to contribute to building smart cities and sustainable, urban, inclusive and prosperous communities.

    The Smart Cities Week, which is being held via videoconference, from 9 through 14 May 2022, will witness the participation of several countries, international organizations, experts and researchers in the fields of smart cities from around the world to discuss the latest scientific findings in this the field.

    Dr. Foued El-Ayni and Dr. Adel Smaida, two experts in the Science and Technology Sector represent ICESCO in the Smart Cities Week. Dr. El-Ayni made a presentation on “sustainable smart cities in the Islamic world: challenges and opportunities,” wherein he stressed the importance of the shift towards smart, sustainable and flexible cities, to preserve the environment and ensure the right of future generations to a better future. He also highlighted ICESCO’s efforts in this field and its future programs and action plans to enhance the involvement of its Member States in this new vision.

    In his intervention during the Smart Education Summit, Dr. Smaida tackles the role of the metaverse and modern technologies in online education, explaining the advantages of using digital technologies and virtual reality in promoting distance education, and underscoring ICESCO’s interest in encouraging the use of modern technologies in all areas of daily life, particularly learning.

    The Week’s agenda features organizing conferences, seminars and training workshops as well as competitions, and allowing engineering and Ph.D. students and startups to present projects and innovations related to smart cities.