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    Two letters of gratitude from the Conference of Environment Ministers in the Islamic world to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the Saudi Crown Prince

    Participants in the 9th Conference of Environment Ministers in the Islamic World, organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by the Saudi Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture, sent two letters of gratitude and appreciation to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and His Royal Highness Crown Prince, Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Prime Minister, may Allah protect them.

    The letter was addressed to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and co-signed by Eng. Abdulrahman bin Abdulmohsen Al-Fadli, Saudi Minister of Environment, Water, and Agriculture, President of the Conference, and Dr. Salim AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, on behalf of the conference participants, conveyed their utmost gratitude, appreciation, and recognition for the continued generous support and benevolent contributions extended to the sessions of the Conference of Environment Ministers in the Islamic World and other regional and international environmental initiatives, as the conference concludes its proceedings on Thursday 19 October 2023.

    They seized this opportunity to express their deep appreciation for the leading developmental achievements accomplished in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under his wise leadership. They also highly commend his successful efforts in achieving significant structural reforms in the fields of the environment, green transformation, and sustainable development, which have placed the Kingdom in a leading position on the Islamic world level.

    In the letter addressed to His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, the conference members expressed their deepest gratitude and appreciation for his generous support and significant efforts in serving the environmental and sustainable development causes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and across the Islamic world. They also commended his endeavors to strengthen cooperation and joint action about the environment, to provide a more sustainable, secure, and prosperous tomorrow for the current and future generations.

    Moreover, the conference participants expressed their appreciation of the leading initiative “Green Saudi Arabia,” which His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has expanded regionally and internationally under the “Green Middle East” initiative, reaffirming their support for these two leading initiatives and their commitment to their success. They also praised His Highness’s strategic vision to support innovation, leadership, enhance development and welfare, and achieve a greener and more sustainable future at the national, regional, and international levels.

    Conference of Environment Ministers in the Islamic World condemns the Israeli escalation and warns of a humanitarian, environmental and health catastrophe in Gaza

    Participants in the Ninth Conference of Environment Ministers in the Islamic World, held by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, on Thursday (October 19, 2023), condemned the military escalation of the Israeli occupation in Gaza Strip that resulted in a large number of civilian casualties as well as the destruction of the environment and necessities of life by targeting hospitals, educational, cultural and scientific institutions and infrastructure, and imposing a complete siege of the Strip.

    “Within the context of the outcomes of the emergency meeting of foreign ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, held in Jeddah, on 18 October 2023, upon an initiative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and under its presidency, to discuss the latest developments in Gaza Strip, we express our strong condemnation of the tragic events that the brotherly Palestinian people are exposed to, especially what is currently happening in and around the Gaza Strip; condemn the military escalation that causes casualties among civilians, the destruction of the environment and the basic necessities of life; the targeting of hospitals, educational, cultural and scientific institutions and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip and the imposition of a total siege on it, and also denounce the calls for the forced displacement of the Palestinian people from Gaza, which is inconsistent with international humanitarian law,” stressed the Declaration.

    Moreover, the Declaration also stressed “the need to protect civilians, provide for their necessary humanitarian needs, including the right to education and health care, and allow the delivery of the basic necessary medical and relief aid to the residents of Gaza, and call on the international community to assume its responsibilities and act swiftly to avoid further casualties among civilians, especially among the sick, the injured, children, women and the elderly, and the occurrence of a humanitarian, environmental and health catastrophe in the Gaza Strip, and put an end to the massive destruction targeting the environment, human beings and various living organisms.”

    Conference of Environment Ministers in the Islamic World issues Jeddah Declaration on Green Transformation at close of its proceedings

    At the close of its proceedings, today, Thursday, October 19, 2023, the Conference of Environment Ministers in the Islamic World issued the Jeddah Declaration on Green Transformation. The Conference was organized by Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented in its Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture.

    The Declaration extended thanks to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for hosting the Conference and put forth several recommendations in the field of environment protection, ways to mitigate the socio-economic and environmental impact of climate change in the Islamic world, and means to promote the role of the green economy in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The participants also undertook to implement the orientations and commitment contained in the Declaration, in coordination with the various competent parties concerned in the Member States, ICESCO’s General Directorate and the international and regional organizations concerned.

    The Conference also commended the two leading initiatives, “Saudi Green Initiative” and “Middle East Green Initiative,” reaffirming their commitment to supporting them and contributing to their success and outreach.

    Moreover, the Declaration strongly condemned the tragic events that the Palestinian people are exposed to, especially what is currently happening in and around the Gaza Strip; denounced the military escalation that caused casualties among civilians, the destruction of the environment and the basic necessities of life; and called on the international community to assume its responsibilities and act swiftly to avoid more casualties, and the occurrence of a humanitarian, environmental and health catastrophe in the Gaza Strip.

    On another note, the Declaration welcomed the outcomes of the 27th session of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in the Arab Republic of Egypt, in November 2022, notably the agreement on a just transition action program and mechanisms for funding losses and damages, including the establishment of a fund for this purpose. It also welcomed and supported the “Climate/Refugee Nexus Initiative” launched by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, which aims to strengthen the resilience of countries that suffer from the negative effects of climate change and host large numbers of refugees.

    Afterward, the Conference participants submitted two letters of thanks and gratitude to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman, may Allah preserve them.

    During its working sessions, the Conference commended the documents and projects presented by ICESCO’s General Directorate, the Report of the Sixth Meeting of the Executive Bureau of the Environment in the Islamic World, and the discussions and deliberations that have taken place among the Ministers and heads of delegations taking part in the Conference, with a view of exchanging ideas and experiences on the protection of the environment and green transformation.

    Dr. AlMalik gave a closing remark where he lauded the sense of responsibility and the spirit of cooperation manifested during the Conference, stating that the Organization commits to implement the adopted programs, projects and visions and considers the observations it has received concerning the Jeddah Declaration.

    Ninth Conference of Environment Ministers in Islamic World kicks off in Jeddah

    The Ninth Conference of Environment Ministers in the Islamic World kicked off today, Thursday, 19 October 2023, in Jeddah, organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and hosted by the Saudi Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, under the theme, “Toward Achieving Green Transformation in the Islamic World.” The Conference brought together high-caliber participation, notably environment ministers, delegations of ICESCO Member States and representatives of the regional and international environment, climate and agriculture organizations.

    The opening session began with a recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, followed by the address of Eng. Abdulrahman A. AlFadley, Saudi Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture, and President of the Conference, who stressed the importance the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia attaches to environment protection, as evidenced by the creation of a fund and five specialized environment centers covering all environmental issues.

    He also stated that the Islamic world needs to join forces to protect the environment and ensure its sustainability, in light of the current challenges, calling for exchanging experiences and adopting the best environmental practices to sustain it for future generations.

    For his part, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, extended his thanks to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, may Allah preserve them, for hosting this major event, stressing that ICESCO places environment issues at the top of its priorities and works tirelessly to find solutions to environmental dilemmas.

    He also called upon decision-makers to further invest in and support the green economy and come up with new innovative solutions by capitalizing on the digital, information and artificial intelligence applications in addition to space sciences.

    Furthermore, Dr. AlMalik underscored the significance of environmental issues for the Islamic world, given its vital geo-environmental location, which calls for community mobilization, especially among women, to support these issues. He also highlighted ICESCO Member States’ efforts in this regard, notably the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s “Middle East Green Initiative,” the Arab Republic of Egypt’s hosting of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 27), and the State of the United Arab Emirates’ future organization of COP28.

    At the close of his remark, Dr. AlMalik announced that the Organization will launch five scientific chairs dedicated to environmental issues in five universities across the Islamic World, to be added to its “Reforestation for Sustainable Development” initiative, launched this year by planting 50,000 trees in Mauritania and Togo, to plant 50 million trees by 2030. Dr. AlMalik also underlined the Organization’s commitment to supporting small-scale farmers in adopting smart agriculture; emphasized ICESCO’s readiness, as part of its Year of Youth activities, to support a youth-led mock Environment Conference and adopt its recommendations; and expressed the Organization’s keen interest to collaborate with the parties concerned to develop the Saudi Arabia Award for Environmental Management.

    Speaking next, Mr. Hissein Ibrahim Taha, Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), pointed out that the Islamic World is among the regions experiencing escalating impacts of global climate change. He stated that, as temperatures continue to rise, the Islamic World is faced with a multitude of environmental challenges that necessitate proactive management. He further highlighted the substantial contributions made by Islamic countries in mitigating the negative impact of climate change, along with their dedicated commitments and initiatives in the environmental field.

    As the Conference Guest, Mr. Sergio Mujica, Secretary-General of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), stated that ISO norms and standards are key instruments for achieving sustainable development, stressing the importance of joint international action in successfully protecting the environment and making a positive impact.

    Mr. Ibrahim Thiaw, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), which will hold the next session of its Conference of the Parties in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia next year, emphasized the importance of striking a balance between traditional wisdom and technological advancements to combat drought, protect the environment, and achieve a sustainable, green future, reaffirming his commitment to promoting collaboration with Islamic countries and ICESCO.

    Following the Conference’s opening session, awards and certificates were presented to 22 contestants from 18 ICESCO Member States, who won one of the four categories of the third edition of the Saudi Arabia Award for Environmental Management in the Islamic World.

    Subsequently, the Conference’s working sessions began with the adoption of the Draft Agenda and Draft Programme, and the election of the members of its Bureau, with Saudi Arabia as Chair, the People’s Republic of Bangladesh as Vice-Chair, and the Republic of Guinea as Rapporteur. Moreover, the members of the Executive Bureau for Environment in the Islamic World, whose General Secretariat is overseen by ICESCO, were appointed, namely Palestine, Djibouti, Oman, Guinea-Bissau, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Brunei Darussalam, and Kyrgyzstan.

    22 Winners from 18 Countries Received KSAAEM Prizes

    The opening session of the 9th Conference of Environment Ministers in the Islamic World, held by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, witnessed the awards ceremony of the third session of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Award for Environmental Management in the Islamic World (KSAAEM), which is organized under the generous patronage of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz. 22 winners from 18 countries received KSAAEM prizes.

    In his address during the award ceremony, Dr. Osama bin Ibrahim Faqiha, Undersecretary of the Saudi Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, Chairman of the Award’s High Committee, reviewed the details and stages of the third session of the Award, commending the efforts of the candidates, whose studies, research and experiences contribute to enhancing scientific research and innovation in the Islamic world.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, Secretary-General of the Award; and Engineer Abdulrahman Al-Fadhli, Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, presented the winners with the prize money, certificates and honorary shields. The first prize in the research, achievements and successful practices category went to Dr. Mohammed Othman Eid Al-Jahdali from Saudi Arabia, Dr. Ali Anad Muhaisen Al-Fouadi from Iraq; the second prize went to Dr. Heba Al-Rahman Ahmed Hafez Mustafa Al-Sabbagh from Egypt, and Dr. Asma Fahd Al-Ateeq from Kuwait while Dr. Abdul Hakim Shatwi, Dr. Mounir Bahous from Morocco, and Dr. Abdullah Qaed Al Suwaidi from Qatar received the third prize.

    In the category of pioneering practices and activities for public benefit and civil society associations in Member States, the first prize was won by the Plastic Bank Association from Indonesia, and MYGREENDATA from Mali. The second prize went to the Environment and Development Organization from Yemen, and Green Balochistan from Pakistan, while the third place was won by the Trident Club Association from Algeria, and the Union of Agricultural Work Committees from Palestine.

    In the category of women’s pioneering activities in environmental action ‘the Women’s Award for Leadership in Private or Governmental Sector Institutions,’ the first prize was won by Dr. Sheikha Salem Al Dhaheri from the United Arab Emirates, and the second place went to Dr. Hasna Kaji from Morocco.

    In the ‘Women’s Award for Research, Achievements and Successful Practices,’ the first place was won by Dr. Hanan Al-Mahashir from Saudi Arabia, and the second place was won by Dr. Lobat Taghavi from Iran. As for the ‘Women’s Award in Public Benefit Associations and NGOs,’ the first place was won by Dr. Wahiba Thuray Essedik from Libya, and the second place was won by Dr. Sharifa Abdul Carim Macarand from the Philippines.

    In the environmentally friendly green city category, an honorary award was given to the three best environmentally friendly cities in the Islamic world, namely Yanbu in Saudi Arabia, Greater Amman Municipality in Jordan, and Penang Island in Malaysia.

    ICESCO and Saudi Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture explore cooperation prospects

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), held a meeting with Eng. Abdulrahman Al-Fadley, Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and together explored ways to promote cooperation between ICESCO and the Ministry in areas of common interest.

    At the outset, Dr. AlMalik expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented in its Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, for hosting the Ninth Conference of Environment Ministers in the Islamic World, to be held in Jeddah, on Thursday, October 19, 2023.

    The Director-General also stressed the Organization’s keenness to promote cooperation with the Ministry, commending the special partnership between the two in organizing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Award for Environmental Management in the Islamic World (KSAAEM), which the Ministry chairs and ICESCO oversees its General Secretariat. The KSAAEM award ceremony will be held during the Conference of Environment Ministers in the Islamic World to hand out prizes to its third edition’s 22 winners from 18 countries, distributed over its four categories.

    For his part, Eng. Al-Fadli stated that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is keen to develop cooperation relations with ICESCO and with the countries of the Islamic world to face the challenges and negative impact of climate change on water and food security, expressing the Ministry’s readiness to exchange successful Saudi expertise and experiences regarding water desalination and various environmental initiatives.

    Likewise, the Meeting addressed the importance of joint environment action through practical and innovative initiatives that can be measured and developed to ensure their success and meet the needs and priorities of each country.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed to sustain coordination to promote cooperation in several projects and programs.

    ICESCO, AGFUND, and AOU KSA explore prospects of cooperation

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received His Royal Highness Prince Abdulaziz bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, President of the Arab Gulf Program for Development (AGFUND), Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Arab Open University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, along with his accompanying delegation. The two parties discussed prospects of cooperation between ICESCO, AGFUND, and the University in areas of common interest.

    The Meeting, held on Monday 16 October 2023, at ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat, explored prospects of cooperation between ICESCO and AGFUND in areas such as women empowerment, enhancing early childhood education, and building the capacities of youth in peace and security. Discussions also focused on the mechanisms of cooperation between ICESCO and the Arab Open University in the fields of open education, blended learning, and youth capacity development.

    During the meeting, Dr. AlMalik highlighted the Organization’s efforts and the updates it underwent in the context of its vision and strategic orientations. The Director-General also provided an overview of ICESCO’s Federation of Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), and shed light on its objectives and initiatives, including the “My Thesis in 1000 Words Award,” aimed at enhancing students’ communication skills and encouraging them to improve their scientific theses’ presentation skills. He stated that the Organization is working to provide scholarships for students and organize conferences and seminars in the fields of education and scientific research.

    Similarly, Dr. AlMalik stressed that ICESCO attaches great importance to the development of open education programs in Member States’ universities. This includes the establishment of the ICESCO Chair for Open Education at Mohammed V University in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco, in addition to the development program for open education at the FUIW Member Universities, to build the capacities of professors in designing and utilizing open educational resources in their educational activities.

    For his part, His Royal Highness Prince Abdulaziz bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud commended ICESCO’s efforts in the field and presented the objectives of AGFUND and its Arab Open University, which adopts teaching techniques based on blended learning to reach all categories, especially the disadvantaged ones by promoting open resources.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed to continue working on strengthening cooperation and partnership between ICESCO, AGFUND, and the Arab Open University in the coming period to launch joint programs, especially in the field of youth support, educational system development, and the adoption of open education initiatives and practices in the Islamic world.

    Shortly after the meeting, Dr. AlMalik accompanied His Royal Highness and his accompanying delegation on a tour of the International Exhibition and Museum for the Seerah and Islamic Civilization, currently housed at ICESCO Headquarters, as part of the strategic partnership between the Organization, the Islamic World League, and the Mohammedia League of Scholars. The delegation received detailed explanations about the Exhibition and Museum sections, which utilize modern presentation techniques to narrate and document, in detail, the Seerah of our noble Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.

    Discussing Cooperation Mechanisms and Plans between ICESCO and Women Development Organization

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, the Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Dr. Afnan Alshuaiby, the Executive Director of the Women Development Organization (WDO), and together discussed mechanisms and plans for future cooperation between the two organizations, particularly on empowering and building the capacities of girls and women, providing leadership training, and enhancing their role in peacebuilding and social cohesion.

    During the meeting, held on Friday 13 October 2023, at ICESCO’s headquarters in Rabat, Dr. AlMalik stressed that ICESCO, in line with its vision and strategic orientations, focuses on supporting girls and women due to its pivotal role in societal prosperity through practical programs and projects aimed at nurturing their leadership capacities, fostering innovation, and promoting gender equality in various fields.

    He also pointed out that in 2021, proclaimed as ICESCO’s Year of Women, constituted an exceptional success through the implementation of numerous initiatives and programs, as well as the launch of awards for women across the Islamic World.

    Furthermore, the meeting highlighted the importance of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between ICESCO and WDO, which is the starting point for partnership in exchanging knowledge, expertise and the best practices to improve the protection and education of girls and women and provide them with leadership training for the promotion of peace and social cohesion.

    On her part, the Executive Director of WDO commended ICESCO’s endeavors to empower women, expressing her aspiration for further collaboration with ICESCO, leveraging on the signed MoU.

    Roundtable at ICESCO emphasizes the importance of mental health for thriving communities

    During a roundtable discussion on mental health, organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) under the theme “Together for the Mental Safety and Health of Children, Youth, and Families,” participants unanimously emphasized the utmost importance of mental health. They called for the development of mental health support facilities in communities and the leveraging of modern technology to advance the field of mental healthcare, and intensify studies and research to keep pace with the global changes.

    The Roundtable, held on Friday 13 October 2023, at ICESCO Headquarters, as part of the celebration of World Mental Health Day, saw the high-level attendance of officials, representatives of international organizations and bodies, as well as experts and specialists in the field of mental health.

    The opening session was inaugurated by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, who stressed that mental health issues resonate with the organization’s vision at a core level, and align with its efforts to promote well-being for children, youth, and women, recognizing the family the cornerstone of all communities. He further clarified that ICESCO has issued a guide for psychosocial counseling for the benefit of families, educators, and local communities, notable for its precise content.

    ICESCO Director-General also called for a focus on providing mental health support for women, as they are the most affected by mental disorders, highlighting that the Organization is collaborating with international organizations and competent parties to develop a range of initiatives and projects aimed at building the capacities of mental health professionals.

    On her part, Dr. Afnan Al-Shuaibi, Executive Director of the Women’s Development Organization, emphasized the need to raise awareness of mental health issues in light of the challenges and changes witnessed in today’s world. She reviewed the organization’s programs in the areas of gender equality, women’s empowerment, and countering stereotypes.

    In her remarks, Dr. Aawatif Hayar, Minister of Solidarity, Social Integration, and Family in the Kingdom of Morocco, delivered on her behalf by Mr. Mohamed Ait Azizi, highlighted the importance of joint action and intensified efforts to overcome the impediments that prevent treatment from reaching all classes of society.

    On his part, Mr. Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, Minister of Youth, Culture, and Communication in the Kingdom of Morocco, in his address delivered on his behalf by Ms. Kenza Abou Rommane, stressed the need to align perspectives and coordinate action plans among all parties concerned with mental health to encourage cooperation and exchange of expertise.

    In her remarks, Dr. Speciose Hakizimana, UNICEF representative in Morocco, acknowledged the importance that ICESCO places on mental health, emphasizing that the lack of well-being for children represents a missed opportunity for the world to build a balanced and prosperous future.

    Following this, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, and Dr. Afnan Al-Shuaibi, Executive Director of the Women’s Development Organization, signed a memorandum of understanding between the two organizations to support and build the capacities of girls and women.

    Subsequently, a multi-sectoral panel discussion on mental health and safety was launched, co-facilitated by Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Head of ICESCO’s Social and Human Sciences Sector, and Mr. Mohamed Hedi Shili, Director of Legal Affairs and International Standards Department at the Organization. The discussion enjoyed the participation of several psychiatrists, university professors, experts, and specialists in the field, emphasizing the importance of mental health support in the protection and treatment of mental disorders, as well as reviewing key mechanisms for promoting mental health in communities.

    ICESCO and Kazakhstan Discuss Cooperation Developments in Higher Education and Scientific Research

    Dr. Salim M. Al-Malik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Dr. Kamil Akathov, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Ms. Solikul Silukizy, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Morocco, where mechanisms for developing cooperation between ICESCO and Kazakhstan in the fields of science, higher education, and scientific research development were discussed.

    During the meeting, held on Wednesday (October 11, 2023), at ICESCO Headquarters, in Rabat, Dr. Al-Malik commended the distinguished relations between ICESCO and the Republic of Kazakhstan, stressing the Organization’s keenness to enhance cooperation through implementing a set of programs and projects to develop scientific research and provide scholarships for students from countries of the Islamic world to study in Kazakh universities, and encourage them to explore the horizons of space science, new technology and artificial intelligence.

    He highlighted the successful organization of the first session of the International Conference on the Islamic World Scholars, jointly held by the two parties, under the theme “Al-Farabi and his contributions throughout human history,” at ICESCO Headquarters, which saw the presence of Dr. Akathov, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan.
    For his part, Dr. Akathov praised the Conference’s sessions, which discussed the contributions of Al-Farabi and his role in developing science and philosophy for the renaissance of the Islamic world, stressing Kazakhstan’s aspiration for further cooperation with ICESCO through the establishment of scientific chairs in Kazakh universities, and the organization of conferences and seminars in the field of education and scientific research.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed to continue coordination to develop cooperation between ICESCO and Kazakhstan.