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    ICESCO Director-General Receives Ambassador of Türkiye to Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with H.E. Mustafa İlker Kılıç, ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye to the Kingdom of Morocco, to explore prospects for cooperation between ICESCO and Türkiye in the fields of education, science, and culture.

    At the outset of the meeting, held on Tuesday, 5 December 2023, at ICESCO headquarters in the presence of a host of heads of sectors at the Organization, Dr. AlMalik congratulated H.E. İlker Kılıç on assuming the position of Türkiye’s ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco, wishing him success in his mission.

    Dr. AlMalik reviewed the main lines of the Organization’s vision and strategic orientations, its programs and projects geared towards capacity-building of youth and women, instilling the values of coexistence and civilizational dialogue, as well as encouraging investments in the fields of technology, innovation, artificial intelligence and space sciences. Moreover, Dr. AlMalik noted that ICESCO held several projects with Turkish institutions in space sciences and teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers.

    For his part, the Turkish Ambassador expressed his keenness to develop cooperation between ICESCO and various Turkish institutions in the fields of education, science and culture, and the Embassy’s readiness to coordinate and facilitate communication between the Organization and the competent bodies.

    Following the meeting, H.E. İlker Kılıç took a tour to the different pavilions and sections of the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, currently housed at ICESCO headquarters in partnership with the Islamic World League, and the Mohammedia League of Scholars.

    ICESCO Director-General Receives the Ambassador of China in Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with H.E. Mr. Li Changlin, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Kingdom of Morocco, to explore prospects for cooperation between ICESCO and several Chinese institutions in the fields of education, science, and culture.

    At the outset of the meeting, held on Monday, 4 December 2023, at ICESCO Headquarters, Dr. AlMalik noted the success of the Silk Road International Conference, organized by ICESCO in partnership with the Institute of Silk Road Strategy Studies (ISRSS) of the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU). The Conference witnessed high-level participation of officials, professors and experts in the field.

    Dr. AlMalik reviewed the main lines of the Organization’s vision and strategic orientations, founded on openness and cooperation with all, to benefit its Member States and Muslim communities worldwide and promote communication between countries and the Islamic world, allowing non-member States to join as observers.

    Moreover, Dr. AlMalik underscored ICESCO’s efforts to shape and develop the skills of youth across all fields through its initiatives and programs, encourage them to delve into space sciences, modern technology, and entrepreneurship and promote dialogue and tolerance to build the societies we want and contribute to sustainable development.

    For his part, the Chinese Ambassador lauded ICESCO for its efforts in its areas of expertise, noting the importance of this meeting to discuss future cooperation programs between ICESCO and various Chinese bodies in the fields of education, science and culture, thus bringing China and the Islamic world together.

    ICESCO and Shanghai International Studies University hold International Silk Road Conference

    The headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in Rabat, hosted the International Silk Road Conference, organized by ICESCO in partnership with the Institute of Silk Road Strategic Studies for Shanghai International Studies University, in China. The event witnessed a high-level participation of officials and ambassadors, as well as international experts and professors from several prestigious universities to present an ambitious and realistic vision of the new Silk Road.

    The conference kicked off on Monday (December 4, 2023), with a general introduction by Ambassador Khalid Fathalrahman, Director of ICESCO Center for Civilizational Dialogue. Afterward, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, gave an address, wherein he stressed that the historic Silk Road demonstrates that China and the Chinese people have a longstanding heritage of will and intelligence in human interaction, as it stands as a witness to the rise and fall of many global powers, and constituted a pivotal link between different cultures and civilizations.

    Moreover, Dr. AlMalik underscored the historical role of the Silk Road in facilitating stable commercial transactions that led to the development of political, economic and cultural relations between the Silk Road countries, stressing that the Hajj Road is an extension of the Silk Road in propagating culture and spreading the morals of peaceful exchanges, which ICESCO is seeking to revive through its joint project with the Saudi Ministry of Culture.

    ICESCO Director-General added that China is taking the initiative once again through Chinese President Xi Jinping’s announcement of the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative, noting that the conference comes within the framework of forward-looking and open civilizational dialogue, and affirms that the Islamic world and China share large areas of interest more than they differences they have.

    In his address, Mr. Li Changlin, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Kingdom of Morocco, stressed that the historic Silk Road was not limited to trade exchange, it also included cultural and civilizational interactions, noting that the conference is an opportunity to open dialogue and discussion on topics that would strengthen the Belt and Road Initiative, and enhance communication and cooperation between participating countries.

    In her intervention, Dr. Ma Lirong, Dean of the Institute of Silk Road Strategic Studies, reviewed the Institute’s efforts on the Silk Road and the Belt and Road Initiative, and the research and academic cooperation between the Institute and many organizations and institutions in the Islamic world.

    The first working session, titled ‘New Silk Road and Chinese-African Relations,’ brought together international experts from Turkey, China and Morocco, followed by a session on the Silk Road’s cultural ties, which saw rich discussions between university professors and experts from Uzbekistan, Qatar and Morocco, in addition to a session on the travelogues of Ibn Battuta and the cultural exchange between the Islamic world and China.

    ICESCO Director General receives the First Lady of the Republic of the Gambia

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Ms. Fatoumata Bah Barrow, First Lady of the Republic of the Gambia, and her accompanying delegation, during her visit to ICESCO Headquarters, on Friday, December 1, 2023, to take part in the opening of the 6th edition of the Pioneering Women Oscar.

    At the outset of the meeting, Dr. AlMalik welcomed the First Lady to ICESCO and reviewed the main aspects of the Organization’s vision and strategic orientations, as well as its activities, programs and initiatives, particularly on capacity building and skills development for women and girls, stressing that they are top priority at ICESCO given their essential role in the development of societies throughout the Islamic world.

    For her part, the First Lady of the Republic of the Gambia commended ICESCO’s efforts in developing the fields of education, science and culture in its Member States, expressing her willingness to strengthen cooperation between ICESCO and the Gambia in the implementation of joint programs and projects to support and develop basic education and combat school dropout among girls.

    After the meeting, Dr. AlMalik took Ms. Fatoumata Bah Barrow on a tour of ICESCO Headquarters, where she learned about the Organization’s working mechanisms, its major programs and projects, and the development and modernization of its organizational structure.

    Afterward, the First Lady of The Gambia visited the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, currently housed at ICESCO Headquarters, as part of a strategic partnership with the Muslim World League (MWL) and the Mohammadia League of Scholar.

    ICESCO hosts the launch of the sixth edition of the Women Pioneering Oscar

    The headquarters of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) hosted the opening of the sixth edition of the Women Pioneering Oscar, organized by Cultures Without Borders Association, in collaboration with ICESCO, the Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Communication, and the Wilaya of Rabat-Salé-Kenitra Region of the Kingdom of Morocco.

    The event celebrated female leaders in Africa and drew the participation of high-profile figures, including prominent women, officials, experts, specialists, and representatives from various civil society organizations.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, started his opening remark by welcoming Ms. Fatoumatta Bah-Barrow, First Lady of the Republic of the Gambia, as the guest of honor of this edition. Dr. Almalik affirmed that the empowerment of women and the pursuit of gender balance have consistently stood at the forefront of values essential for forming the foundation of Islamic civilization. Furthermore, he emphasized that achieving sustainable development, peace, and prosperity in societies is challenging unless the rights and well-being of women are secured comprehensively across all facets of life.

    Dr. AlMalik pointed out that the Women Pioneering Oscar is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements and success stories of women, highlighting that ICESCO’s commitment to advancing women goes beyond mere rhetoric, it is a deeply rooted conviction actively put into practice. Moreover, he stressed ICESCO’s dedication to empowering women and girls and prioritizing their issues, as demonstrated by the Year of Women 2021, enhancing their contribution to building thriving societies. He also provided an overview of key programs launched and implemented by ICESCO in the fields of education, science, and culture for the benefit of women.

    In her address, the First Lady of the Gambia expressed her joy at participating in the opening of the Women Pioneering Oscar and outlined prominent programs and initiatives she oversaw in supporting women, and children, improving their living conditions, and encouraging the education of girls in the Gambia.

    Ms. Naïma Badaoui, President of Cultures Without Borders Association, affirmed that the sixth edition of the Women Pioneering Oscar aims to strengthen South-South cooperation and underscore the central role of African women in development.

    Following the remarks, Ms. Badaoui presented an honorary shield to the ICESCO Director-General in appreciation of the Organization’s contributions to supporting women’s issues, empowerment, and enhancing their status in society.

    Additionally, she presented another honorary shield to the First Lady of The Gambia, acknowledging her tireless efforts in supporting women and children.

    Subsequently, three scientific sessions were held, discussing topics related to women’s contribution to health, the interplay between women’s rights and family matters, and the role of university education in cultivating women’s leadership capacities.

    In solidarity with the Palestinian people, ICESCO provides financial support to Palestinian students in Morocco

    As part of its observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1977, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) welcomed over a hundred young Palestinian students studying at various Moroccan universities. The gathering took place at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, where the Organization unveiled its initiative to provide financial grants to these students, in order to offer support amid the challenging circumstances confronting their families in Palestine due to the brutal Israeli aggression.

    Addressing the Palestinian students on Thursday 30 November 2023, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, expressed his joy at their visit to the Organization’s headquarters, and recognized their symbolic representation of the Palestinian cause and the ongoing sacrifices and honor it embodies. He noted that ICESCO, along with all its leaderships and staff, shares the students’ grief for those the martyrs, beseeching Allah Almighty for the prompt recovery of the wounded, the release of the captives, and the safe return of the displaced to their homes.

    Dr. AlMalik affirmed that ICESCO’s support for the Palestinian students in Morocco reflects a sincere effort to demonstrate solidarity, highlighting the Kingdom’s warm embrace of these students and acknowledging the care they receive from the officials of the State of Palestine and its Embassy in Rabat.

    Moreover, he called on the Palestinian students to empower themselves with knowledge to actively support their country with enthusiasm and determination, recognizing the honor this endeavor holds. He further stressed that the youth and children in Palestine are capable of writing a history marked by dignity, heroism, and sacrifices, notwithstanding the challenging events unfolding in their homeland.

    Mr. Jamal Al Shobaki, Ambassador of Palestine to Morocco, commended ICESCO’s initiative, emphasizing its alignment with the Organization’s noble mission within its areas of competence, especially amid the unprecedented aggression by the Israeli occupation forces against all Palestinian State facilities.

    Mr. Mohamed Salem Cherkaoui, Acting Director of Bayt Mal Al-Quds Al-Sharif Agency, highlighted the Agency roles and efforts to support the Palestinian cause. With unwavering conviction, he affirmed that the Palestinian people will rise from the ruins to rebuild all that has been ravaged by the occupation.

    In his remark via video conferencing, Dr. Dawas Tayseer Dawas, Chairman of ICESCO’s Executive Council, Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Commission, shed light on ICESCO’s leading role in protecting the cultural and scientific capabilities in Palestine, and emphasized that the recent aggression prevented over 600,000 Palestinian students from continuing their education.

    Representing the Palestinian students, Majd Ghaben expressed deep appreciation for ICESCO’s support and took pride in the Organization’s youth-centered programs and initiatives. As a token of gratitude, he presented Dr. AlMalik with a Palestinian kuffiyeh, symbolizing acknowledgment of his and ICESCO’s efforts in supporting the Palestinian cause.

    Following the remarks, the students were given the opportunity to engage in discussions and share their opinions, aspirations, and expectations regarding the programs and initiatives they hope ICESCO will implement for their benefit.

    ICESCO and King Faisal University in Chad Agree to Develop Cooperation

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), paid a visit to King Faisal University in the Republic of Chad, during which he was received by Dr. Mahamat Boukhari Hassan, Rector of King Faisal University. The two leaders held a meeting to explore prospects for cooperation between ICESCO and the University in the field of Arabic language, translation, higher studies and scholarships.

    The meeting, held on Tuesday, 28 November 2023, as part of the official visit of Dr. AlMalik to N’Djamena, reaffirmed the importance of keeping the momentum that marked the last two years of cooperation between ICESCO and the University and expressed their keenness for greater coordination to implement practical programs and projects in areas of mutual interests.

    In the same vein, Dr. AlMalik reviewed the main lines of the Organization’s vision and strategic orientations, founded on leadership, excellence, continuous development, and international talent pooling, in addition to rehabilitating youth to cultivate future leaders.
    Moreover, Dr. AlMalik stated that ICESCO places the African continent at the heart of its major priorities, initiatives and programs, highlighting the recent developments in the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), affiliated to ICESCO, to enhance its support to universities through the creation of a set of scientific chairs in different disciplines at prestigious universities in the Member States and beyond.

    For his part, Dr. Mahamat Boukhari expressed his deep appreciation and gratitude for ICESCO’s support, pointing out the University’s aspiration for further support, especially in academic skills and expertise necessary to open a doctoral program and in its endeavor to establish a university center for languages and translation as well as a faculty of graduate studies.

    The meeting saw the presence of Mr. Adel Bouraoui, Advisor to ICESCO Director-General for External Centers and Academic Chairs on Arabic Language, in addition to a host of officials and deans of faculties at the University.

    Prior to this meeting, Dr. AlMalik held a meeting at ICESCO’s Regional Educational Centre in N’Djamena with the alumni of the “Training Primary School Arabic Teachers in Chad” program, during which he affirmed ICESCO’s unwavering support for them and youth in general, evidenced by the Organization’s proclamation of 2023 as the Year of Youth, calling on students to work hard to assume leadership responsibilities and contribute effectively to the development of their country.

    ICESCO congratulates Saudi Arabia on Riyadh winning the bid to host Expo 2030

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) extends its congratulations to the esteemed leadership, government, and people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the well-deserved win to host Expo 2030 in Riyadh, by securing two-thirds out of 165 votes, as reported by the International Bureau of Exhibitions.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, commended this victory, stating that it is yet another major score to be added to the remarkable achievements of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, under the wise leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, and the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, H.R.H. Mohammed bin Salman. Dr. AlMalik further highlighted that this milestone is a tangible manifestation of the success of Saudi Vision 2030, which aspires to position Riyadh among the top 10 global cities.

    Moreover, he underscored that hosting this international event in Riyadh is an opportunity to showcase the rich cultural aspects of the Islamic world and their contributions to human civilization throughout history, within its areas of expertise, conveying his strong belief that Riyadh will present an exceptional edition of the Expo, captivating the world through this monumental international event. The Director-General also expressed the Organization’s keen interest in taking part in the preparations for “Expo Riyadh 2030.”

    ICESCO Director General Meets Prime Minister of Chad in N’Djamena

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with Mr. Saleh Kebzabo, Prime Minister, Head of the Transitional Government of the Republic of Chad, to discuss ways of strengthening cooperation between ICESCO and Chad in the fields of education, science and culture.

    The meeting, held on November 27, 2023, in N’Djamena, is part of Dr. AlMalik’s official visit to Chad, which began with the inauguration of the new headquarters of ICESCO’s Regional Educational Center, in the presence of a host of ministers, officials and public figures.
    During the meeting, Dr. AlMalik underlined the Organization’s keenness to strengthen cooperation with Chad, particularly in the field of Arabic language teaching, pointing out that ICESCO will turn its Regional Educational Center in N’Djamena into a model for Arabic education in Africa. “The Organization will open two Arabic educational centers in Abeche, in eastern Chad, and Sarh, in the south. Besides, it will strive to open other centers in various regions of the country,” he added.

    Dr. AlMalik also expressed ICESCO’s willingness to support Chad in building the capacities of women and young people, ensuring heritage preservation and inscribing historical sites and cultural elements on the Islamic world Heritage List.

    For his part, the Prime Minister of Chad described ICESCO Director-General’s visit to Chad as historic, representing a qualitative leap in the cooperation process between ICESCO and Chad. He also commended ICESCO’s willingness to cooperate with his country and its outstanding support for Arabic education and bilingualism in Chad through its Regional Educational Center and other programs.

    Moreover, Mr. Kebzabo pointed out that Chadian women need numerous programs and projects, including education programs for girls to address school drop-out, and that Chadian youth need reintegration programs in the fields of entrepreneurship, free enterprise and income-generating projects, as well as in the preservation of the rich heritage sites across various regions of the country.
    At the end of the meeting, Dr. AlMalik presented the Prime Minister of Chad with ICESCO shield.

    ICESCO and Chad Explore Avenues to Foster Collaboration in Arabic Language Teaching

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Dr. Ramatou Mahamat Houtouin, Minister Secretary-General of the Government responsible for the promotion of bilingualism in the Republic of Chad, discussed ways of strengthening collaboration between ICESCO and Chad in Arabic language teaching.

    During the meeting, held N’Djamena, on Monday 27 November 2023, Dr. AlMalik affirmed ICESCO’s commitment to supporting Chad by enhancing Arabic language teaching programs for French-speaking staff and administrative leaders, which will be specifically tailored to meet their needs and work conditions, stressing ICESCO’s willingness to provide support to youth and women, with a particular focus on promoting girls’ education and addressing school dropout-related challenges.

    The Chadian Minister commended the invaluable support extended by ICESCO to her country, facilitating to the practical implementation of bilingualism across diverse sectors, and called for collaborative efforts to intensify Arabic educational programs targeting French-speaking staff in various departments and ministries. Additionally, she emphasized the need to adopt flexible educational mechanisms to help Chad in enhancing social cohesion among different Arabic and French-speaking groups alike.

    The meeting also brought together Mr. Adel Bouraoui, Advisor to ICESCO Director-General for External Centers on Arabic Language, and Dr. Ali Mohamed Qamar, Director of ICESCO’s Regional Educational Centre in Chad, along with several advisors to the Minister.