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    ICESCO Director-General Receives Lebanese Ambassador to Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. Al-Malik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) met today, July 29, at the Organization’s headquarters in Rabat Mr. Ziad Atallah, the Lebanese Ambassador to Morocco.

    The two officials discussed possible ways for promising cooperation between ICESCO and Lebanon in the fields of education, science, and culture.

    During this meeting, Dr. AlMalik expressed ICESCO’s readiness to support educational, scientific, and cultural institutions in Lebanon. The support consists of executive programs and specific projects, depending on Lebanon’s priorities.

    He added that ICESCO’s vision and strategic action plan approaches the states and civil society institutions in charge of financing several of these projects and programs.

    The Lebanese Ambassador, in turn, commended ICESCO’s efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the initiatives it launched to counter its impacts and support the countries most affected.

    Ambassador Atallah also expressed the embassy’s willingness to cooperate with the Organization in implementing educational, scientific, and cultural activities.

    Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Director of Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, Ambassador Khalid Fathalrahman, Director of the Department of Dialogue and Cultural Diversity, and Ms. Zineb Iraqi, Supervisor of the General Secretariat of National Commissions and Conferences, attended the meeting.

    Discussions between ICESCO Director-General and Iranian Vice President on  Women and Family Affairs

    Dr. Salim M. Al-Malik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Dr. Masoumeh Ebtekar, Vice-President of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Women and Family Affairs, held a videoconference today, July 29 to discuss future cooperation programmes between the Organization and the country.

    During this meeting, the Iranian Vice-President commended the ICESCO’s initiatives to bolster Member States’ efforts in addressing the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic. She also stressed the need for the Islamic Ummah to stand firm, actively cooperate, and support each other, especially in times of crisis.

    Dr. Ebtekar reviewed Iran’s efforts and cooperation with countries of the Islamic world to address the pandemic, reaffirming that support for families to overcome these difficult times is a priority.

    The Vice-President noted that an international center for family dialogue had been established to communicate more with individuals to address the problems they may face. She also expressed her willingness to share this know-how with ICESCO Member States through cooperation to hold a forum within the framework of the “The Societies We Want” initiative.

    Dr. AlMalik supported the proposal and invited the Iranian Vice-President as the keynote speaker. The programme for the event will be defined at a later date. It will include a presentation of the know-how acquired by the Iranian Centre for Family Dialogue during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    ICESCO’s DG stressed that the Organization had undergone a major modernization over the past year and strengthened its team by recruiting young and distinguished skills. ICESCO thus became a center of expertise and a beacon of international influence in the fields of education, science, and culture.

    He indicated that this pandemic, which some regarded as a trial, was ICESCO’s opportunity to work intensively on implementing several practical initiatives and executive programmes.

    The initiatives include ICESCO Prize for the Fight against Coronavirus, which will award US$ 200,000 to those who discover an effective cure or preventive vaccine against the virus.  “ICESCO Digital Home” initiative offers knowledge and educational content.

    Many states, international organizations, and donor institutions have also joined the “Comprehensive Humanitarian Coalition” initiative, to which Iran and its institutions may also participate.

    Dr. Gholam-Reza Karimi, Secretary-General of the Iranian National Commission, officials of the Iranian National Commission, the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and ICESCO’s Directors of Sectors attended the meeting.

    At the end of the meeting, both sides agreed that the coming period would see extensive cooperation between Iran and ICESCO in Organization’s fields of activity. The initial step is organizing the International Forum to be held within the framework of the “Societies We Want” initiative, on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women and children.

    ICESCO and Japan Explore Cooperation in Education, Science, and Culture

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), explored with Mr. SHINOZUKA Takashi, Ambassador of Japan to Morocco, the prospects of successful cooperation and partnership between ICESCO and Japan in the fields of education, science, and culture.

    During the meeting, Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed that ICESCO’s vision and strategy to adopt open-door policy and seek to build partnerships that would serve its Member States and Muslim communities around the globe.

    He added that ICESCO set a new Charter of the Observer States to allow such countries to effectively participate in the various activities and contribute to building partnerships with the Organization. Dr. AlMalik also called on Japan to join the Organization as an Observer State.

    The DG also reviewed the ICESCO’s major initiatives, programmes, and activities that support the efforts of the Member States and the international community to counter the negative repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The initiatives include the “Comprehensive Humanitarian Coalition,” which targets countries affected by the pandemic and most vulnerable groups.

    Dr. AlMalik noted that Japan and the Japanese private institutions are welcome to join this coalition.

    The Japanese Ambassador to Rabat commended ICESCO’s initiatives and sustained efforts to support the Member States in the fields of education, science, and culture. He highlighted that Japan launched many initiatives to counter the adverse effects of the pandemic and assist many countries most affected by it.

    The two parties agreed to Japan’s support of ICESCO’s educational, scientific, and cultural projects, particularly in Africa, through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

    ICESCO’s Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Director of the Sector of Partnerships and International Cooperation; Ambassador Khaled Fathalrahman, Director of Dialogue and Cultural Diversity; and Ms. Rime Jirari, Head of Organizations and Bodies Department also attended the meeting.
    The meeting took place at ICESCO headquarters.

    ICESCO Conference: International Ministers, Expert Recognize Seriousness of Illicit Trafficking in Cultural Property

    The participants in the International Virtual Conference on “Combating Illicit Trafficking in Cultural Property and its Restitution,” recognized yesterday, July 28, the seriousness of illicit trafficking in cultural property threatening the human civilizational heritage.

    This event came amid the worsening crime and the growing e-markets and auctions of stolen artifacts on social media.

    The statements were part of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (ICESCO) conference, in cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.

    Several participating ministers in charge of heritage in their respective countries stressed the need to update the relevant national legislation and international conventions in line with the increase of cultural property theft amid conflicts and instability in many Muslim countries. Prominent international experts in the restitution of antiquities seconded the call.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO’s Director-General, and Dr. Khalid Al-Anani, Egypt’s Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, gave the opening addresses. The conference included four working sessions. Dr. Khalid Al-Anani chaired the first session to explore the current situation of illicit trafficking in cultural property in the Islamic world.

    Each of Dr. Hassan Nazim, Minister of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities in Iraq; Mr. Jean-Michel Abimbola, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Arts in Benin; Mr. Abdel Illah Afifi, representative of the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports in Morocco; Ms. Elena Vlachogianni, representative of the Minister of Culture and Sports in Greece; and Mr. Roberto Ricardo, representative of the Minister of Culture in Italy, made a presentation.

    Dr. AlMalik chaired the second session to tackle challenges to combating illicit trafficking in cultural property with a focus on the methods developed for trafficking in cultural property.

    The session included three presentations. Mr. Ezzedin Saeed Al-Asbahi, Ambassador of Yemen to Morocco, stated that the war and armed conflict in his country had been the greatest challenges to the protection of the Yemeni cultural properties. He added that Yemen had lost thousands of cultural artifacts, including the oldest version of the Holy Quran written on a deerskin leather and the oldest version of the Bible.

    On his part, Dr. Ghazi Gherairi, Ambassador of Tunisia to UNESCO, reaffirmed that the underwater heritage is as important to conserve and protect as other types of heritage. Mr. Lazare Eloundou Assomo, Director of Culture and Emergencies –UNESCO, said that the legal and legislative issues should be taken seriously to combat such illicit trafficking.

    Ms. Sophie Delepierre, Head of the heritage protection and capacity building department at the ICOM Secretariat, stressed the need to promote countries’ protection methods of their heritage. Finally, Ms. Lynda Albertson, CEO of ARCA, stated that ARCA seeks to provide historical files of any artifact as a first step toward combating suspicious collections.

    Ambassador Khalid Fathalrahman Omer, Director of Dialogue and Cultural Diversity at ICESCO, chaired the third session to discuss the “Challenges to combating illicit trafficking in cultural property: International conventions and national legislation.”

    Ms. Katie A. Paul, Founder and Co-Director of ATHAR Project, highlighted the status of illicit trafficking in cultural property on social media and ATHAR’s efforts to track down people behind such crime.

    Mr. Matthew Bogdanos, Manhattan New-York Attorney, also pointed out the importance of cooperation and partnership in combating illicit trafficking in cultural property. Mr. Neil James Brodie, an International expert in cultural heritage protection, stated that laws should be developed, and research works upgraded to combat these crimes.
    Ms. Marina Schneider, Legal Officer and Treaty Depositary UNIDROIT, reaffirmed that purchasers’ goodwill is not an excuse to condone antiquities trafficking and does not preclude its criminalization.

    The final presentation was made by Dr. Samuel Hardy, Cultural property criminologist, Oslo University, Norway, who stated that there are popular markets of stolen artifacts.
    Mr. Al-Asbahi chaired the last session on the “role of ICESCO in enhancing countries’ capacities to combat illicit trafficking of cultural property.” During this session, four presentations were made.

    Dr. Shaaban Abdel Jawad, Supervisor of the Restituted Antiquities Department, Egypt, stated that Egypt succeeded in recovering thousands of artifacts given that this action is part of the Egyptian government’s priorities.
    Dr. Eyad Kadhem, Director General of Cultural Heritage, Iraq, also underscored the continuous efforts of the Iraqi authorities to restitute thousands of stolen artifacts. He added that the Iraqi laws impose severe sanctions against any illegal acquisition of artifacts.

    Ms. Nawal Dahmani, Central Director in charge of the file of illicit trafficking in cultural heritage, Algeria, said that capacity-building in the field of heritage should not be limited to experts.

    The last presentation was delivered by Dr. Shaheen abu el-Futuh, Professor of International Law, Austria, who highlighted that the Egyptian law considers artifacts trafficking as an imprescriptible offense and called on all countries to adopt such principle.

    At the closing session, Egypt reiterated its offer to hold a face-to-face conference in the coming months, under the patronage of its President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, on combating illicit trafficking in cultural property.

    The country also announced the upcoming issuance of a declaration that meets the aspirations of the participants.

    Dr. AlMalik made a closing address wherein he underscored that the outcome of this conference is represented by cooperation and solidarity in combating illicit trafficking in cultural property. He also thanked Egypt for convening a conference, under the patronage of President al-Sissi, which will likely give impetus to the pertinent issue.

    ICESCO Calls for Development of Conventions on Illicit Trafficking in Cultural Property

    ** Egypt’s Minister of Tourism announced a joint international conference, under the patronage of the country’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, with ICESCO, in 2020.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), stated Tuesday, July 28 that the worsening crimes of illicit trafficking in cultural property and the growing e-markets and auctions on social media require developing relevant legislations, conventions, and joint efforts to set the code of ethics to deal with these cultural properties.

    ICESCO’s International Virtual Conference on “Combatting the Illicit Trafficking in Cultural Property” took place in cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. Several ministers and prominent experts in the field of antiquities also participated in the event.

    In his address at the opening session, Dr. AlMalik warned that the cultural heritage in the Islamic world is endangered and exposed in public auctions on social media.
    The Organization’s DG also stressed that “amid the current situations threatening our unique civilizational heritage, ICESCO is committed to strongly support the Member States and other countries to counter the crime of illicit trafficking in cultural property. This conference is the first step toward ensuring capacity-building and developing relevant mechanisms to fight against this phenomenon.”

    On his part, Dr. Khalid Al-Anani, Egyptian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, announced in his address the organization of a face-to-face international conference in cooperation with ICESCO, to be held in Egypt under the patronage Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi.

    The goal of the planned event, with the date to be later announced, is to further combat illicit trafficking in cultural property.
    Al-Anani also welcomed Egypt’s participation in the small task forces to draft the conference’s declaration.
    The Egyptian Minister expressed his conviction that today’s International Virtual Conference will be a turning point in boosting cooperation between countries to combat the theft and illicit trafficking of cultural property. It will develop the necessary tools and institutional systems and assist in the cooperation for the fight against such trafficking and the restitution of the artifacts to their homelands, he added.

    ICESCO’s DG welcomed the patronage of H.E. President Al-Sissi for the upcoming international conference on combating illicit trafficking in cultural properties while commending the efforts exerted by Egypt to recover its cultural properties.

    During the four sessions of Tuesday’s conference, speakers debated the topic in depth. The first session was dedicated to the current situation of illicit trafficking in cultural property in the Islamic world, during which Dr. Hassan Nazim, Minister of Culture, Tourism, and Antiquities of Iraq, tackled the challenges that faced the Iraqi heritage after 2003.

    Jean-Michel Abimbola, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Arts of the Republic of Benin, affirmed that his country had been a victim of the illicit trafficking of cultural property because of colonialism.

    Mr. Abdel Ilah Afifi, the representative of the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports of Kingdom of Morocco, stated that Morocco managed to recover 35 thousand heritage pieces, adding that his country is preparing a law to protect monuments.

    On her part, Ms. Elena Vlachogianni, the representative of the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports, said that her country concluded several bilateral and multilateral agreements to protect cultural properties.
    Roberto Riccardi, the representative of the Italian Ministry of Culture and Tourism, said that Italy has a database of its cultural property that facilitates the restitution of any stolen piece.

    Chaired by Former Prime Minister of Guinea.. ICESCO Virtual Meeting on Water Security in the Islamic World Closes its Proceedings

    Mr. Kabiné Komara, Former Prime Minister of Guinea, chaired yesterday, July 27, the virtual meeting on water security towards peace and development in the Islamic world. The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held the meeting in cooperation with the Moroccan National Office of Electricity and Water (ONEE) and the Secretariat of the 9th World Water Forum (Dakar 2021).

    The meeting witnessed high-caliber participation, including Mr. Serigne Mbaye Thiam, Minister of Water and Sanitation of the Republic of Senegal, Mr. Loïc Fauchon, President of the World Water Council, and several prominent international water experts, as well as the international institutions and organizations.

    The participants in the meeting, held in preparation for next year’s 9th World Water Forum in Dakar, Senegal, stressed the need for joint action to ensure water security, which is the basis of sustainable development in Muslim countries and around the globe. They also called for developing a roadmap beyond the 9th World Water Forum to achieve this vital objective.

    During the opening session, Mr. Serigne Mbaye Thiam expressed his country’s honor for hosting the 9th World Water Forum (Dakar 2021) for the first time in a sub-Saharan country. He added that it constitutes a big challenge that his country will strive to fulfill through cooperation to achieve the Forum’s objectives.

    In his address, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO’s Director-General, reaffirmed the Organization’s commitment to supporting the 9th World Water Forum. “It is a privilege for ICESCO to sign a framework partnership with the Ministry of Water and Sanitation of the Republic of Senegal. We are confident that the Forum will be an opportunity to discuss the innovative ideas and practical solutions for water resources issues, and integrate peace, security and sustainable development,” he added.

    During the working sessions, the participants explored the scope of water issues and their impact on various fields and sustainable development. In this regard, Dr. Ahmet Mete Saatçi, President of the Turkish Water Institute (SUEN), made a presentation on the water situation in the Islamic world and cooperation opportunities, while underscoring the irrational use of water resources and the possibility of eradicating many diseases through water processing.

    On her part, Dr. Lalla Asma El Kasmi, Director of Cooperation and Communication at ONEE, Vice-President of the World Water Council, explored international cooperation and water diplomacy to achieve water-related sustainable development goals worldwide.

    Mr. Francis Bougaire, Head of Water Coordination and Partnership Department at the African Development Bank, then tackled water security and development in African countries. Mr. Abdoulaye Sene, Executive Secretary of the 9th World Water Forum, made a presentation on the Forum and the various preparation phases and ways of participation.

    Mr. Kabiné Komara stated that yesterday’s meeting gives impetus to joint action in water security and the need for more progress. In his closing address, Dr. AlMalik thanked the participants for the fruitful discussions while hoping that this meeting would be a start to exploring water security issues and provide practical solutions for countries.

    ICESCO Director General Calls for Investment in Water Management and Sanitation Systems

    **A cooperation agreement was signed to hold 9th World Water Forum

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), urged on Monday, July 27, countries to prioritize investment in water management, sanitation systems, and hygiene services. He also reaffirmed that water security is vital in ensuring not only humanity’s survival, but also socio-economic development, sustained energy production, and food security.

    The statement was part of Dr. AlMalik’s address at the opening session of the high-caliber virtual meeting on water security for peace and development in the Islamic world, which ICESCO held today.
    The meeting was in cooperation with the Moroccan National Office of Electricity and Water (ONEE), and the Secretariat of the 9th World Water Forum. The event, chaired by Mr. Kabiné Komara, Former Prime Minister of Guinea, is a preparatory event to the 9th World Water Forum, due to be held next year in Dakar, Senegal.

    Dr. AlMalik also warned against the difficult global situation in terms of water resources. “Studies and research works have shown that almost 300 thousand children under 5 years of age die each year due to diseases caused by contaminated drinking water and poor hygiene. Besides, over two billion people lack clean drinking water while four billion people suffer from the shortage of sanitation services,” he added.

    ICESCO’s DG also stated that women and girls are most affected by the lack of water security in many regions. “In 8 out of 10 households, particularly in poor countries, women bear the burden of ensuring the availability of drinking water. Water scarcity is a major factor in school drop-out and non-enrollment among girls. The poor quality of sanitation services causes health problems and infect 44 million pregnant women. Water resources depletion has affected the socio-economic and political activities, and the increased unemployment rate among youth, who struggle to counter these negative effects through extremism or drugs,” he stressed.

    In addition, Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed that “ICESCO pays great attention to water issues which are key to achieving sustainable development goals in the Islamic world. The Organization also implemented several programmes, projects, and action plans to boost water use efficiency through modern technologies.”

    During the opening session, which started at 10:00 GMT, Mr. Serigne Mbaye Thiam, Minister of Water and Sanitation of the Republic of Senegal, gave an address wherein he commended this meeting and its topics. He also lauded the excellent cooperation between ICESCO and Senegal, while highlighting that the COVID-19 pandemic pushes us to take prompt collective action to ensure water for all.

    In his address, Mr. Loïc Fauchon, President of the World Water Council, said that many Muslim countries suffer from drought and water resources shortage, particularly with the global warming predictions and poor rainfalls in the future. He added that water-induced conflicts have become real, and a balance between water resources and water consumption should be achieved.

    At the close of session, Dr. AlMalik and Mr. Serigne Mbaye Thiam signed an agreement between ICESCO and the Ministry of Water and Sanitation of Senegal, for cooperation on holding the 9th World Water Form (Dakar 2021).

    ICESCO Director General Meets Ambassador of Chad to Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), visited on Thursday, July 23, the Embassy of the Republic of Chad in Rabat, where His Excellency Mahamat Abderassoul, Ambassador of Chad to Morocco welcomed him.

    Dr. AlMalik made the visit to express the Organization’s gratitude to His Excellency President Idriss Deby Itno of the Republic of Chad for his valuable participation in ICESCO’s International Virtual Forum on “Role of Religious Leadership in the Face of Crises.”

    During the Forum, President Itno gave an important address that was greatly applauded and appreciated by the participants and followers of the Forum’s live streaming.

    At the meeting, Dr. AlMalik and Ambassador Abderassoul explored further cooperation between ICESCO and the Republic of Chad. Dr. AlMalik also highlighted several ICESCO’s future projects and programmes in the country in cooperation with the parties concerned, particularly the inauguration of the Arabic Language Center now in the final stages of construction, and support to women, young people and entrepreneurs within the framework of the initiative “The Societies We Want”.

    On his part, the Chadian Ambassador lauded and appreciated the visit of ICESCO’s DG, which is likely to open new prospects of cooperation between the Organization and Chad. He also commended ICESCO’s efforts and the diverse practical initiatives it launched to support Member States to counter the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the African countries.

    Ambassador Khalid Fathalrahman, ICESCO’s Director of the Department of Dialogue and Cultural Diversity, also attended the meeting.

    ICESCO Director General Receives Chargé d’affaires and Cultural Advisor at Chinese Embassy in Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received today, July 16 Mr. Jun Mao, Chargé d’affaires, at the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Kingdom of Morocco, and Dr. Chen Dongyun, Cultural Advisor at the Embassy, at the headquarters of the Organization in Rabat. The officials explored ways to promote cooperation between ICESCO and China in the Organization’s areas of competence.

    During this meeting, Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed that ICESCO’s new vision adopts openness and cooperation to serve the Member States and Muslim communities around the globe. He also highlighted that, within this framework, ICESCO developed a new charter specific to Observer States which will allow such countries to take part in conferences, activities and programmes and establish partnership with ICESCO, while calling on China to join the Organization as Observer.

    Besides, ICESCO’s Director-General reviewed the major initiatives newly launched by the Organization during the COVID-19 pandemic to support the international community’s efforts to counter the pandemic’s negative repercussions.

    The initiatives include the “Comprehensive Humanitarian Coalition,” whose executive projects and field programmes are geared towards countries affected by the pandemic and the neediest categories. He also called on the People’s Republic of China to join this Coalition and encourage private institutions to join as well.

    The meeting also touched on the ICESCO Prize for Fighting against Coronavirus with a USD 200,000 reward to anyone who discovers an efficient treatment or preventive vaccine from the virus. Dr. AlMalik requested the Chinese delegation to help publicize this prize in China.

    On his part, Mr. Jun Mao welcomed the development of cooperation between ICESCO and his country’s interest while calling for effective communication to achieve the results of this important meeting and follow-up on the issues agreed upon.

    The two parties agreed to implement joint programmes in the fields of culture, science, and education to develop their mutual relationship.

    Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Director of the Sector of Partnerships and International Cooperation; Amb. Khalid Fathalrahman, Director of Dialogue and Cultural Diversity Department; and Ms. Rime Jirari, President of Organizations and Bodies Division from ICESCO attended the meeting. Joining the meeting from the Chinese Embassy was Ms. Dong Xue Meng, Officer at the Cultural Division.

    ICESCO participates in the celebration of the 15th Anniversary of Russia’s accession to the OIC as an observer country

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the Virtual Forum organized by the Islamic Cooperation Organization (OIC) on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Russian Federation’s accession to the OIC as an observer country.

    In his address, ICESCO Director General Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, delivered on his behalf by Ambassador Mr. Khaled Fateh Al-Rahman, Head of the Department of Dialogue and Cultural Diversity at ICESCO, stressed the importance of relationships between Russia and the Islamic world since the advent of Islam, citing examples of cooperation between the two parties. He also expressed his appreciation of the Russian representation in the OIC joining the Global Humanitarian Coalition, while looking forward to Moscow’s joining this initiative. The Coalition is part of a number of initiatives launched by ICESCO and widely welcomed at the international level.

    Dr. AlMalik also referred to the prospective studies being conducted by ICESCO which constitute a promising field for fruitful cooperation with Russian strategic experts. He also showcased future areas of cooperation between the two parties in the fields of education, science and youth.