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    As part of 5th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku, ISESCO to hold a roundtable on the role of religious leaderships and academic institutions in the promotion of dialogue and respect of cultural diversity

    Rabat: 29/04/2019

    As part of 5th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku, ISESCO to hold a roundtable on the role of religious leaderships and academic institutions in the promotion of dialogue and respect of cultural diversity Continue reading “As part of 5th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku, ISESCO to hold a roundtable on the role of religious leaderships and academic institutions in the promotion of dialogue and respect of cultural diversity”

    As part of the Celebration of Bandar Seri Begawan as 2019 Capital of Islamic Culture for the Asian region: ISESCO and FUIW to hold academic symposium on issues of Sacred City glorification, Brunei Darussalam

    Rabat: 25/04/2019

    As part of the Celebration of Bandar Seri Begawan as 2019 Capital of Islamic Culture for the Asian region: ISESCO and FUIW to hold academic symposium on issues of Sacred City glorification, Brunei Darussalam Continue reading “As part of the Celebration of Bandar Seri Begawan as 2019 Capital of Islamic Culture for the Asian region: ISESCO and FUIW to hold academic symposium on issues of Sacred City glorification, Brunei Darussalam”

    Under the high patronage of President of Republic of Guinea Bissau: Launch of the Celebration of Bissau as African region’s Capital of Islamic Culture for 2019

    Bissau: 23/04/2019

    Under the high patronage of President of Republic of Guinea Bissau: Launch of the Celebration of Bissau as African region’s Capital of Islamic Culture for 2019 Continue reading “Under the high patronage of President of Republic of Guinea Bissau: Launch of the Celebration of Bissau as African region’s Capital of Islamic Culture for 2019”

    ISESCO to take part in official opening ceremony of Celebration of Bissau as African Region’s Capital of Islamic Culture for 2019

    Rabat: 20/04/2019

    ISESCO to take part in official opening ceremony of Celebration of Bissau as African Region’s Capital of Islamic Culture for 2019 Continue reading “ISESCO to take part in official opening ceremony of Celebration of Bissau as African Region’s Capital of Islamic Culture for 2019”

    International Conference on “Role and Responsibilities of Local Governments in Protection and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage” kicks off today at ISESCO headquarters, Rabat

    Rabat: 18/04/2019

    International Conference on “Role and Responsibilities of Local Governments in Protection and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage” kicks off today at ISESCO headquarters, Rabat Continue reading “International Conference on “Role and Responsibilities of Local Governments in Protection and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage” kicks off today at ISESCO headquarters, Rabat”

    10th Meeting of ISESCO Archaeology Experts Committee in Charge of Preparing Technical Reports on Israeli Aggressions against Al-Aqsa Mosque Kicks off in Rabat


    Rabat: 03/04/2019

    10th Meeting of ISESCO Archaeology Experts Committee in Charge of Preparing Technical Reports on Israeli Aggressions against Al-Aqsa Mosque Kicks off in Rabat Continue reading “10th Meeting of ISESCO Archaeology Experts Committee in Charge of Preparing Technical Reports on Israeli Aggressions against Al-Aqsa Mosque Kicks off in Rabat”

    Meeting of Joint Committee in charge of the Celebration of Tunis as 2019 Islamic Culture Capital for the Arab region kicks off

    Tunis: 05/03/2019

    Meeting of Joint Committee in charge of the Celebration of Tunis as 2019 Islamic Culture Capital for the Arab region kicks off   Continue reading “Meeting of Joint Committee in charge of the Celebration of Tunis as 2019 Islamic Culture Capital for the Arab region kicks off”

    On the occasion of celebratingof Bandar Seri Begawan as the Asian region’s Capital of Islamic Culture for 2019: Organization of Exhibition on Bandar Seri Begawan Architectural and Monuments Trail

    Bandar Seri Begawan: 23/01/2019

    On the occasion of celebratingof Bandar Seri Begawan as the Asian region’s  Capital of Islamic Culture for 2019: Organization of Exhibition on Bandar Seri Begawan Architectural and Monuments Trail Continue reading “On the occasion of celebratingof Bandar Seri Begawan as the Asian region’s Capital of Islamic Culture for 2019: Organization of Exhibition on Bandar Seri Begawan Architectural and Monuments Trail”