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    Significant Activity of ICESCO Pavilion at “Russia-Islamic World” Forum in Tatarstan

    17 May 2024

    The pavilion of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), set at the Kazan Expo International Exhibition Center on the sidelines of the “Russia-Islamic World” International Economic Forum, continues to present its diverse program of meetings and seminars. Additionally, the Organization’s high-level delegation, led by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), continues to participate in sessions covering all activities held during this international event, which is organized by the Strategic Vision Group “Russia-Islamic World” and hosted by the Republic of Tatarstan over the period of May 14 – 19 , 2024.

    ICESCO and the Ministry of Youth Affairs in the Republic of Tatarstan held a session on Thursday, May 16, 2024, under the theme: “Cultural Components and Traditional Values in Child Upbringing,” as part of the activities of the 10th Kazan Forum for Young Entrepreneurs from Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The Session was attended by Dr. AlMalik, Mr. Timur Suleymanov, Aide to the Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan, Mr. Rinat Sadykov, Minister of Youth Affairs, and Ms. Irada Ayupova, Minister of Culture. Rich discussions took place concerning the challenges faced by youth when making pivotal decisions in their lives, highlighting the shared role of modern technologies across various cultures in the upbringing of children and youth.

    In addition to managing the meetings and seminars organized by ICESCO’s pavilion to highlight the Organization’s vision pillars and its strategic orientations, as well as the initiatives, programs, projects, and activities it implements to serve its member states and Muslim communities around the world. Moreover, ICESCO’s delegation members participated in various sessions to represent the Organization at all activities held on the sidelines of the Forum. Dr. Muhammad Sharif, Advisor in the Science and Environment Sector, participated in several sessions that were held at the 10th Kazan Forum for Young Entrepreneurs from OIC Member States, attended by a number of young entrepreneurs hailing from Islamic world countries and owners of leading projects in innovative industries. Dr. Sharif showcased the Organization’s efforts in supporting youth in the fields of technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

    Dr. Abdullah Al Mulhim, expert at ICESCO’s Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, participated in the sessions of the 8th Young Diplomats Forum for OIC Member States, focusing on Russia as one of the global centers for Islamic education. He presented ICESCO’s visionary approach to building the capacities of youth and training them for leadership towards peace and security.

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