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    On its 42nd Anniversary… ICESCO Continues Promoting its Civilizational Mission and Fulfilling Aspirations of its Member States in its Areas of Expertise

    3 May 2024

    Today marks the 42nd anniversary of the establishment of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), founded on the 3rd of May 1982, in response to the Islamic world countries’ aspirations for cooperation, solidarity, progress, and prosperity in education, science, and culture. On this occasion, the General Directorate renews its commitment to pursue ICESCO’s civilizational mission and meet the aspirations of its Member States in developing and modernizing education, science, culture, and communication.

    Moreover, the General Directorate affirms that it deems of utmost importance fulfilling the missions and goals contained in ICESCO’s Charter, as amended in its 14th General Conference, held in Cairo, in 2021, as well as achieving the objectives of its new vision and strategic orientations aimed at establishing it as an international beacon of civilization and knowledge. The Organization strives to contribute to the sustainable development of the Islamic world countries through foresight, addressing the ever-changing challenges, supporting the creation of knowledge and innovation systems, building the capacities of women and youth to prepare them for the professions of tomorrow and enhancing their leadership skills. ICESCO also aspires to promote the values of coexistence, peace, and civilizational dialogue, preserve and valorize the heritage of the Islamic world, and provide expertise, technical counseling, and institutional support in its areas of competence.
    To this end, the new vision of ICESCO adopts the values of solidarity, innovation, transparency, leadership, and coexistence to modernize its organizational structure and working mechanisms, as well as to implement its initiatives, programs, and projects in full coordination with the competent authorities in its Member States and in line with the priorities and needs of each of them, with a focus on vulnerable groups, youth, women, and children.

    As a youthful and innovative Organization striving for a better future for its Member States and Muslim communities worldwide, ICESCO remains abreast of the latest developments and challenges in its areas of expertise and continues to explore future opportunities. The Organization affirms the commitment of all its sectors, departments, and specialized centers to open up to and draw from the leading international experiences to enhance its expertise and reflect the true image of Islam, which promotes knowledge-seeking and serving humanity.

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