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    ICESCO Calls for Efforts to Preserve the Environment at the Non-Aligned Movement Parliamentary Network Conference

    26 March 2024

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), stressed that consolidated efforts and mutual cooperation are the optimal way to address the threats of climate change and to gain a comprehensive understanding of the environmental challenges facing the planet, given their impact on all aspects of human existence and their dire consequences for future generations. He also underscored the role of parliamentary oversight in ensuring accountability, transparency, and effective implementation of environmental policies.

    This statement was made during his speech on Monday, March 25, 2024, at the inauguration of the 3rd conference of the Non-Aligned Movement Parliamentary Network (NAM PN) under the theme: “Revitalizing parliamentary action in combating climate change.” The Conference was held concurrently with the 148th General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Geneva, Switzerland, attended by high-level delegations and parliament heads from member states of the Non-Aligned Movement, as well as officials, and representatives of international organizations.

    Dr. AlMalik emphasized the significance of this conference in alerting to the urgent need to protect the environment and raise awareness of parliamentary efforts in combating climate change, a global environmental concern at the forefront of the international agenda, representing one of the biggest challenges the world faces today. Moreover, he explained that the constitutional powers of legislative bodies enable them to enact bold and ambitious policies that prioritize environmental sustainability through stringent emission laws, promoting investment in renewable energy infrastructure, and supporting initiatives that enhance climate adaptation.

    Furthermore, Dr. AlMalik reviewed ICESCO’s efforts and its solid foundation for supporting measures aimed at combating climate change. These measures aim to protect our planet for future generations and encourage Islamic world countries to invest in renewable energy, devote sustainable agricultural practices, and promote climate awareness and education.
    Through various initiatives, programs, and activities, ICESCO strives to empower communities to adapt to the impacts of climate change and build a more sustainable future. Moreover, ICESCO actively participated in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conferences (UNFCCC): (COP 27) in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, (COP 28) in Dubai, UAE, and will take part in the upcoming COP 29 scheduled to be hosted by Azerbaijan in November 2024.

    Dr. AlMalik expressed his gratitude to the officials of the Non-Aligned Movement Parliamentary Network for facilitating the Organization’s official request to join the network, launched in 2021, as an observer. He also highlighted ICESCO’s keenness to cooperate in implementing joint initiatives, and commended the roles of the movement and its parliamentary network in influencing international discourse, enhancing cooperation between countries, and promoting the “Bandung Principles” of the Non-Aligned Movement and the pursuit of peaceful coexistence.

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