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    On World Water Day… ICESCO Calls for Cooperation to Ensure Water Security and Sustainable Development

    21 March 2024

    World Water Day is observed every year on 22 March. This year’s theme, “Water for Peace,” is a rallying call to shed light on the threats of water scarcity to food security, social parity, and the environment, hindering sustainable development, security, and peace in the world.

    On this occasion, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) brings attention to water scarcity in most of the countries of the Islamic world and calls for cooperation and joint action to ensure the right to access safe and clean water. It is particularly concerning that 29 of these countries are currently facing water stress, with 18 experiencing a critical stress level. Additionally, the average renewable water resources are alarmingly low, at 3,806 cubic meters, compared to the global average of 7,027 cubic meters per capita. These figures emphasize the urgent need for the rational and efficient use of water resources.

    In this context, ICESCO reaffirms its unwavering commitment to promoting sustainable water resource management and environment protection and enhancing peace and security by harnessing synergies among international and regional organizations, institutions, and research centers in the field. These efforts address the causes and consequences of water scarcity and urge the international community to strive for a future where every individual, regardless of their geographical location, has rightful and sustainable access to clean water.

    As part of its strong commitment to addressing climate change issues among its Member States, including water scarcity, ICESCO implements a set of programs aimed at enhancing water resource management, mainly its program of water and sewage network repair in several rural areas in the Islamic world countries.

    To mark this occasion, ICESCO reiterates the importance of strengthening the international and regional exchange of expertise in building scientific and innovative capacities to confront future challenges in water and food security, biodiversity, and crisis management. These efforts are essential for ensuring social and economic development while establishing the pillars of sustainable peace.

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