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    Second ICESCO Marathon Achieves Success in Drawing Participants of All Ages

    28 October 2023

    On Saturday 28 October 2023, the second edition of ICESCO Marathon, themed “Together for Social Solidarity,” was successfully organized in partnership between the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science, and Culture, in collaboration with the Ministry of National Education, Preschool, Sports, the Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Communication in Morocco, the Islamic Centre for Development of Trade (ICDT), the Royal Moroccan Federation of School Sports, the Rabat-Sale-Kenitra region, with sponsorship from various Moroccan institutions.

    The marathon started in front of the ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, covered a 9-kilometer distance and witnessed the participation of various organizers and ambassadors of ICESCO Member States, alongside participants from different age and social categories.

    The second edition of the ICESCO Marathon aimed to emphasize the importance of sports in promoting values of coexistence, peace, and social cohesion, enhancing the resilience of communities, and contributing to the physical and mental well-being in the Islamic world, with a special focus on individuals with special needs.

    Dr. Salim AlMalik, ICESCO’s Director-General, and Mr. Jamal Eddine EL Aloua, the Secretary-General of the Moroccan National Commission, gave the starting signal, with participants from different categories, including children under 15, adults, senior people over 40, and people with special needs, competing passionately for the top positions.

    At the end of the marathon, medals and prizes were awarded to the winners, commemorative photos were taken, and participation certificates were handed out to acknowledge the efforts of the participants and their commitment to supporting social solidarity and promoting a sports spirit in the community.

    In his speech after awarding the prizes, Dr. AlMalik emphasized the Organization’s commitment to leveraging sports to enhance the impact of its programs and projects, recognizing the significant influence of sports on all age groups and its utmost importance in building healthy and cohesive societies. He also expressed gratitude to all participants and parties involved in the organization of the marathon.

    Moreover, the Secretary-General of the Moroccan National Committee highlighted the marathon’s role in affirming the solidarity of all segments of the Moroccan society, particularly evident in the wake of the recent Al Haouz earthquake.

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