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    Conclusion of ICESCO Workshop in Tangier on Human Rights in the Digital Space

    28 October 2023

    Saturday (28 October 2023) marked the conclusion of the regional workshop’s proceedings, organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in partnership with the Interministerial Delegation for Human Rights in the Kingdom of Morocco. The workshop aimed to develop a strategic plan for ICESCO and the Delegation on Human Rights in the digital space.

    During the opening of the workshop on Friday (27 October 2023) in the city of Tangier, Mr. Abdelkarim Boujradi, the Secretary-General of the Interministerial Delegation for Human Rights, emphasized that the Kingdom of Morocco attaches great importance to addressing the challenges associated with the use of digital technologies and their impact on all rights, especially in terms of strengthening the relevant national legislative and institutional framework.

    In his speech, Mr. Mohamed Hadi Shili, Director of Legal Affairs and International Standards Department at ICESCO, noted that the workshop came as part of the rapid developments taking place in the digital age. He confirmed that the integration of efforts and cooperation between ICESCO and the Kingdom of Morocco reflects a shared commitment to promoting human rights and human values, especially in the digital space.

    Following this, the participants were divided into working groups that tackled topics and issues outlined in the first session through analysis, identifying feasible options and organizing priorities.

    The workshop, under the supervision of ICESCO’s Legal Affairs and International Standards Department over its two days, witnessed the participation of several specialized international and national actors that shared their experiences in the field of human rights in the digital space. Emphasis was placed on the fact that rights in the age of artificial intelligence are of utmost importance, particularly in terms of the right to access and benefit from technology and the protection of private rights in this field. Moreover, it was reaffirmed that the methodology for developing the Strategy should be based on the universal reference in the field of human rights, the importance of implementing governance of the digital space from this perspective, and the promotion of legislation and the qualification of digital content creators.

    The workshop’s proceedings concluded with the identification of the issues, general objectives, and the strategic plan’s topics for ICESCO and the Interministerial Delegation for Human Rights in Morocco concerning human rights in the digital space.

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