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    Conference of Ministers of Culture in Islamic World Issues Statement of Solidarity with Morocco and Libya

    27 September 2023

    As part of the Doha Declaration on Renewing Cultural Action in the Islamic World, the 12th Conference of Ministers of Culture in the Islamic World, organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and hosted by the State of Qatar, represented by its Ministry of Culture, issued a statement of solidarity with the Kingdom of Morocco, following the tragic earthquake of Al Haouz and surrounding regions, and the State of Libya in the aftermath of the floods of Derna and eastern regions.

    The statement, issued on Tuesday 26 September 2023, offered heartfelt condolences to the respective heads of state, government and people of the Kingdom of Morocco and the State of Libya, paid tribute to the victims and wished a prompt recovery to the injured.

    The statement also lauded ICESCO’s initiative to send two humanitarian caravans, the contribution of its staff to the voluntary solidarity fund for the earthquake victims, and its unwavering readiness to support the competent authorities of the Kingdom of Morocco and the State of Libya in assessing and preserving their heritage sites affected by the two disasters.

    Likewise, the Conference expressed in its statement its keenness to cooperate with the competent authorities of the two countries in its areas of competence, stressing the need for fostering coordination between the Member States, channeled through ICESCO, by establishing committees and observatories tasked with drawing proactive disaster plans using modern technologies to effectively overcome and mitigate the impacts of foreseeable dangers on cultural and heritage sites.

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