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    ICESCO condemns extremist burning a copy of the Holy Quran in Sweden

    29 June 2023

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) condemns in the strongest terms the barbaric conduct of burning a copy of the Holy Quran in the Swedish capital, Stockholm, in a heinous act that offends the feelings of Muslims around the world amid their celebration of Eid al-Adha.

    ICESCO reaffirms that the repetition of this outrageous act by hard line extremist expresses civilizational defeat and rejection of tolerance that fosters cultural and religious diversity, and leads to stirring animosity and the revival of hate speech whenever it abates.

    ICESCO stresses that underestimation of the values and principles governing the lives of nations and peoples is the most dangerous weapon of destruction likely to jeopardize the international community’s security and development. In view of this obvious truth, the Organization points to the need to be alert to the seriousness of this hideous recurrence, which is leading the world towards aggravating the conflicts that the humankind is suffering from worldwide.

    Recalling that the repetition of this type of abhorrent offence will not undermine the value of the Holy Quran, whose believers are increasing day after day in both the East and the West, ICESCO warns that by tolerating such abominable acts, the authorities – wherever they are – are only leading humanity further away from the civilizational path of ethical values, culture and the customs of peoples.

    The Organization also reaffirms that it stands ready to cooperate with peace-loving world powers to uphold the values of peace and the foundations of moderation, and to promote the culture of enlightenment in such a way as to fight such reckless tendencies.

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