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    The International Conference on Lifelong Learning concludes with issuing a set of recommendations

    14 June 2023

    After two days of rich discussions and exchange of visions, ideas, expertise and pioneering experiences on mechanisms for developing lifelong learning and literacy programs, the International Conference on Lifelong Learning, held at the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in Rabat, concluded its proceedings, on Tuesday (June 13, 2023), and issued a set of recommendations to adopt effective and innovative approaches in the field of adult education and literacy.

    The recommendations of the conference, organized by ICESCO, in partnership with the Moroccan Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports, the Moroccan National Agency for Combating Illiteracy, the National Institute for Lifelong Learning of the Republic of Korea, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning and the Global Partnership for Education, stressed the need to strengthen partnerships and international cooperation, exchange outstanding practices in the field of lifelong learning, mobilize resources to provide adequate funding, integrate communication and information technology, and provide everyone with modern skills.

    The participants agreed on the importance of the Korean experience in the field of lifelong learning, and the need to benefit from it to enhance learning opportunities for all in Muslim countries.

    The second day of the conference featured a session on “Transforming adult learning…effective practices for reducing illiteracy in Africa: skills for life,” which included interventions by participants about projects, programs and activities aimed at eradicating illiteracy, and the importance of these initiatives to ensure lifelong learning for all.

    The second session tackled the importance of international cooperation in promoting adult education and lifelong learning. Participants shared their experiences in the fields of international cooperation to enhance knowledge, implement joint programs, and establish more equitable and comprehensive policies.

    These sessions featured rich discussions, in which the audience asked several questions about training systems in the field of literacy and the challenges facing the implementation of lifelong learning programs.

    In conclusion, Dr. Barry Koumbou, Head of ICESCO Education Sector, gave an address wherein she praised the ideas, experiences and knowledge presented by the participants, stressing the Organization’s willingness to cooperate with parties of common interest to achieve the goals of sustainable development.

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