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    ICESCO: Cooperation and unifying visions are necessary for the success of regional and international organizations

    13 December 2022

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), stressed the need for unified visions and cooperation between regional and international organizations to ensure their success, highlighting the structural shifts in self-awareness, international developments and the organizations’ experiences, which have led to the successful management of international affairs with confidence.

    This statement was part of Dr. AlMalik’s address delivered on Monday (December 12, 2022), at the two-day Forum on “Organizations from Local to Global,” organized by the Qatari Ministry of Culture, in Doha, under the theme: “Our strength in our unity,” as part of the activities of the National Day of the State of Qatar, in Darb Al Saai, with the participation of high-level ministers, officials and heads of several international organizations and institutions.

    ICESCO Director-General added that Qatar’s hosting of the World Cup is conclusive evidence that success is the outcome of sound visions, good management and creativity, considering that this success is a civilizational achievement.

    Furthermore, he pointed out that the transition from local to global in organizations’ fields of action requires overcoming internal performance obstacles that give rise to the question of reform and the transformations of the international pattern through the communications revolution, which has become a guide of human progress and providing more opportunities for young people to meet their aspirations. “We should liberate organizations from the dominance of politics, promote social and educational issues, and strengthen cooperation and synergy between organizations to ensure mutual understanding, dialogue and civilizational alliance, reduce violence, hatred and intolerance, and confront pandemics, climate change, migration and crimes,” added Dr. AlMalik.

    Dr. Al-Malik also reviewed the strategic orientations of ICESCO in fulfilling its vision, which draws on the civilizational potentials of the Islamic world and responds to the aspirations of Muslim people for reform, explaining that the pattern of structural and conceptual renewal prevails at ICESCO and that the Organization’s efforts are strengthened through cooperation with various organizations, including the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the League of Arab States, ALECSO, the US Space Foundation and other international partners.

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