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    Extends KSAAEM Nomination Deadline

    28 December 2021

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) announces the extension of the nomination deadline for the current edition (2021-2022) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Award for Environmental Management in the Islamic World (KSAAEM), until March 31, 2022, instead of December 31, 2021.

    Following the large number of extension requests it has received, the Award Committee extended the deadline to provide more opportunities for individuals and institutions to participate in this competition. ICESCO is in charge of the Award’s General Secretariat, under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture of Saudi Arabia, represented by the National Center for Environmental Compliance.

    Nomination for the current KSAAEM is open to applicants from the Islamic world and beyond until 31 March 2022, who can submit their nomination in one of the Award’s categories. The jury will select three winners in each category of the Award, whose total value amounts to 195,000 US dollars to be distributed to the winners in the first three categories:

    • Research, achievements and successful practices;
    • Leading practices and activities of Public Benefit Associations and NGOs in the Member States;
    • Women’s leading activities in environmental work, a category which was added in this edition on the occasion of ICESCO’s proclamation of 2021 as the Year of Women. This category includes three awards in the main areas of environmental management, namely:

    • Award for Women in Research, Achievements and Successful Practices;
    • The Women’s Award in Public Benefit Associations and NGOs;
    • Women’s Leadership Award in private or government sector institutions

    The Award also includes a fourth category, “Environmentally-Friendly Green City.”

    The Award will be presented at the Conference of Environment Ministers in the Islamic World, which will be held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in 2022.

    To apply or obtain more information about the Award, its categories and the conditions for nomination, please visit the Award’s website: www.ksaaem.org, which is linked directly to the electronic platform dedicated to receiving nomination files and the activities of the Award committee. For more information, please contact ICESCO’s party in charge of receiving nominations for the Award at the following emails:


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