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    ICESCO participates in a study day on restoration of heritage damaged by Al-Haouz earthquake in Morocco

    The Culture and Communication Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in a study day organized by the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Benguerir, Morocco, to touch upon the efforts made to restore cultural heritage components that were affected by Al-Haouz earthquake.

    Representing ICESCO at the event on Tuesday 21 November 2023, Dr. Nami Salihi, Supervisor of the Islamic World Heritage Centre, elaborated on ICESCO’s initiatives to alleviate the suffering of those affected by the earthquake. He expressed the Organization’s readiness to support the Kingdom of Morocco in the restoration of cultural heritage damaged by the earthquake. Dr. Salihi also affirmed that ICESCO is willing to share its expertise with competent authorities to achieve this goal.

    The event drew the participation of representatives from the Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Communication in Morocco, UNESCO, along with experts and researchers from both national and international universities.

    Conclusion of catch-up education sessions for drop-out girls in the Yemeni Governorate of the Socotra Archipelago

    A series of training sessions on enhancing girls’ education in the Socotra Archipelago Governorate in the Republic of Yemen was concluded. The sessions have been organized for the benefit of girls’ teachers in the governorate as part of the activities of the catch-up education project for girls who have dropped out of school in Yemen, in implementation of the agreement signed between the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Yemen, and the Benevolence Coalition for Humanitarian Relief.

    At the opening of the closing (seventh) session, which was held from 19 to 22 November 2023 in the presence of a number of Yemeni officials, participants stressed the crucial role of these training sessions in qualifying educational and administrative staff to enhance girls’ education in Yemen.

    The participants in the session were divided into two groups: the first included 30 participants from schools in the Hadibo District, while the second included 20 participants from the schools of the Qalansiyah District. The training aimed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to enhance girls’ education, including how to deal with the challenges facing girls’ education in Yemen, how to design and implement educational curricula and activities that attract girls to schools.

    The session also reviewed mechanisms for diagnosing and treating school dropout in Socotra, modern teaching methods, and personal and professional skills and competencies for teachers of dropout girls, as well as implementing a number of activities to provide a comprehensive training experience for participants.

    Emirati Tribute to ICESCO Director-General in Recognition of his Efforts in Promoting Values of Coexistence

    The United Arab Emirates Embassy in the Kingdom of Morocco paid tribute to Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in recognition of his efforts in promoting values of coexistence, tolerance and peace worldwide and for his contribution to a collective book titled, “Tolerance: Contemporary Perspectives,” published on the occasion of the 52nd UAE Union Day.

    In this connection, H.E. Al Asri Saeed Al Dhaheri, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to the Kingdom of Morocco, delivered an honorary shield and certificate of recognition to Dr. Abdelillah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy Director-General, on behalf of Dr. AlMalik, who is currently on an official mission outside the seat country. This tribute was part of a reception ceremony held by the UAE Embassy in observance of the 52nd UAE Union Day on Tuesday, 21 November 2023, in the presence of Moroccan ministers, representatives of diplomatic missions accredited to Morocco, and a host of high-level officials.

    ICESCO Participates in Non-Aligned Movement Conference on Advancing the Rights of Women

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the Non-Aligned Movement Conference on Advancing the Rights and Empowerment of Women, which was jointly organized by the Republic of Azerbaijan, the current chair of the Non-Aligned Movement, as well as Uganda and Uzbekistan, the upcoming chairs of NAM, to discuss the empowerment and advancement of women’s rights and to improve their contribution to sustainable development, peace and security issues.

    The Conference, which was held in Baku on 20-21 November, 2023, saw the participation of ministers and high-profile officials from more than sixty countries, in addition to representatives of a number of international organizations and bodies.

    ICESCO was represented by Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Director of Human and Social Sciences Sector, and Dr. Dinara Guliyeva, expert in the Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector. In her presentation, Ms. Mbaye reviewed ICESCO’s key programs and initiatives geared toward promoting and protecting women’s rights and fostering girls’ schooling while providing a safe environment for them to develop their capacities and contribute to building prosperous communities.

    In connection, ICESCO’s delegation held several meetings with officials in the Republic of Azerbaijan, including Mrs. Bahar Muradova, Chairperson of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs, who stressed her keenness to strengthen cooperation with ICESCO in the field of women’s rehabilitation and child protection and agreed to cooperate in the implementation of a number of programs in the fields of leadership training, peacebuilding, child protection and mental health in addition to enhancing the presence of women in sports.

    ICESCO Director-General receives the Best Leader Award 2023 from the World Business Angels Investment Forum

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), was awarded the Best Leader Award 2023 by the World Business Angels Investment Forum. This prestigious international award, presented annually by the Forum, celebrates figures who demonstrate outstanding leadership and foresight, making substantial contributions to the progress of education, science, and culture, resulting in positive changes that foster economic opportunities, social justice, and sustainable development.

    In a special ceremony at the 2023 World Business Angels Investment Forum held in Durban, South Africa, attended by ministers and high-level dignitaries and representatives from various countries and international organizations active in the fields of entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic development, Mr. Baybars Altuntas, President of the Forum, presented the award to Dr. AlMalik. He stressed that the award not only acknowledges the international endeavors of the Director-General in education, science, and culture since assuming office but also highlights ICESCO’s substantial contributions in these vital areas. These contributions are driven by its new strategic vision, which has elevated the Organization as a beacon of international intellectual and cultural influence.

    The World Business Angels Investment Forum emphasized in the rationale for awarding Dr. AlMalik that, under his leadership, the Organization has successfully achieved its planned objectives ahead of schedule. This accomplishment involved the development and modernization of its organizational structure and operations, as well as the establishment of strong partnerships with esteemed civil society organizations, institutions and entities both within its Member States and on the global scale. As a result, ICESCO has now positioned itself at the forefront of organizations supporting the youth of the Islamic world, striving to provide opportunities for them and enhance their capabilities in technology, innovation, and creativity, in alignment with the evolving trends in the world and anticipating future professions.

    It is noteworthy that the World Business Angels Investment Forum is an international organization with the primary objective of facilitating funding for startups, small and medium enterprises, and large institutions. The forum also promotes innovation and creativity while providing employment opportunities to contribute to global social justice. This mission is achieved through supporting major investors in assisting entrepreneurs and people with ideas and facilitating their access to funding. Importantly, the forum is a partner in the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion.

    ICESCO Deputy Director-General takes part in the International Dar Damana Forum in Morocco

    Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), took part in the International Forum Dar Damana for Dhikr and Samaa in Ouazzane, Kingdom of Morocco. The event was organized by the Safa Association for Madih, under the supervision of the Prefecture of Ouazzane and in partnership with the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication.

    This event was held on 16-18 November 2023 and saw the participation of several artists and Inshad groups from Morocco and several Arab countries. The Forum featured various cultural, art and religious activities and attracted a large audience.

    During an academic seminar at the Forum, Dr. Benarafa highlighted ICESCO’s efforts in the field of cultural heritage conservation, noting that, since 2019, the Organization has adopted a new strategy for safeguarding the heritage of the Islamic world based on a more comprehensive and realistic vision for preserving this heritage.

    The Deputy Director-General also stressed the importance of finding new perspectives to address cultural heritage issues, in light of the current developmental, environmental, civilizational, ethical and geopolitical challenges.

    ICESCO condemns Israeli occupation attacks on Al-Fakhoura, Tal Al-Zaatar schools in the Gaza Strip

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) condemns in the strongest terms the heinous crime committed of bombing Al-Fakhoura, Tal Al-Zaatar schools in the Gaza Strip, by the Israeli occupation, causing hundreds of casualties, including deaths and injuries.

    While sharing the pain and anger of millions of people around the world, ICESCO affirms that the continuation of this brutal behavior, which makes no distinction whatsoever between schools, medical institutions and military facilities, demonstrates the Israeli occupation’s persistence on violating all international laws and norms, and disdaining the emerging positions around the globe against these barbaric actions which have become a disgrace to humanity, for no power has ever used its military machine with such hatred against children’s dormitories, schools and hospitals. With such an action, the system of values and morality undergoes an unprecedented blatant setback in history.

    ICESCO renews its appeal to all international organizations, particularly those working in the fields of education, science and culture, to express a firm stance against these irresponsible actions and calls for taking the necessary measures to ensure their accountability otherwise this aggressive arrogance will undermine all good efforts to establish security and peace, thus paving the way for the growth of extremism, racism and hatred in all parts of the world.

    In keeping with its duty, ICESCO confirms that it will be at the forefront of organizations to support the educational and cultural systems of the Gaza Strip, in continuity with its role in strengthening the efforts of the State of Palestine in the fields of education, science and culture.

    ICESCO and the Science Summit at the UN General Assembly explore new ways of cooperation

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Mr. Declan Kiranne, President of the Science Summit at the UN General Assembly, discussed prospects for cooperation between ICESCO and the Summit in the development of scientific and technological research, youth capacity-building in the said field, and addressing the impacts of climate change.

    During the meeting held on Friday 17 November 2023 at ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat, Dr. AlMalik reviewed ICESCO’s vision and strategic directions, especially in the field of science and technology, and building youth capacities in innovation, emphasizing the Organization’s openness to collaboration with everyone to serve humanity and contribute to overcoming the global challenges in education, science, culture, and the environment. This includes investing in the possibilities offered by modern technology and establishing research chairs in various prestigious universities worldwide.

    Mr. Kiranne praised ICESCO’s efforts in contributing to the development of scientific research, affirming his keenness to build fruitful cooperation between the Organization and the Science Summit at the UN General Assembly. He expressed the importance of initiating a dialogue with Islamic world countries on the significance of science in achieving sustainable development goals.

    The two parties addressed the importance of ICESCO’s significant participation in the 9th edition of the Science Summit, scheduled to take place during the UN General Assembly session in September 2024. Moreover, they discussed inviting scientists from the Islamic world to attend the Summit to enrich global dialogue on the developments and opportunities in science, as well as organizing special activities for youth at the Summit, coinciding with the celebration of the ICESCO Youth Year.

    In conclusion, both parties have concurred to sustain ongoing communication and coordination to build a partnership between ICESCO and the Summit in the field of science, and to broaden collaboration with other entities to provide necessary funding for the development of scientific research and the implementation of various programs and projects.

    ICESCO Director-General receives Pakistani Ambassador in Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received, yesterday 16 November 2023 at ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat, Mr. Mohammad Sami Rahman, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the Kingdom of Morocco, and both discussed means of enhancing cooperation between ICESCO and Pakistan in the fields of education, science, and culture.

    At the outset of the meeting, Dr. AlMalik expressed his congratulations to the Ambassador on commencing his duties as ambassador of his country to the Kingdom of Morocco, wishing him success and prosperity.

    ICESCO Director-General praised the fruitful cooperation between the Organization and Pakistan, which is reflected in the joint implementation of several initiatives, programs, and projects greatly appreciated by the Pakistani side, stating that the upcoming period would witness ramping-up the number and significance of activities between ICESCO and the Pakistani relevant authorities.

    The Pakistani ambassador in Rabat, for his part, commended ICESCO’s roles and efforts in supporting its Member States in its areas of competence, reaffirming his keenness to enhance the partnership between the Organization and Pakistan.

    The Third session of the International Conference on Countering Violent Extremism concludes with a set of recommendations

    After two days of working sessions, rich discussions, and an exchange of insights, the third session of the International Conference on Countering Violent Extremism concluded its proceedings by issuing a package of recommendations aiming to contribute to formulating an innovative approach based on scientific knowledge to confront the phenomenon of violent extremism worldwide. Chief among them is the necessity to confront electronic and real-world gateways targeting children and youth for recruitment; drawing attention to the new forms extremism is increasingly adopting, such as exploiting innocent individuals to form groups that threaten the stability of legitimate regimes; and prepare a detailed report summarizing the conference outcomes, to be presented to the Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Committee.

    The Conference, hosted on 14-15 November 2023 at the headquarters of the Islamic Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in Rabat, was organized by the Moroccan Observatory on Extremism and Violence in partnership with ICESCO, and in collaboration with the General Delegation for Prison Administration and Reintegration in the Kingdom of Morocco, the Mohammedia League of Scholars, and the Policy Center for the New South, called for conducting a survey aimed at making inventory of university theses conducted on violent extremism. It also urged the international community to swiftly and seriously address unjustified violence targeting Gaza and its population causing the death of thousands of innocent people, and the violation of many healthcare and humanitarian facilities, thus jeopardizing efforts to counter extremism.

    The Conference commended the achievements of the Kingdom of Morocco in countering violent extremism, which represents an established expertise that can be harnessed to address this phenomenon.

    The proceedings of the second day of the Conference began with a session on the role of knowledge in combating extremism, featuring officials, experts, and researchers from several countries. The second session was dedicated to exchanging national and international experiences learned from counter-extremism and rehabilitation programs, including discussions about several countries’ experiences in combating extremism. The third session focused on “Utilizing technology and artificial intelligence in extremism, and precautionary measures.” The final session focused on exchanging experiences and good practices in managing the return of foreign fighters and their families.