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    ICESCO holds training session on modernizing means of Arabic-Islamic education in Gambia

    The Education Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is holding a training session on modernizing pedagogical methods and means of using ICTs in Arabic-Islamic education, in cooperation with the Gambian National Commission for UNESCO and ICESCO, for the benefit of thirty educational staff in Banjul.

    The four-day training, which kicked off on Tuesday (June 20, 2023), aims to qualify the staff working in the field of Arabic-Islamic education, provide them with advanced skills, strengthen the role of relevant institutions in education for peace, coexistence and social cohesion, and exchange expertise and experiences on modernizing pedagogical methods and means of Arabic-Islamic education.
    During the opening session, the participants commended the key roles that ICESCO plays to support its Member States in developing educational systems and keeping up with modern developments, including the Republic of the Gambia. During his intervention, Dr. Youssef Abou Daka, Programs Manager at ICESCO Education Sector, touched upon the importance of this training, hoping that it would achieve its objectives in strengthening the roles of Arabic and Islamic education institutions to continue their mission as a beacon of cultural and civilizational outreach for the Islamic world.

    The workshop’s themes feature the reality of Arabic-Islamic education in the Republic of the Gambia and the prospects for using ICTs and presenting the best integrated educational practices of ICTs in education and training, as well as sharing the experiences of the participants to develop a common vision on mechanisms for modernizing relevant educational methods and means.

    ICESCO participates in opening ceremony of Morocco’s International Storytelling Festival in Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), participated in the official opening ceremony of the 20th session of Morocco’s International Storytelling Festival, which is organized by the International Academy of Moroccan Storytelling for Intangible Cultural Heritage, in partnership with the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication of Morocco, under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco, under the theme “The Greatness of Our Mothers.”

    During the opening ceremony of the festival, held on Tuesday evening (June 20, 2023), Dr. AlMalik handed to Dr. Najima Thay Thay Rhozali, President of the International Academy of Moroccan Storytelling for Intangible Cultural Heritage, the certificate of inscription of the International Festival “Morocco’s Storytelling” on ICESCO’s List of Islamic World Intangible Heritage, in the presence of several officials and prominent personalities in the fields of thought, art and literature.

    Dr. Najima Thay Thay Rhozali emphasized that the theme of this session aims to highlight the importance and role of “storytelling” as a popular cultural heritage that mothers tell to their children to acquire listening skills, develop understanding and comprehension, and strengthen their capacities to face the hardships of life.

    The session, which honors the Islamic Republic of Mauritania as the guest of honor, will witness a number of activities in different spaces in Rabat from 19 through 25 June 2023. The festival leverages the preservation of authentic Moroccan historical folk heritage, and an intellectual, cultural, artistic and heritage bridge linking the past to the present.

    ICESCO and Lebanese National Commission hold Training Session on Solid Waste Recycling

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in collaboration with the Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO, held a training session on valorizing and recycling solid waste on June 20, 2023, at AZM University in Tripoli, Lebanon, under the auspices of the Lebanese Ministry of Environment.

    During the opening of the three-day workshop, Dr. Foued El Ayni, Programs Manager at ICESCO Sciences and Technologies Sector, represented the Organization and highlighted its efforts in contributing to environmental protection and developing smart, flexible, and sustainable cities in the Islamic world, calling on university students participating in the workshop to take advantage of the expertise provided by waste management specialists and experts.

    For her part, Mrs. Heba Nashabe, Secretary General of the Lebanese National Commission, commended ICESCO’s continuous support to its Member States, noting that the training session aims at raising awareness about waste management methods and the importance of circular economy in enhancing environmental protection, preserving natural resources, and building the capacities of youth and professionals in the field.

    ICESCO takes part in ASEAN-Korea Experts Forum on Future of Education

    The Education Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is taking part in the Forum of Korea and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Experts on the Future of Education. The event is organized through a partnership between the Ministry of Education and Training in Vietnam, Kyung Woon University in Korea and the ASEAN General Secretariat to facilitate the exchange of ideas and knowledge regarding the future of education, foster discussions on the design of future education policies and enhance the strategic partnership between Korea and ASEAN.

    The two-day forum, which kicked off on Tuesday, 20 June 2023, at Kyungwon University in Gumi, Korea, brought together over 200 participants, including high-caliber officials from Education and Training Ministries in the ASEAN Member States, representatives from international organizations and institutions, governmental agencies, as well as delegates from Asian and European universities.

    During the discussion session “Future Visions: International Solidarity and Mechanism for Regional Cooperation for Korea and ASEAN 2030,” Dr. Sungbong Kim, Expert at the Sector, provided an overview of ICESCO’s major initiatives and programs in the field of education. He also emphasized the Organization’s collaborations with several Korean higher education institutions and universities in the Member States to enhance education systems and promote scientific research in the Islamic world, highlighting ICESCO’s dedication to expanding its cooperation network and forging new partnerships with ASEAN countries.

    ICESCO takes part in launch ceremony of 100,000 entrepreneurs program in Morocco

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), participated in the launch ceremony of the 100,000 entrepreneurs’ program in Morocco on Tuesday, 20 June 2023.

    The event was organized by the Ministry of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills in partnership with the National Agency for the Promotion of Employment and Skills.

    The ceremony was chaired by Dr. Younes Sekkouri, Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills in Morocco, and saw the attendance of Mr. Abdellatif Miraoui, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation and a host of officials in the field of entrepreneurship in the country. The program aims to support 100,000 entrepreneurs by 2026, including small contractors, self-contractors and units operating in the informal sector.

    ICESCO DG affirmed the Organization’s support for entrepreneurship and innovation through various programs and initiatives in the Islamic world, notably the ICESCO project for training youth in creating and developing small projects in technology and innovation, and the program for developing a sense of innovation and entrepreneurship among women and youth, implemented in ten (10) African countries.

    ICESCO Director General participates in international symposium on role of media in supporting identity of Al-Quds Al-Sharif

    Dr. Salim Al-Malik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), attended the international symposium on “The Role of the Media in Supporting the Cultural Identity of Al-Quds Al-Sharif,” organized by the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication in the Kingdom of Morocco, in cooperation with Bayt Mal Al-Quds Agency, in conjunction with the meetings of the Arab Ministers of Information, which Morocco hosts from 19 to 21 June.

    The symposium, which was held on Tuesday 20 June 2023, witnessed a high-level attendance that included ministers and officials from Arab ministries of information, heads of specialized Arab organizations and federations, as well as ambassadors and representatives of Arab diplomatic missions accredited in Rabat, and experts in the field of journalism and media from several Arab countries.

    Dr. Al-Malik affirmed that his attendance at the symposium is part of ICESCO’s established orientations to support Al-Quds Al-Sharif and to promote and protect the civilizational identity of the city, noting that the Organization is striving to support Palestinian institutions in the fields of education, science and culture, and contribute to preserving and valuing the cultural heritage of the city, and preserving its identity.

    The symposium tackled two themes, the first dealt with: “the question of Al-Quds Al-Sharif in the Arab and international media: contents and trends,” while the second theme dealt with the effective media treatment of the question of Al-Quds Al-Sharif in the Arab world, aimed at drawing attention to the risks of promoting misrepresentations, misleading notions and fallacious terms about Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the Palestinian cause.

    ICESCO Regional Educational Centre in Chad and SESRIC hold training session

    ICESCO Regional Educational Centre in Chad, in cooperation with the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for the Islamic Countries (SESRIC), is holding a training session on methods of establishing small income-generating projects for the benefit of a number of the Center’s staff members and several Arab education leaderships affiliated with the Ministry of National Education and Citizenship Promotion in the Republic of Chad.

    The four-day training session, which kicked off on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, in person at the Center’s headquarters in N’Djamena and via videoconference, aims to introduce participants to the methods and systems of establishing small income-generating projects by presenting some theoretical and applied topics. The session focused on understanding the business environment and market trends, ways to keep up with local and global markets, methods of developing a business plan, financial management systems for small businesses, cash auditing, and marketing policy.

    The session is moderated by Dr. Hesham Abdelghaffar, a specialist in entrepreneurship, and Dr. Ali Mahamat Qamar, Director of ICESCO’s Regional Educational Centre in Chad, who oversees its organizational aspects.

    Opening hours of Exhibition and Museum of Prophet’s Seerah at ICESCO headquarters after Eid al-Adha holiday

    The International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, hosted by the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), will reopen its doors to the public after Eid al-Adha holiday, from Monday, June 26 until Tuesday, July 4, 2023.

    The Exhibition and Museum will be open to visitors from 10:00 to 17:00 Rabat time, Every day except Mondays.

    Since its launch on November 28, 2022, under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist him, and following its official inauguration by His Royal Highness Prince Moulay El Hassan, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Morocco, the Exhibition and Museum have received a very large number of visitors, which has exceeded two million from all age groups, including Moroccan citizens, residents and visitors to the Kingdom of Morocco.

    The Exhibition and Museum constitute the culmination of the strategic partnership between ICESCO, the Islamic World League and the Mohammadia League of Scholars, and the first edition held outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Exhibition and Museum are headquartered in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah and aim to present the message of Islam advocating justice, peace, mercy, tolerance, coexistence and moderation, based on the Holy Qur’an, the noble Sunnah of the Prophet and Islamic history, using the latest display technologies.

    The Exhibition and Museum look forward to welcoming their visitors by reserving tickets free of charge via: http://tickets.ma.salamfairs.com.sa for individuals, and via: https://forms.gle/YhNbfRAUzo9Cg4Rd9 for groups.

    ICESCO holds workshop in Cairo to promote SDG4

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) holds a workshop on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals 4, in cooperation with the Egyptian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, for the benefit of 25 members of the Egyptian National Commission and representatives of the concerned parties to develop their capacities, providing the participants with advanced skills, and training them to identify and overcome challenges.

    The opening session of the four-day workshop, which kicked off on Monday (June 19, 2023), in Cairo, saw the presence of Dr. Mohamed Samir Hamza, Head of the Cultural Affairs and Scholarships Sector at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Supervisor of the Egyptian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, who praised ICESCO’s role in developing educational systems and its support for Member States.

    Dr. Ahmed El-Zonfoli, Programs Manager at the Education Sector, represented ICESCO in the workshop. He stressed the importance of the workshop, hoping that it would achieve its objectives and reviewed the efforts made by ICESCO to support its Member States in developing educational systems and facing the relevant challenges.

    The workshop sessions focus on enhancing the competencies of the officials in charge of achieving the SDG4 and reviewing the purposes, indicators mechanisms and methodologies for achieving SDG4, identifying challenges, and exchanging experiences and expertise, as well as presenting future visions.

    ICESCO and Dustin-ma Federal University hold international symposium on smart agriculture in Nigeria

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Federal University of Dustnima held an international symposium on agriculture and its role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The symposium took place on Friday, June 15, 2023, at the University’s headquarters in Katsina, Federal Republic of Nigeria, and focused on the challenges and opportunities for benefiting from modern technologies and best practices in smart farming and launching a pilot project for smart farms in Nigeria.

    ICESCO was represented at the symposium by Dr. Adel Smeda, expert in the Science and Technology Sector, who gave an address highlighting the Organization’s efforts to build the capacity of its Member States to use smart agriculture applications to contribute to food security and sustainable development. The ICESCO representative also underlined the importance of exchanging experiences on methods to increase agricultural productivity, improve farmers’ living conditions, adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    The symposium, attended by several researchers, academics, managers and experts in the field of agriculture, saw the launch of a pilot smart farm project hosted by the University. This project will be mainstreamed and implemented in several ICESCO Member States, in coordination with National Commissions for Education, Science, and Culture, and in cooperation with the relevant authorities in each country.