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    ICESCO’s International Forum “By Youth For Youth” Concludes Proceedings in Baku

    The International Forum “By Youth For Youth,” organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan and Heydar Aliyev Foundation, concluded its proceedings on Wednesday, 26 June 2024. The Forum witnessed high-level attendance of ministers, officials, representatives of Azerbaijani institutions and bodies, and public figures and saw the participation of 90 young people representing 43 countries inside the Islamic world and beyond.

    During the closing ceremony, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), praised the success of the first edition of the Forum, offered guidance to the youth on leadership, and called on them to participate in building a sustainable and bright future for the world.

    Speaking next, Ms. Indira Hajiyeva, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan, commended the close cooperation between Azerbaijan and ICESCO, which culminated in organizing the Forum over four days in Shusha and Baku.

    For her part, Ms. Sanaa Rida, representative of the Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Communication of the Kingdom of Morocco, reviewed the joint activities held by the youth sector at the Ministry in cooperation with ICESCO. Moreover, Mr. Théodore Adrien Ndiaye, representative of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Senegal, praised the Forum’s sessions and topics.

    In his remarks, Mamoudou Sall, Assistant DG of the Islamic Centre for Development of Trade (ICDT), lauded the collaboration with ICESCO, particularly in entrepreneurship through the organization of “Innovation Lab for Young Change-Makers,” and affirmed ICDT’s commitment to enhancing cooperation with ICESCO.

    Following, three winners were announced among the participants who had proposed innovative projects to promote entrepreneurship, peace-building and climate change mitigation.

    In conclusion, Ms. Zarifa Maharramova, ICESCO Ambassador for Peace and Head of the International Relations Department at the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan, read the Forum’s final declaration entitled, “Shusha-Baku Youth Action Plan for a Sustainable Future in the Islamic World,” which included a set of recommendations for developing sustainable public policies in peace, well-being, climate change, and entrepreneurship.

    ICESCO Director-General Holds Meetings with Ministers of Youth and Sports

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), held a series of meetings with several ministers of youth and sports who attended the launch of the international forum “By Youth for Youth,” organized by ICESCO in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan and the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, in Shusha and Baku.

    The meetings, which took place on Wednesday, 26 June, 2024, in Baku, included discussions with Mr. Peter Ogwang, State Minister for Education and Sports of the Republic of Uganda; Mr. Abakar Djermah Aumi, Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Chad; Mr. Bakary Y. Badjie, Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of The Gambia; and Dr. Donuma Umar Ahmed, Permanent Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Youth Development of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

    The discussions focused on developing cooperation between ICESCO and the countries represented by each Minister in leveraging sports to build youth capacities and prepare them for future professions.

    Dr. AlMalik emphasized the importance of sports in promoting culture, building peace, and fostering values of coexistence and intercultural dialogue. He further stressed that ICESCO encourages its Member States to invest in sports activities, considering them a catalyst for social inclusion and for building healthy, resilient, and inclusive communities.

    The Ministers expressed their pleasure in attending ICESCO’s forum “By Youth for Youth”, as well as their commitment to supporting the Organization’s activities and initiatives in building youth sports capabilities. They praised ICESCO’s efforts in sports and leadership training for peace and security, and called for the possibility of organizing similar activities in their countries in the future.

    ICESCO International Forum “By Youth For Youth” Kicks off in Shusha

    The International Forum “By Youth For Youth,” organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan and Heydar Aliyev Foundation, kicked off in Shusha on Tuesday, 25 June 2024.

    The four-day Forum is part of celebrating Shusha as Culture Capital in the Islamic World and ICESCO’s Year of Youth activities. It aims to provide a platform for young people to express their views, share best practices in peacebuilding, humanitarian work, and sustainable development, and devise concrete ideas to empower youth to lead positive change in their communities.

    The Forum witnessed the attendance of high-level officials and representatives from Azerbaijani institutions and bodies, as well as public figures. It includes the participation of 90 young people representing 43 countries from the Islamic world and beyond. The agenda features various panel sessions, intellectual dialogues and cultural and artistic activities.

    In his opening speech, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of ICESCO, expressed gratitude to His Excellency President Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, for his diligent efforts to promote civilizational dialogue on peace and sustainable development, as well as to the First Vice President and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva and all Azerbaijani entities for their significant efforts in ensuring the success of this event and their steadfast support in bringing this initiative into being for the Islamic world.

    Following, Dr. AlMalik welcomed the young participants in the Forum, particularly ICESCO Peace Ambassadors, noting that the youth population in Islamic countries is projected to reach 29% by 2030. This demographic trend has prompted ICESCO to strongly focus on youth participation as future leaders. Dr. AlMalik pointed out that youth represent 42% of ICESCO’s staff and highlighted the Organization’s key initiatives and programs in collaboration with international partners.

    Moreover, Dr. AlMalik emphasized that the Forum serves as a space for youth to build a brighter future by harnessing their potential to address global challenges and transform them into opportunities for peace and development. Dr. AlMalik also underscored the importance of deepening partnerships with the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    For his part, Aydin Karimov, the Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Shusha District, welcomed the Forum’s participants, expressing his sincere thanks to the organizing partners for their efforts in making the event successful and commending the participation of ICESCO’s young ambassadors from various countries.

    Furthermore, Mr. Farid Gayibov, Minister of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan, highlighted the Forum’s importance as it will feature significant intellectual discussions to develop youth skills and contribute to peacebuilding and sustainable development globally. Mr. Gayibov pointed out that the majority of the Azerbaijani population are youth, necessitating the launch of various initiatives and activities to empower them and discuss innovative solutions to challenges.

    Mr. Elvin Aslanov, Head of the Humanitarian Affairs Department at Heydar Aliyev Foundation, welcomed the strategic partnership between ICESCO and the Foundation, noting the importance of organizing this Forum in Shusha as the city reflects the rich and unique history and heritage of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    The Forum’s working sessions followed, featuring discussions and dialogues among youth and inspiring leaders from different countries to exchange experiences and ideas.

    ICESCO Director-General Meets Azerbaijani Minister of Youth and Sports in Shusha

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with Mr. Farid Gayibov, Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan. They discussed ways to enhance cooperation between ICESCO and Azerbaijan in leveraging sports to build youth capacities and develop their skills to keep pace with global changes.

    The Meeting took place on Tuesday (June 25, 2024), in Shusha, Azerbaijan, on the sidelines of the launch of the international forum “By Youth for Youth,” the fruit of a partnership between ICESCO, the Azerbaijani Ministry of Youth and Sports, and the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. Dr. AlMalik thanked Mr. Gayibov, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and the other Azerbaijani parties for their significant cooperation and efforts made to ensure the Forum’s success.

    Dr. AlMalik emphasized that ICESCO’s new vision places youth issues at the heart of its priorities due to their crucial role in achieving sustainable development and advancing their communities. ICESCO commits, in its programs and projects, to utilizing the potential of sports to support community cohesion and improve the lives of individuals in its Member States.
    Mr. Gayibov expressed his gratitude to ICESCO’s DG and his accompanying delegation for their ongoing efforts to develop the partnership with Azerbaijan. He praised ICESCO’s vision, as it pertains to youth and its notable achievements in its areas of expertise.

    The Meeting also discussed proposals for implementing several joint programs and projects between ICESCO and the Azerbaijani Ministry of Youth and Sports, particularly in the context of celebrating Shusha as the 2024 Culture Capital of the Islamic world. Key proposals included organizing a version of ICESCO’s Social Solidarity Marathon in Azerbaijan and launching several cultural and sports initiatives serving the youth of the Islamic world, and beyond.

    At the close of the Meeting, the ICESCO DG and the Azerbaijani Minister of Youth and Sports exchanged commemorative shields.

    The Meeting was attended by Ambassador Nazim Samadov, Azerbaijan’s Ambassador to Morocco, Mr. Anar Karimov, Head of the Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector at ICESCO, and several youth members of the Organization.

    Cultural and Artistic Evening at ICESCO Headquarters Celebrating “Shusha” as Culture Capital in Islamic World

    The headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in Rabat hosted a cultural and artistic evening on Friday, June 7, 2024, as part of the “Shusha Days”. The Event was organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Morocco, in celebration of Shusha being 2024 Capital of Culture of the Islamic World. The Evening witnessed the high-level attendance of officials, ambassadors, prominent public figures, and a large audience.

    The Evening commenced with an address by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of ICESCO, in which he welcomed Shusha, represented by its art, heritage, and enduring legends, into the Organization’s premises. He expressed ICESCO’s pride in its deep relations with Azerbaijan and thanked the Ministry of Culture of Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani Embassy in Rabat, and the ICESCO team, particularly those from Azerbaijan, for their significant efforts in organizing the Evening.

    Dr. AlMalik highlighted that Shusha exemplifies how supreme human values can endure despite adversaries, stating that the genius artwork is created by those who master the art of marrying color and thought. In this regard, the DG brought focus on the legend of “Khari Bulbul,” a unique and beautiful flower resulting from the fusion of a rose, a thorn, and a singing bulbul (songbird), which Shusha has adopted as its symbol.

    In his speech, Mr. Aydin Karimov, the Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Shusha district, thanked ICESCO and its DG for declaring Shusha Culture Capital of the Islamic World. He noted that the celebration program includes many outstanding activities to be implemented throughout the year.

    Ambassador Nazim Samadov, the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Morocco, also expressed his gratitude to ICESCO and its Member States for the honor bestowed upon Shusha. He referred to the words of His Excellency President Ilham Aliyev during the launch of the celebration event of Shusha as Culture Capital of the Islamic World on 11 May 2024. He stated that the people of Shusha are honored to receive the title, which represents evidence of the increasing support and respect from the Islamic world towards Azerbaijan.

    The Event continued with a video presentation showcasing the most notable landmarks of Shusha, including scenes from the launch ceremony of Shusha as the Culture Capital. Following this, the musical segments of the evening commenced, featuring performances by more than 20 artistic and musical groups from Shusha and Azerbaijan, presenting traditional dances, tunes, and songs that highlight Shusha’s rich cultural heritage. These performances received significant interaction from the audience.

    The cultural event at ICESCO headquarters also included a photo exhibition revealing the extent of Azerbaijan’s achievements in reconstructing and rebuilding the beautiful city of Shusha, as well as a display of the most famous and delicious dishes of Azerbaijani cuisine.

    Le Directeur général de l’ICESCO reçoit le Représentant spécial du Président de l’Azerbaïdjan dans la région de Choucha

    Dr Salim M. AlMalik, Directeur général de l’Organisation du Monde Islamique pour l’Éducation, les Sciences et la Culture (ICESCO), a reçu M. Aydin Karimov, Représentant spécial du Président de la République d’Azerbaïdjan dans la région de Choucha, pour examiner les derniers développements du programme de célébration de Choucha capitale de la culture dans le monde islamique pour 2024, suite au grand succès de la cérémonie de lancement, tenue sous le patronage de S.E. le Président Ilham Aliyev, Président de la République d’Azerbaïdjan.

    Au cours de la réunion, tenue vendredi 7 juin 2024 au siège de l’ICESCO à Rabat, en présence de M. Nazim Samadov, Ambassadeur de l’Azerbaïdjan au Maroc, et la délégation accompagnant M. Karimov, Dr AlMalik a réitéré ses remerciements et sa gratitude au Président azerbaïdjanais, pour son généreux patronage de ladite célébration et pour son soutien constant à l’ICESCO. Il a également remercié Mme Mehriban Aliyeva, Première vice-présidente, première dame de la République, et toutes les autorités azerbaïdjanaises, qui ont déployé des efforts considérables pour assurer le succès du programme de célébration, prévoyant des activités culturelles et artistiques tout au long de l’année à Choucha et dans nombre de villes du pays et d’ailleurs.

    Le Directeur général a souligné la volonté de l’Organisation d’approfondir le partenariat privilégié avec l’Azerbaïdjan, notant que la tenue d’une journée des « Journées de Choucha » au siège de l’ICESCO à Rabat incarne l’un des objectifs les plus importants du programme de l’ICESCO visant à célébrer les capitales de la culture, à savoir présenter le patrimoine culturel de ces villes pour enrichir le dialogue civilisationnel.

    Pour sa part, le Représentant spécial du Président de l’Azerbaïdjan dans la région de Choucha a exprimé ses remerciements à l’ICESCO et à son directeur général pour avoir déclaré Choucha capitale de la culture dans le monde islamique, louant le rôle de l’Organisation dans la promotion des efforts des États membres dans ses domaines de compétence.
    La réunion a examiné les principales activités mises en œuvre à ce jour dans le cadre de la célébration de Choucha, ainsi que les activités prévues dans le futur. Les deux parties ont par ailleurs confirmé leur volonté de poursuivre la coordination et la coopération pour promouvoir le succès de ladite célébration.

    Ont représenté l’ICESCO à la réunion, Dr Abdelilah Benarafa, Directeur général adjoint de l’ICESCO, Dr Mohamed Zinelabidine, Chef du Secteur de la Culture et de la Communication et M. Anar Karimov, Chef du Secteur des Partenariats et de la Coopération internationale.

    À l’issue de cette réunion, le Directeur général a accompagné le Représentant spécial du Président de l’Azerbaïdjan à Choucha, et à la délégation l’accompagnant, dans une visite à l’exposition et au musée de la Sîrah du Prophète de la civilisation islamique, actuellement hébergés au siège de l’ICESCO.

    ICESCO Director-General Receives Special Representative of the President of Azerbaijan in the Shusha District

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Mr. Aydin Karimov, Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Shusha District. The Two Officials discussed updates on the program celebrating Shusha as the 2024 Culture Capital of the Islamic world following the remarkable success of the launch ceremony, attended by His Excellency President Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and held under his patronage.

    During the Meeting, held today, Friday, 7 June 2024, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, and in the presence of Ambassador Nazim Samadov, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Morocco, and the delegation accompanying Mr. Karimov, Dr. AlMalik reiterated his gratitude and appreciation to His Excellency the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for his generous patronage of the celebration of Shusha as Culture Capital of the Islamic world, and for his continuous support to ICESCO. He also expressed his gratitude to the First Vice President, First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva, and all Azerbaijani parties that made significant efforts to ensure the success of the celebration program, which included cultural and artistic activities organized throughout the year in Shusha and several cities in Azerbaijan and other countries.

    ICESCO Director-General emphasized the Organization’s commitment to deepening its outstanding partnership with Azerbaijan, noting that organizing a day of “Shusha Days” at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat embodies one of the key objectives of ICESCO’s program to celebrate cultural capitals, which is to showcase the rich civilizational heritage and cultural legacy of these cities, thus enriching civilizational dialogue.
    For his part, the Special Representative of the President of Azerbaijan in the Shusha district expressed his gratitude to ICESCO and its Director-General for choosing Shusha as Culture Capital of the Islamic World, appreciating the Organization’s roles in supporting its Member States’ efforts in their respective fields.

    The Meeting also discussed the main activities that have been carried out so far as part of the Shusha celebration and the activities planned for the upcoming phase. Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to continue coordination and cooperation to ensure the ongoing success of the Celebration.

    From ICESCO’s side, the Meeting was attended by Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General, Dr. Mohamed Zinelabidine, Head of the Culture and Communication Sector, and Mr. Anar Karimov, Head of the Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector.

    Following the Meeting, ICESCO Director-General accompanied the Special Representative of the President of Azerbaijan in Shusha district and his accompanying delegation on a tour of the International Exhibition and Museum of the Seerah of the Prophet and Islamic Civilization, currently hosted at ICESCO headquarters.

    Five Technology Projects Win at ICESCO Youth Training Program Final in Azerbaijan

    On Monday, 3 June 2024, the International Entrepreneurs Summit and the final of the ICESCO Youth Training Program on how to create and develop small projects in the field of technology and innovation concluded their second session. The events were organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in partnership with the Azerbaijani Ministry of Culture and several other partners in the Republic of Azerbaijan, where five teams were announced as winners among 33 participating teams from 11 ICESCO Member States.

    The closing day of the Summit and the final of the Program in Shusha, Culture Capital of the Islamic world in 2024, were attended by high-level officials, investors, entrepreneurs and international experts in technology and digital economy. Mr. Rashad Azizov, Head of the Department on Creative Industries and Digital Transformation at the Azerbaijani Ministry of Culture, highlighted, at the opening session, the Ministry’s efforts to promote entrepreneurship in the creative industries. Moreover, he expressed his appreciation for ICESCO’s ongoing support in enhancing youth capacities. Dr. Elchin Babayev, Rector of Baku State University, discussed the University’s initiatives to establish scientific chairs and contribute to the promotion of knowledge in Azerbaijan. Ms. Lidia Borrell Damian, Secretary General of Science Europe, reviewed the roles of various scientific and creative fields and explored mechanisms to support entrepreneurs.

    This was followed by a high-level session on the importance of startups and inclusive future technology, a panel discussion on empowering women through entrepreneurship in the digital age, and a second session on decentralized artificial intelligence: Investor Perspectives on How to Qualify Startups through Innovation and Collaboration.

    The jury then announced the winners of the second edition of ICESCO’s Program to train youth on how to create and develop small projects in the field of technology and innovation. The “Snack Pack” team from Azerbaijan won first place, with a prize of $10,000, for their project to reduce food waste in hotels. The second place, with a prize of $8,000, was won by “ReSkill” from Tajikistan, for their platform project for acquiring programming skills. “Biopols” from Turkey won third place, with a prize of $6,000, for their project to develop a new generation food storage technology with antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Fourth place, with a prize of $3,000, went to “Caredify” from Tunisia, for a smart watch project that allows real-time and remote monitoring of vital signs in cardiac patients, and “High Value”, from Djibouti, for a high-quality goat cheese export project.

    Recognition awards went to: “Ecofoni”, from Turkey, for its carbon footprint calculation, reporting, and management platform; “Documood”, from Azerbaijan, for its cloud platform for creating and signing legal contracts; and “SE+ O3 Eggs Functional Foods”, from Sudan, for its project to produce high selenium and high Omega-3 poultry eggs, through designed feeds for hen that passes minerals organically to the eggs.