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    ICESCO Educational Center in Malaysia Holds Training Course on Technology and Teaching Arabic

    The ICESCO Educational Center in Malaysia, in collaboration with the Malaysian Ministry of Education, held the first training session of 2024 on “Utilizing Technology in Teaching Arabic to Non-Arabic Speakers.” The Session was attended by 870 teachers from various Malaysian states, with the aim of improving the quality of Arabic education, expanding its scope, and enhancing teachers’ abilities to use the tools that modern technology offers.

    The opening ceremony of the Session, held over July 30 – 31, 2024, at the University of Southampton in Johor, was attended by Mr. Zamri bin Abdul Rahim, First Assistant Director of the Islamic Education Department at the Malaysian Ministry of Education, and Dr. Yaqoub bin Hassan, Head of ICESCO’s Educational Center in Malaysia, along with several officials in the field of education in the state.

    During his address at the opening session, delivered via video conferencing, Prof. Dr. Majdi Bin Haji Ibrahim, Head of ICESCO Center for Teaching Arabic to Non-Arabic Speakers, emphasized the need for forward-looking plans to keep pace with the constant changes and take advantage of technological innovations to transition from the traditional school paradigm towards “the School of Tomorrow,” by employing technological and digital tools to enhance the educational process and improve its quality.

    The Training Session was facilitated by Associate Professor Dr. Nor Khamimi Bin Zainal Din, educational expert from Universiti Sains Malaysia, and Mr. Amin El Hadi, educational expert at the Foundation for Educational Development.

    ICESCO holds training session in Malaysia on role of automation in addressing environmental challenges

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in partnership with Naif Arab University for Security Sciences (NAUSS) and the International Islamic University of Malaysia, held a training session, themed, “Robotics for Sustainability: Knowledge Acquisition Program on Tackling Environmental Challenges and Risks with Automation.” The training session was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with the aim of building the capacities of 46 experts, specialists and researchers in finding innovative solutions to harness the potential of renewable energies and improve waste management.

    Representing ICESCO, Dr. Adel Smeda, Expert at the Science and technology Sector, gave an address at the opening session of the three-day event, which kicked off on Wednesday, July 3, 2024. Dr. Smeda stressed the need to integrate robotics technology in addressing environmental issues, casting light on the key topics to be discussed. These include, he stated, scientific panels moderated by international experts, hands-on activities, and field visits to research centers specialized in the use of robotics and automation technology to contribute to achieving sustainable development.

    The session offered a comprehensive overview of the basic concepts in the field of automation and artificial intelligence technology, and discussed the potential of robotics in the field of monitoring climate change. The session also featured practical segments to identify tools and mechanisms to capitalize on modern technology in developing strategies to protect the environment.