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    Review of Achievements and Projects of ICESCO International Chairs Network for Thought, Heritage, Letters and Arts

    The Culture and Communication Sector at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held a meeting for the ICESCO International Chairs Network for Thought, Heritage, Letters, and Arts. The meeting brought together the supervisors of the Network’s nine chairs to review their achievements and future projects.

    The meeting, held on Monday, July 1st, 2024, both in-person at ICESCO’s headquarters in Rabat and virtually, was attended by Dr. Mohamed Zinelabidine, Head of the Culture and Communication Sector at the Organization, who thanked the Chairs’ supervisors for their continuous efforts. The ICESCO official urged the Network to work together to address the challenges facing the Islamic world in culture, heritage, thought, literature, social inclusion, and peacebuilding.

    Likewise, Dr. Zinelabidine emphasized the role of ICESCO’s academic chairs in promoting creativity and scientific research, in line with the Organization’s vision to open new horizons and help the Islamic world keep pace with global transformations.

    In his remarks, Dr. Patrick Mouguiama Daouda, Head of ICESCO’s Chairs, Scholarships, and Prizes Center, outlined the new vision for ICESCO Chairs, which aims to form a network that rethinks the world in a better way and encourages scientific research. He also called for joining efforts to develop innovative projects and programs.

    Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Head of ICESCO’s Social and Human Sciences Sector, highlighted the need to intensify cooperation among the Chairs to achieve the desired results of ICESCO’s program, launched in June 2020 (Societies We Want), in order to create new models for peace, security, and development in an inclusive and sustainable way.

    Following these discussions, participants reviewed the results of the Network Chairs’ work over the past three years, and presented suggestions to enhance connectivity among the Chairs to build a better future for the Islamic world.

    ICESCO Director-General meets with President of the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with Mrs. Aktoty Raimkulova, President of the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation, to discuss prospects for cooperation between ICESCO and the Foundation in cultural fields, particularly in heritage preservation and valorization.

    The Meeting took place today, Friday, June 28, 2024, in Zomin City, Uzbekistan, on the sidelines of the 2nd Maqom Art International Forum, organized by the Uzbek Ministry of Culture over the period spanning from 27 to 30 June. Dr. AlMalik emphasized that heritage preservation and valorization are at the core of ICESCO’s new vision and strategic directions, given their pivotal importance in achieving sustainable development.

    The importance of building strong cooperation between ICESCO and the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation was underscored, stemming from the Memorandum of Understanding signed between ICESCO and the Organization of Turkic States on 13 June 2024. This includes implementing programs to train a group of young men and women from Member States of the Organization of Turkic States in cultural and heritage fields, as well as agreeing to hold conferences and seminars in these countries.

    ICESCO Launches “Marrakesh Heritage through the Eyes of Youth” Photography Contest

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is pleased to announce the launch of its photography contest, “Marrakech Heritage through the Eyes of Youth”, as part of the celebration of Marrakech as Culture Capital in the Islamic for 2024.

    The contest aims to raise awareness of the importance of preserving tangible and intangible cultural heritage in the city and encourage youth from the Islamic world and beyond to showcase their talents and creativity in documenting cultural heritage.

    The contest offers prizes in two categories: Tangible Cultural Heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage, with the three winners from each category receiving USD 500, USD 350, and USD250, respectively. The Contest also offers incentive prizes for outstanding works ranking fourth and fifth, amounting to USD100.

    A committee of experts will evaluate the participating works to select the winners, who will be awarded during the closing ceremony of the celebrations of Marrakesh Culture Capital in the Islamic World. Winning works will also be displayed in a special exhibition.

    The contest is open for participants up to the age of 35 to submit 5 to 10 original, high-quality photographs that have not been previously published, along with a declaration of intellectual property rights to ICESCO. Deadline for submissions is set for October 30, 2024.

    For more information on the Contest, please contact us at prixphotographie.kech@icesco.org