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    ICESCO and the Arab Information and Communication Technologies Organization Sign Cooperation Agreement

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Arab Information and Communication Technologies Organization (AICTO), affiliated with the League of Arab States, signed a cooperation agreement to enhance digital governance through developing policies and strategies and coordinating with Member States to set joint mechanisms to find solutions to improve smart and proactive e-services, raise young people’s awareness about innovation mechanisms and future jobs’ digital requirements, and highlight the opportunities pertaining to digital transformation applications.

    The agreement was signed on Tuesday, 28 May 2024, by Ms. Sally Mabrouk, Director of the Office of ICESCO Director General, and Eng. Mohamed Ben Omar, AICTO Director General, in the presence of several high-level officials, experts and researchers, on the sidelines of the 21st General Assembly of the Organization and IPv6 Gala 2024 Forum, held in Marrakesh, Kingdom of Morocco.

    In a video speech shared during the opening session, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director General, stressed that the Internet is no longer limited to digital infrastructure and applications, but rather encompasses a network of social, economic, cultural and educational interactions crossing the boundaries of technology and providing opportunities for upgrading people and society.

    He also explained that the agreement aims at consolidating the concept of digital governance, cybersecurity and personal data protection, and enhancing the use of technology to achieve sustainable development by supporting technology projects likely to achieve economic growth and improve the quality of life in the Islamic world.

    For his part, Eng. Mohamed Ben Omar called for intensifying efforts among workers in the communications and Internet sector, given its paramount importance in achieving Sustainable Development Goals and ensuring societal development, commending ICESCO’s efforts geared towards bridging the digital gaps in its Member States.

    The signed agreement sets forth the joint organization of fora and activities on areas of common interest, preparation of joint studies in the areas of technological development, training and supporting young people with innovative projects and exchanging expertise and experiences in digital development with Member States.