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    Launch of ICESCO’s Network of Experts in Social and Human Sciences

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and its Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW) launched the “ICESCO Network of Experts in Social and Human Sciences,” aimed at establishing connections among all relevant parties in the Islamic world and beyond, promote understanding of social transformations and enhance strategies, policies and programs to build human capital.

    Held at ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat on Wednesday, 3 May 2023, the launch ceremony witnessed the participation of high-caliber officials, academics, social and human sciences experts and intellectuals.

    In his opening remarks, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), stressed that the challenges currently facing the world highlight the urgent need for innovative solutions that can bridge gaps and create equitable and inclusive societies, noting that the Network of Experts in Social and Human Sciences reflects the Organization’s expertise in strengthening human capital and serving as a beacon of knowledge to its Member States.

    Dr. AlMalik added that the Network is an ICESCO initiative to leverage accumulated experiences and share best practices for practical applications of social and human sciences while promoting cooperation among experts, scholars and researchers to equip decision-makers with the latest knowledge to achieve prosperity and progress.

    In a video-recorded address, Dr. Patrick Mouguiama-Daouda, Gabonese Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research, Technology Transfer and National Education, highlighted the significant role of social and human sciences, noting that they should not be limited to a narrow scope. He added that the Network should revitalize research in the field to ultimately develop a better understanding of social transformations and contribute to devising effective solutions to the world’s major challenges.

    In a general introduction to the Network, Mrs. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Head of ICESCO’s Social and Human Sciences Sector, noted that this initiative aims to foster an exchange of experiences to promote a shared understanding of social transformations.

    The discussion sessions then began, focusing on the rapid developments that the world is witnessing and ways for the social and human sciences to keep pace with them. The sessions also delved into the field’s role in shaping public policies and its connection with artificial intelligence and strategic foresight.

    On the 41st anniversary… ICESCO undertakes to further support the efforts of its Member States to develop the fields of education, science and culture

    On the 41st anniversary, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) reaffirms its commitment to continue fruitful cooperation with Member States for more achievements in the fields of education, science and culture to keep up with the rapid global changes and address the major future challenges.

    Besides, ICESCO undertakes to exert every effort to reach new milestones through openness, which illustrated the efficacy of the Organization’s modernizing vision and strategic orientations by launching many programs and activities for building youth capacities in Muslim countries, supporting women, encouraging innovation and investment in modern technology, including space science and artificial intelligence applications, and consolidating the values of peace, coexistence and civilizational dialogue.

    ICESCO also reaffirms its commitment, within the framework of an open vision, to conclude smart partnerships with various regional and international organizations, institutions and bodies specialized in the fields of education, science and culture to support the efforts of Muslim countries for developing and modernizing these fields and contribute to the national strategies that keep up with current changes.

    On this occasion, ICESCO extends its sincere thanks and gratitude to the leaders of its Member States for their unwavering support for the Organization, and to the National Commissions for Education, Science and Culture, which have always supported its ambitious initiatives and programmes, and linked ICESCO to all institutions and bodies in the Islamic world, which result in great harmony in the implementation of projects that are in line with the priorities and needs of each country.

    Furthermore, ICESCO commends the continuous support of the Kingdom of Morocco, the headquarters country, and the royal patronage for its various activities and programmes.

    ICESCO is honored with the appreciation it receives from its Member States for the development and modernization of its administrative structure and action plans and mechanisms. The Organization considers this appreciation as evidence of its great responsibility towards Muslim countries and undertakes to firmly move forward to make more achievements to ensure prosperity and progress in the Islamic world.

    ICESCO announces winners of Best Innovative Youth Projects for Peace Award

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is pleased to announce the winners of its award dedicated to the best innovative youth projects for peace, as part of the 2022 edition of ICESCO’s Women and Youth Leadership Training Program for Peace and Security, which aims to establish a 360-degree approach to peace based on a multidisciplinary methodology in training and mobilizing young leaders.

    The Young Peace Ambassadors for the 2022 edition competed by presenting 30 creative and innovative projects that address peace in all its aspects, which represented a practical application of the training they received during the program aimed at encouraging them to take the initiative to promote and maintain peace.

    A multidisciplinary jury consisting of four ICESCO sectors and departments held a series of meetings and discussions to evaluate the participating projects based on their ability to contribute to peacebuilding and the degree of innovation and sustainability. The Jury selected five winners, each of whom will receive US$ 2,000, in addition to the support and guidance of experts and peace ambassadors to implement their projects.

    The winners are:
    Ms. Grace Orao, Republic of Kenya, at the Peace Centre project.
    Mr. Anas Hameeyae, from the Kingdom of Thailand, for his project, the Peace Hackathon.
    Mr. Sibite Hassan, Republic of Pakistan, for his project, the Peace Theatre Project.
    Ms. Faiznat Mze Issilame, from the Republic of the Comoros, for her Peace Fair project.
    Ms. Aoussinsa Pierrette Tizi, from the Republic of Cameroon, on the rehabilitation project for women formerly affiliated with Boko Haram in the Mayo Sava region.

    ICESCO’s Youth Leadership Training Program for Peace and Security has graduated more than 80 young men and women who have become ICESCO Peace Ambassadors. The Organization aspires to graduate 500 Peace Ambassadors by 2025.

    ICESCO Participates in Award Ceremony of Moroccan National Commission

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the award ceremony of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, which was launched in partnership with ICESCO, and includes AI scientific research, promoting entrepreneurship among vocational trainers, education on sustainable development and promoting the national cultural heritage.

    ICESCO was represented during the ceremony, held on Thursday (April 27, 2023), at the headquarters of the Moroccan National Commission, in Rabat, by Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General of ICESCO, Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Advisor to ICESCO Director-General for Partnerships and International Cooperation, Supervisor of the General Secretariat of National Commissions and Conferences, and Mr. Najib Ghiati, Cultural Adviser to ICESCO Director-General.

    The ceremony, held concurrently with the celebration of the sixty-fifth anniversary of the Moroccan National Commission, witnessed the presentation of the stages of the award and the selection criteria to introduce these awards launched by the Moroccan National Commission and ICESCO.

    The ceremony brought together Mr. Jamal Eddine El Aloua, Secretary General of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, Mr. Younes Al Suhaimi, Secretary General of the Ministry of Education, Primary Education and Sports, and Mr. Mohamed El Khalafaoui, Secretary General of the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, as well as several senior officials from the ministries concerned and the members of the juries.

    Upon royal approval… International Exhibition and Museum of Prophet’s Seerah to be held for another six months at ICESCO headquarters

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is pleased to announce that the hosting period of the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization has been extended for another six months at its headquarters in Rabat, upon royal approval from His Majesty King Mohammed VI, due to the large turnout of visitors.

    With this extension, the exhibition and museum will be hosted at the Organization’s headquarters for a full year, commencing from the official opening on November 17, 2022, in the presence of His Royal Highness the Honorable Prince Moulay El Hassan, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Morocco.

    This edition of the International Exhibitions and Museums of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization marks the first time the exhibition, which is headquartered in Al Madinah Al Munawarah, is held outside of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This initiative, held under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, is the fruit of the strategic partnership between ICESCO, the Muslim World League (MWL) and Morocco’s Mohammedia League of Scholars.

    Since its public opening on November 28, 2022, the exhibition and museum have attracted nearly one and a half million visitors of all ages, from Moroccan citizens and residents to international visitors.

    Prominent figures, scholars and intellectuals from the Islamic world and beyond have also visited the exhibition and museum, which have become a renowned destination for those wishing to deepen their understanding of the biography and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

    The exhibition and the museum aim to convey the message of Islam and its values of justice, peace, mercy, tolerance, coexistence and moderation, all of which are deeply embedded in the Holy Quran, the noble Sunnah and the glorious Islamic history.

    To visit the exhibition and museum, visitors can book their free tickets via the link http://tickets.ma.salamfairs.com.sa for individuals, or contact a customer service representative at 00212761222222 for groups.

    Launch of ICESCO Chair “Women, Girls and Communities” at Omar Bongo University in Gabon

    In the presence of a group of senior officials from several Gabonese ministries and institutions, the headquarters of Omar Bongo University, in Libreville, Republic of Gabon, witnessed the official launch ceremony of the ICESCO Chair “Women, Girls and Communities,” on Monday (April 24, 2023), within the framework of the cooperation program between the Islamic World Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Republic of Gabon for 2023-2027 aiming at enhancing scientific and educational research on gender issues and women’s rights and building the capacities of women and girls.In a recorded speech addressed to the ceremony, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, commended Gabon’s efforts to consolidate and promote the rights of women and girls through the national strategy for promoting women’s rights and achieving gender equality, which was launched in 2020 and made significant progress in the field of women’s rights, praising Omar Bongo University’s initiative to host this chair, which will contribute to the promotion of scientific research in disciplines related to women’s and girls’ issues and societies in the Islamic world and beyond.

    He also explained that the chair will adopt a multidisciplinary approach to consider mechanisms for spreading the culture of peace and enhancing the contribution of women and girls to building prosperous and cohesive societies, highlighting that the socio-economic and educational rehabilitation of women and their integration in the fields of science and technology contribute to a significant reduction of violence and discrimination against women.

    ICESCO Director-General stressed the Organization’s keenness to support and implement programs to spread the culture of peace in line with the values of a just and equitable society, adding this chair will contribute to deconstructing stereotypes to bring about the desired change and build just and equitable societies for our present and future generations.For his part, Dr. Patrick Mouguiama-Daouda, Gabonese Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research, Technology Transfer and National Education, Chairman of the Gabonese National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, indicated that the launch of the chair, which comes on the occasion of National Women’s Day in Gabon, underlines the great interest that the Gabonese government attaches to improving the conditions of women in society and achieving gender equality.

    The Gabonese minister thanked ICESCO Director-General for his keenness to develop cooperation between the Organization and Gabon in ICESCO’s areas of competence.In his address, Dr. Mesmin-Noel Soumahou, Dean of Omar Bongo University, expressed his happiness at the university’s hosting of the activities of the ICESCO Chair on “Women, Girls and Communities”, stressing that the chair will study and assess government measures aimed at combating gender inequality and making Gabon an example to follow in this field.In an address delivered on her behalf by Mr. Marcel Koca, Secretary General of the Gabonese National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Head of ICESCO Human and Social Sciences Sector, indicated that this chair will contribute to strengthening the Organization’s efforts towards women development and peace-building through interdisciplinary research programs.

    ICESCO reaffirms its commitment to promoting diplomacy for peace to consolidate the values of coexistence through cultural diversity

    On the twenty-fourth of April of every year, the world celebrates the International Day for Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace.

    On this occasion, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) reaffirms its commitment to promoting multilateral diplomacy in order to consolidate the values of coexistence and acceptance of cultural differences to contribute to achieving peace worldwide and live in safe and prosperous societies.

    In this context, ICESCO stresses its keenness to enhance joint action and cooperation with its international partners in the fields of education, science, technology, culture, civilizational dialogue, youth development and women’s qualification to contribute to strengthening social cohesion and the values of solidarity between societies through constructive and tangible partnership with various countries.

    In pursuit of achieving its mission and forward-looking vision for promoting the values of mutual respect, dialogue and coexistence, ICESCO launched and implemented many practical initiatives, programs and projects that are in line with the principles and agreements of the United Nations.

    The Organization also encourage diplomacy to make cultural diversity an incentive to achieve societal cohesion.

    ICESCO Holds Training Session on Strategic Foresight for its Young Professionals

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held a training session on strategic foresight in the service of decision-making for the benefit of several young professionals who are receiving training in the Organization’s departments, sectors and centers.

    The ICESCO Center for Strategic Foresight and the Department of Legal Affairs and International Standards and the Departments of Administrative Affairs cooperated in organizing the session, which concluded its activities on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. During the opening of its activities, Mr. Mohamed Hedi Shili, Head of the Department of Legal Affairs and International Standards, and Mrs. Jehan Charfi, Head of the Human Resources Department, highlighted the importance of the training session in contributing to building the capabilities of young people and providing them with new professional knowledge and skills to keep pace with the technological development that the world is witnessing.

    During the session, Dr. Kais Hammami, Director of ICESCO Center of Strategic Foresight reviewed the stages of development and the methods and techniques employed in the field of strategic foresight, as well as the concepts related to strategic planning, noting the importance of promoting a culture of foresight in ensuring a better future.

    The four-day training session included workshops to allow participants who were divided into groups to put into practice what they have learned during the theoretical part of the session, mainly the identification of the key factors of change and the mechanisms that can be relied upon in foresight.

    ICESCO Calls for Strengthening Creative Capacities to Contribute to Achieving Sustainable Development

    Every year on April 21st, the world celebrates the Creativity and Innovation Day to raise awareness about the importance of promoting creative capacities to contribute to achieving sustainable development. On this occasion, the Islamic World Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) seizes this opportunity to highlight the importance of building prosperous societies based on knowledge, creativity and innovation to contribute to protecting human dignity as well as achieving social justice and cultural diversity.

    ICESCO reaffirms that it accords great importance to promoting entrepreneurship to stimulate creativity and innovation, push forward economic growth in the societies of the Islamic world and encourage creative initiatives for the benefit of youth and women, mainly through the launch of ICESCO’s ambitious programme for training youth in 2022 in creating and developing small projects in the field of technology and innovation in 10 countries in the Islamic world. ICESCO also seeks to implement this programme in the rest of its Member States, as part of its strategy and action plan, which aims to support more than 150 emerging companies in the field of innovation and technology by 2025.

    Since creativity and innovation are the foundation for building a bright future for the next generations, ICESCO calls for exerting more international and regional efforts to benefit from modern technology in promoting the creative process and qualifying human capacities through joint cooperation in implementing several initiatives, programmes and projects to build creative societies.

    ICESCO takes part in international symposium in Switzerland on recovery of African artifacts

    The Culture and Communication Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in an international symposium entitled “Rewriting the archives of Hans Himmelheber and African artists,” held by the Rietberg Museum in partnership with the University of Zurich in Switzerland to discuss means for recovering African artifacts displayed in Western museums.

    Dr. Mahamat Abba Ousman, Expert at the Culture and Communication, represented the Sector at the symposium, which took place in Zurich on 12-15 April 2023 and brought together several subject matter experts from different international organizations and African universities, as well as group of museum directors in Africa.

    During the symposium, participants reviewed the archives, scientific documents and audiovisual archives of more than 20,000 artifacts. Dr. Hans Himmelheber contributed to the transportation of these items, which are currently displayed in several Western museums, from various African countries such as Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon, Senegal, Liberia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon and Namibia to Europe through trade.

    The symposium discussed means for recovering this African cultural wealth by building bridges of cooperation between the heads of African and European museums and developing a strategy that enables young generations in Africa to learn about their history.