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    ICESCO holds in Tokyo training session for Arabic teachers in Japan

    The two-day training session on “Innovative methods for teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers,” held by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in cooperation with Keio University in Japan, closed its proceedings. The session is aimed at enhancing the skills of Arabic teachers who teach non-Arabic speakers in Japan, and introducing them to innovative approaches and methodologies in this field, while also providing insights into the unique characteristics of the Arabic language and how to effectively teach it.

    In her address during the closing ceremony of the session, Dr. Kaoru Yamamoto, Professor of Policy Management at Keio University, Head of the Arabic Language Laboratory, conveyed her gratitude and appreciation to ICESCO for holding this outstanding session in cooperation with the University for the benefit of Arabic teachers in Japan, noting that she is looking forward to further cooperation in this area.

    For his part, Dr. Anas H. Saeed Al-Nuaimi, an expert at the ICESCO Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers, delivered the organization’s address in which he highlighted that ICESCO’s vision and strategic orientations highlight openness and scientific cooperation with the world’s universities, and strive to the Arabic within the Islamic world and beyond.

    The training session saw the participation of over 20 female and male teachers and education officials from various Japanese universities and institutes who are actively involved in teaching Arabic in Japanese universities and institutions. ICESCO’s representative oversaw the organizational aspects of the session on the first day, while Dr. Rawya Jamous, assistant professor of Arabic to non-Arabic speakers at the University of Keio, supervised the proceedings on the second day.

    ICESCO holds training workshop in Abidjan on e-learning development

    The Sector of Education at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held a training workshop in the field of designing and developing training and e-learning projects and preparing online courses. The workshop was held on Monday, June 5, 2023, in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, in cooperation with the National Commission for ICESCO and the Virtual University of Côte d’Ivoire, under the patronage of Dr. Adama Diawara, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, President of the Ivorian National Commission.

    The workshop aims to build the capacities of the participants, including teachers, university professors, educational staff and trainers in teacher training centers, in the fields of designing and developing training and e-learning projects, preparing online educational courses, and highlighting mechanisms for preparing and managing distance education and training platforms, by capitalizing on the latest online applications.

    In his address at the opening of the four-day workshop, Mr. Aziz El-Hajir, Director of Programs at ICESCO’s Education Sector, accentuate the pioneering roles of educational technologies in providing quality and innovative education that keeps pace with modern developments, ensuring the quality of the educational process, and provides ample learning opportunities.

    With the participation of ICESCO.. the Conference on the Challenges of Teaching Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers concluded

    The second conference on “The Challenges of Teaching Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers: Development and Cooperation Opportunities,” organized in partnership between the ICESCO Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers and Al-Akhawayn University, at the Al-Akhawayn University’s headquarters, in Ifrane, Kingdom of Morocco, in cooperation with specialized institutions from the United States of America, Canada, Britain, Spain and Côte d’Ivoire, concluded its proceedings.

    The conference, held on 1-3 June 2023, comes within the framework of the “First International Spring University: Values of Education and Education on Values.”

    In his address during the opening session of the conference, chaired by Dr. Amine Bensaid, President of Al Akhawayn University, Dr. Majdi Haji Ibrahim, Head of ICESCO Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers, welcomed the Spring University project, which is an opportunity to launch an alliance based on education, values, fairness and quality, and stressed the Center’s willingness to join this alliance.

    During the working sessions, Dr. Youssef Ismaili, Expert at ICESCO Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers, delivered two interventions on “Cultural Aspects of Teaching Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers” and “Teaching Arabic in Muslim Countries Speaking Other Languages: Challenges and Efforts.”

    The conference made several recommendations, most notably the need to coordinate the efforts of institutions and centers in organizing and holding training sessions, the importance of providing opportunities for consultation and training, and establishing an international database of Arabic language proficiency tests for various purposes.

    On World Environment Day, ICESCO calls for finding sustainable solutions to plastic pollution

    On June 5, the world celebrates the World Environment Day to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable practices in preserving and promoting the environment. The theme of this year is “Combating Plastic Pollution.” the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) siezes this opportunity to call on countries, regional institutions and international organizations to join efforts to combat plastic pollution, warn against its dangers, encourage the production and distribution of recyclable products, and invest in scientific research to develop sustainable and safe means and mechanisms for the use of plastic.

    Given the negative impact of pollution in general, and plastic pollution in particular, on health, society and the economy, ICESCO stresses the importance of mobilizing the international community’s efforts to preserve the environment and biodiversity worldwide, and warn against the scale of this type of pollution.

    Indeed, global statistics indicate that more than 20 million tons of plastic are dumped into the world’s rivers and oceans every year, forming microplastics that pose a dangerous threat to the planet and its food chain.

    In this context, ICESCO strives to consolidate the culture of environmental protection and recycling in Muslim countries through the development and implementation of programs, projects and workshops that focus on supporting scientific research, technology and innovation in environmental protection. These include workshops to build the capacity of young people and women in the Islamic world in the field of the circular economy, the green economy and the blue economy in order to promote entrepreneurship, training sessions on solid waste recycling and environmental awareness of the dangers of climate change, as well as international conferences and symposia to promote the concept of smart, sustainable and resilient cities.

    Book readings and lecture on Saudi literature at ICESCO pavilion in Rabat Book Fair

    The Pavilion of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) at the International Book and Publishing Fair in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco, welcomed today, Saturday, June 3, 2023, wide numbers of visitors who actively interacted with the organized activities.

    The pavilion opened its activities by releasing the second edition of the book “Peace 360°,” which bears the subtitle: “From Words to Action: Achieving Synergy and strengthening partnerships for Peace.” The book was recently published by ICESCO and features a foreword by His Excellency Mr. Ghazali Othmani, President of the Union of the Comoros, in which he commended the choice of the values of peace, security and social cohesion as contents of the book, in reflection of the Organization’s efforts to promote these principles in the Islamic world.

    The book also features messages from ICESCO’s Young Peace Ambassadors, who graduated from ICESCO’s LTIPS, a program for training women and youth in leadership for peace and security. Likewise, the book includes several statements made by prominent world figures having taken part in the Program.

    Afterward, the Pavilion held a signing ceremony for the book “The New ICESCO: The Civilizational Conscience of the Islamic World,” by Prof. Abdelkader Al-Idrissi. Dr. Jamal Eddin Al-Hani, Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Humanities in Rabat, and Dr. Al-Mahjoub Bensaïd, Media and Cultural Advisor to the Muslim World League, gave a reading on the book’s highlights.

    The two speakers stated that the book traces the major and strategic development that ICESCO has witnessed over the last four years at all levels, as summed up by its title. They pointed out that ICESCO was able to overcome great challenges during this new phase, thanks to the wisdom and clear-sighted guidance of Dr. Salim M. Al-Malik, ICESCO Director-General, and the experience and perseverance of his work team and advisors.

    In “Saudi Literature and Historical Turns,” Dr. Hassan Muhammad Al-Nami, Literature Professor at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, gave a lecture in which he emphasized that Saudi literature underwent several transformations, notably during the era of the establishment of the Kingdom. He further explained that the early writings, such as the Hijaz Literature, reflect this spirit of unity and manifest its orientations. The Saudi intellectual added that the great transformation in Saudi literature was brought about by the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, which provided the impetus, gave way to new paths for expression and offered an opportunity for literature to launch to broader horizons, in light of the great change that the Saudi society is witnessing.

    ICESCO’s pavilion concluded its day of activity with a series of meetings on a number of the Organization’s publications, namely Naima Barrada Kannoun’s book, Si les murs de Fès pouvaient parler, and Dr. Muhammad Zinelabidin’s book, “Trialogues,” with readings by prominent literary figures, namely, Professors Fathi Khaled, Sanaa Ghawati, and Bouazza Benashir. The Pavilion also featured the presentation of the book “The Secret Literature of the Muslims of Late Spain: The secret literature of the Moors.”

    ICESCO Hosts 10th Edition of Scientific and Educational Exhibition

    The Headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in Rabat hosted the 10th edition of the annual Scientific and Educational Exhibition, on Saturday, June 3, 2023, which is organized by the Collège Scientifique Agdal-Rabat in the Kingdom of Morocco, in cooperation with ICESCO, to develop students’ talents, creativity and scientific thinking.

    In his Address at the opening of the Exhibition, Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa, ICESCO Deputy Director-General, stressed the Organization’s eagerness to encourage creativity and innovation among students in order to train a generation capable of contributing to comprehensive and sustainable development. Afterward, Dr. Koumbou Barry, Head of ICESCO’s Education Sector, and Dr. Ayman Abd El-Karim, Director of the Collège Scientifique Agdal-Rabat delivered opening remarks.

    Two hundred students and a large number of their parents, as well as members of the jury in charge of evaluating projects and innovations, and experts from the ICESCO Education Sector, attended the exhibition.

    After the opening ceremony, the Scientific Committee, consisting of award-winning inventors at international forums, professors specializing in scientific research, and experts, was introduced and started evaluation by reviewing the projects of innovations and inventions. The Committee then met for deliberation, before announcing the results and handing over the awards.

    ICESCO’s International Symposium concludes its proceedings and issues Marrakesh Declaration towards Shaping the Concept of Civilizational Diplomacy

    The International Scientific Symposium “Civilizational Diplomacy… Intersectional Readings”, held by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in partnership with Cadi Ayyad University, concluded, on Saturday (June 3, 2023), by issuing Marrakesh Declaration towards Shaping the Concept of Civilizational Diplomacy.

    The declaration stressed the importance of preserving ICESCO’s intellectual property rights, particularly the concept of “civilizational diplomacy”, which offers many effective solutions to the dilemmas of the international civilizational system, and called on all international actors to exert more efforts to put an end to racist policies and tendencies.

    Moreover, the declaration called on think tanks and institutions of higher education and scientific research to enhance the concept of civilizational diplomacy through sound criticism likely to consolidate its foundations and enrich its vocabulary. The declaration also reaffirmed the organization of the international symposium on a regular basis, in partnership between ICESCO and Cadi Ayyad University.

    The declaration expressed thanks to Cadi Ayyad University and its Legal Research and Policy Analysis Laboratory at the Faculty of Law, for their academic and organizational efforts, and appreciated the efforts of the Kingdom of Morocco to promote dialogue and civilizational alliance at the regional and international levels.

    The second day of the symposium featured the third working session, entitled “ICESCO, the Institutional Actor in the Formation of Civilizational Diplomacy”, during which Ambassador Khaled Fathalrahman, Head of the Organization’s Center for Civilizational Dialogue, stressed that ICESCO’s concept of civilizational diplomacy is an applied and practical vision going beyond theory, highlighting the Organization’s efforts in the field of civilizational dialogue to spread the values of coexistence and tolerance, and build the leadership capacities of youth and women for peace and security.

    Afterwards, Dr. Hatem El-Jawhary, Professor of Cultural Studies at Egyptian universities, gave an intervention on civilizational diplomacy, in which he indicated that it is one of the major tools for addressing the clash of civilizations.

    For his part, Dr. Abdelfattah Balaamchi, Research Professor in international relations at the Faculty of Law of Marrakech, tackled the challenge facing international governmental organizations in the production and development process.

    At the end of the session, Dr. Mohamed El-Ghali, Director of the Laboratory of Legal Research and Policy Analysis, gave an intervention on the role of joint action diplomacy in promoting cultural knowledge.

    ICESCO International Symposium on “Civilizational Diplomacy” Kicks off at Cadi Ayyad University

    The International Scientific Symposium “Civilizational Diplomacy, Intersectional Readings,” which is being held by ICESCO Center for Civilizational Dialogue, in partnership with Cadi Ayyad University, kicked off on Friday (June 2, 2023), in Marrakesh, with the aim of enriching research and discussing the theoretical framework of “civilizational diplomacy.”

    The opening session of the symposium, which will last for two days at the headquarters of the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences of Cadi Ayyad University, witnessed a high-level presence of parliamentarians, diplomats and distinguished academics in the field of diplomacy and international relations.

    In his speech, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, said that the Organization derived its new concept “civilizational diplomacy” from the developments in public diplomacy, pointing out that civilizational diplomacy does not present itself as an alternative to diplomacy, but as a mean to consolidate civilizational action in the world of diplomacy. ICESCO is pleased to demonstrate the complementarity between theory and practice to have insights on this concept.

    Dr. AlMalik stressed that the global transformations and changes, especially with the spread of social media and AI technologies, question the future of traditional diplomacy as a large number of diplomats today use social media to communicate with the public and conduct public diplomacy activities.

    For his part, Dr. Moulay El Hassan Hbid, President of Cadi Ayyad University, thanked ICESCO and stressed, in a speech delivered on his behalf by Dr. Fatima Zahraa Iflas, Vice President of the University, his keenness to develop scientific research by building partnerships with international and regional organizations.

    Dr. Abdelkarim Al-Talib, Dean of the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences, commended the topic of the symposium, which will address the multiple angles of “civilizational diplomacy,” its relationship with technological development and artificial intelligence, and its contribution to reducing its risks.

    In his speech, Dr. Said Aghreeb, Head of the Department of Public Law at the Faculty, indicated that the concept of civilizational diplomacy aims to spread the values of coexistence and tolerance among peoples, while Dr. Muhammad El Ghali, Director of the Legal Research and Policy Analysis Center, highlighted the importance of this concept.

    In his introductory speech, Ambassador Khaled Fathalrahman, Director of ICESCO Center for Civilizational Dialogue, reaffirmed that the concept of civilizational diplomacy falls within the Organization’s new strategic vision and orientations, indicating that the new concept attempts to transform civilizational dialogue from a theoretical vision to an applied practical vision.

    In his speech, Dr. Prof. Fayez bin Abdullah Al-Shehri, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Shura Council in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, reviewed the historical dimensions and future vision of civilizational diplomacy, the challenges facing this concept and the mainstreaming opportunities.
    The first working session tackled the contributions to the theoretical framework of the concept of civilizational diplomacy while the second working session discussed the roles of civilizational diplomacy actors.

    Equipped with artificial intelligence and the “ALEM” character: ICESCO’s new website is launched

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) has launched its revamped official website that is equipped with the latest technologies for compatibility with modern web browsers and smart devices. The new site also introduces a virtual assistant called “ALEM” to assist visitors navigate through it and get easy access to information about all ICESCO’s sectors, departments and centers, as well as its various programs and activities, answering their questions about the Organization through artificial intelligence and “GPT Chat” technology.

    ICESCO’s official website ( https://icesco.org/en ) was launched on Friday June 2 from the Organization’s pavilion at GITEX Africa 2023 in Marrakesh, Kingdom of Morocco, in the presence of Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Organization, and Dr. Said bin Mohammad Al-Barami, Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to the Kingdom of Morocco, as well as several ICESCO sector and department heads, and representatives of Avaya Company, which helped in revamping the website which uses its technology.

    During the launch ceremony, a presentation was made on the main features of the new website, which ICESCO has enhanced with attractive, consistent technical features and high-quality technologies that offer visitors a flexible user experience enabling them to access information quickly.

    The ceremony was also marked by questions from the audience, which were answered accurately by the “ALEM” assistant.

    The website includes a series of sections presenting ICESCO’s main areas of competence and sectors, namely education, science and technology, culture and communication, and human and social sciences. It also features the Organization’s various departments and specialized centers, including the Arabic Language Center for non-Arabic speakers, the Strategic Foresight Center, the Center for Civilizational Dialogue and the Islamic World Heritage Center, in addition to a regularly updated news section and a section for publications and scientific reports.

    The Organization has also developed a modern and innovative application dedicated to the National Commissions for Education, Science and Culture in its Member States, to improve communication and the exchange of expertise, and speed up administrative processes based on pioneering technology that provides countries with an advanced digital environment helping them to interact and cooperate with each other in a more flexible way with a view to making the most of pioneering experiences. The application is also equipped with cutting-edge protection technologies that ensure the confidentiality and security of information and data.

    ICESCO and Moroccan Agency for Digital Development sign cooperation agreement

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Agency for Digital Development in the Kingdom of Morocco signed an agreement for joint cooperation, in coordination with ICESCO Member States to build the capacities of young people in the fields of technology and innovation, raising awareness of the digital requirements of the jobs of the future, highlighting the opportunities provided by digital transformation applications, and improving smart and proactive electronic services. It also provides for building electronic platforms that support the transfer of knowledge, best practices for distance education, and artificial intelligence applications for education.

    The agreement was signed today, Thursday, June 2, 2023, at GITEX Africa 2023 in Marrakech, by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, and Mr. Mohamed Idrissi El Meliani, Director-General of the Digital Development Agency, in the presence of several ICESCO heads of sectors and departments and officials at the Agency.

    Following the signing ceremony, Dr. Al-Malik and Dr. El-Meliani reaffirmed that the agreement gives great impetus for joint cooperation between the two institutions during the coming period as it will constitute a lever for digital transformation in the field of education, the transfer of knowledge and best practices to enhance the applications of modern technology and artificial intelligence related to education. They added that it will contribute significantly to building the capacities of young people in the field of innovation, preparing them for the jobs of the future, and contributing to the improvement of smart electronic services in ICESCO Member States.

    The provisions of the agreement, which will be implemented over a period of two years, include co-organizing workshops, seminars and specialized training sessions in the areas of cooperation, conducting studies in the fields of technological development, supervising and supporting young entrepreneurs and innovators, and exchanging expertise and experience with ICESCO Member States in the field of digital and technological development.