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    During Opening of Conference on Arabic Language and Digital Transformation, in Presence and under High Patronage of Prince Khaled Al-Faisal… ICESCO Director-General Calls for Enhancing Contribution of Arabic to Development of Artificial Intelligence and its Ethics

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), stressed that the Arabic language owes its prominent status in the international arena to its beauty and richness. “Artificial intelligence and digital transformation bear a tremendous technical potential for raising the status of Arabic and developing programs aimed at teaching and learning the language for Arabic and non-Arabic speakers,” emphasized ICESCO DG.

    This statement is part of the scientific paper that Dr. AlMalik presented during the first international conference organized by the Quran Language Endowment at King Abdulaziz University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, under the theme “Arabic Language and Digital Transformation”. The Conference proceedings kicked off, on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, in the presence and under the high patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, Advisor to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Governor of Makkah Al-Mukarramah Region, Honorary President of the Quran Language Endowment.

    The opening of the two-day Conference, at the headquarters of Makkah Province, in Jeddah, was attended by eminent scientists, researchers and officials. In his scientific paper entitled “Towards an International Arabic Language in the Era of Digitization and Artificial Intelligence… ICESCO’s Vision and Initiatives,” ICESCO DG noted that Arabic is one of the most used languages ​​on the internet, stressing that greater work, care and commitment need to be invested in planning, language policies development, scientific research, knowledge exchange, educational development, digital presence and publicizing.

    Dr. AlMalik called for further cooperation and coordination among the ICESCO Member States to support the Arabic language and raise it to the highest levels, develop more viable Arabic applications, create more Arabic websites and enhance Arabic digital content. He highlighted the need to enhance the contribution of Arabic to the development of artificial intelligence, the incorporation of ethical principles into its applications, the promotion of translation to localize science and technology, and the digitization of Arabic to protect it and enhance its civilizational, scientific and creative contribution.

    ICESCO DG reviewed the major initiatives implemented by ICESCO Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers since its inception, in February 2020, namely conferences, programmes, activities and competitions that involved all ICESCO Member States.
    In appreciation of the efforts he exerted in the service of the Organization and the Arabic language, Dr. AlMalik received the Shield of the Quran Language Endowment during the opening ceremony. The Conference also paid tribute to the late Professor Dr. Muhammad Khader Arif, the prominent linguist, may Allah rest his soul in peace, for his literary, cultural and linguistic contributions. 

    ICESCO General Conference Addresses Letter of Thanks to President El-Sisi

    At the close of their meeting, in Cairo, on Thursday (December 9, 2021), the participants in the 14th Session of the General Conference of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) addressed a letter of thanks and gratitude to His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, for his kind patronage of the conference, the Egyptian generous hospitality and the continuous support he provides to joint Islamic action to serve the issues of Islamic action and advance the Islamic world in all fields.

    In their letter, the participants expressed their deep appreciation for President El-Sisi’s wise forward-looking vision outlined in the National Sustainable Development Strategy (Egypt Vision 2030), especially the pioneering efforts in the fields of education, science, technology, culture and communication by laying the foundations of quality in the relevant national systems, strengthening cooperation and partnerships with relevant international parties, and adopting proactive approaches to grant Egypt a leading position in building the future and enhance its roles in achieving integration and solidarity among Muslim countries.

    At the close of this letter, which was read out by Dr. Salim M. Al-Malik, ICESCO Director-General, at the closing session of the Conference, the participants beseeched Allah Almighty to bestow further progress and prosperity upon Egypt and its people, under the wise leadership of President El-Sisi.

    ICESCO General Conference Concludes its Proceedings in Cairo

    The General Conference of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), which was hosted by Egypt under the high patronage of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, concluded its proceedings on Thursday, December 9, 2021, by adopting resolutions and composing the respective bureaus of the General Conference and the Executive council.

    The working sessions of the closing day saw constructive discussions on the future of education and the importance of investing in space sciences. The sessions kicked off with statements by the heads of the participating delegations, who commended ICESCO’s efforts to address the needs of Member States in the fields of education, science and culture, highlighting its successful approach to promote coordination, cooperation, innovation and exchange of knowledge and expertise.

    The second working session focused on educational challenges in a post-COVID-19 world, which featured a lecture by Mr. Kailash Satyarthi, Founder of Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation and Nobel Prize Laureate, 2014, who expressed his delight for the special partnership between the Foundation and ICESCO in its capacity as a beacon of global outreach. The Nobel Prize Laureate reaffirmed the importance of exerting joint efforts to protect children, counter school dropout and protect children’s rights against all violations.

    For her part, Ms. Kathryn Thornton, Chairwoman of the US Space Foundation, gave a lecture during the third working session dedicated to space sciences and highlighted the importance of this scientific discipline in promoting sustainable development.

    The General Conference approved several key resolutions, including the Report of the Executive Council on its Activities between the 13th and 14th Sessions of the General Conference; ICESCO’s Report on its Activities between 2019-2021; and ICESCO’s Financial Reports for 2018-2020. The Conference also adopted ICESCO’s Report on Member States’ Contributions for 2018-2020 and Improvement of ICESCO’s Financial Sustainability; the Organization’s Vision; the Draft Strategic Orientations by 2025; the Draft Two-Year Action Plan and Budget for 2022-2023; the Draft ICESCO Chairs Regulations; the Draft Regulations of the Young Professionals Programme; the Draft Charter of the National Commissions for ICESCO; and the Implementation of ICESCO’s New Organizational Structure and Relevant Development Proposals.

    The Conference approved the Proposed Amendments to the Observer Status Regulations, the Personnel and the Report on Developing ICESCO’s External Organs, and the General Principles and Guidelines Governing their Action. The Conference also approved the members of the Executive Council and decided to hold the 15th Session of the ICESCO General Conference in December 2025 at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, Morocco In his closing remarks, Dr. Salim AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), expressed his thanks and gratitude to President El Sisi for his patronage of the 14th Session of the General Conference and to His Majesty King Mohamed VI of Morocco, may Allah preserve him, for his sustained support and high patronage of ICESCO’s programs and initiatives. The DG also expressed his thanks to the kings and heads of ICESCO Member States for their support for ICESCO.

    The DG conveyed his thanks to Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, President of the Egyptian Commission for Education, Science and Culture, President of the 14th Session of ICESCO General Conference, as well as to the representatives of the international and regional organizations taking part in the Conference for their valuable input and constructive recommendations on issues pertaining to education, science, technology and culture.

    The DG concluded his remarks by reaffirming ICESCO’s commitment to continue its development and improvement efforts to promote work quality to sustain its role as a leading international organization, guided by a strategic vision that takes into account the contents of the plans, documents, and recommendations adopted by the 14th Session of the Conference.

    Dr. Abdel Ghaffar, President of ICESCO General Conference, announced the close of the Conference proceedings, expressing his thanks and appreciation to the delegations taking part in this session and congratulating them on the success made over these two days of intensive work, which reflected the unanimous agreement on ICESCO’s priorities in service of Member States.

    ICESCO and Saudi Ministry of Communications Sign MoU for Cooperation in Technology and Innovation

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of Saudi Arabia signed a memorandum of understanding for cooperation in spreading technical awareness, enriching technical Arabic content, and exchanging expertise to promote policies pertinent to smart technologies, artificial intelligence, big data, and innovation policies.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of ICESCO, and Engineer Haitham bin Abdulrahman Al-Ohali, Deputy Minister of Communications and Information Technology in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, signed the memorandum of understanding in Cairo during the 14th General Conference of ICESCO held on December 8-9, 2021, and hosted by the Arab Republic of Egypt under the patronage of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

    The memorandum of understanding seeks to step up cooperation in exchanging expertise in the development of professionals’ leadership, practical and technical skills in the fields of artificial intelligence, smart technologies and innovation. It also aims to further cooperation in the preparation of joint research papers in these fields, promote the exchange of best practices for the advancement of scientific research and emerging technologies, contribute to supporting artificial intelligence projects, ICESCO Digital Home initiative and the Organization’s digital cultural project.

    Other objectives of the memorandum include the commitment of the Ministry to provide ICESCO’s beneficiary Member States access to the “Attaa Digital” initiative and develop the relevant platform based on their public policies, jointly promote the initiative’s activities, transfer the necessary expertise and practices to the working team in each Member State, and share statistics relating to the initiative’s activities participants and beneficiaries. In this respect, ICESCO will make the necessary legal arrangements to launch the initiative, determine the official entity in charge of managing the platform and following up on its performance, help publicize the initiative and engage a legal expert from the Organization to provide advisory services to the entity responsible for implementing the initiative.

    Award Ceremony of Hamdan-ICESCO Prize for Voluntary Development of Education Facilities

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), H.H. Sheikh Rashed bin Hamdan Al Maktoum, and Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, President of the Egyptian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, presented awards to winners of the First and Second Editions of Hamdan-ICESCO Prize for Voluntary Development of Education Facilities in the Islamic World.

    The award ceremony was held during the 14th Session of ICESCO General Conference, hosted by Egypt, under the patronage of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. Launched by ICESCO and the Foundation to promote voluntary initiatives and charitable work in the field of education, the Prize is awarded biennially to three winners who each receive the Prize Shield and a monetary reward, which is to be used in supporting and developing the winning project or work. 

    The winners of the First Edition were as follow: “Fa’il Khir Project,” with support from tie Islamic Development Bank (IsDB); the Project of “Information Technology Faculty as Birzeit University and Other Projects in Palestine,” with support from Munib Rasheed Al-Masri Foundation; and the “Schools in the Emirati Jordanian Camp Project,” with support from the Emirati Red Crescent (ERC).

    As for the Second Edition, the winners were as follows: “To brighten their Future Project for Developing Educational Institutions and Curricula,” with support from the International Charity Organization in Ajman, UAE; the “Educational Hubs Projects,” with support from Abdul Aziz, Mohammed, Abdullatif Aljabr Charity Organization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; and the “Project of Teaching Arabic in a Bilingual Education System in Chad,” with support from the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA). The Second Edition saw the participation of 37 candidates from the Arab, Asian and African regions. 

    ICESCO and Coursera Sign Agreement to Cooperate in Digital Learning

    Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and Coursera, Inc. signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to help learners across the countries of the Islamic World develop high-demand digital skills at scale. ICESCO and Coursera plan to launch the Future Pioneers Project, in January 2022, to provide selected access to world-class online learning and the Future Skills Learning Programme to upskill ICESCO’s leadership team.

    Dr. Salim AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), and Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO at Coursera, signed the MoU on the sidelines of the 14th Session of the ICESCO General Conference held on December 8 and 9, 2021 in Cairo, Egypt under the patronage of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

    “Working with Coursera will support youth and our staff in acquiring the contemporary skills they need to succeed in their future careers,” said Dr. AlMalik, noting that “this partnership will provide invaluable support as ICESCO enters a new pivotal period in its history, and serves as an international beacon in the fields of education, science, culture and communication.”

    From his part, Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO at Coursera stated that “the accelerated adoption of online learning during the pandemic has created new opportunities to develop digital skills at unprecedented speed and scale.” He also added, “We are honored to partner with ICESCO to help youth across the Islamic states develop the skills and credentials needed to advance their education and careers in the new economy.”

    The provisions of the MoU aim to further ICESCO’s mission to assist countries of the Islamic World by nurturing tomorrow’s decision-makers, sharing expertise, optimizing development policies, and building systems of innovation and knowledge. The ICESCO-Coursera initiative will equip learners from the countries of the Islamic world and ICESCO’s staff with the entrepreneurial, digital, and technological skills required to drive innovation and leadership across the Islamic world and unlock the next generation of talent. Through the Coursera for Campus platform, learners will have access to more than 5,000 high-quality online courses from over 250 leading university and industry partners worldwide. Course content will also be available in English, Arabic, and French, and the pilot will run until the end of March 2022.

    Second Day of ICESCO’s 14th General Conference Kicks Off in Cairo

    Proceedings of the second day of the 14th General Conference of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), hosted by the Arab Republic of Egypt, under the patronage of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, kicked off today, December 9, 2021, with the participation of forty-nine (49) out of ICESCO’s fifty-one (51) Member States.

    The agenda of the second and last day of the Conference includes several working sessions on issues relating to education, science, technology and culture, and features addresses by the heads of the participating delegations. It also includes the approval of the members of the ICESCO Executive Council and the decisions adopted by the Executive Council’s 40th, 41st and 42nd sessions, as well as the determination of the time and venue of the 15th Session of the ICESCO General Conference.

    The Conference kicked off on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, with an opening session, during which Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, President of the Egyptian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, delivered an address wherein he welcomed the participating delegations, wishing for a successful Conference that would hopefully yield outcomes leading to further development in the Islamic world and the promotion of its role in leading the educational, scientific, cultural and technological fields.

    The Egyptian Minister expressed his great confidence in ICESCO’s wise decisions and ability to expand its impact and multiply its achievements. He also praised the Organization’s approach of modernization and development towards its Member States, noting that the Conference is a good opportunity to strengthen bonds of cordiality and fraternity between the leaders and peoples of the Islamic world.

    In his address, Dr. Ali Zeidan Abu Zuhri, President of the Palestinian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, President of the 13th General Conference of ICESCO, commended the Organization’s pivotal role and diligent efforts in meeting its Member States’ needs in the educational, scientific and cultural fields. “ICESCO was able to harmonize and coordinate the efforts of Muslim countries. It succeeded in reinforcing cooperation among them on the development of innovation and the exchange of knowledge and expertise in the fields of artificial intelligence applications and modern science,” added Dr. Abu Zuhri.

    He also hailed the Organization’s programmes and projects for the benefit of the State of Palestine and Al-Quds, and the inscription of Palestinian monuments and landmarks on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage List.

    In his address, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, reiterated his gratitude and appreciation to President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, and Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, for hosting ICESCO’s 42nd Executive Council and 14th General Conference. He extended his heartfelt thanks to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, and the Crown Prince, for nominating him for the post of the Director-General of ICESCO, thanking all Member States for their trust.

    Dr. AlMalik reviewed the initiatives through which the Organization has made a difference by supporting Member States’ efforts in the fields of education, science and culture, instituting profound structural reforms, and crafting a strategic vision that enabled ICESCO to become a leading Organization at the international arena. “ICESCO has undertaken several developmental measures, most notably the amendment of its Charter, Internal Regulations and Organizational Structure, and the elaboration of the task descriptions of its sectors, departments and centers as well as the job descriptions of its staff members. ICESCO has also attracted highly qualified competencies, creating a legal department in charge of controlling the Organization’s working procedures using an institutional and rights-based approach, digitizing the working system, modernizing its mechanisms in accordance with transparency and quality standards, developing the Organization’s media department, in addition to establishing specialized centers for capacity building in ICESCO’s fields of competence,” noted ICESCO DG.

    In conclusion, Dr. AlMalik highlighted the international certifications and prizes that ICESCO has recently received, noting that they represent powerful incentives to intensify improvement and development efforts to serve the Member States and contribute to the fulfillment of their peoples’ aspirations for sustainable development and prosperity.

    ICESCO signed a set of partnership and cooperation agreements with different partners and awarded the ICESCO-Hamdan Prize for the Development of Education Facilities in the Islamic World to the winners.

    In presence and under patronage of President El-Sisi, ICESCO General Conference and Global Forum for Higher Education and Scientific Research kick off in Cairo

    H.E. Mr. Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, opened today, Wednesday 8 December 2021, the General Conference of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Global Forum for Higher Education and Scientific Research, both hosted by Egypt under his high patronage.

    The opening ceremony brought together high caliber personalities including ministers of education, culture and scientific research as well as the delegations of ICESCO Member States.

      In his opening remarks,  Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, President of the Egyptian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, stated that Egypt’s hosting of these two major events reflects the Republic’s keenness and commitment to share expertise and knowledge, in the spirit of honoring the principle of joint action and promoting cooperation and coordination among international and regional institutions and organizations sharing the same competences. The Minister added that Egypt is dedicated to investing in education, science and culture and keeping up with economic change, building competitive capacities in the labor market, and promoting the skills of the jobs of the future, in light of the continuous digital changes the world is undergoing.  

    In addition, Dr. Abdel Ghaffar highlighted the technological revolutions the world is witnessing, particularly the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which capitalizes on digital knowledge, AI applications, robotics, and the Fifth Revolution, which invests in autonomous intelligence and use of modern technology to address pressing issues such as pollution, global warming, desertification, in total harmony between the human and the machine and in service of development goals. 

    In his address, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), thanked the Arab Republic of Egypt for hosting the 42nd Session of the Executive Council, expressing his gratitude to President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi for his high patronage of these two major events. The DG also commended the progress scored by the field of higher education in Egypt and the modernization efforts to upgrade its institutions in quest to achieve Vision 2030 Goals and keep up with global digital transformations.

    The DG noted that universities play a pivotal role as they are innovation incubators, contemporary knowledge, creativity, and production platforms, stressing the need to anticipate the future by focusing on its requirements and scenarios, investing in the sciences of the future, according due attention to AI applications and investing in space sciences given their roles in shaping sustainable development paths. 

    Dr. AlMalik stated that there are a number of key elements every 21st-century university should possess to keep up with current development and changes. These include, he further explained, the ability to have sufficient freedom and autonomy, sustain funding resources, build young people’s capacities in the fields of the jobs of the future, and build local and international sustainable partnerships with economic, industrial and technological institutions. He also underlined the need to upgrade the working mechanisms of the universities of the Islamic world and invest in human capital as a key development indicator. 

    At the close of his address, the DG reiterated the commitment of ICESCO and the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW) to support the efforts of the universities of the Islamic world to achieve sustainable development goals and develop cooperation and complementary mechanisms between Member Universities. He also conveyed ICESCO and the FUIW’s readiness to build smart partnerships, expressing his hope that the Member States’ universities can join the ranks of prominent and world-renowned universities by 2030.

    Following the address, ICESCO DG present ICESCO Shield, “Long Live Egypt, the New Republic” to President El-Sisi, before proceeding to the first scientific session of the Global Forum for Higher Education and Scientific Research, which the President attended. The session focused on the prospects of technological advancements, jobs of the future, and the importance of foresight.  It was moderated by Dr. Abdel Ghaffar and featured the participation of Dr. AlMalik.

    ICESCO and Egyptian Ministry of Culture Proclaim Cairo as Capital of Culture in Islamic World for 2022

    Dr. Salim AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Dr. Ines Abdel-Dayem, Minister of Culture of the Arab Republic of Egypt, proclaimed Cairo as Capital of Culture in the Islamic World for 2022 during a press conference held at the Cairo Opera House on Tuesday, December 7, 2021.

    In her address, Dr. Ines Abdel-Dayem expressed her delight at the choice of Cairo as Capital of Culture in the Islamic World for 2022, emphasizing that this proclamation affirms the symbolic value held by the city. “Cairo is a long-standing crossroads of cultures and a hub for creativity, thought and arts. The city’s landmarks and monuments reflect different aspects of the human civilization in general and the Islamic heritage in particular,” noted the Egyptian minister.

    Dr. Ines Abdel-Dayem commended ICESCO’s implementation of its distinguished Celebration of Islamic World Culture Capitals Program (CIWCC) and its efforts to harness all effective mechanisms for the promotion of relationships among these capitals.

    The Egyptian minister noted that communication will be established, through ICESCO, with those in charge of the celebration program of Rabat as Capital of Culture in the Islamic World for 2022 to ensure synergy and coordination among the programmes held in Egypt and Morocco as part of the celebrations and share the activities between the two countries.

    She also underlined the importance of these celebrations in providing a true portrayal of the Islamic civilization and promoting coexistence, tolerance, and communication between populations.

    She pointed out that the celebration program of Cairo as Capital of Culture in the Islamic World, to be launched in mid-February 2022, will last throughout the year and will include a rich programme prepared by the various sectors of the Ministry of Culture in coordination with ICESCO.

    In his address, Dr. Salim AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of ICESCO, emphasized the importance of intensifying coordinated efforts and harnessing all capacities for according due consideration to the celebration of Cairo as Capital of Culture in the Islamic World for 2020 and raising it to the level befitting the status of this ancient historical and cultural capital.

    He noted that the celebration of Cairo as the Capital of Culture in the Islamic world was scheduled for 2020, but was postponed due to the exceptional circumstances imposed by the COVID- 19 pandemic. “This forced postponement gave us additional time to review, develop and enrich the initial celebration program with more cultural and artistic activities and programmes. We were able to widen our circle of local and regional partners and benefit from the new developmental amendments introduced to the Celebration of Islamic World Culture Capitals Program (CIWCC) by the Organization’s General Directorate,” explained ICESCO DG.

    Dr. AlMalik praised the cultural and civilizational assets that make Cairo a capital of culture in the Islamic world, notably its abundant tangible, intangible and natural heritage, noting that the city represents a major meeting point of various civilizations and an open world heritage museum displaying several ancient and modern monuments from different eras.“ In addition to being home to numerous cultural institutions and hosting some of the most important cultural festivals and events, book fairs, and theatrical performances, Cairo also has several cultural facilities where intellectuals, artists, and creators meet,” he added. 

    Celebrations of Cairo and Rabat as Capitals of Culture in the Islamic World are part of ICESCO’s Celebration of Islamic World Culture Capitals Program (CIWCC) which seeks the promotion of the cultural heritage of several Member States’ capitals, and the regeneration of cultural activity in the celebrated capitals by highlighting the role of their new cultural facilities and monuments as spaces for cultural and creative gatherings and promoting cooperation among the celebrated capitals in other regions of the Islamic world.

    Exploring Cooperation between ICESCO and Kyrgyzstan in Preparing Religious Educational Curricula

    Dr. Salim M. Al-Malik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met Dr. Aibek Artykbaev, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, and discussed aspects of joint cooperation between ICESCO and Kyrgyzstan in the fields of education, through participation in the preparation of religious curricula and its inclusion in all educational levels in Kyrgyz public schools.

    The meeting, which took place today, Tuesday, December 7, 2021, is held on the sidelines of the 14th General Conference of ICESCO due to be held on December 8 and 9, in Cairo, the Arab Republic of Egypt, under the auspices of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

    During the meeting, Dr. Al-Malik affirmed ICESCO’s readiness to cooperate with the Kyrgyz government in training and qualifying teachers on how to develop religious curricula for government schools and participate in preparing them to suit all educational levels. He also suggested that the President of the Kyrgyz Republic be a guest of honor in one of ICESCO’s upcoming international conferences.

    For his part, Dr. Aibek Artykbaev expressed the Kyrgyz government’s keenness to cooperate with ICESCO in preparing religious curricula and including them for the first time in schools, and to employ several Kyrgyz competencies at the Organization, to allow them to strengthen their capacities and develop their expertise.

    Dr. Aibek Artykbaev pointed out that the Kyrgyz Republic is fully prepared to pay the arrears of its contribution to ICESCO’s budget and to benefit from the initiative offered by the Organization to allocate a large proportion of these sums for the implementation of programs and projects for the benefit of Kyrgyzstan. He also invited the Director-General of ICESCO to visit Kyrgyzstan.

    Mr. Omarbek Gabarov, Advisor to the Kyrgyz Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Aydin Kalmatov, Attaché of the Kyrgyz Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also attended the meeting.