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    ICESCO, NewGlobe Organization Examine cooperation prospects in the field of education

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the NewGlobe Organization, specializing in education on the international level, convened to explore opportunities for collaboration in implementing various initiatives, programs, and projects. The focus was particularly on supporting educational transformation, skill development, and organizing international conferences and seminars on educational matters.

    Chaired by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, and Ms. Shannon May, President and Co-Founder of NewGlobe Organization, the meeting took place via videoconference on Thursday 14 March 2024. Also in attendance were Mr. Jay Kimmelman, CEO and Co-Founder, and Mr. Isfundiar Kasuri, Executive Director of the Pakistan office, as well as Policy and Partnership Director at the Organization. Representing ICESCO during the Meeting were Dr. Boly Koumbou Barry, Head of the Education Sector, and Mr. Anar Karimov, Head of the Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, alongside experts from both sectors.

    Dr. AlMalik reviewed ICESCO’s vision and operational strategy during the meeting, expressing the Organization’s keenness to collaborate with various international institutions to serve its Member States and Muslim communities worldwide in the realms of education, science, and culture.

    The NewGlobe Organization representatives commended ICESCO’s efforts within the scope of its fields of competence before offering an outline of their Organization’s activities and programs implemented in various African and Asian countries. These endeavors aim to support educational transformation in partnership with the respective governments of those countries, striving to develop sustainable and resilient education systems.

    Emphasizing the Organization’s adoption of data-driven and scientifically researched methods, NewGlobe representatives highlighted their efforts to support positive educational transformation, boost gross domestic product, generate employment opportunities, and address poverty issues.

    The Two Parties explored possible future avenues of cooperation and areas of mutual interest, agreeing to continue discussions to formulate executive plans for initiatives, programs, and practical activities that carry tangible impacts.

    ICESCO and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Discuss Cooperation Avenues

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received a delegation from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Benguerir. The meeting explored avenues of cooperation in supporting youth in technological entrepreneurship through the Explorer Innovation Program, jointly implemented by the Institute and the University. Additionally, discussions centered on enhancing training opportunities for youth in the Islamic world, particularly in areas such as artificial intelligence and data science.

    The delegation included Ms. Jinane Abounadi, Executive Director of the MIT SandBox Innovation Fund Program; Dr. Munther Dahleh, Director of the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society at MIT; and Dr. Mohamed Benkamoun, Pedagogical Director at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University.

    During the meeting held at the ICESCO headquarters in Rabat on March 11, 2024, Dr. AlMalik stressed the Organization’s keenness to enhance the roles of youth in the Islamic world through the implementation of initiatives and programs aimed at supporting and building their capacities in various fields. These efforts are designed to prepare them to adapt to the rapid changed in the technology landscape and equip them with the necessary skills for future professions.

    Heads of sector, experts, directors of departments and centers at ICESCO reviewed key programs and projects implemented by both sides to support youth in technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and discussed cooperation prospects between ICESCO, MIT, and Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in these areas.

    In conclusion, it was agreed to sustain coordination to develop executive plans for joint cooperation programs and projects.

    ICESCO Director-General meets second cohort of trainees from Misk Foundation at end of training

    Dr. Salim. M. AlMalik,  Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with the second cohort of trainees from Mohammed bin Salman ‘MiSK’ Foundation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, at the end of their ten-week training period at various sectors, departments and centers at the Organization. The training falls within the framework of cooperation and partnership between the Organization and the Foundation, in coordination with the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science.

    At the beginning of the meeting, held on Monday, March 11, 2024, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, in the presence of Dr. Abdelillah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General and several heads of sectors, departments and centers, Dr. AlMalik commended the efforts of the Misk Foundation youth and their outstanding performance during their training period, stating that they have succeeded in representing their country, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  The Director-General also commended the successful partnership among the Organization, the Saudi National Commission and Misk Foundation, manifested, among others, in this successful professional training. 

    Moreover, the Director-General stated that the Organization implements a number of training programs both at its headquarters and in its Member States, notably the Young Professionals Program and the Leadership Training for Peace and Security Program, targeting young people and women from the Islamic world at large. 

    The Director General also expressed his appreciation of the trainees’ views and ideas concerning ICESCO’s programs with the aim of developing the fields of education, science and culture in the Islamic world, stressing that the Organization will remain in contact with them and will examine the implementation of a number of these proposals in line with its future plans.

    For their part, the Misk Foundation youth expressed their delight at receiving training within the sectors, departments and centers of ICESCO, praising the great cooperation of the Organization’s experts and the training in a distinctive and open work environment that encouraged them to express their ideas freely and develop their skills and leadership abilities.

    At the close of the meeting, Dr. AlMalik presented the trainees with commemorative shields, in recognition of their efforts throughout the training period.

    ICESCO and the Spouses of Arab Ambassadors and Heads of International Organizations in Morocco Celebrate International Women’s Day

    As part of the celebration of International Women’s Day and the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) hosted, on Friday, March 8, 2024, the Forum, “A Ramadan Journey into the Depths of the Human Soul”. The event, which brought together high-caliber participation, was organized by ICESCO in cooperation with the Group of Spouses of Arab Ambassadors and Heads of International Organizations accredited to the Kingdom of Morocco.

    Held in person and via videoconference, the forum opened with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran. 

    In a recorded address on the occasion, Dr. Salim M. Al-Malik, ICESCO Director General, stated that the celebration of women is unparalleled because of the meanings, values and significance it bears as a celebration of all moral virtues, calling for empowering women to share the responsibility of building a better world.

    Moreover, the Director-General mentioned ICESCO’s due diligence to protect women’s rights and nurture their talents, stating that the Organization will sustain its support of women in its areas of competence. Dr. AlMalik also highlighted ICESCO’s leading initiative to proclaim 2021 as the Year of Women, which was marked by a number of remarkable programs and projects, noting that half of the leadership positions in ICESCO are held by women.

    The Director General added that these facts place ICESCO at the forefront of international organizations that address the needs of rural girls and marginalized communities, and call for an end to the genocide of women, children and the elderly in Gaza.

    In his address, Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa, Deputy Director-General of ICESCO, thanked the Group of the Spouses of Arab Ambassadors and Heads of International Organizations for partnering with the Organization in holding this forum in celebration of Women’s Day and the advent of the holy month of Ramadan.

    He stressed that Women’s Day is a celebration for all members of society and an occasion to recognize those who create happiness for those around them, paying tribute to Palestinian women who are steadfast in the face of the attacks they are subjected to by the Israeli occupation.

    In a recorded statement, Ziauddin Yousafzai, father of Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Malala Yousafzai and founder of the Malala Fund, emphasized that education is the key to empowering girls and preparing them to contribute to the efforts to achieve development, promote the economy and protect the environment.

    For her part, Ms. Rania Shobaki, Chairwoman of the Group, praised ICESCO’s initiatives and efforts to support women, and commended the cooperation between the Group and the Organization in the field women empowerment.

    In her remarks, Dr. Yousra Bint Hussain Al-Jazairy, member of the Group, saluted women for all their generosity, patience and resilience, noting that ICESCO has given women the status they deserve. She expressed her pride in belonging to such a keen group of dedicated women who exert serious efforts to promote social development in the Kingdom of Morocco and strengthen cooperation and communication between Morocco and all the countries they represent. Dr. Al-Jazairy stated that the spouses of the ambassadors of Arab countries also gear their work to bring culture together, promote knowledge, and support humanitarian causes in clear manifestation of the values of love and solidarity with the Moroccan people and among themselves. She concluded her speech by saluting Palestinian women as a symbol of steadfastness and empathy.

    Dr. Al-Jazairy then introduced Dr. Khadija Abouzid, Professor of Higher Education at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences in Rabat, who delivered a lecture titled, “A Ramadan Journey into the Depths of the Human Soul”.

    At the close of the forum, Dr. Khadija Abu Zeid and Dr. Yusra bint Hussein Al-Jazairi were honored by Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa in recognition of their efforts in organizing the forum and ensuring its success.

    Second Cohort of ‘MiSK’ Trainees Concludes its Training Period at ICESCO

    The second cohort of trainees from Mohammed Bin Salman Foundation (MiSK) concluded its 10-week training period spent at the various sectors, centers, and departments of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO). The training is part of the partnership between ICESCO and MiSK Foundation, in coordination with the Saudi National Commission.

    During the closing ceremony, held on Thursday, 7 March 2024, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, in his speech via videoconferencing, lauded MiSK trainees for being role models for Saudi youth through their efforts and diligence during the training period, noting the programs and projects they proposed to develop the fields of education, science, and culture in the Islamic world.

    Dr. AlMalik thanked MiSK Foundation and the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science for their continuous cooperation and coordination with the Organization to implement a set of training programs for youth of the Islamic world, and expressed his keenness to receive the third cohort of MiSK trainees.

    For his part, Dr. Abdelillah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy Director-General, highlighted the Organization’s efforts through its programs, projects and activities to keep up with the global knowledge and technological development, and build future leaders through training opportunities for youth to build their capacities and enhance their knowledge.

    Moreover, Dr. Benarafa commended MiSK trainees for their enthusiasm, seriousness, and perseverance during their internship as well as their endeavor to learn from the experience of the Organization’s staff and experts, nationals of different countries.

    The ceremony was an opportunity for MiSK trainees to submit their proposals on innovative programs, projects, and initiatives developed during their training period at ICESCO. These proposals were pertinent to culture, heritage preservation and valorization, protection of cultural property, promoting civilizational dialogue values, supporting girls and women, and promoting the Arabic language globally.

    At the end of the ceremony, Dr. Benarafa and Mr. Ahmed bin Baz, Representative of the Saudi National Commission, handed MiSK trainees certificates and honorary shields for successfully passing the intensive training period at ICESCO.

    President of Republic of Uganda receives ICESCO Director-General

    His Excellency President Yoweri Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda, received Dr. Salim. M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), at the Presidential Office in Munyonyo Hotel, which hosted the Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement Last January. This is the first meeting between the President of Uganda and the ICESCO Director-General since the country’s accession to the Organization.

    During the meeting, held on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, with the presence of a host of Ugandan ministers and officials and an ICESCO delegation, Dr. AlMalik commended the fruitful cooperation between ICESCO and Uganda, highlighting several programs and projects the Organization implemented in the Republic over the past four years, aimed at meeting the country’s needs in the fields of education, science and culture. These include supporting the creation of a production unit of hygiene products during the COVID-19 pandemic, encouraging innovation, building women and youth’s entrepreneurial capacities, and the initiative to create a scientific research chair on mental health at Kampala’s International University.

    The Director-General added that the Organization works toward building young people’s capacities and developing their leadership skills in the field of peacebuilding, noting the success of ICESCO’s Leadership Training for Peace and Security, first launched in 2021.

    For his part, the Ugandan President commended ICESCO’s efforts to support its Member States and the waves of development and renewal the Organization enjoys to promote the fields of education, science and culture in the Islamic world, stressing the role of cooperation in achieving social cohesion and spreading peace and security.

    Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Head of ICESCO’s Social and Human Sciences Sector, attended the meeting.

    ICESCO and Uganda Explore Ways of Strengthening Cooperation in Higher Education and Scientific Research

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Dr. John Chrysostom Muyingo, Ugandan State Minister for Higher Education, explored ways of strengthening cooperation in areas of common interest, most notably higher education and scientific research promotion.

    During the meeting, held on Tuesday (March 5, 2024), at the University of Kampala, prior to the start of the second day of the twentieth anniversary of the African-Arab Youth Council, Dr. Al-Malik highlighted that ICESCO has become open to its Member States to devise adequate programs and projects based on the priorities and needs of each country, stressing the Organization’s willingness to continue fruitful cooperation with Uganda in the fields of education, science and culture.

    During the meeting, ICESCO Director-General pointed out to the Organization’s initiative to establish a scientific research chair on psychological and mental health at Kampala International University in Uganda, within the framework of ICESCO support for the efforts of its Member States in developing scientific research.

    For his part, Dr. Muyingo commended ICESCO’s roles in supporting the efforts of its Member States in their areas of competence, stressing the Ugandan Ministry of Higher Education’s keenness to cooperate with the Organization.

    Afterwards, the second day activities of the Afro-Arab Youth Council’s anniversary kicked off with a workshop on ‘Sufferance of People with Mental Health Challenges’, where Dr. Muyingo conveyed to Dr. Al-Malik the congratulations of Her Excellency Janet Museveni, Ugandan First Lady, Minister of Education and Sports of the Republic of Uganda, for the developments and modernization witnessed at ICESCO, within its strategic vision and organizational structure, to advance the fields of education, science and culture in the countries of the Islamic world.

    During the workshop, Dr. Abbas Agaba, Secretary-General of the African-Arab Youth Council, and Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Head of the Social and Human Sciences Sector at ICESCO, signed a memorandum of understanding between ICESCO and the Council, with a view of enhancing joint cooperation between the two parties in areas of common interest through conferences, seminars, and workshops in the fields of artificial intelligence, space science, heritage preservation and peacebuilding.

    ICESCO names 100 young men and women from 68 countries as peace ambassadors within its leadership training programme

    Within the framework of its Year of Youth, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) announced the accreditation of 100 new young ambassadors for peace from 68 countries, on Tuesday (March 5, 2024), at Kampala University, in Kampala, Uganda, during the launch of the activities of the third cohort of its Leadership Training Programme for Peace and Security (LTIPS) for 2023, bringing the number of ICESCO Young Peace Ambassadors to 180 in total.

    Young people will be qualified and mobilized to contribute to building peace, consolidating the values of coexistence and tolerance, and maintaining social cohesion in their countries through training sessions and workshops, facilitated by thinkers, specialized experts, and inspiring leaders from around the world.

    During the accreditation ceremony of ICESCO’s Young Peace Ambassadors, which was attended by Dr. John Chrysostom Muyingo, Ugandan Minister of State for Higher Education, and Dr. Abbas Agaba, Secretary-General of the African-Arab Youth Council, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, stressed that these young people will become peace ambassadors to serve as leaders of positive change in their societies amid the widespread conflicts and wars, indicating that the Organization aspires to reach 500 young peace ambassadors by 2025.

    In his speech, Dr. John Chrysostom Muyingo congratulated the young men and women on their appointment as ICESCO Peace Ambassadors, commending their key role in consolidating coexistence in the countries of the Islamic world and beyond.

    For her part, Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Head of the Social and Human Sciences Sector at ICESCO, stressed that the Organization believes in the necessity of building inclusive societies, indicating that LTIPS has achieved great success since its launch in 2021, including its current edition, being held under the theme ‘Planting the seeds of peace by mobilizing women and young leaders’, which witnesses a wide participation of over two thousand candidates, from whom one hundred young men and women were selected.

    Afterwards, Dr. AlMalik and Dr. Muyingo decorated the new ICESCO Peace Ambassadors.

    It is noteworthy that ICESCO’s LTIPS aims to build the capacities of young people and develop their leadership skills, through 10 training modules, based on ICESCO 360° Peace Approach, focusing on the various dimensions of building and strengthening peace, and providing the opportunity for young people to exchange with inspiring leaders from different generations and countries, in addition to special workshops for the Youth Peace Incubator.

    In partnership with ICESCO… Launch of a program to celebratethe 20th anniversary of the founding of the Afro-Arab Youth Council

    The program celebrating the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Afro-Arab Youth Council in the Ugandan capital Kampala kicked off today, Monday 4 March 2024. The Event, organized by the Council, in partnership with the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), carries the theme: “Youth, Peace, Culture, and Wellbeing.” It includes a week-long series of workshops, training sessions, and roundtable discussions highlighting the relationship between culture, sports, and good health. The Celebration is attended by several officials, international figures, and a host of youth hailing from all around the world, all aimed at promoting a culture of peace and responsible leadership among youth.

    Prior to the opening session, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, along with a delegation of representatives from Member States of the Afro-Arab Youth Council, visited the Innovation Laboratory at Makerere University. There, they were briefed on the modern technologies and equipment available at the lab, all aimed at encouraging students to engage in scientific research and innovation.

    In his opening remarks, Dr. AlMalik highlighted ICESCO’s declaration of 2023 as its Youth Year to enhance their creative potential and motivate them to seek and achieve personal development. ICESCO Director-General also praised the partnership existing between the Organization and the Afro-Arab Youth Council, paving the way for fruitful cooperation at the service of youth in Africa, the Islamic world, and beyond.

    Furthermore, His Excellency reaffirms that launching the training sessions for the third group of beneficiaries of ICESCO’s Leadership Training in Peace and Security Program, in parallel with the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the Council’s founding, is a major step in this direction. The 3rd group of the program will see the number of ICESCO’s youth ambassadors for peace climb to 180, hailing from over 68 countries.

    Dr. AlMalik underlined that culture plays a vital role in bringing about positive change in societies, enhancing social cohesion, and driving economic transformation. His Excellency also highlighted the Organization’s efforts to raise awareness among young people about the rich cultural heritage of African and Islamic countries, with an aim to promote and preserve it.

    In his address, Dr. Abbas Agaba, Secretary-General of the Afro-Arab Youth Council, highlighted the roles and efforts of the Council in promoting unity and cooperation between African and Arab countries, as well as accompanying youth on their educational journey and peace-building efforts.

    Mr. Bakary Y. Badjie, Minister of Youth and Sports in the Republic of Gambia, emphasized the importance of integrating youth into various fields and the need to enhance quality education to build generations that are capable of contributing to peace, addressing global challenges, and resolving conflicts.

    For her part, Ms. Rosie Agoi, Secretary-General of the Ugandan National Commission for UNESCO and ICESCO, reviewed the Commission’s work, lauding the fruitful cooperation with ICESCO in several programs, including improving water and sanitation services in several schools and providing technological equipment to students.

    Ms. Asmaa El Hilali, from the Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Communication of the Kingdom of Morocco, reaffirmed Morocco’s keenness to empowering and enhancing the youth capacities, considering its importance in establishing security and peace. She reviewed Morocco’s experience in encouraging youth involvement and supporting them in entrepreneurship.

    MoU signed to Launch Project on Building Capacities of Teaching Faculty in 12 Moroccan Universities

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation of the Kingdom of Morocco signed a memorandum of understanding to launch a project on building the educational and digital capacities of the teaching faculty in universities and institutions of higher education.

    The Project aims to train 600 professors in 12 Moroccan universities to utilize digital tools and open educational resources in teaching. During the signing ceremony, held on Thursday, 29 February 2024, at the Ministry’s headquarters, in the presence of several Moroccan university presidents and senior officials at the Ministry, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, stated that regular classes and old-fashioned, traditional training and curricula cannot bridge the gap between us and the future, adding that skills and creativity are the most effective and efficient means to bridge this gap.

    Dr. AlMalik added that Morocco is the first to benefit from this Project, which will be implemented in a number of countries in the Islamic world in later stages. He further explained that it aims to enhance the digital and educational skills of new professors and researchers and provide them with innovative educational and digital tools at all levels with a view to improving the quality of learning and training in universities.

    For his part, Dr. Abdellatif Miraoui, Moroccan Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, lauded the project for its expected outcomes and added value as it will use an educational and digital inclusive approach to develop the skills of newly appointed faculty staff to the most modern international standards.

    According to the terms of the memorandum of understanding, the project, being implemented by the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), provides year-round four training courses on: “educational sciences and teaching methods at university”, “online teaching methods, e-learning tools and teaching on e-learning platforms”, “foundations of media coverage for studio production” and “open educational and digital resources, copyright and open licenses, and professional ethics and scientific integrity.”