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    “Post-globalization thinking:” A conference at the Cadi Ayyad University in Marrakech

    8 October 2024

    Ambassador Khalid Fathalrahman, Director of the Center for Civilizational Dialogue at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), delivered a lecture titled “Post-globalization thinking” this Monday, October 7, 2024, at the Faculty of Letters and Humanities of the Cadi Ayyad University in Marrakech, on the occasion of the opening of the new academic year.

    In his lecture, Dr. Fathalrahman presented evidence of the decline of the “era of globalization” in favor of an emerging new structure, that is being experienced by the world, offering a systematic critique of the concept of globalization and its attempts at unilateral ideological stereotyping based on Western theory with its capitalist economic and democratic political pillars as threatened themselves by the Western behavior itself.

    He also highlighted the issue of “thinking” as a complex system that belongs to the realm of ideas, with all its requirements of intentionality and seriousness, in order to produce systematic visions based on the scientific framework. He also called on students and teachers to exercise the utmost diligence in creating new concepts in an age that allows for this kind of intellectual creativity, just as ICESCO has adopted the concept of “civilizational diplomacy”.

    The conference was attended by Dr. Abdeljalil Lokrifa, Dean of the Faculty, his deputy and a number of teachers and students of the humanities.

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