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    ICESCO Highlights its Efforts to Promote Human Values and Strengthen Civilizational Dialogue at an International Conference in the Russian Federation

    27 September 2024

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the 15th session of the international conference titled “The Ideals and Values of Islam: Preserving Traditional Spiritual and Moral Values in the Family, and Promoting Dialogue, Peace, and Harmony Among Religions and Ethnicities.” The Conference was organized by the Central Religious Administration of Muslims of Russia and the Russian Islamic University in Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russian Federation, on 25 – 26 September 2024. The Event was held in collaboration with several institutions and brought together a host of distinguished officials, educational researchers from Russia and the Islamic world, as well as Muslim and Christian religious leaders from various regions of Russia.

    ICESCO was represented at the Conference by Mr. Adel Bouraoui, Advisor to the Director-General responsible for ICESCO’s external bodies related to the Arabic language. In his opening remarks, Mr. Bouraoui presented ICESCO’s vision, which places great emphasis on issues of social peace, family cohesion, and education on dialogue and coexistence. He highlighted the Organization’s call for enhancing the roles of both family and school in instilling values in younger generations and youth.

    Mr. Bouraoui also outlined several of ICESCO’s new initiatives relevant to the theme of the Conference. These include the launch of its initiative to develop the concept of “civilizational diplomacy,” the establishment of the “ICESCO Chair for the Arabic Language in Service of Dialogue and Coexistence” at the Russian Islamic University in Ufa, and the release, in collaboration with the Mohammedia League of Ulema in Morocco, of the second and third volumes of the Encyclopedia for Dismantling Extremist Discourse.

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