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    ICESCO and Qatar’s Hamad Bin Khalifa University discuss development of cooperation on Culture Capitals Culture in Islamic World program

    19 September 2024

    The Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Dr. Salim M. Almalik, received Dr. Mustafa Osman Ismail, Professor at the College of Islamic Studies and International Relations in Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Qatar, and renowned expert on international affairs, who discussed ways to develop cooperation between ICESCO and the University, within the framework of the in-depth study currently being prepared at the university, which will be published internationally, on ICESCO’s program to celebrate the Capitals of Culture in the Islamic world.

    During the Meeting, which took place on Thursday, September 19, 2024 at ICESCO’s headquarters in Rabat, Dr. AlMalik stressed the Organization’s keenness to cooperate closely with universities, as they are centers of intellectual, cultural and educational influence, by supporting the efforts of these institutions in developing scientific research and establishing ICESCO research chairs in prestigious universities in Member States and beyond.

    ICESCO Director-General further appreciated the great efforts made by Dr. Mustafa Osman Ismail and his team over the past two years in preparing a comprehensive study on ICESCO’s program to celebrate the Capitals of Culture in the Islamic world.

    Following the bilateral meeting, Dr. AlMalik and Dr. Ismail held an expanded meeting with a number of sector, department and center heads, as well as ICESCO experts. During the Meeting, Dr. Ismail presented an analytical overview of the study on the ICESCO program for celebrating the Capitals of Culture in the Islamic World. His presentation covered the overarching methodology, the stages the study has gone through so far, its main areas of focus, and the significant impact of this program in promoting cultural exchange and embodying the Organization’s role in preserving and valuing the heritage of the Islamic world. He also shared the Study’s recommendations for enhancing the Program, which has seen development in the last five years in terms of its philosophy, strategy, and objectives.

    Furthermore, Dr. Mustafa Osman noted in his presentation that an agreement had been reached with a global publishing house to publish the study in a book in English, following its review, development, and the completion of some of its sections.

    After the Presentation, ICESCO Director-General and the meeting participants, including organization officials and experts, praised the efforts put into the study and offered several remarks to enrich it and broaden the scope of its potential benefits.

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