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    ICESCO Holds Workshop to Train Heritage Protection Professionals in Brunei Darussalam

    12 September 2024

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports and ICESCO National Commission in Brunei Darussalam, organized a workshop aimed at training professionals in the field of cultural heritage protection, providing valuable expertise to several specialists in the field.

    During the opening session of the workshop, which was held in Bandar Seri Begawan, from 9 to 12 September, 2024, Dr. Norkhalbi Binti Haji, Deputy Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sports for the Culture Sector, commended ICESCO’s efforts in preserving and protecting cultural and natural heritage in Islamic countries, as well as promoting and safeguarding it sustainably by implementing programs and activities with specialized national experts and competencies.

    Dr. Bilal Chebbi, Expert in the Culture and Communication sector, represented ICESCO at the workshop. He emphasized that the primary goal of this activity was to consolidate efforts in the protection and promotion of cultural heritage. Dr. Chebbi outlined ICESCO’s vision for its Islamic World Heritage Center, which prioritizes inscribing more heritage sites, historical monuments, and cultural elements on international heritage lists, with special focus on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage List.

    The workshop also included an in-depth presentation on the procedures for inscription on international lists, the preparation of nomination files, and the development of national heritage registers and inventory lists.

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