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    ICESCO Launches Initiative to Preserve and Restore Timbuktu’s Historical Manuscripts in Mali

    7 September 2024

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with Dr. Bouréma Kansaye, Mali’s Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, to discuss the details of ICESCO’s initiative to preserve, enhance, and restore Timbuktu’s historical manuscripts, which encompass tens of thousands of documents of significant international importance.

    At the beginning of the Meeting, which took place on Friday 6 September 2024, at the Cadi Ayyad University Conference Center in the Kingdom of Morocco, alongside the international symposium dubbed: “Ahmad Baba Al Timbukti: A Model of Civilizational Diplomacy in West Africa,” Dr. AlMalik expressed his gratitude to Dr. Kansaye for attending the symposium and delivering an opening speech. He emphasized ICESCO’s commitment to collaborating with Mali, particularly in the field of manuscript preservation, given the vast number of documents housed in Timbuktu’s libraries, and mentioned the Organization’s plan to establish a specialized center dedicated to scripts and manuscripts.

    Dr. AlMalik further highlighted that the ICESCO initiative will restore Timbuktu’s manuscripts to their original state and ensure they are properly cared for, considering their status as a heritage of human and Islamic written knowledge. He mentioned that the initiative would be implemented as soon as all financial aspects were settled, in coordination with relevant authorities in Mali.

    For his part, the Malian minister praised ICESCO’s initiative, describing it as a pioneering project, and thanked the Organization for its efforts in preserving and valuing the Timbuktu manuscripts.

    The Meeting also addressed several logistical and organizational aspects of the initiative, with an agreement to ensure its successful implementation.

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