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    ICESCO Invites Researchers to Submit Scientific Papers on the Jobs of Tomorrow in Africa

    7 September 2024

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is inviting researchers, specialists, and postgraduate students to participate in the International Conference on “Skills and Jobs of Tomorrow in Africa,” organized in partnership with HEM Business School in the Kingdom of Morocco. Participants are encouraged to submit scientific papers, which will be evaluated by a special jury. The selected papers will be presented during the conference scheduled to take place from 10 to 12 December 2024, in Tangier, Morocco.

    The papers to be submitted should focus on one of the Conference’s themes, which include the evolving landscape of skills and jobs in Africa, and the key factors influencing its future. Special emphasis should be placed on the role of education, culture, youth, gender equality, industrial development, digital transformations, and the opportunities presented by artificial intelligence. The aim is to contribute to preparing the continent for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

    Those interested in participating must submit their draft papers in PDF format via the online submission portal: https://bit.ly/4fakYqU, following the guidelines provided in the concept note, and adhering to the following conditions:

    ● The research paper must be original, comply with scientific research standards, and align with the conference themes, which are detailed in the concept note.
    ● The jury welcomes case studies, doctoral proposals, and empirical studies that present innovative ideas aimed at enhancing workforce development, improving education, and strengthening economic strategies across Africa.
    ● Research papers should be written in one of the following languages: Arabic, English, or French.
    ● The deadline for submitting draft papers is 5 October 2024 (no more than 5 pages).
    ● Results will be announced on 31 October 2024.
    ● The full paper must be submitted by 20 November 2024 (with a maximum of 15 pages, including references and appendices).

    All submitted papers will undergo a thorough evaluation by a panel of experts to ensure their scientific quality and originality. Authors of the accepted papers will be invited to present their research at the Conference. The Conference papers will receive extensive academic exposure, including publication in a peer-reviewed journal, and will also be featured in a special edition documenting the conference proceedings.

    For inquiries, please contact:
    ICESCO: Strategy@icesco.org
    Institute of Higher Management Studies: hemresearchcenter@lcieducation.com

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