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    ICESCO Concludes Workshop on the Islamic World AI Charter for Africa and Latin America in Rabat

    31 August 2024

    On Friday, August 30, 2024, ICESCO concluded its regional workshop on the Islamic World AI Charter for Africa and Latin America, held at the headquarters of Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Morocco. This two-day event was part of the preparations for the Islamic World AI Charter, the Organization is currently developing. It was attended by a distinguished officials, experts, and representatives from ICESCO’s Member States.

    During the opening session, Dr. Kais Hammami, Head of ICESCO’s Foresight and Artificial Intelligence Centre, highlighted the significant impacts of AI on the future of humanity. He emphasized the importance of the Islamic World AI Charter as a cornerstone for ICESCO’s commitment to a forward-looking and ethical approach in this evolving field.

    Mr. Mohamed Hedi Shili, Head of the Legal Affairs and International Standards Department at ICESCO, presented the indicators used to measure countries’ readiness for AI in the Arab region, Asia, and Latin America, including “governance and ethics.” He explained that differences in readiness among countries drive ICESCO to focus more on exchanging expertise and pioneering experiences among its Member States.

    Dr. Abdulrahman Habib, Deputy Chief Strategy Officer at the Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA), discussed the leading role of the Authority in managing initiatives related to data and AI. He pointed out AI’s transformative potential in advancing education, culture, and science. On his part, Mr. Anouar Sabri, Head of the Interim Thematic Working Group on AI in the Moroccan House of Representatives, presented Morocco’s experience in AI governance. Both speakers underscored the Charter’s crucial role in shaping a future where AI is a positive force in the Islamic world.

    The Workshop’s sessions produced practical recommendations aimed at establishing a guiding framework for strategic governance and the ethical dimensions of AI deployment in Islamic countries. The discussions addressed the unique challenges and opportunities presented by AI across various fields, including brainstorming sessions to develop the ethical principles and governance mechanisms necessary for refining the Charter.

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