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    ICESCO Holds Workshop on Biotechnology Use in Agriculture in Kazakhstan

    30 August 2024

    The Science and Environment Sector at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in partnership with the Islamic Organization for Food Security and the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, held a training workshop on “The Use of Biotechnology for Sustainable Farming: Harnessing the Potential of Biochar.”

    ICESCO was represented at the workshop, held over two days on 28-29 August 2024, by Dr. Fahman Fathurrahman, expert at ICESCO’s Science and Environment Sector, who reaffirmed the Organization’s commitment to supporting and assisting its Member States in investing in sustainable agricultural practices.

    The workshop aimed to equip participants with practical knowledge on the use of biochar technology in agriculture. The first day featured presentations on biochar benefits to soil health and agricultural productivity, along with sharing experiences from Central Asian countries on the use of biochar and the opportunities and challenges in promoting sustainable agriculture in the region.

    On the second day, the participants visited the Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture and Plant Growing, where they observed the practical stages of biochar production and the machinery used in the process.

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