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    On World Youth Skills Day, ICESCO calls for harnessing youth energies to build a brighter future

    15 July 2024

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) seizes the occasion of the World Youth Skills Day, celebrated globally on July 15 every year, to emphasize the importance of raising awareness of the role of youth in building a brighter future, and the necessity of qualifying young people, upgrading their skills, and benefiting from their potentials to promote sustainable development in their communities, and motivating them to unleash their creative energies in various fields.

    In view of the ongoing rapid technological development and the ensuing challenges, ICESCO calls for the necessity of investing in building youth capacities and providing them with methods and tools to develop their professional skills in order to build a workforce capable of contributing to economic growth, through intensifying international and regional efforts and cooperation with civil society, universities and technical and vocational training institutions, which ICESCO places at the top of its priorities as part of its new vision and action strategy.

    In this regard, ICESCO has launched a number of initiatives and programs for the benefit of youth, namely the launch of ICESCO Year of Youth, which focuses on building the capacities of youth within its Member States and honing their skills, the ICESCO Youth Training Program on how to create and develop small projects in the field of technology and innovation (a-Hub Accelerator Program) designed for training youth on how to create and develop small projects in the field of technology and innovation, and the International Entrepreneurship Summit and the international training workshops on designing an educational satellite (CanSat), the Youth Climate Leadership Training Camp, and the Leadership Training for Peace and Security programme(LTIPS), which nominates ICESCO Youth Ambassadors for Peace.

    On World Youth Skills Day, ICESCO reaffirms its commitment to contribute to training a generation of young leaders capable of working with the different components of their communities to achieve prosperity and sustainable development.

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